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using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.ExtensionMethod;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.GPHelper;
using KGIS.Framework.DBOperator;
using KGIS.Framework.Maps;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Kingo.Plugin.DataCheck
public class BGHDataCheck : IDataCheck
List<CheckResult> dataCheckResults = null;
public event CheckDataPr DataCheckComplate;
public string IDataCheckName => "BGHDataCheck";
public void FeatureCheck(object pParm)
{ }
public void FeatureClassCheck(object pParm)
lock (this)
CheckParametr _Parm = pParm as CheckParametr;
dataCheckResults = new List<CheckResult>();
(pParm as CheckParametr).CheckResults = dataCheckResults;
DataCheckComplate?.Invoke(dataCheckResults, _Parm);
catch (Exception ex)
#region 变更成果属性检查
private void ExecuteCheck()
IFeatureClass GXFC = null;
IFeatureClass GXGCFC = null;
IFeatureLayer Temp_DLTBGXGC = null;
IWorkspaceFactory pFtWsFct = null;
IFeature feature = null;
IFeatureCursor featureCursor = null;
#region 初始化数据
GXFC = MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetFeatureClassByName("DLTBGX"); //地类图斑更新层
GXGCFC = MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetFeatureClassByName("DLTBGXGC"); //地类图斑更新过程
string dbPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName((MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).GetProjFilePath()) + @"\BGTJ.sqlite";
string gdbFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Temp\\DLTBGXGCTempFile";
if (!Directory.Exists(gdbFolder))
{ DelectDirect(gdbFolder); }
//删除临时数据异常 不做处理
pFtWsFct = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactory();
string gdbFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(gdbFolder, gdbFileName);
pFtWsFct.Create(path, "TempGDB", null, 0);
string TempfilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "TempGDB.gdb");
#region 更新层与更新过程层套合/标识码对应检查
GPParamClass paramClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer =new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = GXFC },
SecondFeatureLayer =new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = GXGCFC },
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempfilePath}\\GX_GXGCUnion",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL"
GeoprocessorHelper.UnionAnalysis(paramClass, ref Temp_DLTBGXGC);
IWorkspaceFactory pOutWorkFactory = null;
pOutWorkFactory = new SqlWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace pOutWork = pOutWorkFactory.OpenFromFile(dbPath, 0);
IRDBHelper rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper("Data Source=" + dbPath, DatabaseType.SQLite);
rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" drop table GX_GXGCUnion ");
IWorkspace ws = (Temp_DLTBGXGC.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace;
TableToTable(ws as IFeatureWorkspace, pOutWork, "GX_GXGCUnion");
DataTable table = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("GX_GXGCUnion", " select OBJECTID,FID_DLTBGX,FID_DLTBGXGC from GX_GXGCUnion where FID_DLTBGX=-1 or BSM<>BGHTBBSM ", true);
if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
int FID_DLTBGX = row["FID_DLTBGX"].ToString().ToInt();
int OBJECTID = row["OBJECTID"].ToString().ToInt();
CheckResult result = new CheckResult();
if (FID_DLTBGX == -1)
result.ErrorDesc = "更新层与更新过程层数据不套合!";
result.Synopsis = "更新层/更新过程层数据错误";
result.ErrorCategory = "Graphic";
result.ErrorCode = "2001000399990021";
result.ErrorDesc = "更新层标识码与更新过程成变更后图斑标识码不匹配!";
result.Synopsis = "标识码赋值错误!";
result.ObjectID = FID_DLTBGX;
result.ErrorCategory = "Attribute";
result.ErrorCode = "1001000200000022";
result.ErrorArea = Temp_DLTBGXGC.FeatureClass.GetFeature(OBJECTID).Shape.ToJson();
result.ErrorLayer = IDataCheckName;
result.ErrorType = EnumErrorType.;
#region 更新层/更新过程层图形检查
featureCursor = GXFC.Search(null, true);
while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (feature != null)
if (featureCursor != null)
if (GXFC != null)
if (GXGCFC != null)
public void ExecuteGraphicCheck(IFeature feature)
List<CheckResult> liststr = CheckGeometry(feature);
if (liststr != null && liststr.Count > 0)
liststr = AcuteAngle(feature);
if (liststr.Count > 0)
CheckResult result = PointToPoint(feature);
if (result != null)
catch (Exception ex)
LogAPI.Debug("变更成果检查异常:" + ex.Message);
public bool TableToTable(IFeatureWorkspace pInWork, IWorkspace pOutWork, string tableName, IQueryFilter queryFilter = null)
if (pInWork == null || pOutWork == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)) return false;
IWorkspace2 workspace2 = pInWork as IWorkspace2;
if (workspace2 != null)
if (!workspace2.get_NameExists(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass, tableName))
return false;
ITable pInTable = pInWork.OpenTable(tableName);
if (pInTable == null) return false;
IDataset pIndataset = (IDataset)pInTable;
IDatasetName pInDatasetName = (IDatasetName)pIndataset.FullName;
IEnumDataset enumDataset = pOutWork.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTTable);
IDataset dataset;
while ((dataset = enumDataset.Next()) != null)
string[] names = dataset.Name.Split('.');
if (string.Equals(names[names.Length - 1], tableName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
IDataset pOutDataset = (IDataset)pOutWork;
IDatasetName pOutDatasetName = new TableNameClass();
pOutDatasetName.WorkspaceName = (IWorkspaceName)pOutDataset.FullName;
pOutDatasetName.Name = tableName;
//Validate the field names because you are converting between different workspace types.
