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2921 lines
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using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor;
using KGIS.Framework.AE;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.Enum;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.ExtensionMethod;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.GaussCalculate;
using KGIS.Framework.AE.GPHelper;
using KGIS.Framework.DBOperator;
using KGIS.Framework.Platform;
using KGIS.Framework.ThreadManager;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils;
using KGIS.Framework.Utils.Utility;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface;
using Kingo.PluginServiceInterface.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace IDGForNDBG
public class CZC_IDGHelper : BaseIDG
//private IFeatureLayer _DLTBFc = null;
public string IDataChangeName { get => "CZCDYDHelper"; }
private string TempGDBPath = string.Empty;
private string TempDBPath = string.Empty;
Dictionary<int, double> AreaList = new Dictionary<int, double>();
IDGParameter pParm = null;
#region ExecuteDataChange
public void Execute(IDGParameter pParm)
ThreadManager.Instance.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(ExtractExe), pParm);
//IFeatureClass _CZCFc = MapsManager.Instance.MapService.GetFeatureLayerByLayerName("城镇村等用地").FeatureClass;
//Implement(_CZCFc, true, false);
//ExtractExe(pParm, bgParm);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void OpenDB(IDGParameter parm)
LayerCfg layerInfo = null;
if (parm.PrjInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parm.PrjInfo.TempData))
byte[] contentArray = Convert.FromBase64String(parm.PrjInfo.TempData);
string LayerCfg = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(contentArray);
layerInfo = KGIS.Framework.Utils.SerializeAPI.DeserializeToObject<LayerCfg>(LayerCfg);
if (layerInfo == null)
throw new Exception("Err:获取图层信息失败!");
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
string PathBgDB = parm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase;// Path.Combine(, "BGDB" + ".gdb");
string PathZLDB = parm.PrjInfo.ZLDatabase;
string PathNMDB = parm.PrjInfo.NMDatabase;// System.IO.Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "NMDB" + ".gdb");
BgWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathBgDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
if (BgWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
ZlWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathZLDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
if (ZlWsAPI.CurrentWorkspace == null)
NmWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(PathNMDB, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
LayerCfg JCLayerInfo = layerInfo.Layers.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "年初数据");
if (JCLayerInfo == null)
throw new Exception("Err:获取年初数据库失败!");
List<LayerCfg> NcList = JCLayerInfo.GetAllItem();
//if (parm.ExeDLTB)
LayerCfg _JcTBLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "地类图斑");
_jcTbLayer = OpenLayer(_JcTBLayerInfo);
if (_jcTbLayer == null)
throw new Exception("Err:获取年初地类图斑数据失败!");
LayerCfg _JcCzcLayerInfo = NcList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.LayerName == "城镇村等用地");
_jcCzcLayer = OpenLayer(_JcCzcLayerInfo);
if (_JcCzcLayerInfo == null)
throw new Exception("Err:获取年初城镇村等用地数据失败!");
//if (_nmTbLayer == null)
// _nmTbLayer = OpenLayer(NmWsAPI, "DLTB_NMK");
_gxCzcLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CZCDYDGX");
_gxgcCzcLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "CZCDYDGXGC");
_gxTbLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGX");
_gxgcTBLayer = OpenLayer(ZlWsAPI, "DLTBGXGC");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void ExtractExe(object parm)
IRDBHelper rdbHelper = null;
List<DataDicTionary> qsDic = null;
DateTime StartTime = DateTime.Now;
Kingo.ThreadManager.TaskParameter taskParm = parm as Kingo.ThreadManager.TaskParameter;
pParm = taskParm.Data as IDGParameter;
//pParm = parm as IDGParameter;
string TempDir = CreateTempDB("CZC");
TempGDBPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TempDir, "TempGDB.gdb");
TempDBPath = TempDir + @"\Temp" + ".sqlite";
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(pParm.PrjInfo.BGDatabase);
rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper(System.IO.Path.Combine(pParm.PrjInfo.ProjDir, "BGTJ.sqlite"), DatabaseType.SQLite);
DataTable dicDt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("Dic", string.Format("SELECT * from Sys_Dicdetail where OWNERDIC=(select ID from Sys_DicManage WHERE NAME='权属代码')"), true);
qsDic = TBToList.ToList<DataDicTionary>(dicDt);
if (qsDic == null)
IFeatureLayer tempjcCjdcqLayer = null;
string HRCZC = pParm.PrjInfo.DR_CZCPath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HRCZC))
IWorkspaceAPI hrWsAPI = null;
IFeatureClassAPI hrFcAPI = null;
IFeatureLayer hrCZCLayer = null;
if (HRCZC.ToLower().Contains(".gdb"))
string hr_dbPath = HRCZC.Substring(0, HRCZC.ToLower().IndexOf(".gdb"));
hr_dbPath = hr_dbPath + ".gdb";
hrWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(hr_dbPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(HRCZC);
hrFcAPI = hrWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass(fInfo.Name);
hrCZCLayer = new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = hrFcAPI.FeatureClass };
else if (HRCZC.ToLower().Contains(".shp"))
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(HRCZC);
Console.WriteLine("Log:正在加载城镇村数据" + fInfo.Name);
IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace pWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(fInfo.DirectoryName, 0);
hrWsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(pWorkspace);
hrFcAPI = hrWsAPI.OpenFeatureClass2(fInfo.Name.Split('.')[0]);
hrCZCLayer = new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = hrFcAPI.FeatureClass };
GPParamClass gPParamClass2 = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass2.FirstFeatureLayer = JcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass2.SecondFeatureLayer = hrCZCLayer;
gPParamClass2.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass2.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
gPParamClass2.OutFeatureClassPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TempGDBPath, "CZCDYD");
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass2, ref tempjcCjdcqLayer);
hrFcAPI.FcToFc(tempjcCjdcqLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
tempjcCjdcqLayer.Name = "城镇村等用地";
IFeatureLayer Union20XLayer = null;
IFeatureLayer Union203Layer = null;
Get20XDLTB(JcTbLayer, GxTbLayer, JcCzcLayer, ref Union20XLayer, ref Union203Layer);
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(null);
GenerateGXGC(GxgcCzcLayer, Union20XLayer, qsDic);
GenerateXz203GXGC(GxgcCzcLayer, Union203Layer, qsDic);
IFeatureLayer ptempLayer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = GxgcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Default;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref ptempLayer);
(GxCzcLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(null);
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211002160000000", "2205022012070000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012000000000", "2205023002000000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012020000000", "2205023002020000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012100000000", "2205023002100000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012110000000", "2205023002110000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012120000000", "2205023002120000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012010000000", "2205023002010000000"));
(GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("update CZCDYDGXGC set BGHCZCDM='{1}' where BGHCZCDM='{0}'", "2205211012010000000", "2205023002010000000"));
GenerateGX(GxgcCzcLayer, GxCzcLayer);
#region 划出/灭失城镇村写入更新过程层
int idxXZQTZLX = JcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("XZQTZLX");
if (idxXZQTZLX != -1)
IFeatureCursor jcCursor = JcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = "XZQTZLX='2' or XZQTZLX='4'" }, true);
IFeatureCursor gxgcCuroso = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer buff = null;
IFeature jcF = null;
int idxBGXW = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGXW");
int idxGXSJ = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("GXSJ");
int idxBGMJ = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGMJ");
int idxJCCZCMJ = JcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMJ");
while ((jcF = jcCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
if (buff == null)
buff = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
IField field = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.Field[i];
if (!field.Editable || field.Name.Contains("SHAPE")) continue;
if (field.Name.StartsWith("BGQ"))
string jcFName = field.Name.Replace("BGQ", "");
int idx = jcF.Fields.FindField(jcFName);
if (idx != -1)
buff.Value[i] = jcF.Value[idx];
buff.Shape = jcF.ShapeCopy;
if (idxBGXW != -1)
buff.Value[idxBGXW] = "1";
if (idxGXSJ != -1)
buff.Value[idxGXSJ] = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31);
if (idxBGMJ != -1 && idxJCCZCMJ != -1)
buff.Value[idxBGMJ] = jcF.Value[idxJCCZCMJ];
SetAttribute(GxgcCzcLayer, GxCzcLayer, JcCzcLayer);
ResultPress(GxgcCzcLayer, GxCzcLayer);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = GxgcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Default;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref ptempLayer);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = GxCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Default;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref ptempLayer);
#region 小于30平图斑是否灭失
if (pParm.PrjInfo.LessThan30Missing == true)
IFeatureCursor cursor = null;
IFeature feature = null;
IFeature czcgxgcfeature = null;
string WhereClause = $" SHAPE_Area<30 and BGXW='2' and BGQCZCLX='203' and BGHCZCLX='203' ";
cursor = _gxgcCzcLayer.Search(new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = WhereClause }, true);
var gx_CZCMJ = _gxCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMJ");
int idxCZCBGMJ = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGMJ");
var gxgc_bgxw = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGXW");
var gxgc_BGHBSM = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHBSM");
var gxgc_BGHCZCDM = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCDM");
var gxgc_BGHCZCMC = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCMC");
var gxgc_BGHCZCLX = _gxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCLX");
while ((czcgxgcfeature = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
double bgmj = czcgxgcfeature.Value[idxCZCBGMJ].ToDouble(2);
List<IFeature> listFc = FeatureAPI.Identify2(czcgxgcfeature.ShapeCopy, _gxCzcLayer);
if (listFc.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < listFc.Count; i++)
feature = listFc[i];
if (feature.Value[gx_CZCMJ].ToDouble(2) > 30) continue;
czcgxgcfeature.Value[gxgc_BGHBSM] = "";
czcgxgcfeature.Value[gxgc_BGHCZCDM] = "";
czcgxgcfeature.Value[gxgc_BGHCZCMC] = "";
czcgxgcfeature.Value[gxgc_BGHCZCLX] = "";
czcgxgcfeature.Value[gxgc_bgxw] = "0";
if (bgmj < 0.1) continue;
listFc = FeatureAPI.Identify2(czcgxgcfeature.ShapeCopy, _gxgcTBLayer);
if (listFc.Count == 0)
