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1055 lines
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using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor;
//using IDEParameter;
using KGIS.Framework.AE;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.Enum;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.GPHelper;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface;
//using KGIS.Framework.AE.GPHelper;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace IDGForNDBG
public class BaseIDG
//private IFeatureLayer jCLayer;
//private IFeatureLayer gXLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcTbLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxgcTBLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxTbLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _bgTbLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcCjdcqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcCjdcqJxLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxCjdcqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxgcCjdcqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxCjdcqJxLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcXzqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcXzqJxLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxXzqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxgcXzqLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxXzqJxLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcCzcLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxCzcLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxgcCzcLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcGddbLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxGddbLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _jcPdtLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _gxPdtLayer;
internal IFeatureLayer _nmTbLayer;
public IWorkspaceAPI BgWsAPI { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, IWorkspaceAPI> DicWsAPI { get; set; }
public IWorkspaceAPI ZlWsAPI { get; set; }
public IWorkspaceAPI NmWsAPI { get; set; }
//public IFeatureLayer JCLayer { get => jCLayer; set => jCLayer = value; }
//public IFeatureLayer GXLayer { get => gXLayer; set => gXLayer = value; }
public IFeatureLayer NmTbLayer { get => _nmTbLayer; set => _nmTbLayer = value; }
#region 地类图斑
public IFeatureLayer JcTbLayer { get => _jcTbLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer JcPdtLayer { get => _jcPdtLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcTBLayer { get => _gxgcTBLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxTbLayer { get => _gxTbLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxPdtLayer { get => _gxPdtLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer BgTbLayer { get => _bgTbLayer; }
#region 村级调查区
public IFeatureLayer JcCjdcqLayer { get => _jcCjdcqLayer; set => _jcCjdcqLayer = value; }
public IFeatureLayer JcCjdcqJxLayer { get => _jcCjdcqJxLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCjdcqLayer { get => _gxCjdcqLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcCjdcqLayer { get => _gxgcCjdcqLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCjdcqJxLayer { get => _gxCjdcqJxLayer; }
#region 行政区
public IFeatureLayer JcXzqLayer { get => _jcXzqLayer; set => _jcXzqLayer = value; }
public IFeatureLayer JcXzqJxLayer { get => _jcXzqJxLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxXzqLayer { get => _gxXzqLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcXzqLayer { get => _gxgcXzqLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxXzqJxLayer { get => _gxXzqJxLayer; }
#region 城镇村
public IFeatureLayer JcCzcLayer { get => _jcCzcLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCzcLayer { get => _gxCzcLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcCzcLayer { get => _gxgcCzcLayer; }
#region 耕地等别
public IFeatureLayer JcGddbLayer { get => _jcGddbLayer; }
public IFeatureLayer GxGddbLayer { get => _gxGddbLayer; }
public virtual void CreateNMK2(IDGParameter parm)
//GeoprocessorHelper gpHelper = new GeoprocessorHelper();
//string path = Path.Combine(parm.PrjInfo.ProjDir, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
//string path = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//if (JcTbLayer == null || GxTbLayer == null)
// OpenDB(parm);
IFeatureLayer TempNMKLayer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = JcTbLayer;//基础地类图斑要素类
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = GxTbLayer;//地类图斑更新要素类
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = parm.PrjInfo.NMDatabase + "\\" + "DLTB_NMK";//要添加的要素类图层
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;//是否获取GP工具生成后的图层
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempNMKLayer);//擦除/相减分析
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.AddField("XZQDM", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, "行政区代码");
fcAPI.AddField("XZQTZLX", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "行政区调整类型");
//fcAPI.FcToFc(NMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.FcToFc(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
ITable nmkTable = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass as ITable;
ICursor nmkCur = nmkTable.Update(null, true);