IFieldChecker fieldChecker = new FieldCheckerClass();
IFields targetFeatureClassFields = pInTable.Fields;
IFields sourceFeatureClassFields = pInTable.Fields;
IEnumFieldError enumFieldError;
// Most importantly set the input and validate workspaces!
fieldChecker.InputWorkspace = pInWork as IWorkspace;
fieldChecker.ValidateWorkspace = pOutWork;
fieldChecker.Validate(sourceFeatureClassFields, out enumFieldError, out targetFeatureClassFields);
IFeatureDataConverter one2another = new FeatureDataConverterClass();
one2another.ConvertTable(pInDatasetName, queryFilter, pOutDatasetName, targetFeatureClassFields, "", 1000, 0);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private static void DelectDirect(string srcPath)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(srcPath);
FileSystemInfo[] fileinfo = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); //返回目录中所有文件和子目录
foreach (FileSystemInfo i in fileinfo)
if (i is DirectoryInfo) //判断是否文件夹
DirectoryInfo subdir = new DirectoryInfo(i.FullName);
subdir.Delete(true); //删除子目录和文件
File.Delete(i.FullName); //删除指定文件
catch (Exception e)
private static List<CheckResult> CheckGeometry(IFeature pfeature)
List<CheckResult> result = new List<CheckResult>();
IPointCollection polygonVertices = new PolygonClass();
IPointCollection lineVertices = pfeature.ShapeCopy as IPointCollection;
ITopologicalOperator3 pTopology = polygonVertices as ITopologicalOperator3;
esriNonSimpleReasonEnum reason = esriNonSimpleReasonEnum.esriNonSimpleOK;
pTopology.IsKnownSimple_2 = false;
if (!pTopology.get_IsSimpleEx(out reason))
if (reason == esriNonSimpleReasonEnum.esriNonSimpleSelfIntersections)//自相交
result.Add(new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "要素存在自相交!",
Synopsis = "要素存在自相交!",
ErrorCode = "200600",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pfeature.OID,
ErrorArea = pfeature.Shape.ToJson(),
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.,
if (reason == esriNonSimpleReasonEnum.esriNonSimpleUnclosedRing)//存在不闭合的环
IPolygon4 polygon = pfeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon4;
IGeometryBag bag = polygon.ExteriorRingBag;//获取多边形的所有外环
var xx = (bag as IGeometryCollection).GeometryCount;
if ((bag as IGeometryCollection).GeometryCount > 1)
result.Add(new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "要素存在组合图斑(多部件)!",
Synopsis = "要素存在组合图斑(多部件)!",
ErrorCode = "200700",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pfeature.OID,
ErrorArea = pfeature.Shape.ToJson(),
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.
