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using System;
namespace Kingo.Plugin.ShapeToKOApp.XSDClass
// Token: 0x02000075 RID: 117
public class CIMHatchPattern : CIMPattern
// Token: 0x17000171 RID: 369
// (get) Token: 0x0600044D RID: 1101 RVA: 0x00018854 File Offset: 0x00016A54
// (set) Token: 0x0600044E RID: 1102 RVA: 0x0001886B File Offset: 0x00016A6B
public CIMLineSymbol LineSymbol { get; set; }
// Token: 0x17000172 RID: 370
// (get) Token: 0x0600044F RID: 1103 RVA: 0x00018874 File Offset: 0x00016A74
// (set) Token: 0x06000450 RID: 1104 RVA: 0x0001888B File Offset: 0x00016A8B
public double Rotation { get; set; }
// Token: 0x17000173 RID: 371
// (get) Token: 0x06000451 RID: 1105 RVA: 0x00018894 File Offset: 0x00016A94
// (set) Token: 0x06000452 RID: 1106 RVA: 0x000188AB File Offset: 0x00016AAB
public double Separation { get; set; }
// Token: 0x06000453 RID: 1107 RVA: 0x000188B4 File Offset: 0x00016AB4
public CIMHatchPattern()
base.Type = "CIMHatchPattern";
this.LineSymbol = new CIMLineSymbol();
this.Rotation = 0.0;
this.Separation = 0.0;