IRow nmkRow = null;
int bsmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("BSM");
int zldwIdx = nmkTable.FindField("ZLDWDM");
int xzqdmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQDM");
int XZQTZLXmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQTZLX");
int HDMCIdx = nmkTable.FindField("HDMC");
while ((nmkRow = nmkCur.NextRow()) != null)
//string bsm = nmkRow.Value[bsmIdx].ToTrim();
//if (hcbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 2;
//else if (msbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//else if (msbgqbsm.Contains(bsm) && !bghbsmDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//if (bhxxDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// for (int i = 0; i < nmkRow.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
// {
// IField field = nmkRow.Fields.Field[i];
// string bghField = "BGH" + field.Name;
// DataRow dr = bhxxDic[bsm];
// if (!dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// bghField = "BGHTB" + field.Name;
// if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// {
// if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? "" : dr[bghField];
// }
// else if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? 0 : dr[bghField].ToDouble();
// }
// }
// }
if (zldwIdx != -1 && xzqdmIdx != -1)
string zldwdm = nmkRow.Value[zldwIdx].ToTrim();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zldwdm) && zldwdm.Length > 9)
nmkRow.Value[xzqdmIdx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9);
if (HDMCIdx != -1)
nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx] = nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim() == "" ? "" : nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim();
nmkTable.DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "XZQTZLX=4 or XZQTZLX=2" });
_nmTbLayer = TempNMKLayer;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void SetJcCzcLayer(IFeatureLayer pLayer)
_jcCzcLayer = pLayer;
public virtual void CreateNMK(IDGParameter parm)
IFeatureCursor _cursor = null;
//GeoprocessorHelper gpHelper = new GeoprocessorHelper();
//string path = Path.Combine(parm.PrjInfo.ProjDir, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
//string path = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//if (JcTbLayer == null || GxTbLayer == null)
// OpenDB(parm);
IFeatureLayer TempNMKLayer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = JcTbLayer;//基础地类图斑要素类
//gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = GxTbLayer;//地类图斑更新要素类
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = parm.PrjInfo.NMDatabase;// + "\\" + "DLTB_NMK";//要添加的要素类图层
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;//是否获取GP工具生成后的图层
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc;
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB_NMK";
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempNMKLayer);//擦除/相减分析
_cursor = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "BGQTBBSM" }, true);
Dictionary<string, int> DicJcBSMs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
IFeature f = null;
int idx = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQTBBSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string jcbsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (!DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(jcbsm))
DicJcBSMs.Add(jcbsm, 0);
_cursor = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
idx = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(bsm))
f.Value[idx] = "-1";
(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "BSM = '-1'" });
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.FcToFc(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.AddField("XZQDM", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, "行政区代码");
fcAPI.AddField("XZQTZLX", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "行政区调整类型");
////fcAPI.FcToFc(NMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
//fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
//fcAPI.FcToFc(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
ITable nmkTable = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass as ITable;
ICursor nmkCur = nmkTable.Update(null, true);
IRow nmkRow = null;
int bsmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("BSM");
int zldwIdx = nmkTable.FindField("ZLDWDM");
int xzqdmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQDM");
int XZQTZLXmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQTZLX");
int HDMCIdx = nmkTable.FindField("HDMC");
while ((nmkRow = nmkCur.NextRow()) != null)
//string bsm = nmkRow.Value[bsmIdx].ToTrim();
//if (hcbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 2;
//else if (msbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//else if (msbgqbsm.Contains(bsm) && !bghbsmDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//if (bhxxDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// for (int i = 0; i < nmkRow.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
// {
// IField field = nmkRow.Fields.Field[i];
// string bghField = "BGH" + field.Name;
// DataRow dr = bhxxDic[bsm];
// if (!dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// bghField = "BGHTB" + field.Name;
// if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// {
