You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2275 lines
146 KiB

using Aspose.Cells;
using KGIS.Framework.DBOperator;
using KGIS.Framework.Maps;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils.ExtensionMethod;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils.Helper;
using Kingo.Plugin.YJJK.ModelEntity;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace Kingo.Plugin.YJJK.ZLBBReport
/// <summary>
/// 土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表
/// </summary>
public class ExportQSXZBHTJB
/// <summary>
/// 执行导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savePath">保存位置</param>
/// <param name="baseReportPath">获取年初表位置</param>
/// <param name="dbHelper">数据库链接</param>
/// <returns>是否成功</returns>
public bool Export(string savePath, string baseReportPath, IRDBHelper dbHelper)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath))
return false;
string sourceFile = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(baseReportPath);
//FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("*土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xlsx"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xlsx"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
sourceFile = fileSet[0].FullName;
fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xls"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
sourceFile = fileSet[0].FullName;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sourceFile))
//LogAPI.Debug("土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 不能被 成功 找到\r\n");
return false;
//LogAPI.Debug("土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 能被 成功 找到\r\n");
// 获取基础统计表
DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("TB", "SELECT * FROM JCTJB_GQ", true);
// 地类字典
Dictionary<string, string> dic2to1 = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel2ToLevel1LandTypeDic();
Dictionary<string, string> dic1 = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel1LandTypeDic();
Dictionary<string, double[]> dicArea = new Dictionary<string, double[]>();
// 读取模板
string tempPath = SysAppPath.GetCurrentAppPath() + @"\TempalateReports\统一时点更新统计表\原样表\";
string tempFile = tempPath + "表 3-土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
string targetFile = savePath;
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(tempFile);
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Workbook sourceWorkbook = new Workbook(sourceFile);
Worksheet sourceSheet = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cellsNC = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
int valueRow = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cellsNC.MaxRow; i++)
if (cellsNC[i, 0].IsMerged == false && cellsNC[i, 0].Value != null && cellsNC[i, 0].Value.ToString() == "名称")
valueRow = i + 1;
if (cellsNC[i, 0].IsMerged == true && cellsNC[i, 0].Value != null && cellsNC[i, 0].Value.ToString() == "名称")
valueRow = i + cellsNC[i, 0].GetMergedRange().RowCount + 1;
Range sourceRange = sourceSheet.Cells.CreateRange("C" + valueRow + ":AR" + valueRow);
//Range sourceRange = sourceSheet.Cells.CreateRange("C6:AR6");
Range dataRange = null;
#region 年初面积操作
// 年初面积操作
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange("B6:AQ6");
for (int i = 0; i < sourceRange.ColumnCount; i++)
if (sourceRange[0, i].Value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceRange[0, i].StringValue))
sourceRange[0, i].Value = 0;
dataRange[0, i].Value = sourceRange[0, i].Value;
#region 增减面积操作
// 增减面积操作
// 这个字典值是容量是8的数组,第一个是国家增加,第二个是集体增加,第三个是国家减少,第四个集体减少,国有划入,集体划入,国有划出,集体划出
foreach (var pair in dic1)
if (pair.Key == "20") continue;
dicArea.Add(pair.Key, new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
string BGQ1Type = string.Empty;
string BGH1Type = string.Empty;
string BGQQSXZ = string.Empty;
string BGHQSXZ = string.Empty;
string XZQTZLX = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
if (!dic2to1.Keys.Contains(row["BGQDLBM"].ToString()))
if (!dic2to1.Keys.Contains(row["BGHDLBM"].ToString()))
BGQ1Type = dic2to1[row["BGQDLBM"].ToString()];
BGH1Type = dic2to1[row["BGHDLBM"].ToString()];
BGQQSXZ = row["BGQQSXZ"].ToString();
BGHQSXZ = row["BGHQSXZ"].ToString();
XZQTZLX = row["XZQTZLX"].ToString();
if (BGQQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGQ1Type][2] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//国有减少
dicArea[BGQ1Type][3] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//集体减少
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGH1Type][0] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//国有增加
dicArea[BGH1Type][1] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//集体增加
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//国有划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][4] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))
dicArea[BGH1Type][6] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//集体划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][5] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))//集体划出
dicArea[BGH1Type][7] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGQ1Type != BGH1Type)
if (BGQQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGQ1Type][2] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
dicArea[BGQ1Type][3] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGH1Type][0] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
dicArea[BGH1Type][1] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//国有划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][4] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))
dicArea[BGH1Type][6] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//集体划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][5] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))//集体划出
dicArea[BGH1Type][7] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
double[] dataArr = null;
double[] totalArr = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < dicArea.Count; i++)
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange(5, 5 + i * 3, 6, 2);
dataArr = dicArea.ElementAt(i).Value;
// 国有增加
dataRange[4, 0].Value = dataArr[0];
totalArr[0] += dataArr[0];
// 集体增加
dataRange[4, 1].Value = dataArr[1];
totalArr[1] += dataArr[1];
// 增加小计
sheet.Cells[9, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[0] + dataArr[1];
// 国有减少
dataRange[5, 0].Value = dataArr[2];
totalArr[2] += dataArr[2];
// 集体减少
dataRange[5, 1].Value = dataArr[3];
totalArr[3] += dataArr[3];
// 增加小计
sheet.Cells[10, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[2] + dataArr[3];
dataRange[1, 0].Value = dataArr[4];
totalArr[4] += dataArr[4];
dataRange[1, 1].Value = dataArr[5];
totalArr[5] += dataArr[5];
// 划入小计
sheet.Cells[6, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[4] + dataArr[5];
dataRange[2, 0].Value = dataArr[6];
totalArr[6] += dataArr[6];
dataRange[2, 1].Value = dataArr[7];
totalArr[7] += dataArr[7];
// 划出小计
sheet.Cells[7, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[6] + dataArr[7];
dataRange[3, 0].Value = Convert.ToDouble(dataRange[0, 0].Value) + dataRange[1, 0].DoubleValue - dataRange[2, 0].DoubleValue;
dataRange[3, 1].Value = Convert.ToDouble(dataRange[0, 1].Value) + dataRange[1, 1].DoubleValue - dataRange[2, 1].DoubleValue;
sheet.Cells[8, 4 + i * 3].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 4 + i * 3].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 4 + i * 3].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 4 + i * 3].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
// 国有增加统计
sheet.Cells[9, 2].Value = totalArr[0];
// 集体增加统计
sheet.Cells[9, 3].Value = totalArr[1];
// 增加合计
sheet.Cells[9, 1].Value = totalArr[0] + totalArr[1];
// 国有减少统计
sheet.Cells[10, 2].Value = totalArr[2];
// 集体减少统计
sheet.Cells[10, 3].Value = totalArr[3];
// 减少合计
sheet.Cells[10, 1].Value = totalArr[2] + totalArr[3];
// 国有划入统计
sheet.Cells[6, 2].Value = totalArr[4];
// 集体划入统计
sheet.Cells[6, 3].Value = totalArr[5];
// 划入合计
sheet.Cells[6, 1].Value = totalArr[4] + totalArr[5];
// 国有划出统计
sheet.Cells[7, 2].Value = totalArr[6];
// 集体划出统计
sheet.Cells[7, 3].Value = totalArr[7];
// 划出合计
sheet.Cells[7, 1].Value = totalArr[6] + totalArr[7];
sheet.Cells[8, 1].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 1].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 1].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 1].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
sheet.Cells[8, 2].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 2].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 2].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 2].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
sheet.Cells[8, 3].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 3].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 3].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 3].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
#region 年末面积操作
// 年末面积操作
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange("B6:AQ12");
for (int i = 0; i < sourceRange.ColumnCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
string s = dataRange[j, i].Value == null ? "0" : dataRange[j, i].Value.ToString();
dataRange[j, i].PutValue(s, true);
Style style = dataRange[j, i].GetStyle();
style.Number = 2;
dataRange[j, i].SetStyle(style);
dataRange[6, i].Value = dataRange[3, i].DoubleValue + dataRange[4, i].DoubleValue - dataRange[5, i].DoubleValue;
// 保存EXCEL
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
public BBPCModel CheckNegative(string baseReportPath, IRDBHelper dbHelper, bool isTZMJPC, ref List<BBPCModel> TZNCbBPCModels)
BBPCModel result = null;
BBPCModel TZresult = null;
string sourceFile = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(baseReportPath);
//FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("*土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xlsx"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xlsx"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
sourceFile = fileSet[0].FullName;
fileSet = dir.GetFiles(Path.GetFileName("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xls"), SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
sourceFile = fileSet[0].FullName;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sourceFile))
//LogAPI.Debug("土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 不能被 成功 找到\r\n");
return result;
//LogAPI.Debug("土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 能被 成功 找到\r\n");
// 获取基础统计表
DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("TB", "SELECT * FROM JCTJB_GQ", true);
// 地类字典
Dictionary<string, string> dic2to1 = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel2ToLevel1LandTypeDic();
Dictionary<string, string> dic1 = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel1LandTypeDic();
Dictionary<string, double[]> dicArea = new Dictionary<string, double[]>();
// 读取模板
string tempPath = SysAppPath.GetCurrentAppPath() + @"\TempalateReports\统一时点更新统计表\原样表\";
string tempFile = tempPath + "表 3-土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(tempFile);
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Workbook sourceWorkbook = new Workbook(sourceFile);
Worksheet sourceSheet = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cellsNC = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
int valueRow = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cellsNC.MaxRow; i++)
if (cellsNC[i, 0].IsMerged == false && cellsNC[i, 0].Value != null && cellsNC[i, 0].Value.ToString() == "名称")
valueRow = i + 1;
if (cellsNC[i, 0].IsMerged == true && cellsNC[i, 0].Value != null && cellsNC[i, 0].Value.ToString() == "名称")
valueRow = i + cellsNC[i, 0].GetMergedRange().RowCount + 1;
Range sourceRange = sourceSheet.Cells.CreateRange("C" + valueRow + ":AR" + valueRow);
Range dataRange = null;
#region 年初面积操作
// 年初面积操作
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange("B6:AQ6");
for (int i = 0; i < sourceRange.ColumnCount; i++)
if (sourceRange[0, i].Value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceRange[0, i].StringValue))
sourceRange[0, i].Value = 0;
dataRange[0, i].Value = sourceRange[0, i].Value;
#region 增减面积操作
// 增减面积操作
// 这个字典值是容量是8的数组,第一个是国家增加,第二个是集体增加,第三个是国家减少,第四个集体减少,国有划入,集体划入,国有划出,集体划出
foreach (var pair in dic1)
if (pair.Key == "20") continue;