listFc = FeatureAPI.Identify2(czcgxgcfeature.ShapeCopy, _jcTbLayer);
if (listFc.Count == 0) continue;
IFeature jctb_F = listFc[0];
int idxTBMJ = jctb_F.Fields.FindField("TBMJ");
#region 地类图斑更新过程层
IFeatureCursor insertCur = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer gcBuf = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
gcBuf.Shape = jctb_F.ShapeCopy;
for (int i = 0; i < _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
IField field = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.Field[i];
if (!field.Editable || field.Name.Contains("SHAPE")) continue;
string sFieldName = field.Name.Replace("BGQ", "").Replace("BGH", "");
int idx = jctb_F.Fields.FindField(sFieldName);
if (idx == -1)
sFieldName = field.Name.Replace("BGQTB", "").Replace("BGHTB", "");
idx = jctb_F.Fields.FindField(sFieldName);
if (idx != -1)
gcBuf.Value[i] = jctb_F.Value[idx];
int idxBGXW = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGXW");
int idxBGMJ = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("TBBGMJ");
int iXZQTZLX = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("XZQTZLX");
int idxGXSJ = _gxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("GXSJ");
gcBuf.Value[idxBGMJ] = jctb_F.Value[idxTBMJ];
gcBuf.Value[idxBGXW] = "4";
gcBuf.Value[iXZQTZLX] = "0";
gcBuf.Value[idxGXSJ] = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31);
#region 地类图斑更新层
insertCur = _gxTbLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
gcBuf = _gxTbLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
gcBuf.Shape = jctb_F.ShapeCopy;
for (int i = 0; i < _gxTbLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
IField field = _gxTbLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.Field[i];
if (!field.Editable || field.Name.Contains("SHAPE")) continue;
string sFieldName = field.Name.Replace("BGQ", "").Replace("BGH", "");
int idx = jctb_F.Fields.FindField(sFieldName);
if (idx == -1)
sFieldName = field.Name.Replace("BGQTB", "").Replace("BGHTB", "");
idx = jctb_F.Fields.FindField(sFieldName);
if (idx != -1)
gcBuf.Value[i] = jctb_F.Value[idx];
idxGXSJ = _gxTbLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("GXSJ");
gcBuf.Value[idxGXSJ] = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Log:小于30平图斑是否灭失执行失败:" + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Log:小于30平图斑是否灭失执行失败:" + ex.StackTrace);
throw ex;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Log:城镇村更新数据提取失败。" + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Log:城镇村更新数据提取失败。" + ex.StackTrace);
throw ex;
if (rdbHelper != null)
private void ZLBGTBExt()
IFeatureCursor cursur = null;
if (GxgcTBLayer == null) return;
Dictionary<string, string> dicZLBG = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, int> dicXZQDM = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<string> BGQTBBSM = new List<string>();
cursur = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = "ONLYZLBG='1' and (XZQTZLX='' or XZQTZLX='0' or XZQTZLX='5' or XZQTZLX is NULL)", SubFields = "BGQTBBSM,BGQZLDWDM,BGHZLDWDM,BGQZLDWMC,BGHZLDWMC" }, true);
IFeature f = null;
int idx_BGQBSM = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQTBBSM");
int idx_BGQZLDWDM = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQZLDWDM");
int idx_BGHZLDWDM = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHZLDWDM");
int idx_BGQZLDWMC = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQZLDWMC");
int idx_BGHZLDWMC = GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHZLDWMC");
while ((f = cursur.NextFeature()) != null)
string bgqzldwdm = f.Value[idx_BGQZLDWDM].ToTrim();
string bghzldwdm = f.Value[idx_BGHZLDWDM].ToTrim();
string bgqzldwmc = f.Value[idx_BGQZLDWMC].ToTrim();
string bghzldwmc = f.Value[idx_BGHZLDWMC].ToTrim();
string bgqtbbsm = f.Value[idx_BGQBSM].ToTrim();
string bgq = bgqzldwdm + "_" + bgqzldwmc;
string bgh = bghzldwdm + "_" + bghzldwmc;
if (bgq != bgh && !dicZLBG.ContainsKey(bgq))
dicZLBG.Add(bgq, bgh);
if (!dicXZQDM.ContainsKey(bgqzldwdm.Substring(0, 9)))
dicXZQDM.Add(bgqzldwdm.Substring(0, 9), 0);
if (bgq != bgh)
if (!BGQTBBSM.Contains(bgqtbbsm))
if (dicXZQDM.Count == 0 && BGQTBBSM.Count == 0) return;
IGeometry BGQDLTBUnion = null;
int jcbsmIndex = JcTbLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
#region 融合
string gdbFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Temp\\CZC\\ZLBG";
if (!Directory.Exists(gdbFolder))
DelectDir(gdbFolder);//能删除就删除 删除报错不处理
{ }
IWorkspaceFactory pFtWsFct = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactory();
string gdbFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(gdbFolder, gdbFileName);
pFtWsFct.Create(path, "TempGDB", null, 0);
string TempfilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "TempGDB.gdb");//临时数据存放路径
IWorkspaceAPI wsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(TempfilePath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
IFeatureClassAPI CZCDYDBGTempFeatureclassAPI = wsAPI.CreateFeatureClass("CZCDYDBGTemp", (JcTbLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference, JcTbLayer.FeatureClass.Fields);
IFeatureCursor t_cursor = CZCDYDBGTempFeatureclassAPI.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureCursor bgqcursor = JcTbLayer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "BSM,Shape" }, true);
while ((f = bgqcursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[jcbsmIndex].ToTrim();
if (!BGQTBBSM.Contains(bsm)) continue;
IFeatureBuffer buf = CZCDYDBGTempFeatureclassAPI.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
buf.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = CZCDYDBGTempFeatureclassAPI.FeatureClass },
OutFeatureClassPath = TempfilePath,
FcName = "ZLBGTB",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc
IFeatureLayer zlbgTBLayer = null;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref zlbgTBLayer);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = zlbgTBLayer,
OutFeatureClassPath = TempfilePath + "\\" + "NewCZCDYD",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve,
IFeatureLayer featureLayer = null;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref featureLayer);
IFeatureClassAPI TempDLTBGXGC = wsAPI.CreateFeatureClass("DLTBGXGC", (GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference, GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Fields);
IFeatureClassAPI gxgcTbFcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(GxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass);
IQueryFilter mFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
mFilter.WhereClause = "ONLYZLBG='1'";
gxgcTbFcAPI.FcToFc(TempDLTBGXGC.FeatureClass, null, false);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = JcCzcLayer,
SecondFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = TempDLTBGXGC.FeatureClass },
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempfilePath}\\CZC_TBGXGCUnion",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL",
GPType = EnumGPType.Union
IFeatureLayer TempGxgcTBLayer = null;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGxgcTBLayer);
IFeatureCursor cursor = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
int idxCZCBSM = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
int idxTBOID = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_DLTBGXGC");
//int idxBGQZLDWDM = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQZLDWDM");
int idxBGHZLDWDM = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHZLDWDM");
//int idxBGQZLDWMC = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQZLDWMC");
int idxBGHZLDWMC = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHZLDWMC");
//int idxBGQZLDWMC = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQZLDWMC");
//int idxBGHZLDWMC = TempGxgcTBLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHZLDWMC");
IFeature tempF = null;
Dictionary<string, string> bgDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
while ((tempF = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string strbsm = tempF.Value[idxCZCBSM].ToTrim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strbsm)) continue;
int tbOID = tempF.Value[idxTBOID].ToInt();
if (tbOID == -1) continue;
string bghZLDWDM = tempF.Value[idxBGHZLDWDM].ToTrim();
string bghZLDWMC = tempF.Value[idxBGHZLDWMC].ToTrim();
if (!bgDic.ContainsKey(strbsm))
bgDic.Add(strbsm, bghZLDWDM + "_" + bghZLDWMC);
//IFeatureLayer TempGxgcTBLayer = null;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGxgcTBLayer);
//GeoprocessorHelper.DissolveAnalysis(gPParamClass, ref featureLayer, true);
bgqcursor = featureLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
IFeature bgqF = bgqcursor.NextFeature();
if (bgqF == null)
BGQDLTBUnion = bgqF.ShapeCopy;
IFeatureClass czcgxgc = GxgcCzcLayer.FeatureClass;
ITable czcgxgcTable = czcgxgc as ITable;
ICursor cur = czcgxgcTable.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "OBJECTID,BGQBSM" }, true);
int bgqbsmIdx = czcgxgcTable.FindField("BGQBSM");
IRow row = null;
Dictionary<string, List<int>> dicBSM = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
while ((row = cur.NextRow()) != null)
string bgqbsm = row.Value[bgqbsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (!dicBSM.ContainsKey(bgqbsm))
dicBSM.Add(bgqbsm, new List<int>() { row.OID });
IFeatureClass jcCZC = JcCzcLayer.FeatureClass;
IFeatureClass czcgx = GxCzcLayer.FeatureClass;
IFeatureCursor gxgcInsCur = czcgxgc.Insert(true);
IFeatureCursor gxInsCur = czcgx.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer gxgcBuf = null;
IFeatureBuffer gxBuf = null;
Dictionary<int, int> gcFieldMapp = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < czcgxgc.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
IField field = czcgxgc.Fields.Field[i];
if (field.Name.ToUpper().Contains("SHAPE") || !field.Editable) continue;
int idx = jcCZC.FindField(field.Name.ToUpper().Replace("BGQ", "").Replace("BGH", ""));
if (idx == -1) continue;
gcFieldMapp.Add(i, idx);
Dictionary<int, int> gxFieldMapp = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < czcgx.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
IField field = czcgx.Fields.Field[i];
if (field.Name.ToUpper().Contains("SHAPE") || !field.Editable) continue;
int idx = jcCZC.FindField(field.Name);
if (idx == -1) continue;
gxFieldMapp.Add(i, idx);
cursor = jcCZC.Search(new SpatialFilterClass()
WhereClause = "CZCLX<>'201'",
Geometry = BGQDLTBUnion,
SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects
}, true);
f = null;
int bsmIdx = jcCZC.FindField("BSM");
int bgxwIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGXW");
int bghbsmIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGHBSM");
int bghczclxIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGHCZCLX");
int bghczcdmIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGHCZCDM");
int bghczcmcIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGHCZCMC");
int bgqczclxIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGQCZCLX");
int bgqczcdmIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGQCZCDM");
int bgqczcmcIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGQCZCMC");
int bgmjIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("BGMJ");
int GXSJIdx = czcgxgc.FindField("GXSJ");
int czcmjIdx = jcCZC.FindField("CZCMJ");
int gxBSMIdx = jcCZC.FindField("BSM");
int czcdmIdx = jcCZC.FindField("CZCDM");
int czcmcIdx = jcCZC.FindField("CZCMC");
int CZCGXSJIdx = czcgx.FindField("GXSJ");