// if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? "" : dr[bghField];
// }
// else if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? 0 : dr[bghField].ToDouble();
// }
// }
// }
if (zldwIdx != -1 && xzqdmIdx != -1)
string zldwdm = nmkRow.Value[zldwIdx].ToTrim();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zldwdm) && zldwdm.Length > 9)
nmkRow.Value[xzqdmIdx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9);
if (HDMCIdx != -1)
nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx] = nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim() == "" ? "" : nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim();
//nmkTable.DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "XZQTZLX=4 or XZQTZLX=2" });
_nmTbLayer = TempNMKLayer;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 生成年末库图层-GP创建年末库图层
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parm"></param>
public virtual void CreateNMK3(DBLayerSourceHelper pLayerSource)
IFeatureCursor _cursor = null;
//GeoprocessorHelper gpHelper = new GeoprocessorHelper();
//string path = Path.Combine(parm.PrjInfo.ProjDir, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
//string path = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
//if (JcTbLayer == null || GxTbLayer == null)
// OpenDB(parm);
IFeatureLayer TempNMKLayer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pLayerSource.JcTbLayer;//基础地类图斑要素类
//gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = GxTbLayer;//地类图斑更新要素类
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = pLayerSource.NmWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace.PathName;// + "\\" + "DLTB_NMK";//要添加的要素类图层
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;//是否获取GP工具生成后的图层
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc;
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB_NMK";
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempNMKLayer);//擦除/相减分析
_cursor = pLayerSource.GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "BGQTBBSM" }, true);
Dictionary<string, int> DicJcBSMs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
IFeature f = null;
int idx = pLayerSource.GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQTBBSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string jcbsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (!DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(jcbsm))
DicJcBSMs.Add(jcbsm, 0);
_cursor = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
idx = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(bsm))
f.Value[idx] = "-1";
(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "BSM = '-1'" });
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(pLayerSource.GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.FcToFc(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.AddField("XZQDM", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, "行政区代码");
fcAPI.AddField("XZQTZLX", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "行政区调整类型");
////fcAPI.FcToFc(NMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
//fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(pLayerSource.GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
//fcAPI.FcToFc(TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
ITable nmkTable = TempNMKLayer.FeatureClass as ITable;
ICursor nmkCur = nmkTable.Update(null, true);
IRow nmkRow = null;
int bsmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("BSM");
int zldwIdx = nmkTable.FindField("ZLDWDM");
int xzqdmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQDM");
int XZQTZLXmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQTZLX");
int HDMCIdx = nmkTable.FindField("HDMC");
while ((nmkRow = nmkCur.NextRow()) != null)
//string bsm = nmkRow.Value[bsmIdx].ToTrim();
//if (hcbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 2;
//else if (msbghbsm.Contains(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//else if (msbgqbsm.Contains(bsm) && !bghbsmDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// nmkRow.Value[XZQTZLXmIdx] = 4;
//if (bhxxDic.ContainsKey(bsm))
// for (int i = 0; i < nmkRow.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
// {
// IField field = nmkRow.Fields.Field[i];
// string bghField = "BGH" + field.Name;
// DataRow dr = bhxxDic[bsm];
// if (!dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// bghField = "BGHTB" + field.Name;
// if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(bghField))
// {
// if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? "" : dr[bghField];
// }
// else if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
// {
// nmkRow.Value[i] = msbghbsm.Contains(bsm) ? 0 : dr[bghField].ToDouble();
// }
// }
// }
if (zldwIdx != -1 && xzqdmIdx != -1)
string zldwdm = nmkRow.Value[zldwIdx].ToTrim();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zldwdm) && zldwdm.Length > 9)
nmkRow.Value[xzqdmIdx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9);
if (HDMCIdx != -1)
nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx] = nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim() == "" ? "" : nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim();
//nmkTable.DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "XZQTZLX=4 or XZQTZLX=2" });
