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using KGIS.Framework.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static Kingo.Plugin.EngineEditor.Common.GetAllDesktopWindows;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils.Helper;
namespace Kingo.Plugin.EngineEditor.Common
public class CloseTheDesktopWindows
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow")]
private extern static IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern int ShowWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int nCmdShow);
//这个外部函数(非托管) 可以向句柄发送消息,关闭事件就是这个
[DllImport("User32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage")]
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam);
public const int WM_CLOSE = 0x0010;
public bool bShowJudgeMsg = false;
public bool ToCloseTheDesktopWindows()
IntPtr intPtrTemp = new IntPtr(0);
string sNeedCloseWindowsNames = "";
string sNameT_ = "";
#region 右击图层
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",数据导入";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择导入的数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",SQL";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",图层属性";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择矢量图层数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",标注表达式";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",符号选择";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",标注布局";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",标注可视比例尺设置";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",创建查询";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入符号渲染";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",符号库选择";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",点符号旋转";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",字段查找与替换";
#region 数据转换
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",画双线";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",画线物面";
#region 地图操作
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",新建方案";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",测量";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",转到XY";
#region 数据导入导出
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入MDB数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择导入的数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",提示信息";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入GDB数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入Shape数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入VCT数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入调查数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择监测图斑数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择行政区数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择村级调查区数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择地类图斑数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入举证数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",VCT任意范围导出";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",自定义导出MDB数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",自定义导出GDB数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",自定义导出SHAPE数据";
#region 数据转换
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",VCT转MDB(Personal Geodatabse)数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",VCT转GDB(File Geodatabase)数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",VCT转SHP数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",MDB转GDB";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",MDB转SHP";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",MDB(Personal Geodatabase)转VCT";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",GDB转MDB";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",GDB转SHP";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",GDB(File Geodatabase)转VCT";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",SHP转MDB";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",SHP转GDB";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",Shape转VCT";
#region 查询分析(智能查询)
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",根据属性查询";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",错误信息";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",空间查询";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",自定义统计";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",空间分析";
#region 变更管理
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",浏览文件夹";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",整层更新数据入库";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",选择数据";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",举证信息";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导入数据字典";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",数据字典编辑";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",编辑字典";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",新增字典项";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",导出数据字典";
#region 成果管理
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",创建变更成果模板";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",一键变更成果导出";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",一键整库成果输出";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",变更成果更新入库";
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",检查设置";
#region 图件制作
sNeedCloseWindowsNames += ",";
GetAllDesktopWindows allDesktopWindows = new GetAllDesktopWindows();
List<WindowInfo> windowInfoList = new List<WindowInfo>();
List<WindowInfo> windowInfoList_Judge = new List<WindowInfo>();
int iWindowxsCount_Now = 0;
int iCloseWindowsCount_Now = 0;
string sCloseWindowsName = "";
windowInfoList = allDesktopWindows.ToGetAllDesktopWindows();
if (windowInfoList != null && windowInfoList.Count() > 0)
iWindowxsCount_Now = windowInfoList.Count();
foreach (WindowInfo wInfo in windowInfoList)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wInfo.szWindowName) == true)
sNameT_ = wInfo.szWindowName;
sNameT_ = sNameT_.Trim();
if (sNeedCloseWindowsNames.Contains("," + sNameT_ + ",") == true)
intPtrTemp = wInfo.hWnd;
//ShowWindow(intPtrTemp, 0);//不显示
SendMessage(intPtrTemp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);// 调用了 发送消息 发送关闭窗口的消息
iCloseWindowsCount_Now += 1;
sCloseWindowsName += sNameT_ + ",";
//LogAPI.Debug("当前关闭窗口名称: " + sNameT_ + " \r\n ; ");
if (sNameT_.EndsWith("属性表") == true)
intPtrTemp = wInfo.hWnd;
//ShowWindow(intPtrTemp, 0);
SendMessage(intPtrTemp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);// 调用了 发送消息 发送关闭窗口的消息
iCloseWindowsCount_Now += 1;
sCloseWindowsName += sNameT_ + ",";
//LogAPI.Debug("当前关闭窗口名称: " + sNameT_ + " \r\n ; ");
if (sNameT_.EndsWith("字段统计") == true)
intPtrTemp = wInfo.hWnd;
//ShowWindow(intPtrTemp, 0);
SendMessage(intPtrTemp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);// 调用了 发送消息 发送关闭窗口的消息
iCloseWindowsCount_Now += 1;
sCloseWindowsName += sNameT_ + ",";
//LogAPI.Debug("当前关闭窗口名称: " + sNameT_ + " \r\n ; ");
string sShowMsg = "";
sShowMsg += "关闭前 窗口数: " + iWindowxsCount_Now + " 个;\r\n";
sShowMsg += "关闭数: " + iCloseWindowsCount_Now + " 个:\r\n ";
sShowMsg += "关闭窗口名字: " + sCloseWindowsName + " :\r\n ";
windowInfoList_Judge = allDesktopWindows.ToGetAllDesktopWindows();
if (windowInfoList_Judge != null && windowInfoList_Judge.Count() > 0)
sShowMsg += "关闭后 窗口数: " + windowInfoList_Judge.Count() + " 个;\r\n";
if (bShowJudgeMsg == true)
MessageHelper.Show(sShowMsg, false);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
LogAPI.Debug("关闭其他窗口 时失败,异常原因: " + ex + " ; ");
return false;
if (windowInfoList != null && windowInfoList.Count() > 0)
windowInfoList = null;