using KGIS.Framework.DBOperator; using KGIS.Framework.Maps; using KGIS.Framework.Utils; using KGIS.Framework.Utils.Helper; using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; namespace Kingo.Plugin.BGResultManager.Helper { public class BaseTableHelper { /// /// 获取基础统计表---速度较慢,所以暂时不用2020-8-25 沈超 /// /// public static void GetBaseSumTable() { IRDBHelper rdbHelper = null; try { // 链接数据库 string dbPath = $"{(MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).ProjDir}\\BGTJ.sqlite"; rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper("Data Source=" + dbPath, DatabaseType.SQLite); if (rdbHelper == null) { MessageHelper.ShowError("数据库链接错误!"); return; } // 得到 -准- 基础统计表(平方米)(此时的表空值和空字符串没有合并,而且相应的权属没有映射) string sql = "SELECT " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGQZLDWDM,1,12) AS BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGHZLDWDM,1,12) AS BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM, " + "SUM(BGMJ) AS BGMJ FROM BGYLB " + "GROUP BY " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGQZLDWDM,1,12), BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGHZLDWDM,1,12), BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM"; DataTable dt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("BASETABLE", sql, true); string dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE JCTJB_Temp"; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(dropTableSql); string createTableSql = "Create TABLE JCTJB_Temp ( " + "BGQZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGQQSXZ text(100)," + "BGQGDLX text(100)," + "BGQGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGQCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGQTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGQZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGQMSSM text(100)," + "BGQDLBM text(100)," + "BGHZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGHQSXZ text(100)," + "BGHGDLX text(100)," + "BGHGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGHCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGHTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGHZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGHMSSM text(100)," + "BGHDLBM text(100)," + "BGMJ double(16,10) " + ") "; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(createTableSql); Dictionary dic = new Dictionary(); foreach (DataColumn item in dt.Columns) { dic.Add(item.ColumnName, "空"); } string insertSql = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < dic.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair pair = dic.ElementAt(i); dic[pair.Key] = "空"; if (row[pair.Key] == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[pair.Key].ToString())) continue; if (pair.Key == "BGQQSXZ" || pair.Key == "BGHQSXZ") { dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString() == "10" || row[pair.Key].ToString() == "20" ? "国有" : "集体"; continue; } dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString(); } insertSql = string.Format("INSERT INTO JCTJB_Temp ( " + "BGQZLDWDM , " + "BGQQSXZ , " + "BGQGDLX , " + "BGQGDPDJB , " + "BGQCZCSXM , " + "BGQTBXHDM , " + "BGQZZSXDM , " + "BGQMSSM , " + "BGQDLBM , " + "BGHZLDWDM , " + "BGHQSXZ , " + "BGHGDLX , " + "BGHGDPDJB , " + "BGHCZCSXM , " + "BGHTBXHDM , " + "BGHZZSXDM , " + "BGHMSSM , " + "BGHDLBM , " + "BGMJ ) " + "VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}' , '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}' , '{18}')", dic["BGQZLDWDM"], dic["BGQQSXZ"], dic["BGQGDLX"], dic["BGQGDPDJB"], dic["BGQCZCSXM"], dic["BGQTBXHDM"], dic["BGQZZSXDM"], dic["BGQMSSM"], dic["BGQDLBM"], dic["BGHZLDWDM"], dic["BGHQSXZ"], dic["BGHGDLX"], dic["BGHGDPDJB"], dic["BGHCZCSXM"], dic["BGHTBXHDM"], dic["BGHZZSXDM"], dic["BGHMSSM"], dic["BGHDLBM"], dic["BGMJ"]); int it = rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(insertSql); } sql = "SELECT " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM, " + "SUM(BGMJ) AS BGMJ FROM JCTJB_Temp " + "GROUP BY " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM"; dt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("BASETABLE", sql, true); // 公顷表制作 dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE JCTJB_GQ"; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(dropTableSql); createTableSql = "Create TABLE JCTJB_GQ ( " + "BGQZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGQQSXZ text(100)," + "BGQGDLX text(100)," + "BGQGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGQCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGQTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGQZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGQMSSM text(100)," + "BGQDLBM text(100)," + "BGHZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGHQSXZ text(100)," + "BGHGDLX text(100)," + "BGHGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGHCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGHTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGHZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGHMSSM text(100)," + "BGHDLBM text(100)," + "BGMJ text(100) " + ") "; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(createTableSql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < dic.