_nmTbLayer = TempNMKLayer;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 生成年末库数据(BUG:新增 年末库 图层)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parm"></param>
public virtual void CreateNMK(DBLayerSourceHelper pLayerSource)
IFeatureCursor _cursor = null;
(pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(null);
IFeatureClassAPI featureClassAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(pLayerSource.JcTbLayer.FeatureClass);
featureClassAPI.FcToFc(pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
_cursor = pLayerSource.GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "BGQTBBSM" }, true);
Dictionary<string, int> DicJcBSMs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
IFeature f = null;
int idx = pLayerSource.GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQTBBSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string jcbsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (!DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(jcbsm))
DicJcBSMs.Add(jcbsm, 0);
_cursor = pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
idx = pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
if (idx == -1) return;
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
if (DicJcBSMs.ContainsKey(bsm))
f.Value[idx] = "-1";
(pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "BSM = '-1'" });
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(pLayerSource.GxTbLayer.FeatureClass);
fcAPI.FcToFc(pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
ITable nmkTable = pLayerSource.NmTbLayer.FeatureClass as ITable;
ICursor nmkCur = nmkTable.Update(null, true);
IRow nmkRow = null;
int bsmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("BSM");
int zldwIdx = nmkTable.FindField("ZLDWDM");
int xzqdmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQDM");
int XZQTZLXmIdx = nmkTable.FindField("XZQTZLX");
int HDMCIdx = nmkTable.FindField("HDMC");
while ((nmkRow = nmkCur.NextRow()) != null)
if (zldwIdx != -1 && xzqdmIdx != -1)
string zldwdm = nmkRow.Value[zldwIdx].ToTrim();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zldwdm) && zldwdm.Length > 9)
nmkRow.Value[xzqdmIdx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9);
if (HDMCIdx != -1)
nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx] = nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim() == "" ? "" : nmkRow.Value[HDMCIdx].ToString().ToTrim();
_nmTbLayer = pLayerSource.NmTbLayer;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Err:地类图斑数据提取-生成年末库数据异常!" + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Err:地类图斑数据提取-生成年末库数据异常!" + ex.StackTrace);
throw ex;
//public virtual void OpenDB(IDGParameter3 parm)
// IFeatureClassAPI BgTBFcAPI = null;
// IFeatureClassAPI JcTBFcAPI = null;
// IFeatureClassAPI GxTBFcAPI = null;
// IFeatureClassAPI GxGcTBFcAPI = null;
// GPParamClass paramClass = null;// new GPParamClass();
// //GeoprocessorHelper gpHelper = new GeoprocessorHelper();
// try
// {
// BgWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(parm.BgDbPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// if (BgWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("打开变更数据库失败!");
// return;
// }
// JcWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(parm.JcDbPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// if (JcWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("打开基础数据库失败!");
// return;
// }
// ZlWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(parm.ZLDbPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// if (ZlWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("打开增量数据库失败!");
// return;
// }
// NmWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(parm.NmDbPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// BgTBFcAPI = BgWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass("DLTBBG");
// JcTBFcAPI = JcWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass("DLTB");
// GxTBFcAPI = ZlWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass("DLTBGX");
// GxGcTBFcAPI = ZlWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass("DLTBGXGC");
// if (JcTBFcAPI.FeatureClass != null)
// {
// //paramClass = new GPParamClass();
// //paramClass.FirstFeatureClass = JcTBFcAPI.FeatureClass;
// //paramClass.OutFeatureClassPath = "DLTB";
// //paramClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
// //gpHelper.MakeFeatureLayer(paramClass, ref jCLayer);
// jCLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
// jCLayer.FeatureClass = JcTBFcAPI.FeatureClass;
// jCLayer.Name = JcTBFcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName;
// }
// if (GxTBFcAPI.FeatureClass != null)
// {
// //paramClass = new GPParamClass();
// //paramClass.FirstFeatureClass = GxTBFcAPI.FeatureClass;
// //paramClass.OutFeatureClassPath = "DLTBGX";
// //paramClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
// //gpHelper.MakeFeatureLayer(paramClass, ref gXLayer);
// gXLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
// gXLayer.FeatureClass = GxTBFcAPI.FeatureClass;
// gXLayer.Name = GxTBFcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName;
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw ex;
// }
//public virtual void OpenDB(IDGParameter parm)
// try
// {