string time = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31).ToShortDateString();
//List<DataDicTionary> qsDic = pParm.PrjInfo Platform.Instance.DicHelper.GetNoGroupDic(DicTypeEnum.QSDM);
List<DataDicTionary> qsDic = null;
IRDBHelper rdbHelper = null;
rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper(System.IO.Path.Combine(pParm.PrjInfo.ProjDir, "BGTJ.sqlite"), DatabaseType.SQLite);
DataTable dicDt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("Dic", string.Format("SELECT * from Sys_Dicdetail where OWNERDIC=1"), true);
qsDic = KGIS.Framework.Utils.Utility.TBToList.ToList<DataDicTionary>(dicDt);// Platform.Instance.DicHelper.GetNoGroupDic(DicTypeEnum.QSDM);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Err:获取权属字典失败!" + ex.Message);
if (rdbHelper != null)
int JC_DLTBBSM = JcTbLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
string PrjCode = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE;
while ((f = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[bsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (!bgDic.ContainsKey(bsm)) continue;
if (dicBSM.ContainsKey(bsm))
List<int> gcOIDList = dicBSM[bsm];
foreach (int gcOID in gcOIDList)
IFeature gcRow = czcgxgc.GetFeature(gcOID);
if (!FeatureAPI.IsInterSect(gcRow.ShapeCopy, BGQDLTBUnion)) continue;
string bghLX = gcRow.Value[bghczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bghDM_MC = bgDic[bsm];
string[] bghAttr = bghDM_MC.Split('_');
if (bghLX.StartsWith("202"))
if (bghAttr[0].Length < 9) continue;
string dicValue = bgDic[bsm];
string strCZCDM2 = bghAttr[0].Substring(0, 9).PadRight(19, '0');
gcRow.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = strCZCDM2;
if (qsDic != null)
DataDicTionary dic = qsDic.FirstOrDefault(qs => qs.CODE == strCZCDM2 || qs.CODE.StartsWith(strCZCDM2.Substring(0, 9)));
if (dic != null)
//strCZCDM2 = dic.NAME;
gcRow.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = dic.NAME;
else if (bghLX.StartsWith("203"))
gcRow.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = bghAttr[0];
gcRow.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = bghAttr[1];
if (pParm.PrjInfo.XZQDMChange == false)
if (!FeatureAPI.IsInterSect(f.ShapeCopy, BGQDLTBUnion)) continue;
List<IGeometry> BG_ListGeo = new List<IGeometry>();
List<IGeometry> WBG_ListGeo = new List<IGeometry>();
IGeometry geo_BG = FeatureAPI.InterSect(f.ShapeCopy, BGQDLTBUnion);
if (pParm.PrjInfo.XZQDMChange == false && geo_BG.IsEmpty) continue;
BG_ListGeo = FeatureAPI.DissolveGeometryByRing(geo_BG);
IGeometry geo_WBG = FeatureAPI.Difference(f.ShapeCopy, BGQDLTBUnion);
string tempBGXW = "1";
double JcCZCMJ = f.Value[czcmjIdx].ToDouble(2);
if (!geo_WBG.IsEmpty)
tempBGXW = "2";
WBG_ListGeo = FeatureAPI.DissolveGeometryByRing(geo_WBG);
Dictionary<string, IGeometry> DicAllGeo = new Dictionary<string, IGeometry>();
Dictionary<int, double> DicMJPC = new Dictionary<int, double>();
int idxNum = 0;
double zmj = 0;
foreach (var item in BG_ListGeo)
double mj = JcCZCMJ;
if (tempBGXW == "2")
mj = item.GetEllipseArea().ToDouble(2);
DicMJPC.Add(idxNum, mj);
zmj += mj;
string key = idxNum + "_BG";
if (!DicAllGeo.ContainsKey(key))
DicAllGeo.Add(key, item);
foreach (var item in WBG_ListGeo)
double mj = JcCZCMJ;
if (tempBGXW == "2")
mj = item.GetEllipseArea().ToDouble(2);
DicMJPC.Add(idxNum, mj);
zmj += mj;
string key = idxNum + "_WBG";
if (!DicAllGeo.ContainsKey(key))
DicAllGeo.Add(key, item);
double mjc = (JcCZCMJ - zmj).ToDouble(2);
if (mjc != 0)
IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, double>> od = DicMJPC.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value);
foreach (var item in od)
DicMJPC[item.Key] = (DicMJPC[item.Key] + mjc).ToDouble(2);
int changNum = 0;
foreach (var key in DicAllGeo.Keys)
string[] subKey = key.Split('_');
int idxKey = subKey[0].ToInt();
double bgmj = DicMJPC[idxKey];
if (gxgcBuf == null)
gxgcBuf = czcgxgc.CreateFeatureBuffer();
//gxgcBuf.Shape = DicAllGeo[key];// f.ShapeCopy;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> idx in gcFieldMapp)
gxgcBuf.Value[idx.Key] = f.Value[idx.Value];
string bghczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
string bgh = bghczcdm + "_" + bghczcmc;
string strCZCDM = bghczcdm;
string strCZCMC = bghczcmc;
if (subKey[1] == "BG")
if (bghczclx == "203" || bghczclx == "203A" || bghczclx == "204" || bghczclx == "205")
string[] zlArr = bgDic[bsm].Split('_');
strCZCDM = zlArr[0];
strCZCMC = zlArr[1];
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = zlArr[0];
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = zlArr[1];
else if (bghczclx == "202" || bghczclx == "202A")
string dicValue = bgDic[bsm];
strCZCDM = dicValue.Substring(0, 9).PadRight(19, '0');
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = strCZCDM;
if (qsDic != null)
DataDicTionary dic = qsDic.FirstOrDefault(qs => qs.CODE == strCZCDM || qs.CODE.StartsWith(strCZCDM.Substring(0, 9)));
if (dic != null)
strCZCMC = dic.NAME;
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = strCZCMC;
if (bgqczcdm == strCZCDM && bgqczcmc == strCZCMC) continue;
bghczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
bghczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
if (bghczcdm.Trim() == bgqczcdm.Trim() && bghczcmc.Trim() == bgqczcmc.Trim())//bghczclx.Trim() == bgqczclx.Trim() &&
if (changNum == 0) continue;
foreach (var key in DicAllGeo.Keys)
string[] subKey = key.Split('_');
int idxKey = subKey[0].ToInt();
double bgmj = DicMJPC[idxKey];
if (gxgcBuf == null)
gxgcBuf = czcgxgc.CreateFeatureBuffer();
gxgcBuf.Shape = DicAllGeo[key];// f.ShapeCopy;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> idx in gcFieldMapp)
gxgcBuf.Value[idx.Key] = f.Value[idx.Value];
string bghczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
string bgh = bghczcdm + "_" + bghczcmc;
string strCZCDM = bghczcdm;
string strCZCMC = bghczcmc;
if (subKey[1] == "BG")
if (bghczclx == "203" || bghczclx == "203A" || bghczclx == "204" || bghczclx == "205")
string[] zlArr = bgDic[bsm].Split('_');
strCZCDM = zlArr[0];
strCZCMC = zlArr[1];
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = zlArr[0];
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = zlArr[1];
else if (bghczclx == "202" || bghczclx == "202A")
string dicValue = bgDic[bsm];
strCZCDM = dicValue.Substring(0, 9).PadRight(19, '0');
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = strCZCDM;
if (qsDic != null)
DataDicTionary dic = qsDic.FirstOrDefault(qs => qs.CODE == strCZCDM || qs.CODE.StartsWith(strCZCDM.Substring(0, 9)));
if (dic != null)
strCZCMC = dic.NAME;
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx] = strCZCMC;
if (tempBGXW == "1" && bgqczcdm == strCZCDM && bgqczcmc == strCZCMC) continue;
bghczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
bghczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
if (tempBGXW == "1" && bghczclx.Trim() == bgqczclx.Trim() && bghczcdm.Trim() == bgqczcdm.Trim() && bghczcmc.Trim() == bgqczcmc.Trim())
//gxgcBuf.Value[] = "";
string bghbsm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghbsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (!bghbsm.StartsWith(PrjCode))
string strR = bghbsm.Substring(0, 6);
gxgcBuf.Value[bghbsmIdx] = bghbsm.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
gxgcBuf.Value[bgxwIdx] = tempBGXW;
gxgcBuf.Value[bgmjIdx] = bgmj;// f.Value[czcmjIdx];
gxgcBuf.Value[GXSJIdx] = time;
//if (gxBuf == null)
// gxBuf = czcgx.CreateFeatureBuffer();
//gxBuf.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
//foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> idx in gxFieldMapp)
// gxBuf.Value[idx.Key] = f.Value[idx.Value];
//string gxbsm = gxBuf.Value[gxBSMIdx].ToTrim();
//if (!gxbsm.StartsWith(PrjCode))
// string strR = gxbsm.Substring(0, 6);
// gxBuf.Value[gxBSMIdx] = gxbsm.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
//gxBuf.Value[czcdmIdx] = strCZCDM;
//gxBuf.Value[czcmcIdx] = strCZCMC;
//gxBuf.Value[CZCGXSJIdx] = time;
if (pParm.PrjInfo.XZQDMChange == true)
cur = czcgxgcTable.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "BGQBSM" }, true);
bgqbsmIdx = czcgxgcTable.FindField("BGQBSM");
row = null;
Dictionary<string, int> dicBSM2 = new Dictionary<string, int>();
while ((row = cur.NextRow()) != null)
string bgqbsm = row.Value[bgqbsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (!dicBSM2.ContainsKey(bgqbsm))
dicBSM2.Add(bgqbsm, 0);
cursor = jcCZC.Search(null, true);
f = null;
while ((f = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string bsm = f.Value[bsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (dicBSM2.ContainsKey(bsm)) continue;
if (gxgcBuf == null)
gxgcBuf = czcgxgc.CreateFeatureBuffer();
gxgcBuf.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> idx in gcFieldMapp)
gxgcBuf.Value[idx.Key] = f.Value[idx.Value];
string bghbsm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghbsmIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bghczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqbsm = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqbsmIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczclx = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczclxIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcdm = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcdmIdx].ToTrim();
string bgqczcmc = gxgcBuf.Value[bgqczcmcIdx].ToTrim();
bghbsm = gxgcBuf.Value[bghbsmIdx].ToTrim();
if (!bghbsm.StartsWith(PrjCode))
string strR = bghbsm.Substring(0, 6);
gxgcBuf.Value[bghbsmIdx] = bghbsm.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
if (!bghczcdm.StartsWith(PrjCode))
string strR = bghczcdm.Substring(0, 6);
gxgcBuf.Value[bghczcdmIdx] = bghczcdm.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
gxgcBuf.Value[bgxwIdx] = "1";
gxgcBuf.Value[bgmjIdx] = f.Value[czcmjIdx];
gxgcBuf.Value[GXSJIdx] = time;
//if (gxBuf == null)
// gxBuf = czcgx.CreateFeatureBuffer();
//gxBuf.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
//foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> idx in gxFieldMapp)
// gxBuf.Value[idx.Key] = f.Value[idx.Value];
//string gxbsm = gxBuf.Value[gxBSMIdx].ToTrim();
//if (!gxbsm.StartsWith(PrjCode))
// string strR = gxbsm.Substring(0, 6);
// gxBuf.Value[gxBSMIdx] = gxbsm.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
//string gxCZCDM = gxBuf.Value[czcdmIdx].ToTrim();
//if (!gxCZCDM.StartsWith(PrjCode))
// string strR = gxCZCDM.Substring(0, 6);
// gxBuf.Value[czcdmIdx] = gxCZCDM.Replace(strR, PrjCode);
////gxBuf.Value[czcdmIdx] = strCZCDM;
////gxBuf.Value[czcmcIdx] = strCZCMC;
//gxBuf.Value[CZCGXSJIdx] = time;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void ResultPress(IFeatureLayer pGxgcLayer, IFeatureLayer pGxLayer)
IFeatureCursor _cursor = null;
_cursor = pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
Dictionary<string, int> BgqBSMList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> BghBSMList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
IFeature f = null;
int idxBgqBSM = pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQBSM");
int idxBghBSM = pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHBSM");
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string strBgqBSM = f.Value[idxBgqBSM].ToTrim();
string strBghBSM = f.Value[idxBghBSM].ToTrim();
if (BgqBSMList.ContainsKey(strBgqBSM))
BgqBSMList[strBgqBSM] = BgqBSMList[strBgqBSM] + 1;
BgqBSMList.Add(strBgqBSM, 1);
if (BghBSMList.ContainsKey(strBghBSM))
BghBSMList[strBghBSM] = BghBSMList[strBghBSM] + 1;
BghBSMList.Add(strBghBSM, 1);
IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
_cursor = pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass.Update(filter, true);
int idxBGXW = pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGXW");
List<string> DelBSM = new List<string>();
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string strBgqBSM = f.Value[idxBgqBSM].ToTrim();
string strBghBSM = f.Value[idxBghBSM].ToTrim();
if (BgqBSMList[strBgqBSM] == 1 && BghBSMList[strBghBSM] == 1)
f.Value[idxBGXW] = "9";
filter.WhereClause = "BGXW='9'";
(pGxgcLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(filter);
_cursor = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
int idxBSM = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
while ((f = _cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string strBSM = f.Value[idxBSM].ToTrim();
if (DelBSM.Contains(strBSM))
f.Value[idxBSM] = "-1";
filter.WhereClause = "BSM='-1'";
(pGxLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(filter);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void GenerateGXGC(IFeatureLayer pGXGCLayer, IFeatureLayer pUnion20XLayer, List<DataDicTionary> pQSDic)
IFeatureCursor S_Cursor = null;
IFeatureCursor T_Cursor = null;
IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilterClass();
string strWhere = @"FID_CZCDYD = -1 AND CZCSXM IS NOT NULL AND CZCSXM <> ''";
//filter.WhereClause = strWhere;
// //灭失的20范围
// strWhere = @"FID_CZCDYD <> -1 AND (CZCSXM IS NULL OR CZCSXM ='')";
filter.WhereClause = strWhere;
if (pUnion20XLayer == null) return;
int idx_JCOID, idx_GXOID, idx_JCCZCLX, idx_JCCZCDM, idx_GXCZCLX, idx_GXCZCDM;
idx_JCOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_JC_CZC20X");
if (idx_JCOID == -1)
idx_JCOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_JC_CZC203");
if (idx_JCOID == -1)
idx_JCOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_CZCDYD");
idx_GXOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_CZC20X");
if (idx_GXOID == -1)
idx_GXOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_CZC203");
if (idx_GXOID == -1)
idx_GXOID = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_TempDLTBGX");
idx_JCCZCLX = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCLX");
idx_JCCZCDM = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCDM");
idx_GXCZCDM = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("ZLDWDM");
idx_GXCZCLX = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCSXM");
int idx_JCBSM, idx_JCCZCMC, idx_JCCZCMJ;
idx_JCBSM = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
idx_JCCZCMC = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMC");
idx_JCCZCMJ = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMJ");
IFeature f = null;
Dictionary<int, int> JcOIDs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
Dictionary<int, int> GxOIDs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
List<int> TempOIDList = new List<int>();
int idxArea = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("Shape_Area");
S_Cursor = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
if (idx_JCOID == -1 && idx_GXOID == -1) break;
double area = f.Value[idxArea].ToDouble(2);
//if (area == 0)
// continue;
int JCOID = idx_JCOID == -1 ? -1 : f.Value[idx_JCOID].ToInt();
int GXOID = idx_GXOID == -1 ? -1 : f.Value[idx_GXOID].ToInt();
string BGXW = "";
if (JCOID != -1)
if (!JcOIDs.ContainsKey(JCOID))
JcOIDs.Add(JCOID, 1);
if (GXOID != -1)
if (!GxOIDs.ContainsKey(GXOID))
GxOIDs.Add(GXOID, 1);
S_Cursor = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.Search(filter, true);
T_Cursor = pGXGCLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
//(pGXGCLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(null);
IFeatureBuffer buff = pGXGCLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
idx_BGXW = buff.Fields.FindField("BGXW");
idx_BGQCZCLX = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQCZCLX");
idx_BGQCZCDM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQCZCDM");
idx_BGHCZCDM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCDM");
idx_BGHCZCLX = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCLX");
idx_BGQBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQBSM");
idx_BGHBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHBSM");
idx_BGQCZCMC = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQCZCMC");
idx_BGHCZCMC = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCMC");
idx_BGMJ = buff.Fields.FindField("BGMJ");
int idxBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BSM");
int bsm = 0;
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
if (f.OID == 101 || f.OID == 317)
int JCOID = idx_JCOID != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCOID].ToInt() : -1;
int GXOID = idx_GXOID != -1 ? f.Value[idx_GXOID].ToInt() : -1;
string CZCLX = idx_JCCZCLX != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCLX].ToTrim() : "";
string CZCSXM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCLX].ToTrim();
string CZCDM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCDM].ToTrim();
//string BGQCZCDM = f.Value[idx_JCCZCDM].ToTrim();
string JCBSM = idx_JCBSM != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCBSM].ToTrim() : "";
if (JCBSM == "330225293100000013")
string JCCZCDM = idx_JCCZCDM != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCDM].ToTrim() : "";
string JCCZCMC = idx_JCCZCMC != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCMC].ToTrim() : "";
double BGMJ = 0;// f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
if (AreaList.ContainsKey(f.OID))
BGMJ = AreaList[f.OID];
BGMJ = f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
//if (BGMJ == 0)
// continue;
string BGXW = JCOID == -1 ? "3" : "0";
if (BGXW == "0")
CZCSXM = "";
CZCDM = "";
if (JcOIDs[JCOID] == 1)
BGMJ = f.Value[idx_JCCZCMJ].ToDouble();
string BSM = "";
buff.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
if (idxBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idxBSM] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "2932" + bsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');
if (idx_BGXW != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGXW] = BGXW;
if (idx_BGQCZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCLX] = CZCLX;
if (idx_BGHCZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCLX] = CZCSXM;
if (idx_BGQBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQBSM] = JCBSM;
if (idx_BGQCZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCDM] = JCCZCDM;
if (idx_BGQCZCMC != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCMC] = JCCZCMC;
if (idx_BGMJ != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGMJ] = BGMJ;
if (idx_BGHCZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = CZCDM;
if (idx_BGHBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHBSM] = BSM;
if (idx_BGHCZCMC != -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CZCDM))
//ZLXXInfo qs1 = null;
DataDicTionary qs2 = null;
//if (pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo != null && pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.Count > 0)
// qs1 = pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.FirstOrDefault(d => d.BGQDM == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.BGQDM == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
if (pQSDic != null)
qs2 = pQSDic.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CODE == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.CODE == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
//if (qs1 != null)
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs1.BGHMC;
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = qs1.BGHDM.PadRight(19, '0');
if (qs2 != null)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs2.NAME;
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = "";
filter.WhereClause = "FID_CZCDYD <> -1 AND CZCSXM IS NOT NULL AND CZCSXM <>''";
//S_Cursor = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
//while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
// if (idx_JCOID == -1 && idx_GXOID == -1) break;
// double area = f.Value[idxArea].ToDouble(2);
// //if (area == 0)
// // continue;
// TempOIDList.Add(f.OID);
// int JCOID = idx_JCOID == -1 ? -1 : f.Value[idx_JCOID].ToInt();
// int GXOID = idx_GXOID == -1 ? -1 : f.Value[idx_GXOID].ToInt();
// string BGXW = "";
// if (JCOID != -1)
// if (!JcOIDs.ContainsKey(JCOID))
// JcOIDs.Add(JCOID, 1);
// else
// JcOIDs[JCOID] = JcOIDs[JCOID] + 1;
// if (GXOID != -1)
// if (!GxOIDs.ContainsKey(GXOID))
// GxOIDs.Add(GXOID, 1);
// else
// GxOIDs[GXOID] = GxOIDs[GXOID] + 1;
S_Cursor = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.Search(filter, true);
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
int JCOID = idx_JCOID != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCOID].ToInt() : -1;
int GXOID = idx_GXOID != -1 ? f.Value[idx_GXOID].ToInt() : -1;
string CZCLX = idx_JCCZCLX != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCLX].ToTrim() : "";
string CZCSXM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCLX].ToTrim();
var bgqCZCDM = f.Value[idx_JCCZCDM].ToTrim();
var bghCZCDM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCDM].ToTrim();
string JCBSM = idx_JCBSM != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCBSM].ToTrim() : "";
string JCCZCMC = idx_JCCZCMC != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCMC].ToTrim() : "";
double JCCZCMJ = idx_JCCZCMJ != -1 ? f.Value[idx_JCCZCMJ].ToDouble() : 0;
double BGMJ = 0;// f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
if (AreaList.ContainsKey(f.OID))
BGMJ = AreaList[f.OID];
BGMJ = f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
//if (BGMJ == 0)
// continue;
string BGXW = "";
string BSM = "";
if (JCBSM == "430922293100082713")
if (JcOIDs[JCOID] == 1)
BGXW = "1";
BGMJ = f.Value[idx_JCCZCMJ].ToDouble();
BGXW = "2";
//if (GxOIDs[GXOID] > 1)
// BGXW = "2";
buff.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
if (idxBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idxBSM] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "2932" + bsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');
if (idx_BGXW != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGXW] = BGXW;
if (idx_BGQCZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCLX] = CZCLX;
if (idx_BGQCZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCDM] = bgqCZCDM;
if (idx_BGHCZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCLX] = CZCSXM;
if (idx_BGQBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQBSM] = JCBSM;
if (idx_BGQCZCMC != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGQCZCMC] = JCCZCMC;
if (idx_BGMJ != -1)
if (BGXW == "1" && JCCZCMJ != 0)
buff.Value[idx_BGMJ] = JCCZCMJ;
buff.Value[idx_BGMJ] = BGMJ;
if (idx_BGHCZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = bghCZCDM;
if (idx_BGHBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHBSM] = BSM;
if (idx_BGHCZCMC != -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bghCZCDM))
//ZLXXInfo qs1 = null;
DataDicTionary qs2 = null;
//if (pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo != null && pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.Count > 0)
// qs1 = pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.FirstOrDefault(d => d.BGQDM == bghCZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.BGQDM == bghCZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