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair pair = dic.ElementAt(i); dic[pair.Key] = "空"; if (row[pair.Key] == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[pair.Key].ToString())) continue; if (pair.Key == "BGMJ") { dic[pair.Key] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(row[pair.Key].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(0.0001), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString(); continue; } dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString(); } insertSql = string.Format("INSERT INTO JCTJB_GQ ( " + "BGQZLDWDM , " + "BGQQSXZ , " + "BGQGDLX , " + "BGQGDPDJB , " + "BGQCZCSXM , " + "BGQTBXHDM , " + "BGQZZSXDM , " + "BGQMSSM , " + "BGQDLBM , " + "BGHZLDWDM , " + "BGHQSXZ , " + "BGHGDLX , " + "BGHGDPDJB , " + "BGHCZCSXM , " + "BGHTBXHDM , " + "BGHZZSXDM , " + "BGHMSSM , " + "BGHDLBM , " + "BGMJ ) " + "VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}' , '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}' , '{18}')", dic["BGQZLDWDM"], dic["BGQQSXZ"], dic["BGQGDLX"], dic["BGQGDPDJB"], dic["BGQCZCSXM"], dic["BGQTBXHDM"], dic["BGQZZSXDM"], dic["BGQMSSM"], dic["BGQDLBM"], dic["BGHZLDWDM"], dic["BGHQSXZ"], dic["BGHGDLX"], dic["BGHGDPDJB"], dic["BGHCZCSXM"], dic["BGHTBXHDM"], dic["BGHZZSXDM"], dic["BGHMSSM"], dic["BGHDLBM"], dic["BGMJ"]); int it = rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(insertSql); } //海岛汇总 rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" DROP TABLE HDTDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP "); rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(@" CREATE TABLE HDTDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP as select substr(BGQDLBM,1,4) as BGQDLBM,substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) as BGHDLBM,Sum(BGMJ) as MJ from JCTJB_GQ where substr(BGQDLBM,1,4)<>substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) and BGQMSSM='01' and BGHMSSM='01' group by substr(BGQDLBM,1,4),substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) "); //土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" DROP TABLE TDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP "); rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(@" CREATE TABLE TDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP as select substr(BGQDLBM,1,4) as BGQDLBM,substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) as BGHDLBM,Sum(BGMJ) as MJ from JCTJB_GQ where substr(BGQDLBM,1,4)<>substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) group by substr(BGQDLBM,1,4),substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) "); return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (rdbHelper != null && rdbHelper.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) rdbHelper.DisConnect(); } } /// /// 获取基础统计表 /// /// public static void GetTheBaseSumTable() { IRDBHelper rdbHelper = null; try { // 链接数据库 string dbPath = $"{(MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetProjectInfo() as ProjectInfo).ProjDir}\\BGTJ.sqlite"; rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper("Data Source=" + dbPath, DatabaseType.SQLite); if (rdbHelper == null) { MessageHelper.ShowError("数据库链接错误!"); return; } // 得到 -准- 基础统计表(平方米)(此时的表空值和空字符串没有合并,而且相应的权属没有映射) //string sql = "SELECT " + // "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGQZLDWDM,1,12) AS BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + // "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGHZLDWDM,1,12) AS BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM, " + // "SUM(BGMJ) AS BGMJ,XZQTZLX FROM BGYLB " + // "GROUP BY " + // "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGQZLDWDM,1,12), BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + // "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, SUBSTR(BGHZLDWDM,1,12), BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM,XZQTZLX"; string sql = "SELECT BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ,BGQZLDWDM,BGQGDLX,BGQGDPDJB,BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM,BGQCZCSXM,BGQMSSM, BGHDLBM,BGHQSXZ,BGHZLDWDM,BGHGDLX,BGHGDPDJB,BGHTBXHDM,BGHZZSXDM,BGHCZCSXM,BGHMSSM, XZQTZLX,SUM(BGMJ)BGMJ FROM (SELECT BGQDLBM,case when BGQQSXZ = '10' or BGQQSXZ = '20' or BGQQSXZ = '21' then '国有' ELSE '集体' end BGQQSXZ,case when BGHQSXZ = '10' or BGHQSXZ = '20' or BGHQSXZ = '21' then '国有' ELSE '集体' end BGHQSXZ,SUBSTR(BGQZLDWDM, 1, 12) BGQZLDWDM,BGQGDLX,BGQGDPDJB,BGQTBXHDM,BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM,BGQMSSM,BGHDLBM,SUBSTR(BGHZLDWDM, 1, 12) BGHZLDWDM,BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB,BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM,BGHCZCSXM,TRIM(IFNULL(BGHMSSM, '00') ) BGHMSSM,XZQTZLX,BGMJ FROM BGYLB ) GROUP BY BGQDLBM,BGQQSXZ,BGQZLDWDM,BGQGDLX,BGQGDPDJB,BGQTBXHDM,BGQZZSXDM,BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM,BGHDLBM,BGHQSXZ,BGHZLDWDM,BGHGDLX,BGHGDPDJB,BGHTBXHDM,BGHZZSXDM,BGHCZCSXM,BGHMSSM,XZQTZLX"; DataTable dt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("BASETABLE", sql, true); string dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE JCTJB_Temp"; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(dropTableSql); string createTableSql = "Create TABLE JCTJB_Temp ( " + "BGQZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGQQSXZ text(100)," + "BGQGDLX text(100)," + "BGQGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGQCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGQTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGQZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGQMSSM text(100)," + "BGQDLBM text(100)," + "BGHZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGHQSXZ text(100)," + "BGHGDLX text(100)," + "BGHGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGHCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGHTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGHZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGHMSSM text(100)," + "BGHDLBM text(100)," + "BGMJ double(16,10), " + "XZQTZLX text(100)" + ") "; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(createTableSql); Dictionary dic = new Dictionary(); foreach (DataColumn item in dt.Columns) { dic.Add(item.ColumnName, "空"); } string insertSql = string.Empty; List lstSql_1 = new List(); lstSql_1.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < dic.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair pair = dic.ElementAt(i); dic[pair.Key] = "空"; if (row[pair.Key] == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[pair.Key].ToString())) continue; //if (pair.Key == "BGQQSXZ" || pair.Key == "BGHQSXZ") //{ // dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString() == "10" || row[pair.Key].ToString() == "20" ? "国有" : "集体"; // continue; //} dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString(); } insertSql = string.Format("INSERT INTO JCTJB_Temp ( " + "BGQZLDWDM , " + "BGQQSXZ , " + "BGQGDLX , " + "BGQGDPDJB , " + "BGQCZCSXM , " + "BGQTBXHDM , " + "BGQZZSXDM , " + "BGQMSSM , " + "BGQDLBM , " + "BGHZLDWDM , " + "BGHQSXZ , " + "BGHGDLX , " + "BGHGDPDJB , " + "BGHCZCSXM , " + "BGHTBXHDM , " + "BGHZZSXDM , " + "BGHMSSM , " + "BGHDLBM , " + "BGMJ,XZQTZLX ) " + "VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}' , '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}' , '{18}','{19}')", dic["BGQZLDWDM"], dic["BGQQSXZ"], dic["BGQGDLX"], dic["BGQGDPDJB"], dic["BGQCZCSXM"], dic["BGQTBXHDM"], dic["BGQZZSXDM"], dic["BGQMSSM"], dic["BGQDLBM"], dic["BGHZLDWDM"], dic["BGHQSXZ"], dic["BGHGDLX"], dic["BGHGDPDJB"], dic["BGHCZCSXM"], dic["BGHTBXHDM"], dic["BGHZZSXDM"], dic["BGHMSSM"], dic["BGHDLBM"], dic["BGMJ"], dic["XZQTZLX"] ); //int it = rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(insertSql); lstSql_1.Add(insertSql); } //ExcuteInsertSqlList(lstSql_1, rdbHelper); InsertSQLiteData(dbPath, lstSql_1); lstSql_1.Clear(); sql = "SELECT " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM, " + "round(sum(ifnull(BGMJ/10000 + 0.0000001,0)),2) AS BGMJ,XZQTZLX FROM JCTJB_Temp " + "GROUP BY " + "BGQDLBM, BGQQSXZ, BGQZLDWDM, BGQGDLX, BGQGDPDJB, BGQTBXHDM, BGQZZSXDM, BGQCZCSXM, BGQMSSM, " + "BGHDLBM, BGHQSXZ, BGHZLDWDM, BGHGDLX, BGHGDPDJB, BGHTBXHDM, BGHZZSXDM, BGHCZCSXM, BGHMSSM,XZQTZLX"; dt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable2("BASETABLE", sql, true); // 公顷表制作 dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE JCTJB_GQ"; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(dropTableSql); createTableSql = "Create TABLE JCTJB_GQ ( " + "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "BGQZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGQQSXZ text(100)," + "BGQGDLX text(100)," + "BGQGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGQCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGQTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGQZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGQMSSM text(100)," + "BGQDLBM text(100)," + "BGHZLDWDM text(100)," + "BGHQSXZ text(100)," + "BGHGDLX text(100)," + "BGHGDPDJB text(100)," + "BGHCZCSXM text(100)," + "BGHTBXHDM text(100)," + "BGHZZSXDM text(100)," + "BGHMSSM text(100)," + "BGHDLBM text(100)," + "BGMJ double(16,10), " + "XZQTZLX text(100) " + ") "; rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(createTableSql); List lstSql_2 = new List(); lstSql_2.