// LayerCfg layerInfo = null;
// if (parm.PrjInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parm.PrjInfo.TempData))
// {
// byte[] contentArray = Convert.FromBase64String(parm.PrjInfo.TempData);
// string LayerCfg = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(contentArray);
// layerInfo = SerializeAPI.DeserializeToObject<LayerCfg>(LayerCfg);
// }
// if (layerInfo == null)
// {
// throw new Exception("Err:获取图层信息失败!");
// }
// FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
// string PathBgDB = parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase;// Path.Combine(, "BGDB" + ".gdb");
// string PathZLDB = parm.PrjInfo.ZLDatabase;
// string PathNMDB = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
// BgWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathBgDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// if (BgWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("打开变更数据库失败!");
// return;
// }
// ZlWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathZLDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// if (ZlWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("打开增量数据库失败!");
// return;
// }
// NmWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathNMDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
// LayerCfg JCLayerInfo = layerInfo.Layers.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "年初数据");
// if (JCLayerInfo == null)
// {
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初数据库失败!");
// }
// List<LayerCfg> NcList = JCLayerInfo.GetAllItem();
// if (parm.ExeDLTB)
// {
// LayerCfg _JcTBLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "地类图斑");
// _jcTbLayer = OpenLayer(_JcTBLayerInfo);
// if (_jcTbLayer == null)
// {
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初地类图斑数据失败!");
// }
// LayerCfg _JcPdtLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "坡度图");
// _jcPdtLayer = OpenLayer(_JcPdtLayerInfo);
// if (_jcPdtLayer == null)
// {
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初坡度图数据失败!");
// }
// _bgTbLayer = OpenLayer(BgWsAPI, "DLTBBG");
// _gxTbLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGX");
// _gxgcTBLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGXGC");
// _gxPdtLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "PDTGX");
// }
// if (parm.ExeCJDCQ)
// {
// LayerCfg _JcCjdcqLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "村级调查区");
// _jcCjdcqLayer = OpenLayer(_JcCjdcqLayerInfo);
// if (_jcCjdcqLayer == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初村级调查区数据失败!");
// LayerCfg _JcCjdcqJxLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "村级调查区界线");
// _jcCjdcqJxLayer = OpenLayer(_JcCjdcqJxLayerInfo);
// if (_JcCjdcqJxLayerInfo == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初村级调查区界线数据失败!");
// _gxCjdcqLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CJDCQGX");
// _gxgcCjdcqLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CJDCQGXGC");
// _gxCjdcqJxLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CJDCQJXGX");
// _gxgcTBLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGXGC");
// }
// if (parm.ExeXZQ)
// {
// LayerCfg _JcXzqLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "行政区");
// _jcXzqLayer = OpenLayer(_JcXzqLayerInfo);
// if (_JcXzqLayerInfo == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初行政区数据失败!");
// LayerCfg _JcXzqJxLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "行政区界线");
// _jcXzqJxLayer = OpenLayer(_JcXzqJxLayerInfo);
// if (_JcXzqJxLayerInfo == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初行政区界线数据失败!");
// _gxXzqLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "XZQGX");
// _gxgcXzqLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "XZQGXGC");
// _gxXzqJxLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "XZQJXGX");
// _gxgcTBLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGXGC");
// //if (_nmTbLayer != null)
// // _nmTbLayer = OpenLayer(NmWsAPI, "DLTB_NMK");
// }
// if (parm.ExeCZC)
// {
// LayerCfg _JcCzcLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "城镇村等用地");
// _jcCzcLayer = OpenLayer(_JcCzcLayerInfo);
// if (_JcCzcLayerInfo == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初城镇村等用地数据失败!");
// //if (_nmTbLayer != null)
// // _nmTbLayer = OpenLayer(NmWsAPI, "DLTB_NMK");
// _gxCzcLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CZCDYDGX");
// _gxgcCzcLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CZCDYDGXGC");
// }
// if (parm.ExeGDDB)
// {
// LayerCfg _JcGddbLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "耕地等别");
// _jcGddbLayer = OpenLayer(_JcGddbLayerInfo);
// if (_JcGddbLayerInfo == null)
// throw new Exception("Err:获取年初耕地等别数据失败!");
// //if (_nmTbLayer != null)
// // _nmTbLayer = OpenLayer(NmWsAPI, "DLTB_NMK");
// _gxGddbLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "GDDBGX");
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw ex;
// }
internal IFeatureLayer OpenLayer(LayerCfg pLayerInfo)
if (pLayerInfo == null)
return null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerInfo.FcPath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerInfo.FcName))
return null;
if (!File.Exists(pLayerInfo.FcPath) && !Directory.Exists(pLayerInfo.FcPath))
return null;