if (pQSDic != null)
qs2 = pQSDic.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CODE == bghCZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.CODE == bghCZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
//if (qs1 != null)
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs1.BGHMC;
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = qs1.BGHDM.PadRight(19, '0');
if (qs2 != null)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs2.NAME;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (S_Cursor != null)
if (T_Cursor != null)
private void GenerateXz203GXGC(IFeatureLayer pGXGCLayer, IFeatureLayer pUnion20XLayer, List<DataDicTionary> pQSDic)
IFeatureCursor S_Cursor = null;
IFeatureCursor T_Cursor = null;
IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilterClass();
filter.WhereClause = "";
if (pUnion20XLayer == null) return;
S_Cursor = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.Search(filter, true);
int idx_GXCZCLX, idx_GXCZCDM;
idx_GXCZCDM = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("ZLDWDM");
idx_GXCZCLX = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCSXM");
IFeature f = null;
Dictionary<int, int> JcOIDs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
Dictionary<int, int> GxOIDs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
List<int> TempOIDList = new List<int>();
int idxArea = pUnion20XLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("Shape_Area");
T_Cursor = pGXGCLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer buff = pGXGCLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
idx_BGXW = buff.Fields.FindField("BGXW");
idx_BGQCZCLX = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQCZCLX");
idx_BGHCZCDM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCDM");
idx_BGHCZCLX = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCLX");
idx_BGQBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQBSM");
idx_BGHBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHBSM");
idx_BGQCZCMC = buff.Fields.FindField("BGQCZCMC");
idx_BGHCZCMC = buff.Fields.FindField("BGHCZCMC");
idx_BGMJ = buff.Fields.FindField("BGMJ");
int idxBSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BSM");
int bsm = 0;
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
if (f.OID == 517)
string CZCSXM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCLX].ToTrim();
string CZCDM = f.Value[idx_GXCZCDM].ToTrim();
double BGMJ = 0;// f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
if (AreaList.ContainsKey(f.OID))
BGMJ = AreaList[f.OID];
BGMJ = f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
if (BGMJ == 0)
string BGXW = "3";
string BSM = "";
buff.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
if (idxBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idxBSM] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "2932" + bsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');
if (idx_BGXW != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGXW] = BGXW;
if (idx_BGHCZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCLX] = CZCSXM;
if (idx_BGMJ != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGMJ] = BGMJ;
if (idx_BGHCZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = CZCDM;
if (idx_BGHBSM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_BGHBSM] = BSM;
if (idx_BGHCZCMC != -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CZCDM))
//ZLXXInfo qs1 = null;
DataDicTionary qs2 = null;
//if (pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo != null && pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.Count > 0)
// qs1 = pParm.PrjInfo.ListZLXXInfo.FirstOrDefault(d => d.BGQDM == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.BGQDM == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
if (pQSDic != null)
qs2 = pQSDic.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CODE == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000000", "") || d.CODE == CZCDM.Replace("0000000000", ""));
//if (qs1 != null)
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs1.BGHMC;
// buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM] = qs1.BGHDM.PadRight(19, '0');
if (qs2 != null)
buff.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC] = qs2.NAME;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (S_Cursor != null)
if (T_Cursor != null)
private void GenerateGX(IFeatureLayer pGxgcLayer, IFeatureLayer pGXLayer)
IFeatureCursor S_Cursor = null;
IFeatureCursor T_Cursor = null;
IFeatureLayer DissoveLayer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGxgcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.CZCBG;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "BGXW <> '3' or (BGHCZCLX <> '203' and BGHCZCLX <> '203A')";
gPParamClass.FcName = "TempCZCGX";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref DissoveLayer);
//IFeatureLayer Fxz203Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGxgcLayer;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "BGXW <> '3' or (BGHCZCLX <> '203' and BGHCZCLX <> '203A')";
//gPParamClass.FcName = "FXZ203";
//gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Fxz203Layer);
//IFeatureLayer xz203Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGxgcLayer;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "BGXW = '3' and (BGHCZCLX = '203' or BGHCZCLX = '203A')";
//gPParamClass.FcName = "XZ203FW";
//gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref xz203Layer);
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Fxz203Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\Fxz203GX_Dissolve";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "BGHCZCLX", "BGHCZCDM", "BGHCZCMC" };
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref DissoveLayer);
//IFeatureLayer GxXz203Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = xz203Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\Xz203GX_Dissolve";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "BGHCZCLX", "BGHCZCDM", "BGHCZCMC" };
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref GxXz203Layer);
//IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(GxXz203Layer.FeatureClass);
//fcAPI.FcToFc(DissoveLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
filter.WhereClause = "BGHCZCLX IS NOT NULL and BGHCZCLX <> ''";
S_Cursor = DissoveLayer.FeatureClass.Search(filter, true);
idx_BGHCZCLX = DissoveLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCLX");
idx_BGHCZCDM = DissoveLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCDM");
idx_BGHCZCMC = DissoveLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHCZCMC");
//idx_BGHBSM = DissoveLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHBSM");
IFeature f = null;
//(pGXLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(null);
int idx_CZCLX, idx_CZCDM, idx_CZCMC, idx_BSM;
T_Cursor = pGXLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer buff = pGXLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
idx_CZCLX = buff.Fields.FindField("CZCLX");
idx_CZCDM = buff.Fields.FindField("CZCDM");
idx_CZCMC = buff.Fields.FindField("CZCMC");
idx_BSM = buff.Fields.FindField("BSM");
int idxYSDM = buff.Fields.FindField("YSDM");
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string CZCLX = f.Value[idx_BGHCZCLX].ToTrim();
string CZCDM = f.Value[idx_BGHCZCDM].ToTrim();
string CZCMC = f.Value[idx_BGHCZCMC].ToTrim();
buff.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
if (idxYSDM != -1)
buff.Value[idxYSDM] = "2099030100";
if (idx_CZCLX != -1)
buff.Value[idx_CZCLX] = CZCLX;
if (idx_CZCDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_CZCDM] = CZCDM;
if (idx_CZCMC != -1)
buff.Value[idx_CZCMC] = CZCMC;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (S_Cursor != null)
if (T_Cursor != null)
private void SetAttribute(IFeatureLayer pGxgcLaeyr, IFeatureLayer pGxLayer, IFeatureLayer pJcCzcLayer)
IRDBHelper rdbHelper = RDBFactory.CreateDbHelper("Data Source=" + TempDBPath, DatabaseType.SQLite);
IFeatureLayer Temp_UnionLayer = null;
GPParamClass paramClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = pGxLayer,
SecondFeatureLayer = pGxgcLaeyr,
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\GX_GXGCUnion",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL",
GPType = EnumGPType.Union
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(paramClass, ref Temp_UnionLayer);
IFeatureCursor jcCursor = pJcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, true);
IFeature f = null;
int idxCZCMJ = pJcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMJ");
int idxBSM = pJcCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
Dictionary<string, double> dicJcMJs = new Dictionary<string, double>();
IWorkspace ws = (Temp_UnionLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace;
rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" drop table GX_GXGCUnion ");
IWorkspace pOutWork = CreateDBWorkspace(TempDBPath);
//IWorkspace pOutWork = pOutWorkFactory.OpenFromFile(dbPath, 0);
TableToTable(ws as IFeatureWorkspace, pOutWork, "GX_GXGCUnion");
DataTable dtBgqBSM = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("bgq", "select bgqbsm from gx_gxgcUnion where bgqbsm <> '' group by bgqbsm HAVING count(bgqbsm)>1", true);
dtBgqBSM.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtBgqBSM.Columns[0] };
IFeatureCursor gcCursor = Temp_UnionLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
int idxBGMJ = Temp_UnionLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGMJ");
int idxBGQBSM = Temp_UnionLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BGQBSM");
while ((f = gcCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string strBGQBSM = f.Value[idxBGQBSM].ToTrim();
if (strBGQBSM == "330225293100007922")
if (!dtBgqBSM.Rows.Contains(strBGQBSM)) continue;
double area = f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
if (area == 1191.35)
if (!dicJcMJs.ContainsKey(strBGQBSM))
dicJcMJs.Add(strBGQBSM, 0);
f.Value[idxBGMJ] = f.ShapeCopy.GetEllipseArea();
rdbHelper.ExecuteSQL(" drop table GX_GXGCUnion ");
TableToTable(ws as IFeatureWorkspace, pOutWork, "GX_GXGCUnion");
//DataTable pcDt = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("pc", "select bgqbsm,sum(bgmj) mj from GX_GXGCUnion where bgqbsm is not null and bgqbsm<>'' group by bgqbsm", true);
//foreach (DataRow dr in pcDt.Rows)
// string bgqbsm = dr["bgqbsm"].ToTrim();
// if (bgqbsm == "421022293100000128")
// {
// }
// double mj = dr["mj"].ToDouble(2);
// dicJcMJs.Add(bgqbsm, mj);
// //if (!dicJcMJs.ContainsKey(bgqbsm)) continue;
// //dicJcMJs[bgqbsm] = (dicJcMJs[bgqbsm] - mj).ToDouble(2);
while ((f = jcCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string s = (pJcCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace.PathName;
string bsm = f.Value[idxBSM].ToTrim();
if (bsm == "430922293100087335")
double area = f.Value[idxCZCMJ].ToDecimal(2).ToDouble();//.ToDouble(2);
if (!dicJcMJs.ContainsKey(bsm))
dicJcMJs[bsm] = area;// (area - dicJcMJs[bsm]).ToDouble(2);
DataTable GX_GXGCUnion = rdbHelper.ExecuteDatatable("tab", "select FID_CZCDYDGX,FID_CZCDYDGXGC,BGQBSM,BGMJ,BGXW,BGHBSM from GX_GXGCUnion order by bgmj desc", true);
foreach (string itemBSM in dicJcMJs.Keys)
if (itemBSM == "430922293100087335")
List<Adjustment> shpList = new List<Adjustment>();
var rows = GX_GXGCUnion.Select($"BGQBSM ='{itemBSM}'");
foreach (var item in rows)