dicArea.Add(pair.Key, new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
string BGQ1Type = string.Empty;
string BGH1Type = string.Empty;
string BGQQSXZ = string.Empty;
string BGHQSXZ = string.Empty;
string XZQTZLX = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
if (!dic2to1.Keys.Contains(row["BGQDLBM"].ToString()))
if (!dic2to1.Keys.Contains(row["BGHDLBM"].ToString()))
BGQ1Type = dic2to1[row["BGQDLBM"].ToString()];
BGH1Type = dic2to1[row["BGHDLBM"].ToString()];
BGQQSXZ = row["BGQQSXZ"].ToString();
BGHQSXZ = row["BGHQSXZ"].ToString();
XZQTZLX = row["XZQTZLX"].ToString();
if (BGQQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGQ1Type][2] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//国有减少
dicArea[BGQ1Type][3] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//集体减少
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGH1Type][0] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//国有增加
dicArea[BGH1Type][1] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());//集体增加
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//国有划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][4] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))
dicArea[BGH1Type][6] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//集体划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][5] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))//集体划出
dicArea[BGH1Type][7] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGQ1Type != BGH1Type)
if (BGQQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGQ1Type][2] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
dicArea[BGQ1Type][3] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有")
dicArea[BGH1Type][0] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
dicArea[BGH1Type][1] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//国有划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][4] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "国有" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))
dicArea[BGH1Type][6] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "1" || XZQTZLX == "3"))//集体划入
dicArea[BGH1Type][5] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
else if (BGHQSXZ == "集体" && (XZQTZLX == "2" || XZQTZLX == "4"))//集体划出
dicArea[BGH1Type][7] += double.Parse(row["BGMJ"].ToString());
double[] dataArr = null;
double[] totalArr = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < dicArea.Count; i++)
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange(5, 5 + i * 3, 6, 2);
dataArr = dicArea.ElementAt(i).Value;
// 国有增加
dataRange[4, 0].Value = dataArr[0];
totalArr[0] += dataArr[0];
// 集体增加
dataRange[4, 1].Value = dataArr[1];
totalArr[1] += dataArr[1];
// 增加小计
sheet.Cells[9, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[0] + dataArr[1];
// 国有减少
dataRange[5, 0].Value = dataArr[2];
totalArr[2] += dataArr[2];
// 集体减少
dataRange[5, 1].Value = dataArr[3];
totalArr[3] += dataArr[3];
// 增加小计
sheet.Cells[10, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[2] + dataArr[3];
dataRange[1, 0].Value = dataArr[4];
totalArr[4] += dataArr[4];
dataRange[1, 1].Value = dataArr[5];
totalArr[5] += dataArr[5];
// 划入小计
sheet.Cells[6, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[4] + dataArr[5];
dataRange[2, 0].Value = dataArr[6];
totalArr[6] += dataArr[6];
dataRange[2, 1].Value = dataArr[7];
totalArr[7] += dataArr[7];
// 划出小计
sheet.Cells[7, 4 + i * 3].Value = dataArr[6] + dataArr[7];
dataRange[3, 0].Value = Convert.ToDouble(dataRange[0, 0].Value) + dataRange[1, 0].DoubleValue - dataRange[2, 0].DoubleValue;
dataRange[3, 1].Value = Convert.ToDouble(dataRange[0, 1].Value) + dataRange[1, 1].DoubleValue - dataRange[2, 1].DoubleValue;
sheet.Cells[8, 4 + i * 3].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 4 + i * 3].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 4 + i * 3].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 4 + i * 3].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
#region 调整面积负值
if (isTZMJPC && dataRange[3, 0].DoubleValue < 0)
if (TZresult == null)
TZresult = new BBPCModel();
TZresult.ReportName = 2;
TZresult.Columns = new List<PCColumnModel>();
PCColumnModel coluModel = new PCColumnModel();
coluModel.Ids = new List<int>();
coluModel.IsActive = true;
coluModel.ColumnIndex = 5 + i * 3;
coluModel.DiffValue = Math.Abs(dataRange[3, 0].DoubleValue);
string dl = dicArea.ElementAt(i).Key;
string qs = "国有";
string r = dl + "-" + qs;
Dictionary<string, string> dlconvert = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel2ToLevel1LandTypeDic();
string dlWhere = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in dlconvert)
if (item.Value.Equals(dl))
dlWhere += "'" + item.Key + "',";
dlWhere = dlWhere.TrimEnd(',');
string strSql = string.Format("select ID from JCTJB_GQ where BGQDLBM in ({0}) and BGQQSXZ='{1}' and XZQTZLX in ('2','4')", dlWhere, qs);
DataTable IDsTable = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("ids", strSql, true);
string ids = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in IDsTable.Rows)
if (isTZMJPC && dataRange[3, 1].DoubleValue < 0)
if (TZresult == null)
TZresult = new BBPCModel();
TZresult.ReportName = 2;
TZresult.Columns = new List<PCColumnModel>();
PCColumnModel coluModel = new PCColumnModel();
coluModel.Ids = new List<int>();
coluModel.IsActive = true;
coluModel.ColumnIndex = 5 + i * 3 + 1;
coluModel.DiffValue = Math.Abs(dataRange[3, 0].DoubleValue);
string dl = dicArea.ElementAt(i).Key;
string qs = "集体";
string r = dl + "-" + qs;
Dictionary<string, string> dlconvert = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel2ToLevel1LandTypeDic();
string dlWhere = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in dlconvert)
if (item.Value.Equals(dl))
dlWhere += "'" + item.Key + "',";
dlWhere = dlWhere.TrimEnd(',');
string strSql = string.Format("select ID from JCTJB_GQ where BGQDLBM in ({0}) and BGQQSXZ='{1}' and XZQTZLX in ('2','4')", dlWhere, qs);
DataTable IDsTable = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("ids", strSql, true);
string ids = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in IDsTable.Rows)
// 国有增加统计
sheet.Cells[9, 2].Value = totalArr[0];
// 集体增加统计
sheet.Cells[9, 3].Value = totalArr[1];
// 增加合计
sheet.Cells[9, 1].Value = totalArr[0] + totalArr[1];
// 国有减少统计
sheet.Cells[10, 2].Value = totalArr[2];
// 集体减少统计
sheet.Cells[10, 3].Value = totalArr[3];
// 减少合计
sheet.Cells[10, 1].Value = totalArr[2] + totalArr[3];
// 国有划入统计
sheet.Cells[6, 2].Value = totalArr[4];
// 集体划入统计
sheet.Cells[6, 3].Value = totalArr[5];
// 划入合计
sheet.Cells[6, 1].Value = totalArr[4] + totalArr[5];
// 国有划出统计
sheet.Cells[7, 2].Value = totalArr[6];
// 集体划出统计
sheet.Cells[7, 3].Value = totalArr[7];
// 划出合计
sheet.Cells[7, 1].Value = totalArr[6] + totalArr[7];
sheet.Cells[8, 1].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 1].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 1].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 1].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
sheet.Cells[8, 2].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 2].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 2].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 2].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
sheet.Cells[8, 3].Value = Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Cells[5, 3].Value) + sheet.Cells[6, 3].DoubleValue - sheet.Cells[7, 3].DoubleValue;//年初+划入-划出
#region 年末面积操作
// 年末面积操作
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange("B6:AQ12");
for (int i = 0; i < sourceRange.ColumnCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
string s = dataRange[j, i].Value == null ? "0" : dataRange[j, i].Value.ToString();
dataRange[j, i].PutValue(s, true);
Style style = dataRange[j, i].GetStyle();
style.Number = 2;
dataRange[j, i].SetStyle(style);
dataRange[6, i].Value = dataRange[3, i].DoubleValue + dataRange[4, i].DoubleValue - dataRange[5, i].DoubleValue;
if (dataRange[6, i].DoubleValue < 0)
if (result == null)
result = new BBPCModel();
result.ReportName = 2;
result.Columns = new List<PCColumnModel>();
PCColumnModel coluModel = new PCColumnModel();
coluModel.Ids = new List<int>();
coluModel.IsActive = true;
coluModel.ColumnIndex = i;
coluModel.DiffValue = Math.Abs(dataRange[6, i].DoubleValue);
decimal n = Math.Floor((i / 3).ToDecimal());
string dl = (n - 1).ToString("00");
string qs = "";
if (i % 3 == 1)
qs = "国有";
else if (i % 3 == 2)
qs = "集体";
string r = dl + "-" + qs;
Dictionary<string, string> dlconvert = LandTypeDicHelper.GetLevel2ToLevel1LandTypeDic();
string dlWhere = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in dlconvert)
if (item.Value.Equals(dl))
dlWhere += "'" + item.Key + "',";
dlWhere = dlWhere.TrimEnd(',');
string strSql = string.Format("select ID from JCTJB_GQ where BGQDLBM in ({0}) and BGQQSXZ='{1}' and (BGHDLBM not in ({0})or BGHQSXZ<>'{1}') and XZQTZLX='0'", dlWhere, qs);
DataTable IDsTable = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("ids", strSql, true);
string ids = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in IDsTable.Rows)
return result;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
/// <summary>
/// 执行导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savePath">保存位置</param>
/// <param name="baseReportPath">获取年初表位置</param>
/// <param name="dbHelper">数据库链接</param>
/// <returns>是否成功</returns>
public bool Export_SQL_1(string savePath, string baseReportPath, IRDBHelper dbHelper)
string ncsjExcelPath = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath))
return false;
string sourceFile = string.Empty;
string fileName = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(baseReportPath);
#region 数据赋值
FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
fileName = fileSet[0].Name.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace((MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, "").Replace(fileSet[0].Extension, "");
// fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xls", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
// {
// ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
// }
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ncsjExcelPath) == true)
return false;
string tempPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TempalateReports\\BGTJ\\土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
File.Copy(tempPath, savePath, true);
DataTable resultdataTable = new DataTable();
Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
keyValuePairs.Add("5,6", "'0303','0304','0306','0402','1105','1106','1108'");
keyValuePairs.Add("8,9", "'0101','0102','0103'");
keyValuePairs.Add("11,12", "'0201','0202','0203','0204'");
keyValuePairs.Add("14,15", "'0301','0302','0305','0307'");
keyValuePairs.Add("17,18", "'0401','0403','0404'");
keyValuePairs.Add("20,21", "'201','202','203','204','205'");
keyValuePairs.Add("23,24", "'1001','1002','1003','1007','1008','1009'");
keyValuePairs.Add("26,27", "'1109'");
keyValuePairs.Add("29,30", "'1101','1102','1103','1104','1107','1110'");
keyValuePairs.Add("32,33", "'1006','1202','1203','1204','1205','1206','1207'");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union all
select '9' Cells_X,case when BGHQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select bgh,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,BGHQSXZ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM, substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM, BGMJ, XZQTZLX,
)A WHERE bgh in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgq not in ({item.Value})) and XZQTZLX<>2
union ALL
select '10' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ,XZQTZLX ,
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgh not in ({item.Value}))and XZQTZLX<>2
DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 上年末面积
DataTable table = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("tab", string.Format(@"select case WHEN column1='{0}' THEN'column1' ELSE 'column2' END ColumnName from {1} WHERE column1='{0}' or column2='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, fileName), true);
if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0)
return false;
string ColumnName = table.Rows[0][0].ToTrim();