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(pLayerInfo.FcPath);
WorkspaceTypeEnum wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile;
if (fInfo.FullName.EndsWith(".gdb"))
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile;
else if (fInfo.FullName.EndsWith(".mdb"))
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.MDBFile;
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.ShapeFile;
if (DicWsAPI == null)
DicWsAPI = new Dictionary<string, IWorkspaceAPI>();
if (!DicWsAPI.ContainsKey(fInfo.FullName))
IWorkspaceAPI wsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(fInfo.FullName, wsType);
DicWsAPI.Add(fInfo.FullName, wsAPI);
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = DicWsAPI[fInfo.FullName].OpenFeatureClass(pLayerInfo.FcName);
return new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = fcAPI.FeatureClass, Name = fcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName };
internal IFeatureLayer OpenLayer(IWorkspaceAPI pWsAPI, string pLayerName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerName))
return null;
if (pWsAPI != null && pWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace != null)
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = pWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass(pLayerName);
return new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = fcAPI.FeatureClass, Name = fcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName };
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Err:{0}图层获取失败", pLayerName));
return null;
public virtual string CreateTempDB(string pType, string pSubType = "")
string result = string.Empty;
string dbPath = SysAppPath.GetCurrentAppPath() + "Template\\Temp.db";
string gdbFolder = pType;
if (!Directory.Exists(gdbFolder))
//删除临时数据异常 不做处理
IWorkspaceFactory pFtWsFct = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactory();
string gdbFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");// Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(gdbFolder, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pSubType) ? gdbFileName : pSubType);
pFtWsFct.Create(path, "TempGDB", null, 0);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
if (File.Exists(dbPath))
File.Copy(dbPath, Path.Combine(path, "Temp.sqlite"));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("文件{0}不存在!", dbPath));
result = path;// System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "TempGDB.gdb");//临时数据存放路径
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("创建临时数据库失败!" + ex.Message);
throw ex;
return result;
public virtual void DelectDirect(string srcPath)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(srcPath);
FileSystemInfo[] fileinfo = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); //返回目录中所有文件和子目录
foreach (FileSystemInfo i in fileinfo)
if (i is DirectoryInfo) //判断是否文件夹
DirectoryInfo subdir = new DirectoryInfo(i.FullName);
subdir.Delete(true); //删除子目录和文件
File.Delete(i.FullName); //删除指定文件
catch (Exception e)
public bool DirectoryCopy(string sourceDir, string targetDirPath)
if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDir)) return false;
string targetDir = targetDirPath + "\\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sourceDir);
if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir);
// 文件及文件夹名称数组
string[] dirColl = Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir);
string[] fileColl = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir);
// 便利所有文件
if (fileColl.Length > 0)
string fileName;
foreach (string fileDir in fileColl)
fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileDir);
File.Copy(sourceDir + "\\" + fileName, targetDir + "\\" + fileName, true);
// 遍历所有文件夹
if (dirColl.Length > 0)
string folderName;
foreach (string dir in dirColl)
folderName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(dir);
// 递归调用
Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir + "\\" + folderName);
DirectoryCopy(dir, targetDir + "\\" + folderName);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
//LogAPI.Debug("新建工程页面中,文件夹复制时失败,异常原因: " + ex + " ; ");
return false;
public string GetTime(DateTime timeA)
//timeA 表示需要计算
DateTime timeB = DateTime.Now; //获取当前时间
TimeSpan ts = timeB - timeA; //计算时间差
//string time = ts.TotalSeconds.ToString(); //将时间差转换为秒
string str = "";
if (ts.Hours > 0)
str = String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Hours) + ":" + String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Minutes) + ":" + String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Seconds);
if (ts.Hours == 0 && ts.Minutes > 0)
str = "00:" + String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Minutes) + ":" + String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Seconds);
if (ts.Hours == 0 && ts.Minutes == 0)
str = "00:00:" + String.Format("{0:00}", ts.Seconds);
return str;
public void MakeFeatureLayer(GPParamClass paramClass, ref IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer)
lock (this)
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor geoprocessor = new Geoprocessor();
geoprocessor.OverwriteOutput = true;
ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.MakeFeatureLayer makeFly = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.MakeFeatureLayer();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramClass.FirstFeatureClassPath))