Adjustment adj = new Adjustment();
adj.ID = item["FID_CZCDYDGXGC"].ToInt();
if (AreaList.ContainsKey(adj.ID))
adj.bgmj = AreaList[adj.ID];
adj.bgmj = item["BGMJ"].ToDouble();
if (shpList.Count > 0)
AreaAdjustment(shpList, dicJcMJs[itemBSM]);//面积平差
foreach (var item in shpList)
DataRow upRow = rows.FirstOrDefault(r => r["FID_CZCDYDGXGC"].ToInt() == item.ID);
if (upRow != null)
upRow["BGMJ"] = item.bgmj;
//if (!_GXGCvaluePairs.ContainsKey(item.ID))
// _GXGCvaluePairs.Add(item.ID, item.bgmj);
Dictionary<int, int> gxIDCount = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (DataRow dr in GX_GXGCUnion.Rows)
int gxID = dr["FID_CZCDYDGX"].ToInt();
if (gxIDCount.ContainsKey(gxID))
gxIDCount[gxID] = gxIDCount[gxID] + 1;
gxIDCount.Add(gxID, 1);
Dictionary<int, string> bsmDic = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<int, int> OIDdic = new Dictionary<int, int>();
var strBSM = GetMaxBSM(new List<IFeatureClass>() { pJcCzcLayer.FeatureClass });
List<string> newBsmList = new List<string>();
Dictionary<int, double> DicBGMJ = new Dictionary<int, double>();
List<int> TXBG = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow item in GX_GXGCUnion.Rows)
int gxID = item["FID_CZCDYDGX"].ToInt();
int gxgcID = item["FID_CZCDYDGXGC"].ToInt();
string bgxw = item["BGXW"].ToString();
string bgqBSM = item["BGQBSM"].ToTrim();
if (bgqBSM.EndsWith("430922293100087335"))
if (gxID == 1)
if (!DicBGMJ.ContainsKey(gxgcID))
DicBGMJ.Add(gxgcID, item["BGMJ"].ToDouble());
//if (dicJcMJs.ContainsKey(bgqBSM) && dicJcMJs[bgqBSM].ToDouble(2) != 0)
// item.BeginEdit();
// item["BGMJ"] = (item["BGMJ"].ToDouble() + dicJcMJs[bgqBSM]).ToDouble(2);
// dicJcMJs[bgqBSM] = 0;
// item.EndEdit();
// if (!DicBGMJ.ContainsKey(gxgcID))
// DicBGMJ.Add(gxgcID, item["BGMJ"].ToDouble());
if (!bsmDic.ContainsKey(gxID))
if (bgxw == "2" || bgxw == "3" || gxIDCount[gxID] > 1)
var strbsm = strBSM.Substring(0, 10);
var Maxbsm = strBSM.Substring(10).ToInt() + 1;
strBSM = strbsm + Maxbsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');//最新标识码
bsmDic.Add(gxID, strBSM);
if (!newBsmList.Contains(strBSM))
if (bgxw == "1" && !TXBG.Contains(gxgcID))
string strGXBSM = item["BGHBSM"].ToTrim();
if (!strGXBSM.StartsWith(pParm.PrjInfo.CODE) || !bgqBSM.StartsWith(pParm.PrjInfo.CODE))
var strbsm = strBSM.Substring(0, 10);
var Maxbsm = strBSM.Substring(10).ToInt() + 1;
strBSM = strbsm + Maxbsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');//最新标识码
bsmDic.Add(gxID, strBSM);
bsmDic.Add(gxID, item["BGHBSM"].ToString());
if (bgxw == "1" && !TXBG.Contains(gxgcID))
if (!OIDdic.ContainsKey(gxgcID))
OIDdic.Add(gxgcID, gxID);
IFeatureCursor pCursor = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
var _index_BSM = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
var _index_YSDM = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("YSDM");//2001010100
var _index_TBMJ = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCMJ");
var igx_gxsj = pGxLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("GXSJ");
IFeature feature = null;
while ((feature = pCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
int oid = feature.OID;
if (bsmDic.ContainsKey(oid))
string arr = bsmDic[oid];
feature.Value[_index_BSM] = arr;
if (feature.Value[_index_BSM].ToTrim() == "330604293100021348")
feature.Value[_index_YSDM] = "2099030100";//要素代码
DataRow[] row = GX_GXGCUnion.Select($"FID_CZCDYDGX={feature.OID}");
double mj = 0.00;
if (row.Length > 0)
string gxgcid = string.Join(" or ", row.Select(r => $"OBJECTID = {r["FID_CZCDYDGXGC"].ToString()}")).ToString();
mj = row.Select(r => r["BGMJ"].ToDouble()).Sum().ToDouble();
feature.Value[_index_TBMJ] = mj;
feature.Value[igx_gxsj] = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31);
pCursor = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
int iBGHTBBSM = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.FindField("BGHBSM");
int idxBGXW = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.FindField("BGXW");
int idxGXSJ = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.FindField("GXSJ");
idxBGMJ = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.FindField("BGMJ");
int idxGcBSM = pGxgcLaeyr.FeatureClass.FindField("BSM");
int tempBsm = 0;
while ((feature = pCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
var bgxw = idxBGXW != -1 ? feature.Value[idxBGXW].ToTrim() : "";
int oid = feature.OID;
if (oid == 121 || bgxw == "0")
if (idxGcBSM != -1)
feature.Value[idxGcBSM] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "2932" + tempBsm.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0'); ;
if (DicBGMJ.ContainsKey(oid))
feature.Value[idxBGMJ] = DicBGMJ[oid].ToDouble();
if (OIDdic.ContainsKey(oid))
int gxOID = OIDdic[oid];
if (gxOID == -1)
feature.Value[iBGHTBBSM] = "";
if ((idxBGXW != -1 && bgxw != "2" && bgxw != "3" && bgxw != "0") || TXBG.Contains(oid))
feature.Value[idxBGXW] = "2";
if (bsmDic.ContainsKey(gxOID))
string arr = bsmDic[gxOID];
feature.Value[iBGHTBBSM] = arr;
if ((newBsmList.Contains(arr) && idxBGXW != -1 && bgxw != "2" && bgxw != "3" && bgxw != "0") || TXBG.Contains(oid))
feature.Value[idxBGXW] = "2";
if (bgxw == "0")
feature.Value[iBGHTBBSM] = "";
feature.Value[idxGXSJ] = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void AreaAdjustment(List<Adjustment> shpList, double pKZMJ)
if (shpList.Count == 1)
shpList[0].bgmj = pKZMJ;
shpList = shpList.OrderByDescending(o => o.bgmj).ToList();
double mjc = Math.Round(shpList.Sum(s => s.bgmj) - pKZMJ, 2);
while (Math.Round(mjc, 2) != 0)
int tpsm = (int)(Math.Abs(Math.Round(mjc, 2)) / (double)0.01);
int e = tpsm / shpList.Count;
int f = tpsm % shpList.Count;
if (f != 0)
double tpmj = (e + 1) * 0.01;
for (int i = 0; i < f; i++)
if (mjc < 0)
shpList[i].bgmj = shpList[i].bgmj + tpmj;
shpList[i].bgmj = shpList[i].bgmj - tpmj;
if (e != 0)
double tpmj = e * 0.01;
for (int i = f; i < shpList.Count; i++)
if (mjc < 0)
shpList[i].bgmj = shpList[i].bgmj + tpmj;
shpList[i].bgmj = shpList[i].bgmj - tpmj;
mjc = Math.Round(shpList.Sum(s => s.bgmj), 2) - pKZMJ;
catch (Exception ex)
//LogAPI.Debug("面积平差错误:" + ex.Message);
throw ex;
private IWorkspace CreateDBWorkspace(string pDbPath)
if (!File.Exists(pDbPath))
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("指定的文件路径{0}不存在!", pDbPath));
return null;
IWorkspaceFactory pOutWorkFactory = null;
pOutWorkFactory = new SqlWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace pOutWork = pOutWorkFactory.OpenFromFile(pDbPath, 0);
return pOutWork;
catch (Exception ex)
public bool TableToTable(IFeatureWorkspace pInWork, IWorkspace pOutWork, string tableName, IQueryFilter queryFilter = null)
if (pInWork == null || pOutWork == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)) return false;
IWorkspace2 workspace2 = pInWork as IWorkspace2;
if (workspace2 != null)
if (!workspace2.get_NameExists(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass, tableName))
return false;
ITable pInTable = pInWork.OpenTable(tableName);
if (pInTable == null) return false;
IDataset pIndataset = (IDataset)pInTable;
IDatasetName pInDatasetName = (IDatasetName)pIndataset.FullName;
IEnumDataset enumDataset = pOutWork.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTTable);
IDataset dataset;
while ((dataset = enumDataset.Next()) != null)
string[] names = dataset.Name.Split('.');
if (string.Equals(names[names.Length - 1], tableName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
IDataset pOutDataset = (IDataset)pOutWork;
IDatasetName pOutDatasetName = new TableNameClass();
pOutDatasetName.WorkspaceName = (IWorkspaceName)pOutDataset.FullName;
pOutDatasetName.Name = tableName;
IFieldChecker fieldChecker = new FieldCheckerClass();
IFields targetFeatureClassFields = pInTable.Fields;
IFields sourceFeatureClassFields = pInTable.Fields;
IEnumFieldError enumFieldError;
fieldChecker.InputWorkspace = pInWork as IWorkspace;
fieldChecker.ValidateWorkspace = pOutWork;
fieldChecker.Validate(sourceFeatureClassFields, out enumFieldError, out targetFeatureClassFields);
IFeatureDataConverter one2another = new FeatureDataConverterClass();
one2another.ConvertTable(pInDatasetName, queryFilter, pOutDatasetName, targetFeatureClassFields, "", 1000, 0);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void RepairGeo(IFeatureClass pFc)
Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();
RepairGeometry repairgeo = new RepairGeometry();
repairgeo.in_features = pFc;
//repairgeo.out_feature_class = outFC;
repairgeo.delete_null = "TRUE";
IGeoProcessorResult tGeoResult = (IGeoProcessorResult)gp.Execute(repairgeo, null);
if (tGeoResult == null || tGeoResult.Status != esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)
throw new Exception(ReturnMessages(gp));
string msg = ReturnMessages(gp);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ReturnMessages(gp));
private string ReturnMessages(Geoprocessor gp)
string ms = "";
if (gp.MessageCount > 0)
for (int Count = 0; Count <= gp.MessageCount - 1; Count++)
ms += "$" + gp.GetMessage(Count) + "\n\n";
return ms;
private void Get20XDLTB(IFeatureLayer pJCTBLayer, IFeatureLayer pGXTBLayer, IFeatureLayer pJCCZCLayer, ref IFeatureLayer Union20XLayer, ref IFeatureLayer Union203Layer)
//IFeatureLayer Xz203Layer = null;
GPParamClass gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pJCCZCLayer;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.XZQDM = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.CZCYCL;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.FcName = "Xz203";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union203Layer);
IWorkspaceAPI wsAPI = new WorkspaceAPI(TempGDBPath, WorkspaceTypeEnum.GDBFile);
IFeatureClassAPI fcAPI = wsAPI.OpenFeatureClass("JC20X_20X");
Union20XLayer = new FeatureLayerClass() { FeatureClass = fcAPI.FeatureClass };
IFeatureLayer tempLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Union20XLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Default;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref tempLayer);
//IFeatureLayer Xz203Layer = null;
#region 获取新增203范围(注:新增203与原有203不合并)
IFeatureLayer dltbgx203 = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '203' or CZCSXM = '203A'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTBGX203";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref dltbgx203);
IFeatureLayer Xz203Layer_s = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = dltbgx203;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = pJCCZCLayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\Xz203_s";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Xz203Layer_s);
IFeatureLayer Xz203Layer_m = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Xz203Layer_s;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\Xz203_m";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Xz203Layer_m);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Xz203Layer_m;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\Xz203";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.MultipartToSinglePath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union203Layer);
IFeatureLayer TempGxTBLayer = null;
#region 获取地类图斑更新层(不含新增203范围)
IFeatureLayer AllGxTBLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = TempGDBPath;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>();
gPParamClass.FcName = "AllDLTBGX";
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref AllGxTBLayer);