if (ColumnName == "column1")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X ,'1'Cells_Y, round(column2,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'2'Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'3'Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'4'Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'5'Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'6'Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'7'Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'8'Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'9'Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'10'Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'11'Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'12'Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'13'Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'14'Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'15'Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'16'Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'17'Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'18'Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'19'Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'20'Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'21'Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'22'Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'23'Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'24'Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'25'Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'26'Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'27'Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'28'Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'29'Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'30'Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'31'Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'32'Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'33'Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}'
", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
else if (ColumnName == "column2")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X ,'1'Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'2'Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'3'Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'4'Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'5'Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'6'Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'7'Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'8'Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'9'Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'10'Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'11'Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'12'Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'13'Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'14'Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'15'Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'16'Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'17'Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'18'Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'19'Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'20'Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'21'Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'22'Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
SELECT '5' Cells_X ,'23'Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'24'Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'25'Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'26'Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'27'Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'28'Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'29'Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'30'Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'31'Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'32'Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' UNION ALL
select '5' Cells_X ,'33'Cells_Y, round(column35,4) BGMJ FROM {2} WHERE {1}='{0}'
", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调入
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
stringBuilder.Append($@" union all
select '6' Cells_X,case when QSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select dlbm,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,QSXZ from
select case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN bgq else bgh END dlbm,BGMJ,case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN BGQQSXZ else BGHQSXZ END QSXZ
from (
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
)A where XZQTZLX in ('1','3')
)A )A WHERE dlbm in ({item.Value}) GROUP BY QSXZ
)A ");
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDR", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调出
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union ALL
select '7' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value})
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDC", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
CellHelper.SetFileToDisk(resultdataTable, savePath, 0);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
public List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetResults_Excel(string sTableName)
List<Dictionary<string, string>> result = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string strPath = SysAppPath.GetCurrentAppPath();
strPath += @"Configs\Results_Excel.xml";
XmlNode nodeDataCatalog = doc.SelectSingleNode("TableName");
if (nodeDataCatalog == null)
return result;
XmlNode cnodeDataCatalog = nodeDataCatalog.SelectSingleNode(sTableName);
foreach (XmlNode item in cnodeDataCatalog.ChildNodes)
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XmlNode citem in item.ChildNodes)
dic.Add(citem.Attributes["DLBM"].Value, citem.Attributes["Cells"].Value);
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 执行导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savePath">保存位置</param>
/// <param name="baseReportPath">获取年初表位置</param>
/// <param name="dbHelper">数据库链接</param>
/// <returns>是否成功</returns>
public bool Export_SQL_2(string savePath, string baseReportPath, IRDBHelper dbHelper)
string ncsjExcelPath = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath))
return false;
string sourceFile = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(baseReportPath);
#region 数据赋值
string fileName = string.Empty;
FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
fileName = fileSet[0].Name.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace((MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, "").Replace(fileSet[0].Extension, "");
// fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xls", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
// {
// ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
// }
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ncsjExcelPath) == true)
return false;
string tempPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TempalateReports\\BGTJ\\土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
File.Copy(tempPath, savePath, true);
DataTable resultdataTable = new DataTable();
DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", @" select Cells_X,Cells_Y,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ from
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgh||BGHQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX<>'2'
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=9
)a GROUP BY Cells_X,Cells_Y
union ALL
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ from
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgq||BGQQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGQQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX<>'2'
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=10
)a GROUP BY Cells_X,Cells_Y ", true);
//CellHelper.SetFileToDisk(dt, savePath, 0);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
keyValuePairs.Add("5,6", "'0303','0304','0306','0402','1105','1106','1108'");
keyValuePairs.Add("29,30", "'0101','0102','0103'");
keyValuePairs.Add("41,42", "'0201','0202','0203','0204'");
keyValuePairs.Add("56,57", "'0301','0302','0305','0307'");
keyValuePairs.Add("71,72", "'0401','0403','0404'");
keyValuePairs.Add("83,84", "'201','202','203','204','205'");
keyValuePairs.Add("101,102", "'1001','1002','1003','1007','1008','1009'");
keyValuePairs.Add("125,126", "'1101','1102','1103','1104','1107','1110'");
keyValuePairs.Add("146,147", "'1006','1202','1203','1204','1205','1206','1207'");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union all
select '9' Cells_X,case when BGHQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select bgh,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,BGHQSXZ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM, substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM, BGMJ, XZQTZLX,
)A WHERE bgh in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgq not in ({item.Value})) and xzqtzlx<>'2'
union ALL
select '10' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ,XZQTZLX ,
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgh not in ({item.Value})) and xzqtzlx<>'2'
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 上年末面积
DataTable table = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("tab", string.Format(@"select case WHEN column1='{0}' THEN'column1' ELSE 'column2' END ColumnName from {1} WHERE column1='{0}' or column2='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, fileName), true);
if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0)
return false;
string ColumnName = table.Rows[0][0].ToTrim();
if (ColumnName == "column1")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X, '1' Cells_Y, round(column2,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '2' Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '3' Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '4' Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '5' Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '6' Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '7' Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '8' Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '9' Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '10' Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '11' Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '12' Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '13' Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '14' Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '15' Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '16' Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '17' Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '18' Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '19' Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '20' Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '21' Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '22' Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '23' Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '24' Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '25' Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '26' Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '27' Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '28' Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '29' Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '30' Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '31' Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '32' Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '33' Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '34' Cells_Y, round(column35,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '35' Cells_Y, round(column36,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '36' Cells_Y, round(column37,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '37' Cells_Y, round(column38,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '38' Cells_Y, round(column39,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '39' Cells_Y, round(column40,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '40' Cells_Y, round(column41,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '41' Cells_Y, round(column42,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '42' Cells_Y, round(column43,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '43' Cells_Y, round(column44,