makeFly.in_features = paramClass.FirstFeatureClassPath;
else if (paramClass.FirstFeatureClass != null)
makeFly.in_features = paramClass.FirstFeatureClass;
else if (paramClass.FirstFeatureLayer != null)
makeFly.in_features = paramClass.FirstFeatureLayer;
throw new Exception("输入要素类参数为空!");
makeFly.out_layer = paramClass.OutFeatureClassPath;
IGeoProcessorResult tGeoResult = null;
tGeoResult = (IGeoProcessorResult)geoprocessor.Execute(makeFly, null);
catch (Exception)
object sev = null;
string message = geoprocessor.GetMessages(ref sev);
throw new Exception(message);
if (paramClass.IsGetOutPutFeature && tGeoResult != null && tGeoResult.Status == ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)
pFeatureLayer = GetOutPutFeatureClass(tGeoResult);
catch (Exception ex)
//LogAPI.Debug("融合分析失败,原因: " + ex + " ; ");
throw ex;
public IFeatureLayer GetOutPutFeatureClass(IGeoProcessorResult tGeoResult)
IGPUtilities pGPUtilities = new GPUtilitiesClass();
IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = null;
IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = null;
pGPUtilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(tGeoResult.GetOutput(0), out pFeatureClass, out pQueryFilter);
//int count = pFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null);//统计Feature对象个数
//郑英杰 2018-09-06 发现多余无用代码
//IFeatureCursor pCursor = pFeatureClass.Insert(true); //提取FeatureCursor对象
IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pFeatureClass;
pFeatureLayer.Name = pFeatureClass.AliasName;
return pFeatureLayer;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("获取生成图层异常:" + ex.Message);
if (pQueryFilter != null)
public class DBLayerSourceHelper
public Dictionary<string, IWorkspaceAPI> DicWsAPI { get; set; }
public IWorkspaceAPI BgWsAPI { get; set; }
public IWorkspaceAPI ZlWsAPI { get; set; }
public IWorkspaceAPI NmWsAPI { get; set; }
//public IFeatureLayer JCLayer { get => jCLayer; set => jCLayer = value; }
//public IFeatureLayer GXLayer { get => gXLayer; set => gXLayer = value; }
public IFeatureLayer NmTbLayer { get; set; }
#region 地类图斑
public IFeatureLayer JcTbLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer JcPdtLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcTBLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxTbLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxPdtLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer BgTbLayer { get; set; }
#region 村级调查区
public IFeatureLayer JcCjdcqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer JcCjdcqJxLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCjdcqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcCjdcqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCjdcqJxLayer { get; set; }
#region 行政区
public IFeatureLayer JcXzqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer JcXzqJxLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxXzqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcXzqLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxXzqJxLayer { get; set; }
#region 城镇村
public IFeatureLayer JcCzcLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxCzcLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxgcCzcLayer { get; set; }
#region 耕地等别
public IFeatureLayer JcGddbLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GxGddbLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer OpenLayer(LayerCfg pLayerInfo)
if (pLayerInfo == null)
return null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerInfo.FcPath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerInfo.FcName))
return null;
if (!File.Exists(pLayerInfo.FcPath) && !Directory.Exists(pLayerInfo.FcPath))
return null;
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(pLayerInfo.FcPath);
WorkspaceTypeEnum wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile;
if (fInfo.FullName.EndsWith(".gdb"))
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile;
else if (fInfo.FullName.EndsWith(".mdb"))
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.MDBFile;
wsType = WorkspaceTypeEnum.ShapeFile;
if (DicWsAPI == null)
DicWsAPI = new Dictionary<string, IWorkspaceAPI>();
if (!DicWsAPI.ContainsKey(fInfo.FullName))
IWorkspaceAPI wsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(fInfo.FullName, wsType);
DicWsAPI.Add(fInfo.FullName, wsAPI);
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = DicWsAPI[fInfo.FullName].OpenFeatureClass(pLayerInfo.FcName);
return new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = fcAPI.FeatureClass, Name = fcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName };
public IFeatureLayer OpenLayer(IWorkspaceAPI pWsAPI, string pLayerName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLayerName))
return null;
if (pWsAPI != null && pWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace != null)
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = pWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass(pLayerName);
return new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = fcAPI.FeatureClass, Name = fcAPI.FeatureClass.AliasName };
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Err:{0}图层获取失败", pLayerName));
return null;