if (reason == esriNonSimpleReasonEnum.esriNonSimpleShortSegments)
result.Add(new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "要素存在短线段!",
Synopsis = "要素存在短线段!",
ErrorCode = "200800",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pfeature.OID,
ErrorArea = pfeature.Shape.ToJson(),
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.,
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return result;
#region 要素不存在尖锐角和局部狭长图形(即不允许存在一个角度小于10度,或局部图形狭长的情况)
private List<CheckResult> AcuteAngle(IFeature pFeature)
List<CheckResult> result = new List<CheckResult>();
IGeometry refgeometry = null;
double angle = GetMinAngle(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref refgeometry);//获取图形的最小角度
if (angle < 10)
result.Add(new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "要素存在尖锐角!",
Synopsis = "要素存在尖锐角!",
ErrorCode = "200500",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pFeature.OID,
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.,
ErrorArea = refgeometry.ToJson()
ITopologicalOperator topo = pFeature.ShapeCopy as ITopologicalOperator;
IPolyline line1 = topo.Boundary as IPolyline;
double length1 = line1.Length;
int pointCount1 = (pFeature.ShapeCopy as IPointCollection).PointCount;
IGeometry geo = topo.Buffer(-0.05);
ITopologicalOperator topo2 = geo as ITopologicalOperator;
IPolyline line2 = topo2.Boundary as IPolyline;
double length2 = line2.Length;
int pointCount2 = (geo as IPointCollection).PointCount - 1;
double delta_length = length1 - length2;
double avg_halfangle = 180 * (pointCount1 - 1 - 2) / (pointCount1 - 1) / 2;
double conner_normal_length = 2 * 0.05 / Math.Tan(avg_halfangle * (Math.PI / 180));
if (delta_length > 8 * conner_normal_length * (pointCount1 - 1))
result.Add(new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "要素存在局部狭长图形!",
Synopsis = "要素存在局部狭长图形!",
ErrorCode = "200900",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pFeature.OID,
ErrorArea = pFeature.Shape.ToJson(),
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.,
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 获取最小角度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pGeo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static double GetMinAngle(IGeometry pGeo, ref IGeometry refgeometry)
double result = -1;
if (pGeo == null || pGeo.IsEmpty)
return result;
IPolygon4 poly4 = pGeo as IPolygon4;
ITopologicalOperator topo = poly4 as ITopologicalOperator;
if (topo != null)
GeometryBag geoBag = poly4.ExteriorRingBag as GeometryBag;
if (geoBag == null) return result;
IGeometryCollection geoCollection = geoBag as IGeometryCollection;
List<IGeometry> rings = new List<IGeometry>();
for (int j = 0; j < geoCollection.GeometryCount; j++)
IGeometry geo = geoCollection.get_Geometry(j);
IGeometryBag InteriorBag = (pGeo as IPolygon4).get_InteriorRingBag(geo as IRing);
if (InteriorBag != null)
IGeometryCollection InteriorRingGeometryCollection = InteriorBag as IGeometryCollection;
for (int IR = 0; IR < InteriorRingGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; IR++)
foreach (IGeometry ring in rings)
if (ring.IsEmpty) continue;
IPointCollection points = ring as IPointCollection;
int num = points.PointCount - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
IPoint p1 = null;
IPoint p2 = points.get_Point(i);
IPoint p3 = null;
if (i == 0)
p1 = points.get_Point(num - 1);
p3 = points.get_Point(i + 1);
else if (i == num - 1)
p1 = points.get_Point(i - 1);
p3 = points.get_Point(0);
p1 = points.get_Point(i - 1);
p3 = points.get_Point(i + 1);
double angle = GetAngle(p2, p1, p3);
IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new Polyline() as IGeometryCollection;
IPointCollection pointCollection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Path();
if (result == -1)
result = angle;
geometryCollection.AddGeometry(pointCollection as IGeometry);
refgeometry = geometryCollection as IGeometry;
refgeometry.SpatialReference = pGeo.SpatialReference;
if (result > angle)
result = angle;
geometryCollection.AddGeometry(pointCollection as IGeometry);
refgeometry = geometryCollection as IGeometry;
refgeometry.SpatialReference = pGeo.SpatialReference;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 计算角度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cenPoint"></param>
/// <param name="firstPoint"></param>
/// <param name="secondPoint"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static double GetAngle(IPoint cenPoint, IPoint firstPoint, IPoint secondPoint)
double ma_x = firstPoint.X - cenPoint.X;
double ma_y = firstPoint.Y - cenPoint.Y;
double mb_x = secondPoint.X - cenPoint.X;
double mb_y = secondPoint.Y - cenPoint.Y;
double v1 = (ma_x * mb_x) + (ma_y * mb_y);
double ma_val = Math.Sqrt(ma_x * ma_x + ma_y * ma_y);
double mb_val = Math.Sqrt(mb_x * mb_x + mb_y * mb_y);
if (ma_val * mb_val == 0)
return -1;
double cosM = v1 / (ma_val * mb_val);
double angleAMB = Math.Acos(cosM) * 180 / Math.PI;
return angleAMB;
#region 地类图斑变更层平均节点密度大于1米小于70米
/// <summary>
/// 地类图斑变更层平均节点密度大于1米小于70米
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFeature"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private CheckResult PointToPoint(IFeature pFeature)
CheckResult result = null;
List<double> Segmentslength = new List<double>();
IGeometryCollection _GeoColl = pFeature.ShapeCopy as IGeometryCollection;
for (int i = 0; i < _GeoColl.GeometryCount; i++)
ISegmentCollection _segmColl = _GeoColl.Geometry[i] as ISegmentCollection;
for (int j = 0; j < _segmColl.SegmentCount; j++)
if (Segmentslength.Average() > 70 || Segmentslength.Average() < 1)
result = new CheckResult()
ErrorDesc = "地类图斑变更层平均节点密度大于1米小于70米!",
Synopsis = "平均节点密度不在1-70米!",
ErrorCode = "200400",
ErrorLayer = "BGHDataCheck",
ErrorCategory = "Graphic",
ObjectID = pFeature.OID,
ErrorArea = pFeature.Shape.ToJson(),
ErrorType = EnumErrorType.,
return result;