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '44' Cells_Y, round(column45,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '45' Cells_Y, round(column46,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '46' Cells_Y, round(column47,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '47' Cells_Y, round(column48,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '48' Cells_Y, round(column49,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '49' Cells_Y, round(column50,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '50' Cells_Y, round(column51,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '51' Cells_Y, round(column52,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '52' Cells_Y, round(column53,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '53' Cells_Y, round(column54,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '54' Cells_Y, round(column55,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '55' Cells_Y, round(column56,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '56' Cells_Y, round(column57,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '57' Cells_Y, round(column58,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '58' Cells_Y, round(column59,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '59' Cells_Y, round(column60,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '60' Cells_Y, round(column61,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '61' Cells_Y, round(column62,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '62' Cells_Y, round(column63,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '63' Cells_Y, round(column64,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '64' Cells_Y, round(column65,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '65' Cells_Y, round(column66,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '66' Cells_Y, round(column67,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '67' Cells_Y, round(column68,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '68' Cells_Y, round(column69,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '69' Cells_Y, round(column70,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '70' Cells_Y, round(column71,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '71' Cells_Y, round(column72,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '72' Cells_Y, round(column73,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '73' Cells_Y, round(column74,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '74' Cells_Y, round(column75,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '75' Cells_Y, round(column76,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '76' Cells_Y, round(column77,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '77' Cells_Y, round(column78,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '78' Cells_Y, round(column79,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '79' Cells_Y, round(column80,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '80' Cells_Y, round(column81,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '81' Cells_Y, round(column82,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '82' Cells_Y, round(column83,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '83' Cells_Y, round(column84,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '84' Cells_Y, round(column85,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '85' Cells_Y, round(column86,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '86' Cells_Y, round(column87,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '87' Cells_Y, round(column88,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '88' Cells_Y, round(column89,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '89' Cells_Y, round(column90,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '90' Cells_Y, round(column91,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '91' Cells_Y, round(column92,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '92' Cells_Y, round(column93,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '93' Cells_Y, round(column94,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '94' Cells_Y, round(column95,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '95' Cells_Y, round(column96,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '96' Cells_Y, round(column97,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '97' Cells_Y, round(column98,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '98' Cells_Y, round(column99,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '99' Cells_Y, round(column100,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '100' Cells_Y, round(column101,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '101' Cells_Y, round(column102,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '102' Cells_Y, round(column103,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '103' Cells_Y, round(column104,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '104' Cells_Y, round(column105,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '105' Cells_Y, round(column106,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '106' Cells_Y, round(column107,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '107' Cells_Y, round(column108,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '108' Cells_Y, round(column109,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '109' Cells_Y, round(column110,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '110' Cells_Y, round(column111,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '111' Cells_Y, round(column112,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '112' Cells_Y, round(column113,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '113' Cells_Y, round(column114,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '114' Cells_Y, round(column115,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '115' Cells_Y, round(column116,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '116' Cells_Y, round(column117,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '117' Cells_Y, round(column118,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '118' Cells_Y, round(column119,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '119' Cells_Y, round(column120,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '120' Cells_Y, round(column121,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '121' Cells_Y, round(column122,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '122' Cells_Y, round(column123,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '123' Cells_Y, round(column124,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '124' Cells_Y, round(column125,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '125' Cells_Y, round(column126,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '126' Cells_Y, round(column127,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '127' Cells_Y, round(column128,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '128' Cells_Y, round(column129,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '129' Cells_Y, round(column130,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '130' Cells_Y, round(column131,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '131' Cells_Y, round(column132,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '132' Cells_Y, round(column133,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '133' Cells_Y, round(column134,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '134' Cells_Y, round(column135,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '135' Cells_Y, round(column136,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '136' Cells_Y, round(column137,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '137' Cells_Y, round(column138,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '138' Cells_Y, round(column139,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '139' Cells_Y, round(column140,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '140' Cells_Y, round(column141,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '141' Cells_Y, round(column142,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '142' Cells_Y, round(column143,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '143' Cells_Y, round(column144,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '144' Cells_Y, round(column145,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '145' Cells_Y, round(column146,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '146' Cells_Y, round(column147,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '147' Cells_Y, round(column148,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '148' Cells_Y, round(column149,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '149' Cells_Y, round(column150,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '150' Cells_Y, round(column151,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '151' Cells_Y, round(column152,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '152' Cells_Y, round(column153,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '153' Cells_Y, round(column154,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '154' Cells_Y, round(column155,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '155' Cells_Y, round(column156,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '156' Cells_Y, round(column157,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '157' Cells_Y, round(column158,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '158' Cells_Y, round(column159,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '159' Cells_Y, round(column160,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '160' Cells_Y, round(column161,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '161' Cells_Y, round(column162,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '162' Cells_Y, round(column163,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '163' Cells_Y, round(column164,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '164' Cells_Y, round(column165,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '165' Cells_Y, round(column166,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '166' Cells_Y, round(column167,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '167' Cells_Y, round(column168,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '168' Cells_Y, round(column169,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
