using DevExpress.XtraEditors; using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace KGIS.Plugin.LayerProperty.View { partial class FormPointRatation { /// /// Required designer variable. /// private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.labelControl1 = new LabelControl(); this.groupControl2 = new GroupControl(); this.panel3 = new Panel(); this.panel4 = new Panel(); this.label5 = new Label(); this.label6 = new Label(); this.label7 = new Label(); this.label8 = new Label(); this.panel2 = new Panel(); this.panel1 = new Panel(); this.label4 = new Label(); this.label3 = new Label(); this.label2 = new Label(); this.label1 = new Label(); this.radbtnArithmetic = new RadioButton(); this.radbtnGeographic = new RadioButton(); this.btnCancel = new SimpleButton(); this.btnOk = new SimpleButton(); this.cmbFields = new ComboBoxEdit(); ((ISupportInitialize)this.groupControl2).BeginInit(); this.groupControl2.SuspendLayout(); ((ISupportInitialize)this.cmbFields.Properties).BeginInit(); base.SuspendLayout(); this.labelControl1.Location = new Point(12, 12); this.labelControl1.Name = "labelControl1"; this.labelControl1.Size = new Size(180, 14); this.labelControl1.TabIndex = 0; this.labelControl1.Text = "使用该字段值作为点的旋转角度:"; this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.panel3); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.panel4); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label5); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label6); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label7); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label8); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.panel2); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.panel1); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label4); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label3); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label2); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.label1); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.radbtnArithmetic); this.groupControl2.Controls.Add(this.radbtnGeographic); this.groupControl2.Location = new Point(12, 59); this.groupControl2.Name = "groupControl2"; this.groupControl2.Size = new Size(241, 151); this.groupControl2.TabIndex = 2; this.groupControl2.Text = "旋转方式"; this.panel3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; this.panel3.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.panel3.Location = new Point(186, 45); this.panel3.Name = "panel3"; this.panel3.Size = new Size(4, 44); this.panel3.TabIndex = 15; this.panel4.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; this.panel4.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.panel4.Location = new Point(164, 64); this.panel4.Name = "panel4"; this.panel4.Size = new Size(48, 4); this.panel4.TabIndex = 14; this.label5.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label5.Location = new Point(177, 88); this.label5.Name = "label5"; this.label5.Size = new Size(28, 16); this.label5.TabIndex = 13; this.label5.Text = "270"; this.label6.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label6.Location = new Point(142, 60); this.label6.Name = "label6"; this.label6.Size = new Size(24, 10); this.label6.TabIndex = 12; this.label6.Text = "180"; this.label7.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label7.Location = new Point(181, 30); this.label7.Name = "label7"; this.label7.Size = new Size(20, 16); this.label7.TabIndex = 11; this.label7.Text = "90"; this.label8.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label8.Location = new Point(213, 59); this.label8.Name = "label8"; this.label8.Size = new Size(12, 10); this.label8.TabIndex = 10; this.label8.Text = "0"; this.panel2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; this.panel2.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.panel2.Location = new Point(55, 44); this.panel2.Name = "panel2"; this.panel2.Size = new Size(4, 44); this.panel2.TabIndex = 9; this.panel1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; this.panel1.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.panel1.Location = new Point(33, 64); this.panel1.Name = "panel1"; this.panel1.Size = new Size(48, 4); this.panel1.TabIndex = 8; this.label4.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label4.Location = new Point(12, 60); this.label4.Name = "label4"; this.label4.Size = new Size(28, 16); this.label4.TabIndex = 7; this.label4.Text = "270"; this.label3.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label3.Location = new Point(46, 88); this.label3.Name = "label3"; this.label3.Size = new Size(28, 16); this.label3.TabIndex = 6; this.label3.Text = "180"; this.label2.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label2.Location = new Point(83, 60); this.label2.Name = "label2"; this.label2.Size = new Size(20, 16); this.label2.TabIndex = 5; this.label2.Text = "90"; this.label1.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.label1.Location = new Point(52, 32); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new Size(12, 16); this.label1.TabIndex = 4; this.label1.Text = "0"; this.radbtnArithmetic.Location = new Point(145, 116); this.radbtnArithmetic.Name = "radbtnArithmetic"; this.radbtnArithmetic.Size = new Size(84, 20); this.radbtnArithmetic.TabIndex = 3; this.radbtnArithmetic.Text = "数学坐标系"; this.radbtnGeographic.Checked = true; this.radbtnGeographic.Location = new Point(17, 116); this.radbtnGeographic.Name = "radbtnGeographic"; this.radbtnGeographic.Size = new Size(84, 20); this.radbtnGeographic.TabIndex = 2; this.radbtnGeographic.TabStop = true; this.radbtnGeographic.Text = "地理坐标系"; this.btnCancel.Appearance.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.btnCancel.Appearance.Options.UseFont = true; this.btnCancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.btnCancel.Location = new Point(178, 216); this.btnCancel.Name = "btnCancel"; this.btnCancel.Size = new Size(75, 23); this.btnCancel.TabIndex = 6; this.btnCancel.Text = "取消"; this.btnCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnCancel_Click); this.btnOk.Appearance.Font = new Font("宋体", 9f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.btnOk.Appearance.Options.UseFont = true; this.btnOk.Location = new Point(98, 216); this.btnOk.Name = "btnOk"; this.btnOk.Size = new Size(75, 23); this.btnOk.TabIndex = 5; this.btnOk.Text = "确定"; this.btnOk.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnOk_Click); this.cmbFields.EditValue = ""; this.cmbFields.Location = new Point(12, 32); this.cmbFields.Name = "cmbFields"; this.cmbFields.Properties.Buttons.AddRange(new EditorButton[] { new EditorButton(ButtonPredefines.Combo) }); this.cmbFields.Properties.TextEditStyle = TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor; this.cmbFields.Size = new Size(241, 21); this.cmbFields.TabIndex = 7; base.AcceptButton = this.btnOk; base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 12f); base.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; base.CancelButton = this.btnCancel; base.ClientSize = new Size(265, 253); base.Controls.Add(this.cmbFields); base.Controls.Add(this.btnCancel); base.Controls.Add(this.btnOk); base.Controls.Add(this.groupControl2); base.Controls.Add(this.labelControl1); base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; base.MaximizeBox = false; base.MinimizeBox = false; base.Name = "FormPointRatation"; base.ShowIcon = false; base.ShowInTaskbar = false; base.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "点符号旋转"; ((ISupportInitialize)this.groupControl2).EndInit(); this.groupControl2.ResumeLayout(false); ((ISupportInitialize)this.cmbFields.Properties).EndInit(); base.ResumeLayout(false); base.PerformLayout(); } #endregion private LabelControl labelControl1; private GroupControl groupControl2; private Panel panel3; private Panel panel4; private Label label5; private Label label6; private Label label7; private Label label8; private Panel panel2; private Panel panel1; private Label label4; private Label label3; private Label label2; private Label label1; public RadioButton radbtnArithmetic; public RadioButton radbtnGeographic; private SimpleButton btnCancel; private SimpleButton btnOk; public ComboBoxEdit cmbFields; } }