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < dic.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair pair = dic.ElementAt(i); dic[pair.Key] = "空"; if (row[pair.Key] == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[pair.Key].ToString())) continue; //if (pair.Key == "BGMJ") //{ // dic[pair.Key] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(row[pair.Key].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(0.0001), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString(); // continue; //} dic[pair.Key] = row[pair.Key].ToString(); } insertSql = string.Format("INSERT INTO JCTJB_GQ ( " + "BGQZLDWDM , " + "BGQQSXZ , " + "BGQGDLX , " + "BGQGDPDJB , " + "BGQCZCSXM , " + "BGQTBXHDM , " + "BGQZZSXDM , " + "BGQMSSM , " + "BGQDLBM , " + "BGHZLDWDM , " + "BGHQSXZ , " + "BGHGDLX , " + "BGHGDPDJB , " + "BGHCZCSXM , " + "BGHTBXHDM , " + "BGHZZSXDM , " + "BGHMSSM , " + "BGHDLBM , " + "BGMJ,XZQTZLX ) " + "VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}' , '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}' , '{18}','{19}')", dic["BGQZLDWDM"], dic["BGQQSXZ"], dic["BGQGDLX"], dic["BGQGDPDJB"], dic["BGQCZCSXM"], dic["BGQTBXHDM"], dic["BGQZZSXDM"], dic["BGQMSSM"], dic["BGQDLBM"], dic["BGHZLDWDM"], dic["BGHQSXZ"], dic["BGHGDLX"], dic["BGHGDPDJB"], dic["BGHCZCSXM"], dic["BGHTBXHDM"], dic["BGHZZSXDM"], dic["BGHMSSM"], dic["BGHDLBM"], dic["BGMJ"], dic["XZQTZLX"] ); //int it = rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(insertSql); lstSql_2.Add(insertSql); } InsertSQLiteData(dbPath, lstSql_2); //string sql_gq = "update JCTJB_GQ set bgmj=round(ifnull(bgmj/10000 + 0.0000001,0),2)"; //rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(sql_gq); //InsertSQLiteData(dbPath, lstSql_2); lstSql_2.Clear(); //海岛汇总 rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" DROP TABLE HDTDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP "); rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(@" CREATE TABLE HDTDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP as select substr(BGQDLBM,1,4) as BGQDLBM,substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) as BGHDLBM,Sum(BGMJ) as MJ from JCTJB_GQ where substr(BGQDLBM,1,4)<>substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) and BGQMSSM='01' and BGHMSSM='01' group by substr(BGQDLBM,1,4),substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) "); //土地利用现状一级分类面积按权属性质汇总表 rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" DROP TABLE TDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP "); rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(@" CREATE TABLE TDLYXZBHPHTJB_TEMP as select substr(BGQDLBM,1,4) as BGQDLBM,substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) as BGHDLBM,Sum(BGMJ) as MJ from JCTJB_GQ where substr(BGQDLBM,1,4)<>substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) group by substr(BGQDLBM,1,4),substr(BGHDLBM,1,4) "); return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (rdbHelper != null && rdbHelper.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) rdbHelper.DisConnect(); } } public static void ExcuteInsertSqlList(List lstSql, IRDBHelper rdbHelper) { int i = 0; try { foreach (string sql in lstSql) { try { i = rdbHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithException(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception sqlEx) { LogAPI.Debug(sqlEx); LogAPI.Debug("出错语句" + sql); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogAPI.Debug("批量执行SQL语句时失败,异常原因: " + ex + " ; "); //if (rdbHelper != null) // rdbHelper.DisConnect(); } finally { //LogAPI.Debug(lstSql.Count() + " 条数据写入完成 ;\r\n "); //if (rdbHelper != null) // rdbHelper.DisConnect(); } } /// /// 批量插入SQLite数据 /// /// /// public static void InsertSQLiteData(string dbPath, List sqlList) { try { //using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + dbPath)) //{ // conn.Open(); // using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteTransaction pTrans = conn.BeginTransaction()) // { // using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand(conn)) // { // for (int i = 0; i < sqlList.Count(); i++) // { // cmd.CommandText = sqlList[i]; // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // } // pTrans.Commit(); // } // } // conn.Close(); //} } catch (Exception ex) { LogAPI.Debug("批量插入SQLite数据(地址:" + dbPath + ") 执行失败,异常原因: " + ex + " ; "); return; } } } }