else if (ColumnName == "column2")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X, '1' Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '2' Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '3' Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '4' Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '5' Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '6' Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '7' Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '8' Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '9' Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '10' Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '11' Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '12' Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '13' Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '14' Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '15' Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '16' Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '17' Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '18' Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '19' Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '20' Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '21' Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '22' Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '23' Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '24' Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '25' Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '26' Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '27' Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '28' Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '29' Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '30' Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '31' Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '32' Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '33' Cells_Y, round(column35,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '34' Cells_Y, round(column36,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '35' Cells_Y, round(column37,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '36' Cells_Y, round(column38,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '37' Cells_Y, round(column39,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '38' Cells_Y, round(column40,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '39' Cells_Y, round(column41,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '40' Cells_Y, round(column42,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '41' Cells_Y, round(column43,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '42' Cells_Y, round(column44,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '43' Cells_Y, round(column45,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '44' Cells_Y, round(column46,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '45' Cells_Y, round(column47,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '46' Cells_Y, round(column48,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '47' Cells_Y, round(column49,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '48' Cells_Y, round(column50,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '49' Cells_Y, round(column51,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '50' Cells_Y, round(column52,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '51' Cells_Y, round(column53,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '52' Cells_Y, round(column54,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '53' Cells_Y, round(column55,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '54' Cells_Y, round(column56,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '55' Cells_Y, round(column57,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '56' Cells_Y, round(column58,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '57' Cells_Y, round(column59,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '58' Cells_Y, round(column60,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '59' Cells_Y, round(column61,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '60' Cells_Y, round(column62,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '61' Cells_Y, round(column63,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '62' Cells_Y, round(column64,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '63' Cells_Y, round(column65,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '64' Cells_Y, round(column66,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '65' Cells_Y, round(column67,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '66' Cells_Y, round(column68,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '67' Cells_Y, round(column69,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '68' Cells_Y, round(column70,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '69' Cells_Y, round(column71,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '70' Cells_Y, round(column72,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '71' Cells_Y, round(column73,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '72' Cells_Y, round(column74,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '73' Cells_Y, round(column75,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '74' Cells_Y, round(column76,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '75' Cells_Y, round(column77,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '76' Cells_Y, round(column78,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '77' Cells_Y, round(column79,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '78' Cells_Y, round(column80,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '79' Cells_Y, round(column81,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '80' Cells_Y, round(column82,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '81' Cells_Y, round(column83,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '82' Cells_Y, round(column84,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '83' Cells_Y, round(column85,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '84' Cells_Y, round(column86,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '85' Cells_Y, round(column87,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '86' Cells_Y, round(column88,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '87' Cells_Y, round(column89,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '88' Cells_Y, round(column90,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '89' Cells_Y, round(column91,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '90' Cells_Y, round(column92,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '91' Cells_Y, round(column93,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '92' Cells_Y, round(column94,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '93' Cells_Y, round(column95,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '94' Cells_Y, round(column96,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '95' Cells_Y, round(column97,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '96' Cells_Y, round(column98,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '97' Cells_Y, round(column99,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '98' Cells_Y, round(column100,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '99' Cells_Y, round(column101,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '100' Cells_Y, round(column102,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '101' Cells_Y, round(column103,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '102' Cells_Y, round(column104,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '103' Cells_Y, round(column105,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '104' Cells_Y, round(column106,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '105' Cells_Y, round(column107,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '106' Cells_Y, round(column108,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '107' Cells_Y, round(column109,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '108' Cells_Y, round(column110,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '109' Cells_Y, round(column111,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '110' Cells_Y, round(column112,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '111' Cells_Y, round(column113,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '112' Cells_Y, round(column114,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '113' Cells_Y, round(column115,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '114' Cells_Y, round(column116,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '115' Cells_Y, round(column117,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '116' Cells_Y, round(column118,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '117' Cells_Y, round(column119,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '118' Cells_Y, round(column120,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '119' Cells_Y, round(column121,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '120' Cells_Y, round(column122,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '121' Cells_Y, round(column123,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '122' Cells_Y, round(column124,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '123' Cells_Y, round(column125,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '124' Cells_Y, round(column126,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '125' Cells_Y, round(column127,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '126' Cells_Y, round(column128,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '127' Cells_Y, round(column129,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '128' Cells_Y, round(column130,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '129' Cells_Y, round(column131,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '130' Cells_Y, round(column132,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '131' Cells_Y, round(column133,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '132' Cells_Y, round(column134,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '133' Cells_Y, round(column135,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '134' Cells_Y, round(column136,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '135' Cells_Y, round(column137,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '136' Cells_Y, round(column138,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '137' Cells_Y, round(column139,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '138' Cells_Y, round(column140,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '139' Cells_Y, round(column141,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '140' Cells_Y, round(column142,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '141' Cells_Y, round(column143,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '142' Cells_Y, round(column144,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '143' Cells_Y, round(column145,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '144' Cells_Y, round(column146,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '145' Cells_Y, round(column147,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '146' Cells_Y, round(column148,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '147' Cells_Y, round(column149,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '148' Cells_Y, round(column150,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '149' Cells_Y, round(column151,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '150' Cells_Y, round(column152,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '151' Cells_Y, round(column153,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '152' Cells_Y, round(column154,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '153' Cells_Y, round(column155,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '154' Cells_Y, round(column156,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '155' Cells_Y, round(column157,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '156' Cells_Y, round(column158,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '157' Cells_Y, round(column159,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '158' Cells_Y, round(column160,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '159' Cells_Y, round(column161,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '160' Cells_Y, round(column162,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '161' Cells_Y, round(column163,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '162' Cells_Y, round(column164,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '163' Cells_Y, round(column165,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '164' Cells_Y, round(column166,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '165' Cells_Y, round(column167,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '166' Cells_Y, round(column168,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '167' Cells_Y, round(column169,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '168' Cells_Y, round(column170,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调入
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDR", string.Format(@" select '6' Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select dlbm||QSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN bgq else bgh END dlbm,BGMJ,case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN BGQQSXZ else BGHQSXZ END QSXZ
from (
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGHQSXZ,BGQQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('1','3')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=6"), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union all
select '6' Cells_X,case when QSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select dlbm,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,QSXZ from
select case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN bgq else bgh END dlbm,BGMJ,case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN BGQQSXZ else BGHQSXZ END QSXZ from (