IFeatureLayer TempGxTB_ELayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = AllGxTBLayer;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = Union203Layer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\TempDLTBGX_E";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGxTB_ELayer);
//IFeatureLayer Xz203Layer_m = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempGxTB_ELayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\TempDLTBGX";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGxTBLayer);
IFeatureLayer TempJcCzcLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.Tolerance = "-0.001";
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pJCCZCLayer;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByLocation;
gPParamClass.Overlap_type = "INTERSECT";
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempJcCzcLayer);
IFeatureLayer TempGcLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = TempJcCzcLayer,
SecondFeatureLayer = TempGxTBLayer,
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC20X_20X_U",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL",
GPType = EnumGPType.Union
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGcLayer);
IFeatureCursor cursor = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
IFeature f = null;
int idx = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("FID_TempDLTBGX");
int idxCZCSXM = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCSXM");
int idxCZCLX = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCLX");
int idxCZCDM = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCDM");
int idxZLDWDM = TempGcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("ZLDWDM");
while ((f = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
int gxID = f.Value[idx].ToInt();
if (gxID == 3373)
if (gxID == -1)
f.Value[idxCZCSXM] = f.Value[idxCZCLX];
f.Value[idxZLDWDM] = f.Value[idxCZCDM];
f.Value[idx] = -2;
var czclx = f.Value[idxCZCSXM].ToTrim();
var zldwdm = f.Value[idxZLDWDM].ToTrim();
if (czclx.StartsWith("201"))
f.Value[idxZLDWDM] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "0000000000000";
else if (czclx.StartsWith("202"))
f.Value[idxZLDWDM] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9) + "0000000000";
IFeatureLayer TempGcLayer_M = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempGcLayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC20X_20X_M";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "FID_CZCDYD", "CZCLX", "BSM", "CZCDM", "CZCMC", "CZCMJ", "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempGcLayer_M);
//IFeatureLayer TempTempGcLayer_M = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = AllGxTBLayer;
//gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = Union203Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\TempJC20X_20X_M";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempTempGcLayer_M);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempGcLayer_M;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC20X_20X";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.MultipartToSinglePath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union20XLayer);
string strWhere = @"FID_CZCDYD = -1 AND( CZCSXM IS NULL OR CZCSXM = '')";
IQueryFilter filter2 = new QueryFilterClass();
filter2.WhereClause = strWhere;
(Union20XLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).DeleteSearchedRows(filter2);
#region 地类图斑更新层非20X属性图斑
IFeatureLayer DltbGxNo201Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "(CZCSXM = '201' or CZCSXM = '201A' or CZCSXM = '202' or CZCSXM = '202A' or CZCSXM = '204' or CZCSXM = '205' or CZCSXM = '203' or CZCSXM = '203A') ";//"CZCSXM IS NULL or CZCSXM = '203' OR CZCSXM = '203A'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTBNo20X";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref DltbGxNo201Layer);
#region 基础城镇村
IFeatureLayer JC_Czc203Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempJcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCLX = '203' or CZCLX = '203A'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "JC_CZC203";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref JC_Czc203Layer);
IFeatureLayer JC_Czc20XLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempJcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCLX = '201' or CZCLX = '201A' or CZCLX = '203' or CZCLX = '203A' or CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A' or CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '205'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "JC_CZC20X";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref JC_Czc20XLayer);
IFeatureLayer GxCzcLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempJcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = DltbGxNo201Layer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\GxCZC_Erase";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref GxCzcLayer);
#region 20X
IFeatureLayer Dltb201Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '201' or CZCSXM = '201A' or CZCSXM = '202' or CZCSXM = '202A' or CZCSXM = '203' or CZCSXM = '203A' or CZCSXM = '204' or CZCSXM = '205'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB20X";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Dltb201Layer);
//IWorkspace tempWs = (Dltb201Layer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).Workspace;
//tempWs.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("Update DLTB20X set ZLDWDM='{0}' where CZCSXM = '201'", pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "0000000000000"));
IFeatureCursor cursor = Dltb201Layer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
IFeature f = null;
int idx = Dltb201Layer.FeatureClass.FindField("ZLDWDM");
int idxCZCSXM = Dltb201Layer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCSXM");
while ((f = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string zldwdm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
string czclx = f.Value[idxCZCSXM].ToTrim();
if (czclx.StartsWith("201"))
f.Value[idx] = pParm.PrjInfo.CODE + "0000000000000";
else if (czclx.StartsWith("202"))
f.Value[idx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9) + "0000000000";
#region 基础库相邻20X
IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
filter.WhereClause = "CZCLX = '201' or CZCLX = '201A' or CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A' or CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '205'";//
if (Dltb201Layer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null) > 0)
CzcToDltb(GxCzcLayer, Dltb201Layer, filter);
IFeatureLayer Czc201Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Dltb201Layer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\TempCZC20X";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc201Layer);
IFeatureLayer Czc20XLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\TempCZC20X";
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = TempGDBPath;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>();
gPParamClass.FcName = "CZC20X";
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc20XLayer);
#region 202
//IFeatureLayer Dltb202Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '202' or CZCSXM = '202A' or CZCSXM = '204' or CZCSXM = '205'";
//gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB202";
//gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Dltb202Layer);
//IFeatureCursor cursor = Dltb202Layer.FeatureClass.Update(null, true);
//IFeature f = null;
//int idx = Dltb202Layer.FeatureClass.FindField("ZLDWDM");
//while ((f = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
// string zldwdm = f.Value[idx].ToTrim();
// f.Value[idx] = zldwdm.Substring(0, 9) + "0000000000";
// cursor.UpdateFeature(f);
//filter.WhereClause = "CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A'";// or CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A' or CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '205'
//CzcToDltb(GxCzcLayer, Dltb202Layer, filter);
//IFeatureLayer Czc202Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Dltb202Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\CZC202";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc202Layer);
//IFeatureClassAPI FcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(Czc202Layer.FeatureClass);
//FcAPI.FcToFc(Czc20XLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
#region 203
IFeatureLayer TempDltb203Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '203' or CZCSXM = '203A'";
gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB203_Temp";
gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref TempDltb203Layer);
IFeatureLayer Dltb203Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = TempDltb203Layer;
gPParamClass.SecondFeatureLayer = TempJcCzcLayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\DLTB203";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Erase;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Dltb203Layer);
//#region 基础库相邻203
//filter = new QueryFilter();
//filter.WhereClause = "CZCLX = '203' or CZCLX = '203A'";
//CzcToDltb(GxCzcLayer, Dltb203Layer, filter);
IFeatureLayer Czc203Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Dltb203Layer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\CZC203_temp";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc203Layer);
//IFeatureLayer Czc20XLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\CZC203_temp";
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = TempGDBPath;
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>();
gPParamClass.FcName = "CZC203";
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.FcToFc;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc203Layer);
#region 204
//IFeatureLayer Dltb204Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '204'";
//gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB204";
//gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Dltb204Layer);
//filter.WhereClause = "CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '204A'";// or CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A' or CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '205'
//CzcToDltb(GxCzcLayer, Dltb204Layer, filter);
//IFeatureLayer Czc204Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Dltb204Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\CZC204";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc204Layer);
//FcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(Czc204Layer.FeatureClass);
//FcAPI.FcToFc(Czc20XLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
#region 205
//IFeatureLayer Dltb205Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = pGXTBLayer;
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.SelectLayerByAttribute;
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.Where_clause = "CZCSXM = '205'";
//gPParamClass.FcName = "DLTB205";
//gPParamClass.TempGDBPath = TempGDBPath;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Dltb205Layer);
//filter.WhereClause = "CZCLX = '205' or CZCLX = '205A'";// or CZCLX = '202' or CZCLX = '202A' or CZCLX = '204' or CZCLX = '205'
//CzcToDltb(GxCzcLayer, Dltb205Layer, filter);
//IFeatureLayer Czc205Layer = null;
//gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
//gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Dltb205Layer;
//gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\CZC205";
//gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