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM, substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM, BGMJ, XZQTZLX,BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('1','3')
)A WHERE dlbm in ({item.Value}) GROUP BY QSXZ
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调出
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDC", string.Format(@"select '7' Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgq||BGQQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGQQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('2','4')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=10"), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union ALL
select '7' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ,XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('2','4')
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value})
)A ");
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
CellHelper.SetFileToDisk(resultdataTable, savePath, 0);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
public BBPCModel Export_SQL_2(string savePath, string baseReportPath, IRDBHelper dbHelper, ref List<BBPCModel> pcModelList)
string ncsjExcelPath = string.Empty;
BBPCModel result = null;
string fileName = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath))
return result;
string sourceFile = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(baseReportPath);
#region 数据赋值
FileInfo[] fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
fileName = fileSet[0].Name.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace((MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, "").Replace(fileSet[0].Extension, "");
// fileSet = dir.GetFiles("(" + (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE + ")土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质汇总表.xls", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// if (fileSet != null && fileSet.Length > 0)
// {
// ncsjExcelPath = fileSet[0].FullName;
// }
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ncsjExcelPath) == true)
return result;
string tempPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TempalateReports\\BGTJ\\土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
savePath = savePath + "\\土地利用现状二级分类面积按权属性质变化统计表.xlsx";
File.Copy(tempPath, savePath, true);
DataTable resultdataTable = new DataTable();
DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", @" select Cells_X,Cells_Y,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ from
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgh||BGHQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX not in ('1','2','3','4')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=9
)a GROUP BY Cells_X,Cells_Y
union ALL
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ from
select Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgq||BGQQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGQQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX not in ('1','2','3','4')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=10
)a GROUP BY Cells_X,Cells_Y ", true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
keyValuePairs.Add("5,6", "'0303','0304','0306','0402','1105','1106','1108'");
keyValuePairs.Add("29,30", "'0101','0102','0103'");
keyValuePairs.Add("41,42", "'0201','0202','0203','0204'");
keyValuePairs.Add("56,57", "'0301','0302','0305','0307'");
keyValuePairs.Add("71,72", "'0401','0403','0404'");
keyValuePairs.Add("83,84", "'201','202','203','204','205'");
keyValuePairs.Add("101,102", "'1001','1002','1003','1007','1008','1009'");
keyValuePairs.Add("125,126", "'1101','1102','1103','1104','1107','1110'");
keyValuePairs.Add("146,147", "'1006','1202','1203','1204','1205','1206','1207'");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union all
select '9' Cells_X,case when BGHQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select bgh,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,BGHQSXZ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM, substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM, BGMJ, XZQTZLX,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX not in ('1','2','3','4')
)A WHERE bgh in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgq not in ({item.Value}))
union ALL
select '10' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ,XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX not in ('1','2','3','4')
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value}) and (BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ or bgh not in ({item.Value}))
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 上年末面积
DataTable table = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("tab", string.Format(@"select case WHEN column1='{0}' THEN'column1' ELSE 'column2' END ColumnName from {1} WHERE column1='{0}' or column2='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, fileName), true);
if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0)
return result;
string ColumnName = table.Rows[0][0].ToTrim();
if (ColumnName == "column1")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X, '1' Cells_Y, round(column2,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '2' Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '3' Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '4' Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '5' Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '6' Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '7' Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '8' Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '9' Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '10' Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '11' Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '12' Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '13' Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '14' Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '15' Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '16' Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '17' Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '18' Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '19' Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '20' Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '21' Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '22' Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '23' Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '24' Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '25' Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '26' Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '27' Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '28' Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '29' Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '30' Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '31' Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '32' Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '33' Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '34' Cells_Y, round(column35,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '35' Cells_Y, round(column36,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '36' Cells_Y, round(column37,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '37' Cells_Y, round(column38,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '38' Cells_Y, round(column39,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '39' Cells_Y, round(column40,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '40' Cells_Y, round(column41,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '41' Cells_Y, round(column42,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '42' Cells_Y, round(column43,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '43' Cells_Y, round(column44,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '44' Cells_Y, round(column45,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '45' Cells_Y, round(column46,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '46' Cells_Y, round(column47,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '47' Cells_Y, round(column48,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '48' Cells_Y, round(column49,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '49' Cells_Y, round(column50,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '50' Cells_Y, round(column51,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '51' Cells_Y, round(column52,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '52' Cells_Y, round(column53,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '53' Cells_Y, round(column54,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '54' Cells_Y, round(column55,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '55' Cells_Y, round(column56,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '56' Cells_Y, round(column57,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '57' Cells_Y, round(column58,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '58' Cells_Y, round(column59,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '59' Cells_Y, round(column60,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '60' Cells_Y, round(column61,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '61' Cells_Y, round(column62,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '62' Cells_Y, round(column63,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '63' Cells_Y, round(column64,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '64' Cells_Y, round(column65,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '65' Cells_Y, round(column66,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '66' Cells_Y, round(column67,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '67' Cells_Y, round(column68,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '68' Cells_Y, round(column69,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '69' Cells_Y, round(column70,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '70' Cells_Y, round(column71,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '71' Cells_Y, round(column72,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '72' Cells_Y, round(column73,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '73' Cells_Y, round(column74,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '74' Cells_Y, round(column75,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '75' Cells_Y, round(column76,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '76' Cells_Y, round(column77,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '77' Cells_Y, round(column78,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '78' Cells_Y, round(column79,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '79' Cells_Y, round(column80,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '80' Cells_Y, round(column81,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '81' Cells_Y, round(column82,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '82' Cells_Y, round(column83,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '83' Cells_Y, round(column84,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '84' Cells_Y, round(column85,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '85' Cells_Y, round(column86,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '86' Cells_Y, round(column87,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '87' Cells_Y, round(column88,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '88' Cells_Y, round(column89,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '89' Cells_Y, round(column90,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '90' Cells_Y, round(column91,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '91' Cells_Y, round(column92,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '92' Cells_Y, round(column93,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '93' Cells_Y, round(column94,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '94' Cells_Y, round(column95,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '95' Cells_Y, round(column96,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '96' Cells_Y, round(column97,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '97' Cells_Y, round(column98,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '98' Cells_Y, round(column99,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '99' Cells_Y, round(column100,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '100' Cells_Y, round(column101,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '101' Cells_Y, round(column102,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '102' Cells_Y, round(column103,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '103' Cells_Y, round(column104,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '104' Cells_Y, round(column105,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '105' Cells_Y, round(column106,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '106' Cells_Y, round(column107,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '107' Cells_Y, round(column108,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '108' Cells_Y, round(column109,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '109' Cells_Y, round(column110,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '110' Cells_Y, round(column111,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '111' Cells_Y, round(column112,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '112' Cells_Y, round(column113,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '113' Cells_Y, round(column114,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '114' Cells_Y, round(column115,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '115' Cells_Y, round(column116,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '116' Cells_Y, round(column117,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '117' Cells_Y, round(column118,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '118' Cells_Y, round(column119,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '119' Cells_Y, round(column120,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '120' Cells_Y, round(column121,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '121' Cells_Y, round(column122,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '122' Cells_Y, round(column123,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '123' Cells_Y, round(column124,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '124' Cells_Y, round(column125,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '125' Cells_Y, round(column126,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '126' Cells_Y, round(column127,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '127' Cells_Y, round(column128,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '128' Cells_Y, round(column129,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '129' Cells_Y, round(column130,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '130' Cells_Y, round(column131,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '131' Cells_Y, round(column132,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '132' Cells_Y, round(column133,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '133' Cells_Y, round(column134,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '134' Cells_Y, round(column135,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '135' Cells_Y, round(column136,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '136' Cells_Y, round(column137,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '137' Cells_Y, round(column138,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '138' Cells_Y, round(column139,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '139' Cells_Y, round(column140,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '140' Cells_Y, round(column141,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '141' Cells_Y, round(column142,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '142' Cells_Y, round(column143,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '143' Cells_Y, round(column144,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '144' Cells_Y, round(column145,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '145' Cells_Y, round(column146,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '146' Cells_Y, round(column147,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '147' Cells_Y, round(column148,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '148' Cells_Y, round(column149,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '149' Cells_Y, round(column150,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '150' Cells_Y, round(column151,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '151' Cells_Y, round(column152,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '152' Cells_Y, round(column153,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '153' Cells_Y, round(column154,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '154' Cells_Y, round(column155,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '155' Cells_Y, round(column156,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '156' Cells_Y, round(column157,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '157' Cells_Y, round(column158,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '158' Cells_Y, round(column159,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '159' Cells_Y, round(column160,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '160' Cells_Y, round(column161,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '161' Cells_Y, round(column162,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '162' Cells_Y, round(column163,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '163' Cells_Y, round(column164,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '164' Cells_Y, round(column165,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '165' Cells_Y, round(column166,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '166' Cells_Y, round(column167,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '167' Cells_Y, round(column168,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '168' Cells_Y, round(column169,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
else if (ColumnName == "column2")
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("SNMMJ", string.Format(@"
select '5' Cells_X, '1' Cells_Y, round(column3,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '2' Cells_Y, round(column4,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '3' Cells_Y, round(column5,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '4' Cells_Y, round(column6,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '5' Cells_Y, round(column7,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '6' Cells_Y, round(column8,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '7' Cells_Y, round(column9,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '8' Cells_Y, round(column10,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '9' Cells_Y, round(column11,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '10' Cells_Y, round(column12,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '11' Cells_Y, round(column13,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '12' Cells_Y, round(column14,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '13' Cells_Y, round(column15,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '14' Cells_Y, round(column16,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '15' Cells_Y, round(column17,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '16' Cells_Y, round(column18,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '17' Cells_Y, round(column19,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '18' Cells_Y, round(column20,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '19' Cells_Y, round(column21,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '20' Cells_Y, round(column22,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '21' Cells_Y, round(column23,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '22' Cells_Y, round(column24,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '23' Cells_Y, round(column25,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '24' Cells_Y, round(column26,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '25' Cells_Y, round(column27,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '26' Cells_Y, round(column28,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '27' Cells_Y, round(column29,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '28' Cells_Y, round(column30,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '29' Cells_Y, round(column31,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '30' Cells_Y, round(column32,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '31' Cells_Y, round(column33,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '32' Cells_Y, round(column34,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '33' Cells_Y, round(column35,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '34' Cells_Y, round(column36,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '35' Cells_Y, round(column37,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '36' Cells_Y, round(column38,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '37' Cells_Y, round(column39,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '38' Cells_Y, round(column40,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '39' Cells_Y, round(column41,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '40' Cells_Y, round(column42,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '41' Cells_Y, round(column43,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '42' Cells_Y, round(column44,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '43' Cells_Y, round(column45,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '44' Cells_Y, round(column46,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '45' Cells_Y, round(column47,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '46' Cells_Y, round(column48,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '47' Cells_Y, round(column49,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '48' Cells_Y, round(column50,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '49' Cells_Y, round(column51,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '50' Cells_Y, round(column52,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '51' Cells_Y, round(column53,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '52' Cells_Y, round(column54,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '53' Cells_Y, round(column55,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '54' Cells_Y, round(column56,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '55' Cells_Y, round(column57,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '56' Cells_Y, round(column58,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '57' Cells_Y, round(column59,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '58' Cells_Y, round(column60,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '59' Cells_Y, round(column61,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '60' Cells_Y, round(column62,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '61' Cells_Y, round(column63,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '62' Cells_Y, round(column64,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '63' Cells_Y, round(column65,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '64' Cells_Y, round(column66,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '65' Cells_Y, round(column67,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '66' Cells_Y, round(column68,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '67' Cells_Y, round(column69,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '68' Cells_Y, round(column70,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '69' Cells_Y, round(column71,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '70' Cells_Y, round(column72,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '71' Cells_Y, round(column73,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '72' Cells_Y, round(column74,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '73' Cells_Y, round(column75,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '74' Cells_Y, round(column76,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '75' Cells_Y, round(column77,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '76' Cells_Y, round(column78,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '77' Cells_Y, round(column79,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '78' Cells_Y, round(column80,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '79' Cells_Y, round(column81,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '80' Cells_Y, round(column82,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '81' Cells_Y, round(column83,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '82' Cells_Y, round(column84,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '83' Cells_Y, round(column85,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '84' Cells_Y, round(column86,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '85' Cells_Y, round(column87,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '86' Cells_Y, round(column88,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '87' Cells_Y, round(column89,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '88' Cells_Y, round(column90,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '89' Cells_Y, round(column91,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '90' Cells_Y, round(column92,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '91' Cells_Y, round(column93,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '92' Cells_Y, round(column94,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '93' Cells_Y, round(column95,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '94' Cells_Y, round(column96,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '95' Cells_Y, round(column97,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '96' Cells_Y, round(column98,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '97' Cells_Y, round(column99,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '98' Cells_Y, round(column100,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '99' Cells_Y, round(column101,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '100' Cells_Y, round(column102,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '101' Cells_Y, round(column103,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '102' Cells_Y, round(column104,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '103' Cells_Y, round(column105,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '104' Cells_Y, round(column106,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '105' Cells_Y, round(column107,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '106' Cells_Y, round(column108,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '107' Cells_Y, round(column109,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '108' Cells_Y, round(column110,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '109' Cells_Y, round(column111,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '110' Cells_Y, round(column112,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '111' Cells_Y, round(column113,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '112' Cells_Y, round(column114,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '113' Cells_Y, round(column115,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '114' Cells_Y, round(column116,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '115' Cells_Y, round(column117,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '116' Cells_Y, round(column118,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '117' Cells_Y, round(column119,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '118' Cells_Y, round(column120,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '119' Cells_Y, round(column121,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '120' Cells_Y, round(column122,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '121' Cells_Y, round(column123,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '122' Cells_Y, round(column124,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '123' Cells_Y, round(column125,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '124' Cells_Y, round(column126,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '125' Cells_Y, round(column127,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '126' Cells_Y, round(column128,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '127' Cells_Y, round(column129,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '128' Cells_Y, round(column130,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '129' Cells_Y, round(column131,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '130' Cells_Y, round(column132,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '131' Cells_Y, round(column133,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '132' Cells_Y, round(column134,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '133' Cells_Y, round(column135,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '134' Cells_Y, round(column136,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '135' Cells_Y, round(column137,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '136' Cells_Y, round(column138,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '137' Cells_Y, round(column139,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '138' Cells_Y, round(column140,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '139' Cells_Y, round(column141,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '140' Cells_Y, round(column142,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '141' Cells_Y, round(column143,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '142' Cells_Y, round(column144,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '143' Cells_Y, round(column145,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '144' Cells_Y, round(column146,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '145' Cells_Y, round(column147,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '146' Cells_Y, round(column148,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '147' Cells_Y, round(column149,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '148' Cells_Y, round(column150,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '149' Cells_Y, round(column151,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '150' Cells_Y, round(column152,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '151' Cells_Y, round(column153,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '152' Cells_Y, round(column154,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '153' Cells_Y, round(column155,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '154' Cells_Y, round(column156,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '155' Cells_Y, round(column157,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '156' Cells_Y, round(column158,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '157' Cells_Y, round(column159,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '158' Cells_Y, round(column160,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '159' Cells_Y, round(column161,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '160' Cells_Y, round(column162,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '161' Cells_Y, round(column163,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '162' Cells_Y, round(column164,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '163' Cells_Y, round(column165,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '164' Cells_Y, round(column166,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '165' Cells_Y, round(column167,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '166' Cells_Y, round(column168,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '167' Cells_Y, round(column169,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' union ALL
select '5' Cells_X, '168' Cells_Y, round(column170,4) BGMJ from {2} WHERE {1}='{0}' ", (MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).CODE, ColumnName, fileName), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调入
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDR", string.Format(@" select '6' Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select dlbm||QSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN bgq else bgh END dlbm,BGMJ,case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN BGQQSXZ else BGHQSXZ END QSXZ
from (
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGHQSXZ,BGQQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('1','3')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=6"), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union all
select '6' Cells_X,case when QSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y ,BGMJ from
select dlbm,SUM(BGMJ) BGMJ,QSXZ from
select case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN bgq else bgh END dlbm,BGMJ,case when XZQTZLX='1' THEN BGQQSXZ else BGHQSXZ END QSXZ from (
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ,XZQTZLX from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM, substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM, BGMJ, XZQTZLX,BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('1','3')
)A WHERE bgh in ({item.Value})
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
#region 行政区调出
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("XZQDC", string.Format(@"select '7' Cells_X,Cells_Y,BGMJ from
select bgq||BGQQSXZ DLBM,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ
select case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGQQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('2','4')
)A left join TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 B ON a.DLBM=b.bgh where Cells_X=10"), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
var Cells_Y = item.Key.Split(',');
union ALL
select '7' Cells_X,case when BGQQSXZ = '国有' then '{Cells_Y[0]}' ELSE '{Cells_Y[1]}' end Cells_Y, BGMJ from
select case when BGQCZCSXM = '空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh, BGMJ, BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from
select substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ,XZQTZLX ,
from JCTJB_GQ where XZQTZLX in ('2','4')
)A WHERE bgq in ({item.Value})
)A ");
dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("TDLYXZBGB", stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(13), true);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
CellHelper.SetFileToDisk(resultdataTable, savePath, 0);
#region 年末面积平差
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(savePath);
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Range dataRange = null;
dataRange = sheet.Cells.CreateRange("H11:FN11");
var XJ = new List<int>() { 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 102, 105, 108, 111, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 126, 129, 132, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, 159 };
for (int i = 0; i < dataRange.ColumnCount; i++)
if (XJ.Contains(i)) continue;
var negative = dataRange[0, i].Value.ToDouble();
if (negative < 0)//负值
if (result == null)
result = new BBPCModel();
result.ReportName = 2;
result.Columns = new List<PCColumnModel>();
PCColumnModel coluModel = new PCColumnModel();
coluModel.Ids = new List<int>();
coluModel.IsActive = true;
coluModel.ColumnIndex = i;
coluModel.DiffValue = Math.Abs(negative);
string sql = string.Empty;
sql = $@"select ID from (select bgq||BGQQSXZ DLBM,group_concat(ID) ID,sum(BGMJ)BGMJ from(select ID,case when BGQCZCSXM='空' then BGQDLBM else BGQCZCSXM end bgq,case when BGHCZCSXM = '空' then BGHDLBM else BGHCZCSXM end bgh,BGMJ,BGQQSXZ from (select ID,substr(BGQDLBM, 1, 4) BGQDLBM, substr(BGQCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGQCZCSXM, substr(BGHDLBM, 1, 4) BGHDLBM,substr(BGHCZCSXM, 1, 3) BGHCZCSXM,BGMJ, XZQTZLX , BGQQSXZ, BGHQSXZ from JCTJB_GQ)A WHERE bgq<>bgh or BGQQSXZ<>BGHQSXZ)A GROUP BY bgq||BGQQSXZ)A WHERE DLBM = (select bgh from TDLYXZYJLMJAQSBHTJB_2 WHERE Cells_X = '9' AND Cells_Y = '{i + 7}')";
DataTable IDsTable = dbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("ids", sql, true);
string ids = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in IDsTable.Rows)
string strID = row["ID"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID))
for (int j = 0; j < strID.Split(',').Length; j++)
return result;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;