//gPParamClass.ListDissolveFiledName = new List<string>() { "ZLDWDM", "CZCSXM" };
//gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.Dissolve;
//GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Czc205Layer);
//FcAPI = new FeatureClassAPI(Czc205Layer.FeatureClass);
//FcAPI.FcToFc(Czc20XLayer.FeatureClass, null, false);
#region 联合
//IFeatureLayer Union20XLayer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = JC_Czc20XLayer,
SecondFeatureLayer = Czc20XLayer,
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC20X_20X_M",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL",
GPType = EnumGPType.Union
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union20XLayer);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Union20XLayer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC20X_20X";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.MultipartToSinglePath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union20XLayer);
//IFeatureLayer Union203Layer = null;
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass()
FirstFeatureLayer = JC_Czc203Layer,
SecondFeatureLayer = Czc203Layer,
OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC203_203_M",
IsGetOutPutFeature = true,
PreserveAttributes = "ALL",
GPType = EnumGPType.Union
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union203Layer);
gPParamClass = new GPParamClass();
gPParamClass.FirstFeatureLayer = Union203Layer;
gPParamClass.OutFeatureClassPath = $"{TempGDBPath}\\JC203_203";
gPParamClass.IsGetOutPutFeature = true;
gPParamClass.GPType = EnumGPType.MultipartToSinglePath;
GPHelper.Instance.ExeGPForProces(gPParamClass, ref Union203Layer);
catch (Exception ex)
private void CzcToDltb(IFeatureLayer pCzcLayer, IFeatureLayer pDltbLayer, IQueryFilter pFilter)
IFeatureCursor S_Cursor = null;
IFeatureCursor T_Cursor = null;
S_Cursor = pCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pFilter, true);
int idx_JCCZCLX, idx_CZCDM;
string t = (pCzcLayer.FeatureClass as FeatureClass).BrowseName;
idx_JCCZCLX = pCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCLX");
idx_CZCDM = pCzcLayer.FeatureClass.FindField("CZCDM");
IFeature f = null;
S_Cursor = pCzcLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pFilter, true);
IFeatureClassLoad pFclsLoad = pDltbLayer.FeatureClass as IFeatureClassLoad;
if (pFclsLoad != null)
pFclsLoad.LoadOnlyMode = true;
int idx_CZCSXM, idx_ZLDWDM;
T_Cursor = pDltbLayer.FeatureClass.Insert(true);
IFeatureBuffer buff = pDltbLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
idx_CZCSXM = buff.Fields.FindField("CZCSXM");
idx_ZLDWDM = buff.Fields.FindField("ZLDWDM");
while ((f = S_Cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
string CZCLX = f.Value[idx_JCCZCLX].ToTrim();
string CZCMC = f.Value[idx_CZCDM].ToTrim();
buff.Shape = f.ShapeCopy;
if (idx_CZCSXM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_CZCSXM] = CZCLX;
if (idx_ZLDWDM != -1)
buff.Value[idx_ZLDWDM] = CZCMC;
if (pFclsLoad != null)
pFclsLoad.LoadOnlyMode = false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (S_Cursor != null)
if (T_Cursor != null)
public void CalculateArea(object pParm)
//IFeatureCursor pCursor = null;
CalcAreaParm CalParm = pParm as CalcAreaParm;
IFeatureLayer _Layer = GeoDBAPI.DeSerialzedPersist(CalParm.StrLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
IFeatureCursor pCursor = _Layer.FeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilterClass() { SubFields = "OBJECTID,SHAPE" }, true);
IFeature feature = null;
while ((feature = pCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
if (!CalParm.OidList.Contains(feature.OID))
double area = GetEllipseArea(feature.ShapeCopy);
lock (AreaList)
AreaList.Add(feature.OID, area.ToDouble());
catch (Exception ex)
//if (pCursor != null)
// Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor);
private double GetEllipseArea(IGeometry polygon)
// 1、获得投影
String SphName = polygon.SpatialReference.Name.ToString().ToUpper();
// 2、获得椭球
ICoordinate coordinate = CoordinateFactory.CreateCoordinate();
if (SphName.Contains("XIAN_1980") || SphName.Contains("XIAN1980"))
coordinate = CoordinateFactory.CreateCoordinate(KGIS.Framework.AE.GaussCalculate.Spheroid.SphXian80);
else if (SphName.Contains("BEIJING_1954") || SphName.Contains("BEIJING1954"))
coordinate = CoordinateFactory.CreateCoordinate(KGIS.Framework.AE.GaussCalculate.Spheroid.SphBeijing54);
else if (SphName.Contains("WGS_1984") || SphName.Contains("WGS1984"))
coordinate = CoordinateFactory.CreateCoordinate(KGIS.Framework.AE.GaussCalculate.Spheroid.SphWGS84);
else if (SphName.Contains("CGCS_2000") || SphName.Contains("CGCS2000"))
coordinate = CoordinateFactory.CreateCoordinate(KGIS.Framework.AE.GaussCalculate.Spheroid.SphCGCS2000);
return -1;
// 3、计算面积
IGeometry pGeometry = polygon as IGeometry;
double PolygonArea = 0.0;
// 4、保留两位小数
PolygonArea = Math.Round(coordinate.CalculateTerranArea(pGeometry), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
return PolygonArea;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private string GetMaxBSM(List<IFeatureClass> fcList)
int xh = 0;
string MaxBSM = "";
string leftStr = string.Empty;
foreach (var fc in fcList)
string BSM = string.Empty;
int BSMIndex = fc.FindField("BSM");
if (BSMIndex == -1) return BSM;
ITable table = (ITable)fc;
// 创建一个ITableSort接口对象
ITableSort tableSort = new TableSortClass();
tableSort.Table = table;
tableSort.QueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = $"BSM like '{pParm.PrjInfo.CODE}%'" };
if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension((fc as FeatureClass).Workspace.PathName).ToLower().Contains(".mdb"))
tableSort.QueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass() { WhereClause = $"BSM like '{pParm.PrjInfo.CODE}*'" };
tableSort.Fields = "BSM";
tableSort.set_Ascending("BSM", false);
ICursor cursor = tableSort.Rows;
IRow row = cursor.NextRow();
if (row != null)
int maxBSM = 0;
int currBSM = 0;
string BSMStr = row.Value[BSMIndex].ToString();
if (BSMStr.Length != 18) return BSM;
string subBSMStr = BSMStr.Substring(9);
currBSM = Convert.ToInt32(subBSMStr);
catch (Exception)
return BSM;
if (currBSM > maxBSM) maxBSM = currBSM;
if (BSMStr.Length != 18) return BSM;
string maxStr = maxBSM.ToString();
int zeroNum = 9 - maxStr.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < zeroNum; i++)
maxStr = 0 + maxStr;
BSM = BSMStr.Substring(0, 9) + maxStr;
if (BSM.Length != 18)
int xh2 = Convert.ToInt32(BSM.Substring(10));
leftStr = BSM.Substring(0, 10);
if (xh < xh2)
xh = xh2;
return MaxBSM;
public static void DelectDir(string srcPath)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(srcPath);
FileSystemInfo[] fileinfo = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); //返回目录中所有文件和子目录
foreach (FileSystemInfo i in fileinfo)
if (i is DirectoryInfo) //判断是否文件夹
DirectoryInfo subdir = new DirectoryInfo(i.FullName);
subdir.Delete(true); //删除子目录和文件
File.Delete(i.FullName); //删除指定文件
catch (Exception ex)
LogAPI.Debug(ex + ":删除错误不处理");
private void CopyDirectInfo(string sourceDir, string toDir)
if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDir))
throw new ApplicationException("未找到文件:" + sourceDir);
if (!Directory.Exists(toDir))
DirectoryInfo directInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir);
FileInfo[] filesInfos = directInfo.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo fileinfo in filesInfos)
string fileName = fileinfo.Name;
File.Copy(fileinfo.FullName, toDir + @"/" + fileName, true);
public class PCModel
public string BGQBSM { get; set; }
public string BGHBSM { get; set; }
public double BGHMJ { get; set; }
public double KZMJ { get; set; }
//public Dictionary<int, double> GCData { get; set; }
public List<GCMJModel> GCData { get; set; }
public PCModel()
GCData = new List<GCMJModel>();
public void PC()
//IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, double>> GCData2 = GCData.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value);
//GCData = new Dictionary<int, double>();
//foreach (var item in GCData2)
// GCData.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
GCData = GCData.OrderByDescending(o => o.MJ).ToList();
double zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
double mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
if (Math.Round(mjc, 2) == 0)
int num = 0;
while (Math.Round(mjc, 2) != 0 && num < 10)
int tpsm = (int)(Math.Abs(Math.Round(mjc, 2)) / 0.01);
int e = tpsm / GCData.Count;
int f = tpsm % GCData.Count;
if (f != 0)
double tpmj = (e + 1) * 0.01;
for (int j = 0; j < f; j++)
if (mjc < 0)
GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ + tpmj;
else if (GCData[j].MJ > 0.01)
GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ - tpmj;
if (e != 0)
double tpmj = e * 0.01;
for (int j = f; j < GCData.Count; j++)
if (mjc < 0)
GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ + tpmj;
else if (GCData[j].MJ > 0.01)
GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ - tpmj;
zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
//mjc = Math.Round(shpList.Sum(s => s.MJ), 2) - pKZMJ;
public void PC2()
//IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, double>> GCData2 = GCData.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value);
//GCData = new Dictionary<int, double>();
//foreach (var item in GCData2)
// GCData.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
GCData = GCData.OrderByDescending(o => o.MJ).ToList();
double zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
double mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
if (Math.Round(mjc, 2) == 0 || (zmj == 0 && mjc < 0))
int num = 0;
while (Math.Round(mjc, 2) != 0 && num < 10)
foreach (var item in GCData)
if (Math.Round(mjc, 2) == 0) break;
if (mjc < 0)
if (item.MJ <= 0.01) continue;
item.MJ = Math.Round(item.MJ + 0.01, 2);
zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
if (item.MJ <= 0.01) continue;
item.MJ = Math.Round(item.MJ - 0.01, 2);
zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
//while (Math.Round(mjc, 2) != 0 && num < 10)
// num++;
// int tpsm = (int)(Math.Abs(Math.Round(mjc, 2)) / (double)0.01);
// int e = tpsm / GCData.Count;
// int f = tpsm % GCData.Count;
// if (f != 0)
// {
// double tpmj = (e + 1) * 0.01;
// for (int j = 0; j < f; j++)
// {
// if (mjc < 0)
// GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ + tpmj;
// else if (GCData[j].MJ > 0.01)
// GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ - tpmj;
// }
// }
// if (e != 0)
// {
// double tpmj = e * 0.01;
// for (int j = f; j < GCData.Count; j++)
// {
// if (mjc < 0)
// GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ + tpmj;
// else if (GCData[j].MJ > 0.01)
// GCData[j].MJ = GCData[j].MJ - tpmj;
// }
// }
// zmj = GCData.Sum(s => s.MJ);
// mjc = Math.Round(zmj - KZMJ, 2);
// //mjc = Math.Round(shpList.Sum(s => s.MJ), 2) - pKZMJ;
public class GCMJModel
public int OID { get; set; }
public double MJ { get; set; }
public class CZC_Param
public IFeatureLayer GXCZCLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GXGCCZCLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer GXTBLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer JCCZCLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer JCTBLayer { get; set; }
public IFeatureLayer BGTBLayer { get; set; }
public class CalcAreaParm
public string StrLayer { get; set; }
public int StartIndex { get; set; }
public List<int> OidList { get; set; }