ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing Provides access to the properties/methods of the string array. Adds a string to the array. The size of the array. Adds a string to the array at the specified index. Removes all strings from the array. Removes a string from the array. Replaces a string in the array. The string at the specified index in the array. Provides access to the properties/methods of a data element domain object. Add a data element type. Count. Remove a data element type. Make list. Data element type. Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data element object. Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object. The toolbox alias. Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object. The display name of the toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. The toolbox alias. Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data type object. Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data type object. Provides access to the Data Element Utilities. Assign tin properties. Gets the catalog object. Compares a wildcard string against a given value. Copys the data element. Deletes the data element. Checks if a data element exists. Expands a given data element. Gets the GxObject for a data element. Gets the GxObject from a catalog path. Returns an array of GxObjects for a catalog path. Gets the name object for data element. Gets the name object from a catalog path. Check if field arrays are equal. Makes a data element from path. Makes a data element from name object. Returns an array of data elements for a catalog path. Returns the dataset for the given data element. Returns the dataset by catalog path. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Returns the container of a catalog path. Returns the name of a catalog path. Refreshs catalog for the parent of the given data element. Indicates whether to refresh catalog parent. Release the internal objects used prior to releasing this DEUtilities object. Renames the data element. Sets the current workspace. Provides access to enumeric esriFieldTypes. Returns the next esriFieldType in the enumeric object. Resets the enumeric object. Provides access to enumeric esriGeometryTypes. Returns the next esriGeometryType in the enumeric object. Resets the enumeric object. Provides access to enumeric GPDataType. Returns the next GPDataType in the enumeric object. Resets the enumeric object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment enumeration object. Returns the next geoprocessing environment in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool enumeration object. Returns the next tool in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to methods on a toolbox enumeration object. Returns the next toolbox in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to methods on a toolbox name enumeration object. Returns the next toolbox name in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool name enumeration object. Returns the next tool name in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model elements. Returns the next model element in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model processes. Returns the next process in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model variables. Returns the next variable in the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools. Output an error message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output an informative message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Set whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Output message from the last tool executed. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Add a toolbox to the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Output a warning message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Clear the messages to be returned as tool message when running within a script tool. Create a new result object. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Test the existence of a given parameter value (GPValue or catalog path) the type of the data is optional. Make a dataelement from the given value. Retrieve the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Return the message description by index of the last tool executed. Return all of the message descriptions of the last tool executed. Return the input command line or script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index of the last tool executed. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages of the last tool executed. Return the message severity by index of the last tool executed. Is server tool synchronous. Return the list of feature datasets within the current workspace. Return the list of environments (properties) within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of feature classes within the current workspace or feature dataset within the workspace. Return the list of rasters within the current workspace. Return the list of tables within the current workspace. Return the list of toolboxes within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of tools within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of workspaces within the current workspace (the workspace can be a folder). Load the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) from a file on disk in XML format. Set whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Return the maximum severity of the message of the last tool executed. Return the number of messages of the last tool executed. Open an objector a namestring. Example a DEFeatureClass object will return an IFeatureClass. Set the overwrite outputs flag within the current Geoprocessing session. True means outputs of tools will be overwritten. Return the number of input command line or script tool parameters. Parse a field name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a table name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Qualify a field name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a table name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents. Remove a toolbox from the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Reset the environments to their initial state. Save the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) to a file on disk in XML format. Update the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Set the output script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Set whether new map layers are temporary by default. Test for the presence of a schema lock (already open for writing) of a given file or dataset. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents. Returns the command line usage of a given tool by name. Validate the parameters (input) of a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Validate a field name within the given workspace. Validate a table or feature class name within the given workspace. The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools. Output an error message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output an informative message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Set whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Output message from the last tool executed. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Add a toolbox to the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Set whether to add results to result view. Output a warning message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Check for end of result. Clear the messages to be returned as tool message when running within a script tool. Create a new result object. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Test the existence of a given parameter value (GPValue or catalog path) the type of the data is optional. Make a dataelement from the given value. Retrieve the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Return the message description by index of the last tool executed. Return all of the message descriptions of the last tool executed. Return the input command line or script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index of the last tool executed. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages of the last tool executed. Return the message severity by index of the last tool executed. Is server tool synchronous. Return the list of feature datasets within the current workspace. Return the list of environments (properties) within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of feature classes within the current workspace or feature dataset within the workspace. Return the list of rasters within the current workspace. Return the list of tables within the current workspace. Return the list of toolboxes within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of tools within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of workspaces within the current workspace (the workspace can be a folder). Load the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) from a file on disk in XML format. Set whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Return the maximum severity of the message of the last tool executed. Return the number of messages of the last tool executed. Open an objector a namestring. Example a DEFeatureClass object will return an IFeatureClass. Set the overwrite outputs flag within the current Geoprocessing session. True means outputs of tools will be overwritten. Return the number of input command line or script tool parameters. Parse a field name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a table name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Qualify a field name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a table name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents3. Remove a toolbox from the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Reset the environments to their initial state. Save the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) to a file on disk in XML format. Update the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Set the output script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Set whether new map layers are temporary by default. Test for the presence of a schema lock (already open for writing) of a given file or dataset. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents3. Returns the command line usage of a given tool by name. Validate the parameters (input) of a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Validate a field name within the given workspace. Validate a table or feature class name within the given workspace. Provides access to GeoProcessor events. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called immediately after a tool is executed by the GeoProcessor. Called immediately prior to the GeoProcessor executing a tool. Called when a toolbox is added or removed from the GeoProcessor. Provides access to GeoProcessor events2. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called immediately after a tool is executed by the GeoProcessor. Called immediately prior to the GeoProcessor executing a tool. Called when a toolbox is added or removed from the GeoProcessor. Provides access to GeoProcessor events3. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called when a message has been posted while executing a tool. Called immediately after a tool is executed by the GeoProcessor. Called immediately prior to the GeoProcessor executing a tool. The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools. Cancel the job. Return the input by index. Delete the job and all associated data. Return the message description by index. Return all of the message descriptions. Return the output by index. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index. Return the message severity by index. Return the number of inputs. Return the maximum severity of the message. Return the number of messages. Return the number of outputs. Get the job ID. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the job status. The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools. Cancel the job. Return the input by index. Delete the job and all associated data. Return the message description by index. Return all of the message descriptions. Return the output by index. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index. Return the message severity by index. Return the number of inputs. Get the GeoProcessor ASync status. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Return the maximum severity of the message. Return the number of messages. Return the number of outputs. Set the GeoProcessor process value. Get the job ID. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the job status. Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings. Indicates whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Indicates whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether output datasets should be overwritten when executing geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether to prompt the user when connecting elements in ModelBuilder if there is more than one possible connection. Indicates whether new map layers are temporary by default. Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings. This property determine how long to hold on results. Indicates whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Indicates whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether output datasets should be overwritten when executing geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether to prompt the user when connecting elements in ModelBuilder if there is more than one possible connection. Indicates whether new map layers are temporary by default. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing analysis cellsize object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing analysis cellsize data type. The current GPSAGeoDataDomain. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing annotation feature class domain object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Arc/Info item domain object. Add an item type. Count. Coverage Feature Class Type. Remove an item type. Indicates whether or not to filter items based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter items that have or do not have an index. Make list. Set index filter. Indicates whether or not to show pseudo items. Indicates whether or not to show redefined items. Item type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit object. Converts the current value to the specified areal unit type. Gets the type of areal unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the areal unit. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing boolean object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a boolean. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing boolean data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Calculator Expression object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing Calculator Expression data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing CellSizeXY object. The X. The Y. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing CellSizeXY data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coded value domain property object. CodedValue Domain Property Name. CodedValue Domain Property Value. Provides access to properties and methods on a Geoprocessing helper object. Adds a reference to the specified toolbox to the GeoProcessor. The environment manager object associated with the helper. Executes the specified tool. Get the parameter name for a given tool and index. Removes the reference to the specified toolbox from the GeoProcessor. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite data type object. Adds the given data type to the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. The number of acceptable data types the composite data type will accept. The data type object at the given index. Removes the given data type from the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite domain object. Adds a geoprocessing domain to the composite domain. The number of geoprocessing domains in the composite domain. The geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. Removes a geoprocessing domain from the composite domain. Replaces a geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. Provides access to GPCompositeLayer objects. Add a layer. Returns the array of layers. Remove all layers. Gets the number of layers. Returns a given layer. Remove a layer. Provides access to GPCompositeLayerType objects. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing container schema object. Inidicates additional children for the children property. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system object. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage domain object. Coverage Feature Class Domain. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage feature class domain object. Add a coverage feature class type. Count. Remove a coverage feature class type. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on their topology type. Topology filter type. Make list. Set topology filter. Coverage feature class type. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets increased by a given percentage. Returns the next tile. Resets the enumeration of tiles. Provides access to the Cursor Row. Deletes the existing row of the current position of the cursor. Returns the value of the specified field in the row object. Inserts a new row into the data source of the given cursor using the values of this row object. Indicates whether or not the value of the specified field in the row object is NULL. Sets the value of the specified field to NULL in the row object. Sets this row object with a new row. Sets the value of the specified field in the row object. Updates the existing row of the current position of the cursor with the values of this row object. Provides access to the Cursor Row. Returns the OID and GEOMETRY fields of the associated table. Returns if the row is from an insert cursor or not. Deletes the existing row of the current position of the cursor. Returns the value of the specified field in the row object. Inserts a new row into the data source of the given cursor using the values of this row object. Indicates whether or not the value of the specified field in the row object is NULL. Sets the value of the specified field to NULL in the row object. Sets this row object with a new row. Sets the value of the specified field in the row object. Updates the existing row of the current position of the cursor with the values of this row object. Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object. The tool extension associated with the tool. Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object. The tool extension associated with the tool. Provides access to methods on a custom tool helper object. The custom tool object associated with the helper object. See the ESRI SDK Help. The embedded data. The embedded dataset name. The embedded dataset type. The embedded data file. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing dataset domain object. Add a dataset type. Count. Remove a dataset type. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they can be versioned. Indicates whether to filter datasets that can or can not be versioned. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they are versioned. Indicates whether to filter versioned or non-versioned datasets. Make list. Set can filter. Set versioned filter. Dataset type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing date object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a date. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing date data type. Provides access to the properties/methods to manage a list of output dataset names. Adds the given name to the list. Returns whether or not the given name exists within the list. Removes all names from the list. Removes the specified name from the list. Provides access to the properties of a GpDescribeData object. Returns information about a given data element. Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Field Description object. Alias name of the field description. Domain of the field description. Indicates whether the field is editable. Get the initial field value. Indicates whether the field supports NULL values. The length of the field. Name of the field description. Set the field position. The precision of the field. Indicates whether the field is required. The scale of the field. Set the initial field value. The data type of the field. Provides access to the properties and methods of the Describe Geometry object. The area of the geometry object. The centroid of the geometry object; returns label point if centroid is outside. The extent of the geometry object. The first point of the geometry object. Sets the geometry property. Returns the part of the geometry object at the specified index. The four corners of the most narrow enclosing rectangle. Indicates whether the geometry object contains more than one part. The (inside) label point of the geometry object. The last point of the geometry object. The length of the geometry object. The number of parts of the geometry object. The number of points of the geometry object. The true centroid of the geometry object. The geometry type of the geometry object. Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Index Description object. Enumeration of fields in the index description. Indicates whether the index description is sorted in ascending order. Indicates whether the index description is unique. Name of the index description. Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessor object. Sets the output error message. Sets the output message. Sets the return message as an output message by index. Add the toolbox to the current session. Sets the output warning message. Checks the status of a product extension. Checks in a product extension. Checks out a product extension. Check the status of a license code. Clears the value of a given environment. executes the given command line. Copy given tool parameter to another. Creates a geoprocessing object that can be used in a scripting environment. Creates a geoprocessing random number generator object that can be used to generate random numbers. Creates a scratch name for the given workspace. Creates a unique name for the given workspace. Returns a descriptor object describing the properties of the specified data element. Checks if a data element exists. Gets the return message by index. Gets all the return messages. Gets given tool parameter as text. Gets the return code by index. Gets the return severity by index. Gets the given system environment. Returns an insert cursor object against the given table/feature class. Returns a collection of datasets in the current workspace based on a query string and type. Gets list of GeoProcessor Environments. Returns a collection of feature classes in the current workspace or optional dataset, based on a query string and type. Returns a collection of fields in the given table/feature class based on a query string and type. Returns a collection of indexes in the given table/feature class based on a query string and type. Returns a collection of rasters in the current workspace based on a query string and type. Returns a collection of tables in the current workspace based on a query string and type. Gets list of GeoProcessor Toolboxes. Gets list of GeoProcessor Tools. Returns a collection of workspaces in the current workspace based on a query string and type. Loads the current GeoProcessor environment settings. Indicates whether or not operations are logged or not. The maximum severity of the return messages. The number of returned messages. Indicates whether or not outputs should be overwritten. The number of input tool parameters. Parses a field name into its constituent parts. Parses a table name into its constituent parts. Gets the product license info. Qualifies a field name for the workspace and connected user. Qualifies a table name for the workspace and connected user. Refreshes the parent of the specified object in the catalog object associated with the Geoprocessor. Remove the toolbox from the current session. Tests if a given environments value is set or not. Saves the current GeoProcessor environment settings. Returns a search cursor object against the given table/feature class. Sets given tool parameter as text. Sets the license level. Tests if an exclusive schema lock is set on a dataset. Sets the current (default) toolbox. Returns an update cursor object against the given table/feature class. Generates the Usage for a given tool. Checks a field for compatibility with the workspace. Checks a table name for compatibility with the workspace. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing double object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a double. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing double data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type. Provides access to the methods on a list enumeration object. Returns the next string in the list. Resets the enumeration so the next returned string is the first. Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object enumerator object. Inserts the row associated with the given cursor row. Inserts the row associated with the given cursor row. Creates and returns a new cursor row object. Returns the next object in the enumeration sequence. Resets the enumeration so the next returned string is the first. Initializes the enumeration of rows based upon the given cursor. Sets the fields to be used when creating cursors. Sets the indexes to be used when creating cursors. Updates the row associated with the given cursor row. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing envelope object. The extent of the geoprocessing envelope. Sets the extent of the geoprocessing envelope given the x/y minimum/maximum values. The maximum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The maximum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing envelope data type. Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object. Adds the name of an environment that the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Category of the geoprocessing environment. Class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing environment. Data type of acceptable values of the geoprocessing environment. Enumeration of environment names the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Display name of the geoprocessing environment. Display order of the geoprocessing environment. Domain of the geoprocessing environment. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this environment object. Name of the geoprocessing environment. Value of the geoprocessing environment. Provides access to the implementation properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object. The value. The parent geoprocessing environment object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment management object. Adds the given geoprocessing environment to the environment manager. Locates and returns the environment with the specified name. Returns the environments of the environment manager as an array. Returns the value of the given environment as a variant. Returns an array of the environments that have been updated locally. Returns the parent environment manager. Indicates whether all environments or only local environments are persisted. Sets the value of the given environment to the given variant. Removes the given geoprocessing environment from the environment manager. Removes all environments from the environment manager. Substitues the values of the given array of parameters with the current environment values. Provides the server connections information to the ExportWebMap tool extension. Returns the names of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing extent object. Gets the type and values of extent. Sets the type and values of extent. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing extent data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature class domain object. Add a feature class type. Add a shape type. Count. Remove a feature class type. Remove a shape type. Feature class type. Count. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have measures. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have Z values. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have a spatial index. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have a spatial index. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have measures. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have Z values. Make list. Set HasMs filter. Set HasZs filter. Set index filter. Shape type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer object. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The feature class of the feature layer. The selection set of the feature layer. The field info of the feature layer. The where clause of the feature layer. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer data type object. See the ESRI SDK Help. The shape field name. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature schema object. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. The extent property. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. The FeatureType. Inidicates how the FeatureType property is to be managed. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. The GeometryType. Inidicates how the GeometryType property is to be managed. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature solutions object. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature solutions results object. Sets the first OID. Sets the point. Sets the second OID. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add a field type. Count. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field count. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Field type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object. Enable raster attribute table for Mosaic dataset. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. Add a field to the field info object. The number of fields in the field info object. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field index. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field name. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field new name. Returns the field index of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Returns the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Initializes the field info object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Merges the field information from the given table data element into the field info object. Removes all the fields from the field info object. Removes the given field from the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Sets the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. Returns the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the start and end text positions. Sets the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the start and end text positions. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object. Returns the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info domain object. Coded Value Domain. Provides access to the Dispatch Field Info Object. Add a field. The number of fields. Export the Value Table to a string. Find a field index by name. Find a field index by new name. Get the field name by index. Get the new field name by index. Get the split rule by index. Get the visible flag by index. Load the Value Table from a string. Remove a field. Set the field name by index. Set the new field name by index. Set the split rule by index. Set the visible flag by index. Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. FieldInfo Property Alias. Indicates whether or not the field info property has an error. FieldInfo Property Index. FieldInfo Property Name. FieldInfo Property Split Rule. Indicates whether or not the field is visible. Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. Returns the start and end text positions. FieldInfo Property Join Delimiter. FieldInfo Property Merge Rule. Sets the start and end text positions. Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object. FieldInfo Property Real Alias. Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info data type. Provides access to the sub field map object. Add an internal mapped field. Get the count of mapped fields. Get the mapped fields. Find an internal mapped field. Get an internal mapped field. Get an internal mapped field table. Get the start and end text positions. Get the join delimiter. Get the merge rule. Get the main field. Remove all of the mapped fields. Remove an internal mapped field. Set the start and end text positions. Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Add a sub-field. The true FieldMap object Find a given sub-field Get a sub-field end text position. Get a sub-field. Get a sub-field table. Get a sub-field start text position. Get the count of sub-fields. Join delimiter for the sub-fields. Merge rule for the sub-fields. Get the properties field Remove all sub-fields. Remove a given sub-field Set a sub-field end text position. Set a sub-field start text position. Provides access to the field map object. Add an internal field map. Get the count of the internal field maps. Get the mapped fields. Add an internal field map. Get a specific internal field map. Initializes the field map object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Remove all of the internal field maps. Remove an internal field map. Replace a specific internal field map. Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Add a fieldmap to the mapping object Add a table to the mapping object Get the string representation of the field mappings object Get the count of fieldmaps within the mapping object The true FieldMapping object Get the output fields of the mapping object Set the workspace for the mapping object Find the index of a fieldmap Get a fieldmap from the mapping object Initialize the field map by text string Remove fieldmaps from the mapping object Remove a fieldmap from the mapping object Replace a fieldmap within the mapping object Provides access to the field map data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file domain object. Add a data element type. Count. Remove a data element type. Make list. File type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file support object. The number of file descriptions. The description of the file type. The extension of the file type. The path to the image file of the file type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function object. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object. Post validates the given set of values. Pre validates the given set of values. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object. Alias of the geoprocessing function factory. The class identifier (CLSID) of the geoprocessing function factory. Returns the geoprocessing function object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of the geoprocessing environments that the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory use. Returns the geoprocessing function name object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of function name objects of all the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory. Name of the geoprocessing function factory. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object. Release the functions cached by the geoprocessing function factory. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function associated with this name object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function associated with this name object. The minimum product required to use the function associated with this name object. The extension, if any, required to use the function associated with this name object. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object. The function object associated with the tool. Provides access to GPGroupLayer objects. Provides access to GPGroupLayerType objects. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the gp job server. Executes the server request and returns the server response. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer data type object. See the ESRI SDK Help. Get the layer renderer. The layer drawing description. Provides access to the GpLayers and Tables domain. Indicates whether or not to hide layers on disk. Provides access to GPLayerSupport properties. Makes a GPLayer from a layer. Makes a layer from a value. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object. Adds a point to the line given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the line. The number of points in the line. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object. The actual the polyline object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object. Converts the current value to the specified linear unit type. Gets the type of linear unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the linear unit. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object. Sets the type of linear unit to be used as the default when the linear unit control is displayed. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing line data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing long integer object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a long integer. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing long integer data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain object. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the m domain. Set the measure domain extent. Set the m domain from a spatial reference. Set the measure false origin and units. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain data type object. Provides access to the measure field domain. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing model tool object. Adds a parameter to the model tool. Clear parameters. Delete intermediate data. The diagram properties object associated with the tool. Finds a parameter in the model tool. Finds a parameter in the model tool. Get intermediate variables. The model object associated with the tool. Removes a parameter from the model tool. Rename element. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value object. Adds the given value object to the multi-value object. The number of values currently contained in the multi-value object. Inserts the given value object to the multi-value object at the specified index. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value object. Removes the value object at the given index from the multi-value object. Removes the given value object from the multi-value object. Replaces the value object at the given index with the given value object. The value at the specified index. An enumeration of values contained in the multi-value object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value data type name object. The data type name of the multi-value data type name. Provides access to the properties/methods of the multi-value data type object. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value data type object. Provides access to the NetCDFWorkspace object. The names of the attributes of the NetCDFWorkspace The value of an attribute of the NetCDFWorkspace The index of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace by variable The number of dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The value of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The type of a field of the NetCDFWorkspace The spatial reference of the NetCDFWorkspace The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace by dimension Initialize the NetCDFWorkspace dispatch object to the properties of the real NetCDFWorkspace object Network Dataset Layer interface Network Dataset Layer Type interface Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing numeric domain object. Defines if empty is allowed. Returns the HighLimit property. Sets the lower limit value of the numeric domain object. Defines the LowLimitInclusive property. Defines the HighLimit property. Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object array object. Adds an object to the array. Assigns the properties of source array to this object. The element count of the array. Returns the object at the given index in the array. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Returns the next object at the current index in the array. Removes the object at the specified index from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Replaces the object at the specified index in the array. Sets the current enumeration index (used by the Next method) back to the first element in the array. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information. The parameter category. The parameter choice list. The parameter data type. The parameter direction. The parameter display name. The parameter name. The parameter type. The parameter value. Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information array. Adds a parameter to the array. The size of the array. The parameter at the specified index in the array. Adds a parameter to the array at the specified index. Removes a parameter from the array. Removes all parameters from the array. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object. Builds a string, one character at a time, returning whether that character is quoted and whether that character is the end of delimited token. Initializes the geoprocessing parse string object with the string to be parsed and the string used to separate tokens. Returns whether the next token to be parsed is enclosed in quotation marks. Returns the next simple token parsed from the string. Returns the next token parsed from the string. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object. Builds a string, one character at a time, returning whether that character is quoted and whether that character is the end of delimited token. Returns the double value as string. Initializes the geoprocessing parse string object with the string to be parsed and the string used to separate tokens. Returns whether the next token to be parsed is enclosed in quotation marks. Returns if the string needs to be quoted. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a boolean. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a double. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a long. Returns the next simple token parsed from the string. Returns the next token parsed from the string. Quotes the string if it needs to be quoted. Returns the remaining string. Returns the string as a doulbe value. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object. Sets the x/y coordinates of the point. The X coordinate of the point. The Y coordinate of the point. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object. The actual the point object. Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object. Clones the point object. The ID coordinate. The M coordinate. Set point attributes to that of the given point geometry object. The X coordinate. The Y coordinate. The Z coordinate. Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object. Does the point have M? Does the point have Z? Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing point data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object. Adds a point to the polygon given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the polygon. The number of points in the polygon. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object. The actual the polygon object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing polygon data type. Provides access to a query table fields domain. Provides access to the query table ID field domain. Provides access to IGPRAFieldDomain interface. Dependent value object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator object. Generates the next random number value. Initializes random generator seed and type. Resets random number generator seed, type stays unchanged. Gets the value, as a non-negative long, of the seed. Gets the random number generator type. Provides access to the Dispatch RandomGenerator Object. Get the string representation of the generator Initialize the generator by text string The RandomNumberGenerator. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator data type object. See the ESRI SDK Help. The embedded raster builder. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer data type object. See the ESRI SDK Help. The embedded data. The embedded data format. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to raster storage def creation Options. Creation options. Provides access to IGPRasterFormulated interface. Band count. Makes as an integer constant geodata. Indicates if integer or float type. Makes a DERasterDataset. Is integer type. Value. Provides access to IGPRasterFormulatedType interface. Provides access to raster GDB environment compression control. Compression quality. Compression type. Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType. Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. Indicates if creating pyramid option. Pyramid levels. Resampling technique. Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. Compression quality. Pyramid compression type. Indicates if creating pyramid option. Pyramid levels. Resampling technique. Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control. Indicates if skipping first pyramid. Compression quality. Pyramid compression type. Indicates if creating pyramid option. Pyramid levels. Resampling technique. Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType. Provides access to raster GDB environment statistics control. Indicates if calculating statistics option. Value to be ignored. X-Skip factor. Y-Skip factor. Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType. Provides access to raster GDB environment tile size control. Tile height. Tile width. Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer object. The number of bands in the raster layer object. The number of columns of the raster layer object. The field of the raster layer. Indicates whether or not the raster layer is of integer type. The pixel height of the raster layer object. The pixel width of the raster layer object. The row count of the raster layer object. The where clause of the raster layer. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster schema object. The cellSize property. Inidicates how the cellSize property is to be managed. The extent property. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster format property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster is integer property is to be managed. See the ESRI SDK Help. The has transfer limit been reached flag. The OID field name. The recordset data. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing representation layer domain object. Add a new shape type to filter valid representations. Number of shape types to filter valid representations. Remove a shape type. Shape type at a given index. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing results. The result messages. The result values. Provides access to the properties/methods of the result options. Indicates if the result features should be densified. Indicates if the result files should be returned embedded or referenced by url. See the ESRI SDK Help. Indicates if the result features should be densified. The format of results. The format properties of results. The spatial reference of result geodatasets. Indicates if the result files should be returned embedded or referenced by url. Provides access to the route feature class domain. Provides access to the route ID field domain. Provides access to the route measure event table domain. Provides access to the route measure event properties. The from-measure field name of the event table. The route id field name. The from-measure field name of the event table. The type of property (point or line). Provides access to the route measure event property type. Provides access to GPSA Geo-Data Domain. Adds a GPDataType. Adds an esriFieldType. Adds an esriGeometryType. Indicates if checking field in Validation. Clears a GPDataType. Clears a esriFieldType. Clears a esriGeometryTypes. GPDataType at an index. GPDataType count. All GPDataTypes. Defualt field name. Field type at an index. Field type count. All esriFieldTypes. Geometry type at an index. Geometry type count. All esriGeometryTypes. Removes a GPDataType. Removes an esriFieldType. Removes an esriGeometryType. Selects Fields in a DETable. Selects DEGeoDatasets from an Array. Selects DEGeoDatasets from a workspace path. Sets polygon feature data. Sets feature data. Sets polyline feature data. Sets numeric field types. Sets point-type feature data. Sets raster data. Validates a GPDataType. Validate an esriFieldType. Validates an esriGeometryType. Provides access to IGPSAGeoDataType interface. GPSAGeoDataDomain. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing schema object. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object. The environments associated with the tool. The name of the script file associated with the tool. The parameters associated with the tool. Indicates whether or not to display a command window when executing. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object. Validation code block. Extension code. Indicates if the product and/or extension code is set. Product code. Indicates whether to run the script inproc or not. Layer for Symbology. Internal validation of GetParameterInfo. Indicates whether to use the extension code. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server. Cancels the specified job. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server. Cancels the specified job. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the tool name for the job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Provides access to the methods of the geoprocessing server. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. See the ESRI SDK Help. The job messages. Initialize the track cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. The message level. The job messages. Initialize the track cancel. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference object. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference data type object. Provides access to the Dispatch SpatialReference Object. The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component. The alias of this spatial reference component. The angular unit code. The angular unit name. The azimuth of a projected coordinate system. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system in degrees. The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. The classification of a map projection. Create the spatial reference using the currently set properties. Create the spatial reference from a projection file. The datum code. The datum name. The extent of the X/Y domain. The factory code of the spatial reference. The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system. The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system. The false origin and units. The flattening ratio of this spheroid. The geographic coordinate system code. The geographic coordinate system name. Indicates whether or not m-value precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not (x,y) precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not z-value precision information has been defined. The HighPrecision property. The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The linear unit code. The linear unit name. The longitude value of this prime meridian. The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The extent of the measure domain. The measure false origin and units. The MResolution property. The MTolerance property. The name of this spatial reference component. The projected coordinate system code. The projected coordinate system name. The prime meridian code. The prime meridian name. The projection code. The projection name. The radians per angular unit. The comment string of this spatial reference component. The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system. The semi-major axis length of this spheroid. The semi-minor axis length of this spheroid. Get the domain extent. Get the false origin and units. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z false origin and units. The spatial reference object. The spheroid code. The spheroid name. The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The type of the spatial reference. The usage notes of a projected coordinate system. The XYResolution property. The XYTolerance property. The extent of the Z domain. The Z false origin and units. The ZResolution property. The ZTolerance property. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression data type object. Provides access to GPCompositeLayer tables. Returns the standalone tables. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing string object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing hidden string object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing hidden string data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table schema object. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. Provides access to the Tables domain. Indicates whether or not to hide joined layers. Provides access to the Tables domain. Indicates whether or not to show only standalone tables. Indicates whether or not to hide joined layers. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view object. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The table of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The field info of the feature layer. The name string. The where clause of the feature layer. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view data type object. Provides access to properties/methods of a task object. Get the parameter description. Get the parameter info. Get the parameter renderer. Set the parameter renderer. Initialize the task. Initialize the task. The task mode. The parameter mapping associated with the task. The task process. Set the parameter description. Set the parameter info. Set the parameter renderer. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the GPTest object. GetDataTypeNames. GetFunctionNameObjects. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer data type object. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool object. Returns whether or not the properties of the tool can be modified. Returns whether or not the source (i.e., definition) of the tool can be modified. The description of the tool. The class identifier of the custom dialog to use for this tool. The display name of the tool. Presents a modal dialog to edit the tool's properties. Executes the tool with the given set of values. Returns the renderer associated with the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this tool. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this tool. Indicates if the tool has been deleted. Returns whether the tool is licensed to be executed. Returns whether the tool is part of the current product. Returns whether the tool is capable of being executed/edited. The name of the tool. The set of parameters required to execute the tool. The path of the tool object. Indicates if path names are stored relative to the tool/toolbox. Stores the current state of the tool to the toolbox. The toolbox of the tool. The tool category. The type of tool. Validates the given set of values. Tool Background Implementation Interface. Can this tool run in the background. Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. The alias of the toolbox, used when referencing a tool: name_alias. Changes the alias of the toolbox. Sets the help (CHM) file and help context identifier containing help for this toolbox. Returns whether or not a new tool can be created in the toolbox. Creates a new tool in the toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. Indicates if the toolbox has been deleted. Returns a specific tool (by name) within the toolbox. The path name to the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tool name objects contained within the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tools contained within the toolbox. Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. The alias of the toolbox. Alters the alias of the toolbox. Modifies the display name property of the toolbox. Sets the help (CHM) file and help context identifier containing help for this toolbox. Returns whether or not the display name property can be modified. Returns whether or not a new tool can be created in the toolbox. Creates a new tool in the toolbox. The display name of the toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. Indicates if the toolbox has been deleted. Returns a specific tool (by name) within the toolbox. The path name of the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tool name objects contained within the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tools contained within the toolbox. Provides access to methods on the toolbox object. The description of the toolbox. The alias of the toolbox. Alters the alias of the toolbox. Modifies the display name property of the toolbox. Sets the help (CHM) file and help context identifier containing help for this toolbox. Returns whether or not the display name property can be modified. Returns whether or not a new tool can be created in the toolbox. Creates a new tool in the toolbox. The display name of the toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. Indicates if the toolbox has been deleted. Returns a specific tool (by name) within the toolbox. The path name of the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tool name objects contained within the toolbox. An enumeration of all the geoprocessing tools contained within the toolbox. Provides access to toolbox events. Provides access to toolbox events. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Provides access to toolbox events. Provides access to toolbox events. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Provides access to methods on the toolbox factory object. Creates a new toolbox. Opens the specified toolbox from a file. Provides access to methods on a toolbox name object. The path name of the toolbox. Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object. Invokes the tool currently associated with the command. Associates the command object with a particular tool to be executed when the command is invoked. Associates the command object with a particular tool to be executed when the command is invoked. The geoprocessing tool currently associated with the command. Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object. Invokes the tool with a modal dialog currently associated with the command. Invokes the tool currently associated with the command. Associates the command object with a particular tool to be executed when the command is invoked. Associates the command object with a particular tool to be executed when the command is invoked. The geoprocessing tool currently associated with the command. Provides access to edit methods on a geoprocessing tool object. Returns whether or not the tool can be copied. Copies the tool to a toolbox. Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension. Returns whether or not the source for the tool extension can be edited. The custom tool helper object associated with the tool extension. The CLSID of a custom dialog class to enter/edit parameter values for custom tools associated with this tool extension. Executes the tool extension given the set of parameter values. Returns a custom renderer for a given parameter. Returns whether or not the tool extension has all necessary product licenses to be executed. Returns whether or not the tool extension can be executed within the current application product. Returns whether or not the tool extension is can be executed. The parameters required to execute the custom tool associated with this tool extension. Updates the given metadata property set with the current tool extension properties. The factory object associated with this tool extension. Validates the given set of values. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object. Returns whether or not the factory supports editing instances of the tool extension. The CLSID of the tool extension factory class. Creates a new instance of a tool extension in the given toolbox. Invokes a window to edit a tool extension. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with the tool extension. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with invalid instances of the tool extension. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with unlicensed instances of the tool extension. Called immediately following the creation of a new tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with the tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with invalid instances of the tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with unlicensed instances of the tool extension. Name of the tool extension factory class. Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object. Returns whether or not the factory supports editing instances of the tool extension. The CLSID of the tool extension factory class. Creates a new instance of a tool extension in the given toolbox. Invokes a window to edit a tool extension. The default tool extension description. The default tool extension display name. The default tool extension name. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with the tool extension. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with invalid instances of the tool extension. A 32x32 bitmap to associate with unlicensed instances of the tool extension. Called immediately following the creation of a new tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with the tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with invalid instances of the tool extension. A 16x16 bitmap to associate with unlicensed instances of the tool extension. Name of the tool extension factory class. Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension. Returns whether or not the source for the tool extension can be edited. The custom tool helper object associated with the tool extension. The CLSID of a custom dialog class to enter/edit parameter values for custom tools associated with this tool extension. Executes the tool extension given the set of parameter values. Returns a custom renderer for a given parameter. Returns whether or not the tool extension has all necessary product licenses to be executed. Returns whether or not the tool extension can be executed within the current application product. Returns whether or not the tool extension is can be executed. The parameters required to execute the custom tool associated with this tool extension. Updates the given metadata property set with the current tool extension properties. The factory object associated with this tool extension. Validates the given set of values. Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information. The tool category. The tool display name. The extent of the tool. The url to the tool help. The tool name. The tool parameters. Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information. The tool description. Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information array. Adds a tool to the array. The size of the array. The tool at the specified index in the array. Adds a tool to the array at the specified index. Removes a tool from the array. Removes all tools from the array. Provides access to methods on a tool name object. The description of the tool name object. The CLSID of the dialog object of the tool name. The display name of the tool name object. The toolbox name of the tool name. The category of the tool name object. The tool type of the tool name. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing data type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. Abort edit operation within the application. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Cleans up any edit session. Clear the virtual workspace. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Get active view. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Get the virtual workspace. Get default layer name for given value. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes all internal layers and tables. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Starts an edit session if needed. Start edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Sets the Variable Manager. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Abort edit operation within the application. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Cleans up any edit session. Clear the virtual workspace. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Get active view. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Get the virtual workspace. Get default layer name for given value. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes all internal layers and tables. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Starts an edit session if needed. Start edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Sets the Variable Manager. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object. Returns the search cursor for the value object. Returns the selection set for the value object. Returns the update cursor for the value object. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Abort edit operation within the application. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Cleans up any edit session. Clear the virtual workspace. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Get active view. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Get the virtual workspace. Get default layer name for given value. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes all internal layers and tables. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Starts an edit session if needed. Start edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Sets the Variable Manager. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Provides access to GPExpression objects. Gets the text value of the variable value. Returns a string array of the variable names. Gets the resolved state. Resolves a given variable value. Returns an array of variables. Provides access to the properties/methods of the values array. Adds a value to the array. The size of the array. The value at the specified index in the array. Adds a value to the array at the specified index. Removes a value from the array. Removes all values from the array. Provides access to the properties/methods of a value table object. Adds the data type as a column to the value table. Adds a record to the value table. The data type object of the given column index. The number of data types/columns of the value table. Returns the array of values of the specified record in the value table. Returns the value of the given row/column. Inserts a record in the value table at the specified index. The number of rows in the value table. Removes the given column from the value table. Removes the specified record from the value table. Removes the given value from the value table. Replaces the record in the value table at the specified index. Sets the vlaue of the given row/column. Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object. Add a row. The number of columns. Export the Value Table to a string. Get a row. Get a value. Load the Value Table from a string. Populate a given ValueTable with the values from this one. Remove a row. The number of rows. The number of columns. Set a given row with a new value. Set a given column value. Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object. Get a value. Provides access to the properties/methods of the value table data type. Adds the given data type to the value table data type. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control for the data type at the given index in the value table data type. The number of data types/columns of the value table data type. The data type object of the given column index. The display name of the given column of the value table data type. Removes the data type/column at the given index from the value table data type. The width of the given column of the value table data type. Provides access to GPVariableManager objects. Adds a variable. Finds a variable. Removes a variable. Removes all variables. Returns an array of all of the variables. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing variant object. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing variant data type. Provides access to the virtual table domain. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing workspace object. Add a workspace type. Count. Remove a workspace type. Make list. Workspace type. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain object. Get the xy domain extent. Get the extent of the xy domain. Get the false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the xy domain. Set the xy domain extent. Set the xy domain from an extent. Set the xy domain from a spatial reference. Set the false origin and units. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain data type object. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain object. Get the spatial reference of the z domain. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z false origin and units. Set the z domain extent. Set the z domain from a spatial reference. Set the Z false origin and units. Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain data type object. Provides access to methods that manage map server cache tiles. Dataframe name. Enable local caching Server machine name. Import cache. Service name. Provides access to ModelBuilder Import Interface. Loads ArcView 3 ModelBuilder metadata. Loads ArcView 3 ModelBuilder model. Provides access to properties/methods of a model builder progressor object. The number of processes to be executed. Increments the current progressor position by one. Provides access to properties/methods of a model element. Indicates if the model element has been altered by the user. Indicates if the model element is current (i.e., has been created). Returns an enumeration of model elements that are dependent on the model element in the given direction and of the given connection type. Returns the messages returned from the last call to Validate(). Unique identifier of the model element. Returns whether or not the model element is dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Indicates if the model element has been marked for validation/execution. The model the model element is contained within. Name of the model element. The state of the model element. Indicates if the model element is valid. Validates the model element. Provides access to support methods on the element dialog. The overriding stylesheet to use to display the dialog for this object. Provides access to properties/methods of a model list. Adds a value. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). The list count. The current index. Feedback variable. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Get valence. The values. Inserts a value. Indicates the list type. Moves the specified value. Removes all values. Removes the specified value. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Set valence. The values. The value at the specifed index. Provides access to properties/methods of a model. Adds the given element to the model. Adds the collection of elements to the model. Returns whether or not the given model element can be added to the model. Generates a new unique name that may be used for adding a new model element to the model. Removes the given element from the model. Removes the connection/dependency between two model elements. Removes all model elements from the model. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the model. Executes all the processes in the model. Executes a single process in the model. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Returns the model element with the given name. Returns the model element with the given identifier. Returns all of the model elements in the model. Returns all of the processes in the model. Returns all of the variables in the model. Returns whether or not all the processes in the model are licensed. Returns whether or not all the model elements in the model are valid. Merges the given enumeration of model elements, commonly from another model, into the current model. Name of the model. Returns all the model elements in the model in sorted order. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction. Validates all model elements in the model. Returns whether or not the model already contains a model element by the given name. Provides access to model events. Provides access to model events. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration. Current model iteration. Number of times to iterate the model. Indicates model iteration type. Model iteration variable. Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration. Current model iteration. Number of times to iterate the model. Model iteration element. Indicates model iteration type. Provides access to properties/methods of a model parameter. Indicates if the model parameter is current (i.e., has been created). Indicates if the model parameter is a derived value. Initializes the model parameter using the given parameter as a template. Indicates if the model parameter has been marked for validation/execution. Indicates if the model parameter is valid. Validates the current value of the model parameter. The value of the parameter object. Provides access to properties/methods of a model process. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the process. Executes the current tool associated with the process using the current parameter values. Returns the value of specified process parameter. The collection of input parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process is valid. Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process needs to be repaired (e.g., the tool parameters have changed). The collection of output parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. The parameter object with the specified name. The collection of parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. Collection of variables that must be executed prior to executing the process. Updates/repairs the processes collection of parameters to match the tool currently associated with the process. Sets the value of specified process parameter. The tool object currently associated with the model process. The tool name object of the tool currently associated with the model process. Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. Indicates if the variable should be added to the application display. Indicates if the data specified by the variable is considered intermediate data. Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. Indicates the layer to use for drawing information. Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable. Indicates the layer to use for drawing information. Provides access to the properties/methods of the process layer object. Sets the process. Refresh layers. Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace object. Creates a new toolbox in the workspace. Deletes a toolbox from the workspace. Opens an existing toolbox in the workspace. An enumeration of toolbox objects contained in the workspace. An enumeration of toolbox name objects contained in the workspace. Provides access to methods on a toolbox workspace extension object. Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace factory object. Provides access to the available WPS Server properties and methods. Handle a WPS request. Handle setting WPS Server parameter. My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser. My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Add a data element type. Add a data element type. Count. Count. Remove a data element type. Remove a data element type. Make list. Make list. Data element type. Data element type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Dataset Data Element Data Type. Dataset Data Element Data Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Dataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Dataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Dataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. The tool Data Element. The tool Data Element. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The tool Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The tool Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The tool Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The toolbox Data Element. The toolbox Data Element. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The toolbox Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The toolbox Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The toolbox Data Element. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. The display name of the toolbox. The display name of the toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this toolbox. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this toolbox. The toolbox alias. The toolbox alias. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The toolbox Data Type. The toolbox Data Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. The toolbox Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The toolbox Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The toolbox Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. The tool Data Type. The tool Data Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. The tool Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The tool Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The tool Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Data Element Data Type. Data Element Data Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Data Element Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Data Element Utilities object. Data Element Utilities object. Assign tin properties. Assign tin properties. Data Element Utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. Data Element Utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. Data Element Utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. Gets the catalog object. Gets the catalog object. Compares a wildcard string against a given value. Compares a wildcard string against a given value. Copys the data element. Copys the data element. Deletes the data element. Deletes the data element. Checks if a data element exists. Checks if a data element exists. Expands a given data element. Expands a given data element. Gets the GxObject for a data element. Gets the GxObject for a data element. Gets the GxObject from a catalog path. Gets the GxObject from a catalog path. Returns an array of GxObjects for a catalog path. Returns an array of GxObjects for a catalog path. Gets the name object for data element. Gets the name object for data element. Gets the name object from a catalog path. Gets the name object from a catalog path. Check if field arrays are equal. Check if field arrays are equal. Makes a data element from path. Makes a data element from path. Makes a data element from name object. Makes a data element from name object. Returns an array of data elements for a catalog path. Returns an array of data elements for a catalog path. Returns the dataset for the given data element. Returns the dataset for the given data element. Returns the dataset by catalog path. Returns the dataset by catalog path. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Returns the container of a catalog path. Returns the container of a catalog path. Returns the name of a catalog path. Returns the name of a catalog path. Refreshs catalog for the parent of the given data element. Refreshs catalog for the parent of the given data element. Indicates whether to refresh catalog parent. Indicates whether to refresh catalog parent. Release the internal objects used prior to releasing this DEUtilities object. Release the internal objects used prior to releasing this DEUtilities object. Renames the data element. Renames the data element. Sets the current workspace. Sets the current workspace. Enumeration of multiple strings. Enumeration of multiple strings. Adds a string to the array. Adds a string to the array. Enumeration of multiple strings. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple strings. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple strings. Constructor has no input arguments. The size of the array. The size of the array. Adds a string to the array at the specified index. Adds a string to the array at the specified index. Removes all strings from the array. Removes all strings from the array. Removes a string from the array. Removes a string from the array. Replaces a string in the array. Replaces a string in the array. The string at the specified index in the array. The string at the specified index in the array. Obtains the next string in the list. Obtains the next string in the list. Resets the string so the next returned string is the first. Resets the string so the next returned string is the first. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects. Returns the next geoprocessing environment in the enumeration. Returns the next geoprocessing environment in the enumeration. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Resets the current position of the enumeration. Adds an object to the array. Adds an object to the array. The element count of the array. The element count of the array. Searches for the object in the array. Searches for the object in the array. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Removes an object from the array. Removes an object from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Replaces an object in the array. Replaces an object in the array. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects. Provides the next name object in the enumeration. Provides the next name object in the enumeration. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Resets the enumerator such that a subsequent next returns the first name object. Resets the enumerator such that a subsequent next returns the first name object. Adds an object to the array. Adds an object to the array. The element count of the array. The element count of the array. Searches for the object in the array. Searches for the object in the array. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Removes an object from the array. Removes an object from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Replaces an object in the array. Replaces an object in the array. Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided. Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided. Constructor has no input arguments. Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided. Constructor has no input arguments. Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Post validates the given set of values. Post validates the given set of values. Pre validates the given set of values. Pre validates the given set of values. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser. ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. GeoProcessor Access. GeoProcessor Access. Output an error message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output an error message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console GeoProcessor Access. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Access. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Access. Constructor has no input arguments. Output an informative message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output an informative message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Set whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Set whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Output message from the last tool executed. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output message from the last tool executed. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Add a toolbox to the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Add a toolbox to the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Output a warning message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output a warning message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Clear the messages to be returned as tool message when running within a script tool. Clear the messages to be returned as tool message when running within a script tool. Create a new result object. Create a new result object. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Test the existence of a given parameter value (GPValue or catalog path) the type of the data is optional. Test the existence of a given parameter value (GPValue or catalog path) the type of the data is optional. Make a dataelement from the given value. Make a dataelement from the given value. Retrieve the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Retrieve the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Return the message description by index of the last tool executed. Return the message description by index of the last tool executed. Return all of the message descriptions of the last tool executed. Return all of the message descriptions of the last tool executed. Return the input command line or script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Return the input command line or script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index of the last tool executed. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index of the last tool executed. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages of the last tool executed. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages of the last tool executed. Return the message severity by index of the last tool executed. Return the message severity by index of the last tool executed. Is server tool synchronous. Is server tool synchronous. Return the list of feature datasets within the current workspace. Return the list of feature datasets within the current workspace. Return the list of environments (properties) within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of environments (properties) within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of feature classes within the current workspace or feature dataset within the workspace. Return the list of feature classes within the current workspace or feature dataset within the workspace. Return the list of rasters within the current workspace. Return the list of rasters within the current workspace. Return the list of tables within the current workspace. Return the list of tables within the current workspace. Return the list of toolboxes within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of toolboxes within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of tools within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of tools within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of workspaces within the current workspace (the workspace can be a folder). Return the list of workspaces within the current workspace (the workspace can be a folder). Load the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) from a file on disk in XML format. Load the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) from a file on disk in XML format. Set whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Set whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Return the maximum severity of the message of the last tool executed. Return the maximum severity of the message of the last tool executed. Return the number of messages of the last tool executed. Return the number of messages of the last tool executed. Open an objector a namestring. Example a DEFeatureClass object will return an IFeatureClass. Open an objector a namestring. Example a DEFeatureClass object will return an IFeatureClass. Set the overwrite outputs flag within the current Geoprocessing session. True means outputs of tools will be overwritten. Set the overwrite outputs flag within the current Geoprocessing session. True means outputs of tools will be overwritten. Return the number of input command line or script tool parameters. Return the number of input command line or script tool parameters. Parse a field name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a field name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a table name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a table name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Qualify a field name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a field name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a table name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a table name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents. Remove a toolbox from the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Remove a toolbox from the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Reset the environments to their initial state. Reset the environments to their initial state. Save the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) to a file on disk in XML format. Save the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) to a file on disk in XML format. Update the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Update the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Set the output script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Set the output script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Set whether new map layers are temporary by default. Set whether new map layers are temporary by default. Test for the presence of a schema lock (already open for writing) of a given file or dataset. Test for the presence of a schema lock (already open for writing) of a given file or dataset. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents. Returns the command line usage of a given tool by name. Returns the command line usage of a given tool by name. Validate the parameters (input) of a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Validate the parameters (input) of a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Validate a field name within the given workspace. Validate a field name within the given workspace. Validate a table or feature class name within the given workspace. Validate a table or feature class name within the given workspace. Output an error message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Output an informative message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Set whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Output message from the last tool executed. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Add a toolbox to the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Set whether to add results to result view. Set whether to add results to result view. Output a warning message. When running within a script tool, message becomes part of the tool messages, otherwise outputs to console Check for end of result. Check for end of result. Clear the messages to be returned as tool message when running within a script tool. Create a new result object. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Execute a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Test the existence of a given parameter value (GPValue or catalog path) the type of the data is optional. Make a dataelement from the given value. Retrieve the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Return the message description by index of the last tool executed. Return all of the message descriptions of the last tool executed. Return the input command line or script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index of the last tool executed. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages of the last tool executed. Return the message severity by index of the last tool executed. Is server tool synchronous. Return the list of feature datasets within the current workspace. Return the list of environments (properties) within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of feature classes within the current workspace or feature dataset within the workspace. Return the list of rasters within the current workspace. Return the list of tables within the current workspace. Return the list of toolboxes within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of tools within the current Geoprocessing session. Return the list of workspaces within the current workspace (the workspace can be a folder). Load the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) from a file on disk in XML format. Set whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Return the maximum severity of the message of the last tool executed. Return the number of messages of the last tool executed. Open an objector a namestring. Example a DEFeatureClass object will return an IFeatureClass. Set the overwrite outputs flag within the current Geoprocessing session. True means outputs of tools will be overwritten. Return the number of input command line or script tool parameters. Parse a field name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Parse a table name within the given workspace. This will strip the connected user and database names. Qualify a field name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Qualify a table name within the given workspace. This will add the connected user and database names. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents3. Register an object to recieve IGeoProcessorEvents3. Remove a toolbox from the current Geoprocessing session by catalog path. Reset the environments to their initial state. Save the current settings (toolboxes, environment values, etc) to a file on disk in XML format. Update the value of an environment by name. The properties of the current Geoprocessing session. Set the output script tool parameter by index as a GPValue. Set whether new map layers are temporary by default. Test for the presence of a schema lock (already open for writing) of a given file or dataset. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents3. UnRegister an object to stop recieving IGeoProcessorEvents3. Returns the command line usage of a given tool by name. Validate the parameters (input) of a tool within the current Geoprocessing session. Validate a field name within the given workspace. Validate a table or feature class name within the given workspace. GeoProcessorResult Access. GeoProcessorResult Access. Cancel the job. Cancel the job. GeoProcessorResult Access. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessorResult Access. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessorResult Access. Constructor has no input arguments. Return the input by index. Return the input by index. Delete the job and all associated data. Delete the job and all associated data. Return the message description by index. Return the message description by index. Return all of the message descriptions. Return all of the message descriptions. Return the output by index. Return the output by index. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index. Return the message severity by index. Return the message severity by index. Return the number of inputs. Return the number of inputs. Return the maximum severity of the message. Return the maximum severity of the message. Return the number of messages. Return the number of messages. Return the number of outputs. Return the number of outputs. Get the job ID. Get the job ID. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the job status. Get the job status. Cancel the job. Return the input by index. Delete the job and all associated data. Return the message description by index. Return all of the message descriptions. Return the output by index. Return the GPMessages object which will be messages. Return the message error code (Error Messages Only) by index. Return the message severity by index. Return the number of inputs. Get the GeoProcessor ASync status. Get the GeoProcessor ASync status. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Return the maximum severity of the message. Return the number of messages. Return the number of outputs. Set the GeoProcessor process value. Set the GeoProcessor process value. Get the job ID. Get the GeoProcessor return value. Get the job status. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The current GPSAGeoDataDomain. The current GPSAGeoDataDomain. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Add an item type. Add an item type. Count. Count. Coverage Feature Class Type. Coverage Feature Class Type. Remove an item type. Remove an item type. Indicates whether or not to filter items based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter items based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter items that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter items that have or do not have an index. Make list. Make list. Set index filter. Set index filter. Indicates whether or not to show pseudo items. Indicates whether or not to show pseudo items. Indicates whether or not to show redefined items. Indicates whether or not to show redefined items. Item type. Item type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Converts the current value to the specified areal unit type. Converts the current value to the specified areal unit type. Gets the type of areal unit. Gets the type of areal unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the areal unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the areal unit. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a boolean. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a boolean. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type. Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The X. The X. The Y. The Y. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. Adds a (value, name) code. Adds a (value, name) code. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Adds a (value, name) code. Adds a (value, name) code. The number of codes for the associated attribute. The number of codes for the associated attribute. Deletes a code with the specified value. Deletes a code with the specified value. Deletes all the codes. Deletes all the codes. Provides the name for the specified value. Provides the name for the specified value. Provides the value object for the specified code. Provides the value object for the specified code. The code name for the specified code index. The code name for the specified code index. Populate the domain codes. Populate the domain codes. The value object for the specified code index. The value object for the specified code index. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property. CodedValue Domain Property Name. CodedValue Domain Property Name. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property. Constructor has no input arguments. CodedValue Domain Property Value. CodedValue Domain Property Value. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Adds the given data type to the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. Adds the given data type to the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. The number of acceptable data types the composite data type will accept. The number of acceptable data types the composite data type will accept. The data type object at the given index. The data type object at the given index. Removes the given data type from the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. Removes the given data type from the list of acceptable data types in the composite data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Composite Domain. Geoprocessing Composite Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Composite Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Adds a geoprocessing domain to the composite domain. Adds a geoprocessing domain to the composite domain. The number of geoprocessing domains in the composite domain. The number of geoprocessing domains in the composite domain. The geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. The geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. Removes a geoprocessing domain from the composite domain. Removes a geoprocessing domain from the composite domain. Replaces a geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. Replaces a geoprocessing domain at the specified index in the composite domain. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add a layer. Add a layer. Returns the array of layers. Returns the array of layers. Remove all layers. Remove all layers. Gets the number of layers. Gets the number of layers. Returns a given layer. Returns a given layer. Remove a layer. Remove a layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Container Schema object. Geoprocessing Container Schema object. Inidicates additional children for the children property. Inidicates additional children for the children property. Geoprocessing Container Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Container Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Container Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Convert map cache storage format. Convert map cache storage format. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Convert map cache storage format. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert map cache storage format. Constructor has no input arguments. Convert map cache storage format. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. Creates a tool tip string for the value. Creates a tool tip string for the value. Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Coverage Feature Class Domain. Coverage Feature Class Domain. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Add a coverage feature class type. Add a coverage feature class type. Count. Count. Remove a coverage feature class type. Remove a coverage feature class type. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on their topology type. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on their topology type. Topology filter type. Topology filter type. Make list. Make list. Set topology filter. Set topology filter. Coverage feature class type. Coverage feature class type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Constructor has no input arguments. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Constructor has no input arguments. Create a set of tiles for chunking. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets increased by a given percentage. Creates a set of tiles based upon the array of input datasets increased by a given percentage. Returns the next tile. Returns the next tile. Resets the enumeration of tiles. Resets the enumeration of tiles. GPDataFile Class GPDataFile Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPDataFile Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPDataFile Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPDataFile Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The embedded data. The embedded data. The embedded dataset name. The embedded dataset name. The embedded dataset type. The embedded data file. The embedded data file. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Data File Type. Data File Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Data File Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Data File Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Data File Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Add a dataset type. Add a dataset type. Count. Count. Remove a dataset type. Remove a dataset type. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they can be versioned. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they can be versioned. Indicates whether to filter datasets that can or can not be versioned. Indicates whether to filter datasets that can or can not be versioned. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they are versioned. Indicates whether or not to filter datasets based on whether or not they are versioned. Indicates whether to filter versioned or non-versioned datasets. Indicates whether to filter versioned or non-versioned datasets. Make list. Make list. Set can filter. Set can filter. Set versioned filter. Set versioned filter. Dataset type. Dataset type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a date. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a date. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Date Data Type. Geoprocessing Date Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Date Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Date Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Date Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing DescribeField object. Geoprocessing DescribeField object. Alias name of the field description. Alias name of the field description. Geoprocessing DescribeField object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing DescribeField object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing DescribeField object. Constructor has no input arguments. Domain of the field description. Domain of the field description. Indicates whether the field is editable. Indicates whether the field is editable. Get the initial field value. Get the initial field value. Indicates whether the field supports NULL values. Indicates whether the field supports NULL values. The length of the field. The length of the field. Name of the field description. Name of the field description. Set the field position. Set the field position. The precision of the field. The precision of the field. Indicates whether the field is required. Indicates whether the field is required. The scale of the field. The scale of the field. Set the initial field value. Set the initial field value. The data type of the field. The data type of the field. Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools. Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools. Adds a reference to the specified toolbox to the GeoProcessor. Adds a reference to the specified toolbox to the GeoProcessor. Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools. Constructor has no input arguments. Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools. Constructor has no input arguments. Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools. Constructor has no input arguments. The environment manager object associated with the helper. The environment manager object associated with the helper. Executes the specified tool. Executes the specified tool. Get the parameter name for a given tool and index. Get the parameter name for a given tool and index. Removes the reference to the specified toolbox from the GeoProcessor. Removes the reference to the specified toolbox from the GeoProcessor. Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a double. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a double. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Double Data Type. Geoprocessing Double Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Double Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Double Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Double Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Geoprocessing String Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The extent of the geoprocessing envelope. The extent of the geoprocessing envelope. Sets the extent of the geoprocessing envelope given the x/y minimum/maximum values. Sets the extent of the geoprocessing envelope given the x/y minimum/maximum values. The maximum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The maximum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum X value of the geoprocessing envelope. The maximum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. The maximum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. The minimum Y value of the geoprocessing envelope. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Environment object. Geoprocessing Environment object. Adds the name of an environment that the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Adds the name of an environment that the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Geoprocessing Environment object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Environment object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Environment object. Constructor has no input arguments. Category of the geoprocessing environment. Category of the geoprocessing environment. Class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing environment. Class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing environment. Data type of acceptable values of the geoprocessing environment. Data type of acceptable values of the geoprocessing environment. Enumeration of environment names the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Enumeration of environment names the geoprocessing environment is dependent on. Display name of the geoprocessing environment. Display name of the geoprocessing environment. Display order of the geoprocessing environment. Display order of the geoprocessing environment. Domain of the geoprocessing environment. Domain of the geoprocessing environment. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this environment object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this environment object. Name of the geoprocessing environment. Name of the geoprocessing environment. Value of the geoprocessing environment. Value of the geoprocessing environment. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Environment Manager. Environment Manager. Indicates whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Indicates whether resulting output datasets should be added to the application display. Environment Manager. Constructor has no input arguments. Environment Manager. Constructor has no input arguments. Environment Manager. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether or not to log the execution of geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether output datasets should be overwritten when executing geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether output datasets should be overwritten when executing geoprocessing tools. Indicates whether to prompt the user when connecting elements in ModelBuilder if there is more than one possible connection. Indicates whether to prompt the user when connecting elements in ModelBuilder if there is more than one possible connection. Indicates whether new map layers are temporary by default. Indicates whether new map layers are temporary by default. Adds the given name to the list. Adds the given name to the list. Returns whether or not the given name exists within the list. Returns whether or not the given name exists within the list. Removes all names from the list. Removes all names from the list. Removes the specified name from the list. Removes the specified name from the list. Adds the given geoprocessing environment to the environment manager. Adds the given geoprocessing environment to the environment manager. Locates and returns the environment with the specified name. Locates and returns the environment with the specified name. Returns the environments of the environment manager as an array. Returns the environments of the environment manager as an array. Returns the value of the given environment as a variant. Returns the value of the given environment as a variant. Returns an array of the environments that have been updated locally. Returns an array of the environments that have been updated locally. Returns the parent environment manager. Returns the parent environment manager. Indicates whether all environments or only local environments are persisted. Indicates whether all environments or only local environments are persisted. Sets the value of the given environment to the given variant. Sets the value of the given environment to the given variant. Removes the given geoprocessing environment from the environment manager. Removes the given geoprocessing environment from the environment manager. Removes all environments from the environment manager. Removes all environments from the environment manager. Substitues the values of the given array of parameters with the current environment values. Substitues the values of the given array of parameters with the current environment values. Adds a variable. Adds a variable. Finds a variable. Finds a variable. Removes a variable. Removes a variable. Removes all variables. Removes all variables. Returns an array of all of the variables. Returns an array of all of the variables. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Reports the available fonts on the server Reports the available fonts on the server The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Reports the available fonts on the server Constructor has no input arguments. Reports the available fonts on the server Constructor has no input arguments. Reports the available fonts on the server Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Creates Feature Service Replica ASync. Creates Feature Service Replica ASync. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Creates Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync. Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Export pre-rendered tile cache. Export pre-rendered tile cache. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Export pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Export pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Export pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Export pre-rendered tile cache worker. Export pre-rendered tile cache worker. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Export pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Export pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Export pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Export Map Server Cache. Export Map Server Cache. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Export Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Export Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Export Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Gets the type and values of extent. Gets the type and values of extent. Sets the type and values of extent. Sets the type and values of extent. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Add a feature class type. Add a feature class type. Add a shape type. Add a shape type. Count. Count. Remove a feature class type. Remove a feature class type. Remove a shape type. Remove a shape type. Feature class type. Feature class type. Count. Count. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have measures. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have measures. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have Z values. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have Z values. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have a spatial index. Indicates whether or not to filter feature classes based on whether or not they have a spatial index. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have a spatial index. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have a spatial index. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have measures. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have measures. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have Z values. Indicates whether to filter feature classes that have or do not have Z values. Make list. Make list. Set HasMs filter. Set HasMs filter. Set HasZs filter. Set HasZs filter. Set index filter. Set index filter. Shape type. Shape type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The feature class of the feature layer. The feature class of the feature layer. The selection set of the feature layer. The selection set of the feature layer. The field info of the feature layer. The field info of the feature layer. The where clause of the feature layer. The where clause of the feature layer. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The table of the table view. The table of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The field info of the feature layer. The name string. The where clause of the feature layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The shape field name. The shape field name. Get the layer renderer. Get the layer renderer. The layer drawing description. The layer drawing description. The has transfer limit been reached flag. The has transfer limit been reached flag. The OID field name. The OID field name. The recordset data. The recordset data. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. The extent property. The extent property. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. The FeatureType. The FeatureType. Inidicates how the FeatureType property is to be managed. Inidicates how the FeatureType property is to be managed. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. The GeometryType. The GeometryType. Inidicates how the GeometryType property is to be managed. Inidicates how the GeometryType property is to be managed. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods. Constructor has no input arguments. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results. Sets the first OID. Sets the first OID. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results. Constructor has no input arguments. Sets the point. Sets the point. Sets the second OID. Sets the second OID. Object for generating field choice list. Object for generating field choice list. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. Object for generating field choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for generating field choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for generating field choice list. Constructor has no input arguments. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Field Domain. Geoprocessing Field Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Field Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Enable raster attribute table for Mosaic dataset. Enable raster attribute table for Mosaic dataset. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add a field to the field info object. Add a field to the field info object. The number of fields in the field info object. The number of fields in the field info object. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field index. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field index. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field name. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field name. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field new name. Returns the index of the field in the field info object matching given the field new name. Returns the field index of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the field index of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Returns whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Returns the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Initializes the field info object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Initializes the field info object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Merges the field information from the given table data element into the field info object. Merges the field information from the given table data element into the field info object. Removes all the fields from the field info object. Removes all the fields from the field info object. Removes the given field from the field info object. Removes the given field from the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Sets whether there is an error with the specified field in the field info object. Sets the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the new name of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the split rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the visibility of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the start and end text positions. Returns the start and end text positions. Sets the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the join delimiter of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the merge rule of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the start and end text positions. Sets the start and end text positions. Returns the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Returns the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Sets the real alias of the specified field in the field info object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Coded Value Domain. Coded Value Domain. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Field Info object. Geoprocessing Field Info object. Add a field. Add a field. Geoprocessing Field Info object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info object. Constructor has no input arguments. The number of fields. The number of fields. Export the Value Table to a string. Export the Value Table to a string. Find a field index by name. Find a field index by name. Find a field index by new name. Find a field index by new name. Get the field name by index. Get the field name by index. Get the new field name by index. Get the new field name by index. Get the split rule by index. Get the split rule by index. Get the visible flag by index. Get the visible flag by index. Load the Value Table from a string. Load the Value Table from a string. Remove a field. Remove a field. Set the field name by index. Set the field name by index. Set the new field name by index. Set the new field name by index. Set the split rule by index. Set the split rule by index. Set the visible flag by index. Set the visible flag by index. Geoprocessing value object describing a field. Geoprocessing value object describing a field. FieldInfo Property Alias. FieldInfo Property Alias. Geoprocessing value object describing a field. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object describing a field. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object describing a field. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates whether or not the field info property has an error. Indicates whether or not the field info property has an error. FieldInfo Property Index. FieldInfo Property Index. FieldInfo Property Name. FieldInfo Property Name. FieldInfo Property Split Rule. FieldInfo Property Split Rule. Indicates whether or not the field is visible. Indicates whether or not the field is visible. Returns the start and end text positions. Returns the start and end text positions. FieldInfo Property Join Delimiter. FieldInfo Property Join Delimiter. FieldInfo Property Merge Rule. FieldInfo Property Merge Rule. Sets the start and end text positions. Sets the start and end text positions. FieldInfo Property Real Alias. FieldInfo Property Real Alias. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. Add an internal mapped field. Add an internal mapped field. Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Get the count of mapped fields. Get the count of mapped fields. Get the mapped fields. Get the mapped fields. Find an internal mapped field. Find an internal mapped field. Get an internal mapped field. Get an internal mapped field. Get an internal mapped field table. Get an internal mapped field table. Get the start and end text positions. Get the start and end text positions. Get the join delimiter. Get the join delimiter. Get the merge rule. Get the merge rule. Get the main field. Get the main field. Remove all of the mapped fields. Remove all of the mapped fields. Remove an internal mapped field. Remove an internal mapped field. Set the start and end text positions. Set the start and end text positions. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Add a sub-field. Add a sub-field. Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing FieldMap object. Constructor has no input arguments. The true FieldMap object The true FieldMap object Find a given sub-field Find a given sub-field Get a sub-field end text position. Get a sub-field end text position. Get a sub-field. Get a sub-field. Get a sub-field table. Get a sub-field table. Get a sub-field start text position. Get a sub-field start text position. Get the count of sub-fields. Get the count of sub-fields. Join delimiter for the sub-fields. Join delimiter for the sub-fields. Merge rule for the sub-fields. Merge rule for the sub-fields. Get the properties field Get the properties field Remove all sub-fields. Remove all sub-fields. Remove a given sub-field Remove a given sub-field Set a sub-field end text position. Set a sub-field end text position. Set a sub-field start text position. Set a sub-field start text position. Geoprocessing Field Map value object. Geoprocessing Field Map value object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing Field Map value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add an internal field map. Add an internal field map. Get the count of the internal field maps. Get the count of the internal field maps. Get the mapped fields. Get the mapped fields. Add an internal field map. Add an internal field map. Get a specific internal field map. Get a specific internal field map. Initializes the field map object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Initializes the field map object using the field information from the given table/workspace. Remove all of the internal field maps. Remove all of the internal field maps. Remove an internal field map. Remove an internal field map. Replace a specific internal field map. Replace a specific internal field map. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Add a fieldmap to the mapping object Add a fieldmap to the mapping object Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing FieldMapping object. Constructor has no input arguments. Add a table to the mapping object Add a table to the mapping object Get the string representation of the field mappings object Get the string representation of the field mappings object Get the count of fieldmaps within the mapping object Get the count of fieldmaps within the mapping object The true FieldMapping object The true FieldMapping object Get the output fields of the mapping object Get the output fields of the mapping object Set the workspace for the mapping object Set the workspace for the mapping object Find the index of a fieldmap Find the index of a fieldmap Get a fieldmap from the mapping object Get a fieldmap from the mapping object Initialize the field map by text string Initialize the field map by text string Remove fieldmaps from the mapping object Remove fieldmaps from the mapping object Remove a fieldmap from the mapping object Remove a fieldmap from the mapping object Replace a fieldmap within the mapping object Replace a fieldmap within the mapping object Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing File Domain. Geoprocessing File Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing File Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing File Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing File Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Add a data element type. Add a data element type. Count. Count. Remove a data element type. Remove a data element type. Make list. Make list. File type. File type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Function Name object. Geoprocessing Function Name object. The category of the GPName object. The category of the GPName object. Geoprocessing Function Name object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Function Name object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Function Name object. Constructor has no input arguments. The description of the GPName object. The description of the GPName object. The descriptive display name of the GPName object. The descriptive display name of the GPName object. The factory object of the GPName object. The factory object of the GPName object. The name of the GPName object. The name of the GPName object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function associated with this name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function associated with this name object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function associated with this name object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function associated with this name object. The minimum product required to use the function associated with this name object. The minimum product required to use the function associated with this name object. The extension, if any, required to use the function associated with this name object. The extension, if any, required to use the function associated with this name object. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme. Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme. Constructor has no input arguments. Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme. Constructor has no input arguments. Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing Group Layer value. Geoprocessing Group Layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing Group Layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Group Layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Group Layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add a layer. Add a layer. Returns the array of layers. Returns the array of layers. Remove all layers. Remove all layers. Gets the number of layers. Gets the number of layers. Returns a given layer. Returns a given layer. Remove a layer. Remove a layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Utility object used to hold onto a geoprocessing object. Utility object used to hold onto a geoprocessing object. Import pre-rendered tile cache. Import pre-rendered tile cache. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Import pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Import pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Import pre-rendered tile cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Import pre-rendered tile cache worker. Import pre-rendered tile cache worker. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Import pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Import pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Import pre-rendered tile cache worker. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Import Map Server Cache. Import Map Server Cache. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Import Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Import Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Import Map Server Cache. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GP Job Server Class. GP Job Server Class. Executes the server request and returns the server response. Executes the server request and returns the server response. GP Job Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Job Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Job Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Initializes an object with a log. Initializes an object with a log. Activates the object. Activates the object. Deactivates the object. Deactivates the object. Two phase object construction. Two phase object construction. Handles a binary request. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Obtains REST request schema. Obtains REST request schema. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Is this object valid at the given document version. Is this object valid at the given document version. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The GpLayers and Tables domain object. The GpLayers and Tables domain object. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. The GpLayers and Tables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The GpLayers and Tables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The GpLayers and Tables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Indicates whether or not to hide layers on disk. Indicates whether or not to hide layers on disk. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Adds a point to the line given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the line given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the line. Adds a point to the line. The number of points in the line. The number of points in the line. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. The actual the polyline object. The actual the polyline object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Converts the current value to the specified linear unit type. Converts the current value to the specified linear unit type. Gets the type of linear unit. Gets the type of linear unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the linear unit. Gets the value, as a double, of the linear unit. Sets the type of linear unit to be used as the default when the linear unit control is displayed. Sets the type of linear unit to be used as the default when the linear unit control is displayed. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Line Data Type. Geoprocessing Line Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Line Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Line Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Line Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a long integer. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a long integer. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing M Domain object. Geoprocessing M Domain object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing M Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing M Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing M Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the m domain. Get the spatial reference of the m domain. Set the measure domain extent. Set the measure domain extent. Set the m domain from a spatial reference. Set the m domain from a spatial reference. Set the measure false origin and units. Set the measure false origin and units. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add a layer. Add a layer. Returns the array of layers. Returns the array of layers. Remove all layers. Remove all layers. Gets the number of layers. Gets the number of layers. Returns a given layer. Returns a given layer. Remove a layer. Remove a layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Adds the given value object to the multi-value object. Adds the given value object to the multi-value object. The number of values currently contained in the multi-value object. The number of values currently contained in the multi-value object. Inserts the given value object to the multi-value object at the specified index. Inserts the given value object to the multi-value object at the specified index. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value object. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value object. Removes the value object at the given index from the multi-value object. Removes the value object at the given index from the multi-value object. Removes the given value object from the multi-value object. Removes the given value object from the multi-value object. Replaces the value object at the given index with the given value object. Replaces the value object at the given index with the given value object. The value at the specified index. The value at the specified index. An enumeration of values contained in the multi-value object. An enumeration of values contained in the multi-value object. Gets the text value of the variable value. Gets the text value of the variable value. Returns a string array of the variable names. Returns a string array of the variable names. Gets the resolved state. Gets the resolved state. Resolves a given variable value. Resolves a given variable value. Returns an array of variables. Returns an array of variables. Adds the data type as a column to the value table. Adds the data type as a column to the value table. Adds a record to the value table. Adds a record to the value table. The data type object of the given column index. The data type object of the given column index. The number of data types/columns of the value table. The number of data types/columns of the value table. Returns the array of values of the specified record in the value table. Returns the array of values of the specified record in the value table. Returns the value of the given row/column. Returns the value of the given row/column. Inserts a record in the value table at the specified index. Inserts a record in the value table at the specified index. The number of rows in the value table. The number of rows in the value table. Removes the given column from the value table. Removes the given column from the value table. Removes the specified record from the value table. Removes the specified record from the value table. Removes the given value from the value table. Replaces the record in the value table at the specified index. Replaces the record in the value table at the specified index. Sets the vlaue of the given row/column. Sets the vlaue of the given row/column. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value data type object. The data type of value objects accepted by the multi-value data type object. Adds the given data type to the value table data type. Adds the given data type to the value table data type. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control for the data type at the given index in the value table data type. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control for the data type at the given index in the value table data type. The number of data types/columns of the value table data type. The number of data types/columns of the value table data type. The data type object of the given column index. The data type object of the given column index. The display name of the given column of the value table data type. The display name of the given column of the value table data type. Removes the data type/column at the given index from the value table data type. Removes the data type/column at the given index from the value table data type. The width of the given column of the value table data type. The width of the given column of the value table data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. The category of the GPName object. The category of the GPName object. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. Constructor has no input arguments. The description of the GPName object. The description of the GPName object. The descriptive display name of the GPName object. The descriptive display name of the GPName object. The factory object of the GPName object. The factory object of the GPName object. The name of the GPName object. The name of the GPName object. The data type name of the multi-value data type name. The data type name of the multi-value data type name. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. NetCDFWorkspace Access. NetCDFWorkspace Access. The names of the attributes of the NetCDFWorkspace The names of the attributes of the NetCDFWorkspace NetCDFWorkspace Access. Constructor has no input arguments. NetCDFWorkspace Access. Constructor has no input arguments. NetCDFWorkspace Access. Constructor has no input arguments. The value of an attribute of the NetCDFWorkspace The value of an attribute of the NetCDFWorkspace The index of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The index of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace by variable The dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace by variable The number of dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The number of dimensions of the NetCDFWorkspace The value of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The value of a dimension of the NetCDFWorkspace The type of a field of the NetCDFWorkspace The type of a field of the NetCDFWorkspace The spatial reference of the NetCDFWorkspace The spatial reference of the NetCDFWorkspace The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace by dimension The variables of the NetCDFWorkspace by dimension Initialize the NetCDFWorkspace dispatch object to the properties of the real NetCDFWorkspace object Initialize the NetCDFWorkspace dispatch object to the properties of the real NetCDFWorkspace object Network Dataset Layer object. Network Dataset Layer object. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Network Dataset Layer object. Constructor has no input arguments. Network Dataset Layer object. Constructor has no input arguments. Network Dataset Layer object. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Network Dataset Layer Type object. Network Dataset Layer Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Network Dataset Layer Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Network Dataset Layer Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Network Dataset Layer Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Defines if empty is allowed. Defines if empty is allowed. Returns the HighLimit property. Returns the HighLimit property. Sets the lower limit value of the numeric domain object. Sets the lower limit value of the numeric domain object. Defines the LowLimitInclusive property. Defines the LowLimitInclusive property. Defines the HighLimit property. Defines the HighLimit property. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Object Array object. Geoprocessing Object Array object. Adds an object to the array. Adds an object to the array. Geoprocessing Object Array object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Object Array object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Object Array object. Constructor has no input arguments. Assigns the properties of source array to this object. Assigns the properties of source array to this object. The element count of the array. The element count of the array. Returns the object at the given index in the array. Returns the object at the given index in the array. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Adds an object to the array at the specified index. Returns the next object at the current index in the array. Returns the next object at the current index in the array. Removes the object at the specified index from the array. Removes the object at the specified index from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Removes all objects from the array. Replaces the object at the specified index in the array. Replaces the object at the specified index in the array. Sets the current enumeration index (used by the Next method) back to the first element in the array. Sets the current enumeration index (used by the Next method) back to the first element in the array. Geoprocessing Parameter object. Geoprocessing Parameter object. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Geoprocessing Parameter object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Parameter object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Parameter object. Constructor has no input arguments. Category of the geoprocessing parameter. Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPParameterInfo Class. GPParameterInfo Class. The parameter category. The parameter category. GPParameterInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPParameterInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPParameterInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The parameter choice list. The parameter choice list. The parameter data type. The parameter data type. The parameter direction. The parameter direction. The parameter display name. The parameter display name. The parameter name. The parameter name. The parameter type. The parameter type. The parameter value. The parameter value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPParameterInfos Class. GPParameterInfos Class. Adds a parameter to the array. Adds a parameter to the array. GPParameterInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPParameterInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPParameterInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The size of the array. The size of the array. The parameter at the specified index in the array. The parameter at the specified index in the array. Adds a parameter to the array at the specified index. Adds a parameter to the array at the specified index. Removes a parameter from the array. Removes a parameter from the array. Removes all parameters from the array. Removes all parameters from the array. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator. Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator. Builds a string, one character at a time, returning whether that character is quoted and whether that character is the end of delimited token. Builds a string, one character at a time, returning whether that character is quoted and whether that character is the end of delimited token. Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator. Constructor has no input arguments. Initializes the geoprocessing parse string object with the string to be parsed and the string used to separate tokens. Initializes the geoprocessing parse string object with the string to be parsed and the string used to separate tokens. Returns whether the next token to be parsed is enclosed in quotation marks. Returns whether the next token to be parsed is enclosed in quotation marks. Returns the next simple token parsed from the string. Returns the next simple token parsed from the string. Returns the next token parsed from the string. Returns the next token parsed from the string. Builds a string, one character at a time, returning whether that character is quoted and whether that character is the end of delimited token. Returns the double value as string. Returns the double value as string. Initializes the geoprocessing parse string object with the string to be parsed and the string used to separate tokens. Returns whether the next token to be parsed is enclosed in quotation marks. Returns if the string needs to be quoted. Returns if the string needs to be quoted. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a boolean. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a boolean. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a double. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a double. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a long. Returns the next token parsed from the string as a long. Returns the next simple token parsed from the string. Returns the next token parsed from the string. Quotes the string if it needs to be quoted. Quotes the string if it needs to be quoted. Returns the remaining string. Returns the remaining string. Returns the string as a doulbe value. Returns the string as a doulbe value. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Sets the x/y coordinates of the point. Sets the x/y coordinates of the point. The X coordinate of the point. The X coordinate of the point. The Y coordinate of the point. The Y coordinate of the point. The actual the point object. The actual the point object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Point object. Geoprocessing Point object. Clones the point object. Clones the point object. Geoprocessing Point object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point object. Constructor has no input arguments. The ID coordinate. The ID coordinate. The M coordinate. The M coordinate. Set point attributes to that of the given point geometry object. Set point attributes to that of the given point geometry object. The X coordinate. The X coordinate. The Y coordinate. The Y coordinate. The Z coordinate. The Z coordinate. Does the point have M? Does the point have M? Does the point have Z? Does the point have Z? Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Point Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Adds a point to the polygon given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the polygon given the x/y coordinates. Adds a point to the polygon. Adds a point to the polygon. The number of points in the polygon. The number of points in the polygon. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the x/y coordinates of the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. Returns the point at the given index. The actual the polygon object. The actual the polygon object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Enable raster attribute table for Mosaic dataset. Enable raster attribute table for Mosaic dataset. Dependent value object. Dependent value object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Generates the next random number value. Generates the next random number value. Initializes random generator seed and type. Initializes random generator seed and type. Resets random number generator seed, type stays unchanged. Resets random number generator seed, type stays unchanged. Gets the value, as a non-negative long, of the seed. Gets the value, as a non-negative long, of the seed. Gets the random number generator type. Gets the random number generator type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object. Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object. Get the string representation of the generator Get the string representation of the generator Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object. Constructor has no input arguments. Initialize the generator by text string Initialize the generator by text string The RandomNumberGenerator. The RandomNumberGenerator. Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Range Domain. Geoprocessing Range Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Range Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Range Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Range Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The maximum value for the associated attribute. The maximum value for the associated attribute. The minimum value for the associated attribute. The minimum value for the associated attribute. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPRasterBuilder Class GPRasterBuilder Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPRasterBuilder Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterBuilder Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterBuilder Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The embedded raster builder. The embedded raster builder. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Raster Builder Data Type. Raster Builder Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Raster Builder Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Builder Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Builder Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The table of the table view. The table of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The field info of the feature layer. The field info of the feature layer. The name string. The where clause of the feature layer. The where clause of the feature layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GPRasterData Class GPRasterData Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPRasterData Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterData Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterData Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The embedded data. The embedded data. The embedded data format. The embedded data format. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPRasterDataLayer Class GPRasterDataLayer Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPRasterDataLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterDataLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRasterDataLayer Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Get the layer renderer. Get the layer renderer. The layer drawing description. The layer drawing description. The embedded data. The embedded data. The embedded data format. The embedded data format. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Raster Data Layer Data Type. Raster Data Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Raster Data Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Data Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Data Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Raster Data Type. Raster Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Raster Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Raster Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. Constructor has no input arguments. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Band count. Band count. Makes as an integer constant geodata. Makes as an integer constant geodata. Indicates if integer or float type. Indicates if integer or float type. Makes a DERasterDataset. Makes a DERasterDataset. Is integer type. Is integer type. Value. Value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Compression quality. Compression quality. Compression type. Compression type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Indicates if skipping first pyramid. Indicates if skipping first pyramid. Compression quality. Compression quality. Pyramid compression type. Pyramid compression type. Indicates if creating pyramid option. Indicates if creating pyramid option. Pyramid levels. Pyramid levels. Resampling technique. Resampling technique. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Indicates if calculating statistics option. Indicates if calculating statistics option. Value to be ignored. Value to be ignored. X-Skip factor. X-Skip factor. Y-Skip factor. Y-Skip factor. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Tile height. Tile height. Tile width. Tile width. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The number of bands in the raster layer object. The number of bands in the raster layer object. The number of columns of the raster layer object. The number of columns of the raster layer object. The field of the raster layer. The field of the raster layer. Indicates whether or not the raster layer is of integer type. Indicates whether or not the raster layer is of integer type. The pixel height of the raster layer object. The pixel height of the raster layer object. The pixel width of the raster layer object. The pixel width of the raster layer object. The row count of the raster layer object. The row count of the raster layer object. The where clause of the raster layer. The where clause of the raster layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. The cellSize property. The cellSize property. Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Inidicates how the cellSize property is to be managed. Inidicates how the cellSize property is to be managed. The extent property. The extent property. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. Inidicates how the extent property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster format property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster format property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster is integer property is to be managed. Inidicates how the raster is integer property is to be managed. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPRecordSet Class GPRecordSet Class The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. GPRecordSet Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRecordSet Class Constructor has no input arguments. GPRecordSet Class Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The has transfer limit been reached flag. The has transfer limit been reached flag. The OID field name. The OID field name. The recordset data. The recordset data. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Record Set Data Type. Record Set Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Record Set Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Record Set Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Record Set Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Report status information for cached services Report status information for cached services The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Report status information for cached services Constructor has no input arguments. Report status information for cached services Constructor has no input arguments. Report status information for cached services Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Add a new shape type to filter valid representations. Add a new shape type to filter valid representations. Number of shape types to filter valid representations. Number of shape types to filter valid representations. Remove a shape type. Remove a shape type. Shape type at a given index. Shape type at a given index. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Is this object valid at the given document version. Is this object valid at the given document version. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPResult Class. GPResult Class. The result messages. The result messages. GPResult Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPResult Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPResult Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The result values. The result values. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPResultOptions Class. GPResultOptions Class. Indicates if the result features should be densified. Indicates if the result features should be densified. GPResultOptions Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPResultOptions Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPResultOptions Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the result files should be returned embedded or referenced by url. Indicates if the result files should be returned embedded or referenced by url. Indicates if the result features should be densified. The format of results. The format of results. The format properties of results. The format properties of results. The spatial reference of result geodatasets. The spatial reference of result geodatasets. Indicates if the result files should be returned embedded or referenced by url. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Object for filtering route feature classes. Object for filtering route feature classes. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering route feature classes. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering route feature classes. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering route feature classes. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. Constructor has no input arguments. Add exclude field. Add exclude field. Add key field. Add key field. Add a field type. Add a field type. Count. Count. Remove a field type. Remove a field type. Exclude field. Exclude field. Exclude field count. Exclude field count. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether or not to filter fields based on whether or not they have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Indicates whether to filter fields that have or do not have an index. Key field. Key field. Key field count. Key field count. Make list. Make list. Remove exclude field. Remove exclude field. Remove key field. Remove key field. Set index filter. Set index filter. Field type. Field type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The from-measure field name of the event table. The from-measure field name of the event table. The route id field name. The route id field name. The from-measure field name of the event table. The from-measure field name of the event table. The type of property (point or line). The type of property (point or line). Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Adds a GPDataType. Adds a GPDataType. Adds an esriFieldType. Adds an esriFieldType. Adds an esriGeometryType. Adds an esriGeometryType. Indicates if checking field in Validation. Indicates if checking field in Validation. Clears a GPDataType. Clears a GPDataType. Clears a esriFieldType. Clears a esriFieldType. Clears a esriGeometryTypes. Clears a esriGeometryTypes. GPDataType at an index. GPDataType at an index. GPDataType count. GPDataType count. All GPDataTypes. All GPDataTypes. Defualt field name. Defualt field name. Field type at an index. Field type at an index. Field type count. Field type count. All esriFieldTypes. All esriFieldTypes. Geometry type at an index. Geometry type at an index. Geometry type count. Geometry type count. All esriGeometryTypes. All esriGeometryTypes. Removes a GPDataType. Removes a GPDataType. Removes an esriFieldType. Removes an esriFieldType. Removes an esriGeometryType. Removes an esriGeometryType. Selects Fields in a DETable. Selects Fields in a DETable. Selects DEGeoDatasets from an Array. Selects DEGeoDatasets from an Array. Selects DEGeoDatasets from a workspace path. Selects DEGeoDatasets from a workspace path. Sets polygon feature data. Sets polygon feature data. Sets feature data. Sets feature data. Sets polyline feature data. Sets polyline feature data. Sets numeric field types. Sets numeric field types. Sets point-type feature data. Sets point-type feature data. Sets raster data. Sets raster data. Validates a GPDataType. Validates a GPDataType. Validate an esriFieldType. Validate an esriFieldType. Validates an esriGeometryType. Validates an esriGeometryType. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. GPSAGeoDataDomain. GPSAGeoDataDomain. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GP Server Class. GP Server Class. Cancels the specified job. Cancels the specified job. GP Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Cancels the specified job. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the tool name for the job. Returns the tool name for the job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Returns a server object extension found using a string representation of its class ID. Returns a server object extension found using a string representation of its class ID. Returns a server object extension found using its type name. Returns a server object extension found using its type name. Initializes an object with a log. Initializes an object with a log. Activates the object. Activates the object. Deactivates the object. Deactivates the object. Two phase object construction. Two phase object construction. Handles a binary request. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Obtains REST request schema. Obtains REST request schema. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Alias of the geoprocessing function factory. Alias of the geoprocessing function factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Constructor has no input arguments. Constructor has no input arguments. The class identifier (CLSID) of the geoprocessing function factory. The class identifier (CLSID) of the geoprocessing function factory. Returns the geoprocessing function object with the given name. Returns the geoprocessing function object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of the geoprocessing environments that the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory use. Returns an enumeration of the geoprocessing environments that the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory use. Returns the geoprocessing function name object with the given name. Returns the geoprocessing function name object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of function name objects of all the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory. Returns an enumeration of function name objects of all the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory. Name of the geoprocessing function factory. Name of the geoprocessing function factory. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. GP Server Configuration Factory Class. GP Server Configuration Factory Class. Is called when the configuration is added. Is called when the configuration is added. GP Server Configuration Factory Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Configuration Factory Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Configuration Factory Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Is called when the configuration is removed. Is called when the configuration is removed. Is called when the configuration is started. Is called when the configuration is started. Is called when the configuration is stopped. Is called when the configuration is stopped. Is called when configuration is renamed. Is called when configuration is renamed. Is called before the configuration is started. Is called before the configuration is started. Is called before the configuration is stopped. Is called before the configuration is stopped. Is called when the configuration is removed. Is called when the configuration is removed. Is called when the configuration is added. Is called when the configuration is removed. Is called when the configuration is started. Is called when the configuration is stopped. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Alias of the geoprocessing function factory. Alias of the geoprocessing function factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Constructor has no input arguments. Constructor has no input arguments. The class identifier (CLSID) of the geoprocessing function factory. The class identifier (CLSID) of the geoprocessing function factory. Returns the geoprocessing function object with the given name. Returns the geoprocessing function object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of the geoprocessing environments that the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory use. Returns an enumeration of the geoprocessing environments that the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory use. Returns the geoprocessing function name object with the given name. Returns the geoprocessing function name object with the given name. Returns an enumeration of function name objects of all the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory. Returns an enumeration of function name objects of all the geoprocessing functions managed by this function factory. Name of the geoprocessing function factory. Name of the geoprocessing function factory. GP Server Message Proxy. GP Server Message Proxy. Cancels the specified job. Cancels the specified job. GP Server Message Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Message Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Message Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Cancels the specified job. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the tool name for the job. Returns the tool name for the job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. The AGSServerConnectionName object associated with the server object. The AGSServerConnectionName object associated with the server object. The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the server (Internet only). The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the server (Internet only). GP Server LAN Proxy. GP Server LAN Proxy. Cancels the specified job. Cancels the specified job. GP Server LAN Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server LAN Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server LAN Proxy. Constructor has no input arguments. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the status of the specified job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Cancels the specified job. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Indicates if the geoprocessing server is synchronous or asynchronous. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the enviornment values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the input values for the job. Returns the messages of the specified job. Returns the results of the specified job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the extent for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the result options for the job. Returns the status of the specified job. Returns the tool name for the job. Returns the tool name for the job. Indicates if there is an associated map server to draw the results and the name of the map server. Returns a zip file of the results workspace. Returns the tool information of the available tasks. Returns the names of the available tasks. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. Submits the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the job id. The AGSServerConnectionName object associated with the server object. The AGSServerConnectionName object associated with the server object. The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the server (Internet only). The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the server (Internet only). GPServerObjectDescription Class. GPServerObjectDescription Class. The clsid for the client proxy. The clsid for the client proxy. GPServerObjectDescription Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPServerObjectDescription Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPServerObjectDescription Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Defines the type for the server object. Defines the type for the server object. GP Server Helper Class. GP Server Helper Class. GP ServerSync Class. GP ServerSync Class. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. Executes the specified tool with the supplied values and options and returns the results. GP ServerSync Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP ServerSync Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP ServerSync Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the specified tool name. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the tool information of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Returns the names of the available tools. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). Initializes an object with a log. Initializes an object with a log. Activates the object. Activates the object. Deactivates the object. Deactivates the object. Two phase object construction. Two phase object construction. Handles a binary request. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a SOAP string request. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. Handles a binary request. Handles a SOAP string request. Obtains REST request schema. Obtains REST request schema. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. Handles REST request for SO or SOE. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. GP Server Track Cancel Class. GP Server Track Cancel Class. Fired when a geoprocessing message is added. Fired when a geoprocessing message is added. GP Server Track Cancel Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Track Cancel Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GP Server Track Cancel Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The job messages. The job messages. Initialize the track cancel. Initialize the track cancel. The message level. The message level. The job messages. Initialize the track cancel. Hides the progressor. Hides the progressor. The message displayed by the progressor. The message displayed by the progressor. Shows the progressor. Shows the progressor. Animates or steps the progressor. Animates or steps the progressor. The maximum range of the progression. The maximum range of the progression. The minimum range of the progression. The minimum range of the progression. Offsets the position of the progression. Offsets the position of the progression. The current position of the progression. The current position of the progression. The step increment of the progression. The step increment of the progression. Hides the progressor. The message displayed by the progressor. Shows the progressor. Animates or steps the progressor. Cancels the associated operation. Cancels the associated operation. Indicates whether mouse clicks should cancel the operation. Indicates whether mouse clicks should cancel the operation. Indicates whether the escape key and spacebar should cancel the operation. Indicates whether the escape key and spacebar should cancel the operation. The interval at which the operation will be interrupted to advance progressors and process messages. The interval at which the operation will be interrupted to advance progressors and process messages. Called frequently while associated operation is progressing. A return value of false indicates that the operation should stop. Called frequently while associated operation is progressing. A return value of false indicates that the operation should stop. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. The progressor used to show progress during lengthy operations. The progressor used to show progress during lengthy operations. Resets the manager after the associated operation is finished. Resets the manager after the associated operation is finished. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. An obsolete method. Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. Creates a tool tip string for the value. Creates a tool tip string for the value. Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. The spatial reference of the geoprocessing spatial reference object. Get the xy domain extent. Get the xy domain extent. Get the extent of the xy domain. Get the extent of the xy domain. Get the false origin and units. Get the false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the xy domain. Get the spatial reference of the xy domain. Set the xy domain extent. Set the xy domain extent. Set the xy domain from an extent. Set the xy domain from an extent. Set the xy domain from a spatial reference. Set the xy domain from a spatial reference. Set the false origin and units. Set the false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the z domain. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z false origin and units. Get the Z false origin and units. Set the z domain extent. Set the z domain extent. Set the z domain from a spatial reference. Set the z domain from a spatial reference. Set the Z false origin and units. Set the Z false origin and units. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object. The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component. The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object. Constructor has no input arguments. The alias of this spatial reference component. The alias of this spatial reference component. The angular unit code. The angular unit code. The angular unit name. The angular unit name. The azimuth of a projected coordinate system. The azimuth of a projected coordinate system. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system in degrees. The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system in degrees. The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. The classification of a map projection. The classification of a map projection. Create the spatial reference using the currently set properties. Create the spatial reference using the currently set properties. Create the spatial reference from a projection file. Create the spatial reference from a projection file. The datum code. The datum code. The datum name. The datum name. The extent of the X/Y domain. The extent of the X/Y domain. The factory code of the spatial reference. The factory code of the spatial reference. The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system. The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system. The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system. The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system. The false origin and units. The false origin and units. The flattening ratio of this spheroid. The flattening ratio of this spheroid. The geographic coordinate system code. The geographic coordinate system code. The geographic coordinate system name. The geographic coordinate system name. Indicates whether or not m-value precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not m-value precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not (x,y) precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not (x,y) precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not z-value precision information has been defined. Indicates whether or not z-value precision information has been defined. The HighPrecision property. The HighPrecision property. The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The linear unit code. The linear unit code. The linear unit name. The linear unit name. The longitude value of this prime meridian. The longitude value of this prime meridian. The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. The extent of the measure domain. The extent of the measure domain. The measure false origin and units. The measure false origin and units. The MResolution property. The MResolution property. The MTolerance property. The MTolerance property. The name of this spatial reference component. The name of this spatial reference component. The projected coordinate system code. The projected coordinate system code. The projected coordinate system name. The projected coordinate system name. The prime meridian code. The prime meridian code. The prime meridian name. The prime meridian name. The projection code. The projection code. The projection name. The projection name. The radians per angular unit. The radians per angular unit. The comment string of this spatial reference component. The comment string of this spatial reference component. The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system. The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system. The semi-major axis length of this spheroid. The semi-major axis length of this spheroid. The semi-minor axis length of this spheroid. The semi-minor axis length of this spheroid. Get the domain extent. Get the domain extent. Get the false origin and units. Get the false origin and units. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure domain extent. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the measure false origin and units. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z false origin and units. Get the Z false origin and units. The spatial reference object. The spatial reference object. The spheroid code. The spheroid code. The spheroid name. The spheroid name. The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. The type of the spatial reference. The type of the spatial reference. The usage notes of a projected coordinate system. The usage notes of a projected coordinate system. The XYResolution property. The XYResolution property. The XYTolerance property. The XYTolerance property. The extent of the Z domain. The extent of the Z domain. The Z false origin and units. The Z false origin and units. The ZResolution property. The ZResolution property. The ZTolerance property. The ZTolerance property. Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type. Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Geoprocessing String Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing String Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Geoprocessing Table Schema object. Geoprocessing Table Schema object. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Inidicates if the output value is to be cloned from the input. Geoprocessing Table Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Table Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Table Schema object. Constructor has no input arguments. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Inidicates if the output catalog path is to be generated from the input. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Populate the value of the output parameter for validate. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. Inidicates additional fields for the fields property. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. Inidicates how the fields property is to be managed. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The GpTables domain object. The GpTables domain object. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. The GpTables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The GpTables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The GpTables domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Indicates whether or not to hide joined layers. Indicates whether or not to hide joined layers. Indicates whether or not to show only standalone tables. Indicates whether or not to show only standalone tables. Indicates whether or not to hide joined layers. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. Add on OID to the FIDSet of the feature layer. The table of the table view. The table of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The selection set of the table view. The field info of the feature layer. The field info of the feature layer. The name string. The name string. The where clause of the feature layer. The where clause of the feature layer. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Table view data Type. Geoprocessing Table view data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Table view data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Table view data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Table view data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GPTest Object. GPTest Object. GetDataTypeNames. GetDataTypeNames. GPTest Object. Constructor has no input arguments. GPTest Object. Constructor has no input arguments. GPTest Object. Constructor has no input arguments. GetFunctionNameObjects. GetFunctionNameObjects. Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents2. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents2. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Called when the display name of the toolbox is modified. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents2_Event.OnToolboxDisplayNameAltered Event Provides access to toolbox events. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents2. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolAdded Event Provides access to toolbox events. Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents. Constructor has no input arguments. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolboxDeleted Event Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolboxRenamed Event Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolDeleted Event Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolStateChanged Event Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolStored Event Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. The category of the dataset. The category of the dataset. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. Constructor has no input arguments. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. Constructor has no input arguments. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. Constructor has no input arguments. The name of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. Add a DatasetName. Add a DatasetName. The names of the dataset of the specified type. The names of the dataset of the specified type. The category of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. Grants privileges for the database user. Grants privileges for the database user. Revokes privileges for the database user. Revokes privileges for the database user. The database privileges. The database privileges. The path name of the toolbox. The path name of the toolbox. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPToolInfo Class. GPToolInfo Class. The tool category. The tool category. GPToolInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPToolInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPToolInfo Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The tool display name. The tool display name. The extent of the tool. The extent of the tool. The url to the tool help. The url to the tool help. The tool name. The tool name. The tool parameters. The tool parameters. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. GPToolInfos Class. GPToolInfos Class. Adds a tool to the array. Adds a tool to the array. GPToolInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPToolInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPToolInfos Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The size of the array. The size of the array. The tool at the specified index in the array. The tool at the specified index in the array. Adds a tool to the array at the specified index. Adds a tool to the array at the specified index. Removes a tool from the array. Removes a tool from the array. Removes all tools from the array. Removes all tools from the array. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. The category of the dataset. The category of the dataset. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. Constructor has no input arguments. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. Constructor has no input arguments. Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. Constructor has no input arguments. The name of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The description of the tool name object. The description of the tool name object. The CLSID of the dialog object of the tool name. The CLSID of the dialog object of the tool name. The display name of the tool name object. The display name of the tool name object. The toolbox name of the tool name. The toolbox name of the tool name. The category of the tool name object. The category of the tool name object. The tool type of the tool name. The tool type of the tool name. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element of the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. The set Extent of the feature layer. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. General Geoprocessing Data Type. General Geoprocessing Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. General Geoprocessing Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. General Geoprocessing Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. General Geoprocessing Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales. Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales. Constructor has no input arguments. Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales. Constructor has no input arguments. Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods. Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods. Constructor has no input arguments. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Add a given message from the message id to the messages object. Add a given message from the message text to the messages object. Add a given message from the message text to the messages object. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message id. Chain a given message from the message text. Chain a given message from the message text. Check for any errors in the IErrorInfo structure. Check for any errors in the IErrorInfo structure. Generate a given message from the message id. Generate a given message from the message id. Get a given message. Get a given message. Transfer any GP errors or warnings to the messages object. Transfer any GP errors or warnings to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message id to the messages object. Set a given message from the message text to the messages object. Set a given message from the message text to the messages object. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Sets the path to the current workspace. Abort edit operation within the application. Abort edit operation within the application. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Cleans up any edit session. Cleans up any edit session. Clear the virtual workspace. Clear the virtual workspace. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Get active view. Get active view. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Get the virtual workspace. Get the virtual workspace. Get default layer name for given value. Get default layer name for given value. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes all internal layers and tables. Removes all internal layers and tables. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Starts an edit session if needed. Starts an edit session if needed. Start edit operation within the application. Start edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Sets the Variable Manager. Sets the Variable Manager. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. Abort edit operation within the application. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Cleans up any edit session. Clear the virtual workspace. Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. Get active view. Gets the basic map associated with the application. Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Gets the set of geographic transformations. Get the virtual workspace. Get default layer name for given value. Gets the map associated with the application. Gets the status bar associated with the application. Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. Creates appropriate layer for the value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Returns the dataset of the given value. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. Removes all internal layers and tables. Saves a layer to a given location on disk. Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. Starts an edit session if needed. Start edit operation within the application. Stop edit operation within the application. Sets the Variable Manager. Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns a layer with the given name. Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. Locates a table with the specified name. Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. Generates a new spatial reference object. Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. Returns whether the given object is a dataset. Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. Creates a new data element object from the given name object. Get data elements from catalog path. Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. Opens a table from the given catalog path. Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. Refreshes the applications active view. Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal layer. Removes the internal table. Removes the internal table. Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. Sets the path to the current workspace. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. The class identifier (CLSID) of the custom dialog object to use when invoking the geoprocessing function. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer. Constructor has no input arguments. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Displayed name of the geoprocessing function. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. Executes the geoprocessing function using the given array of parameter values. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. The function name object of the geoprocessing function. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. Returns the custom renderer to use for the specified parameter. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Name of the (CHM) file containing help information for this function object. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Returns whether the geoprocessing function has all necessary licenses in order to execute. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this function object. Name of the geoprocessing function. Name of the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. The list of parameters accepted by the geoprocessing function. Validates the given array of parameter values. Validates the given array of parameter values. GPValues Class. GPValues Class. Adds a value to the array. Adds a value to the array. GPValues Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPValues Class. Constructor has no input arguments. GPValues Class. Constructor has no input arguments. The size of the array. The size of the array. The value at the specified index in the array. The value at the specified index in the array. Adds a value to the array at the specified index. Adds a value to the array at the specified index. Removes a value from the array. Removes a value from the array. Removes all values from the array. Removes all values from the array. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). The minimum namespace the class can serialize to (eg the 90 namespace). Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Gets the text value of the variable value. Gets the text value of the variable value. Returns a string array of the variable names. Returns a string array of the variable names. Gets the resolved state. Gets the resolved state. Resolves a given variable value. Resolves a given variable value. Returns an array of variables. Returns an array of variables. Adds the data type as a column to the value table. Adds the data type as a column to the value table. Adds a record to the value table. Adds a record to the value table. The data type object of the given column index. The data type object of the given column index. The number of data types/columns of the value table. The number of data types/columns of the value table. Returns the array of values of the specified record in the value table. Returns the array of values of the specified record in the value table. Returns the value of the given row/column. Returns the value of the given row/column. Inserts a record in the value table at the specified index. Inserts a record in the value table at the specified index. The number of rows in the value table. The number of rows in the value table. Removes the given column from the value table. Removes the given column from the value table. Removes the specified record from the value table. Removes the specified record from the value table. Removes the given value from the value table. Removes the given value from the value table. Replaces the record in the value table at the specified index. Replaces the record in the value table at the specified index. Sets the vlaue of the given row/column. Sets the vlaue of the given row/column. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Value Table object. Geoprocessing Value Table object. Add a row. Add a row. Geoprocessing Value Table object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Value Table object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Value Table object. Constructor has no input arguments. The number of columns. The number of columns. Export the Value Table to a string. Export the Value Table to a string. Get a row. Get a row. Get a value. Get a value. Load the Value Table from a string. Load the Value Table from a string. Populate a given ValueTable with the values from this one. Populate a given ValueTable with the values from this one. Remove a row. Remove a row. The number of rows. The number of rows. The number of columns. The number of columns. Set a given row with a new value. Set a given row with a new value. Set a given column value. Set a given column value. Get a value. Get a value. Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Adds the given data type to the value table data type. Adds the given data type to the value table data type. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control for the data type at the given index in the value table data type. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control for the data type at the given index in the value table data type. The number of data types/columns of the value table data type. The number of data types/columns of the value table data type. The data type object of the given column index. The data type object of the given column index. The display name of the given column of the value table data type. The display name of the given column of the value table data type. Removes the data type/column at the given index from the value table data type. Removes the data type/column at the given index from the value table data type. The width of the given column of the value table data type. The width of the given column of the value table data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Variable object. Geoprocessing Variable object. The data type of the variable. The data type of the variable. Geoprocessing Variable object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Variable object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Variable object. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the variable is type derived. Indicates if the variable is type derived. The name of the geoprocessing variable. The name of the geoprocessing variable. The value object associated with the variable. The value object associated with the variable. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a boolean. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a boolean. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a date. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a double. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a long integer. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a string. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. The value of the geoprocessing value object as a variant. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. InMemory Path Parser. InMemory Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. InMemory Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. InMemory Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. InMemory Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Object for filtering out the virtual tables. Object for filtering out the virtual tables. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Object for filtering out the virtual tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering out the virtual tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Object for filtering out the virtual tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Indicates if the value object is a member of the geoprocessing domain type. Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. Constructor has no input arguments. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Add a workspace type. Add a workspace type. Count. Count. Remove a workspace type. Remove a workspace type. Make list. Make list. Workspace type. Workspace type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing XY Domain object. Geoprocessing XY Domain object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing XY Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing XY Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing XY Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Get the xy domain extent. Get the xy domain extent. Get the extent of the xy domain. Get the extent of the xy domain. Get the false origin and units. Get the false origin and units. Get the spatial reference of the xy domain. Get the spatial reference of the xy domain. Set the xy domain extent. Set the xy domain extent. Set the xy domain from an extent. Set the xy domain from an extent. Set the xy domain from a spatial reference. Set the xy domain from a spatial reference. Set the false origin and units. Set the false origin and units. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Geoprocessing Z Domain object. Geoprocessing Z Domain object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Geoprocessing Z Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Z Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Z Domain object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Get the spatial reference of the z domain. Get the spatial reference of the z domain. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z domain extent. Get the Z false origin and units. Get the Z false origin and units. Set the z domain extent. Set the z domain extent. Set the z domain from a spatial reference. Set the z domain from a spatial reference. Set the Z false origin and units. Set the Z false origin and units. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. Constructor has no input arguments. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Adds the given element to the model. Adds the given element to the model. Adds the collection of elements to the model. Adds the collection of elements to the model. Returns whether or not the given model element can be added to the model. Returns whether or not the given model element can be added to the model. Generates a new unique name that may be used for adding a new model element to the model. Generates a new unique name that may be used for adding a new model element to the model. Removes the given element from the model. Removes the given element from the model. Removes the connection/dependency between two model elements. Removes the connection/dependency between two model elements. Removes all model elements from the model. Removes all model elements from the model. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the model. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the model. Executes all the processes in the model. Executes all the processes in the model. Executes a single process in the model. Executes a single process in the model. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Returns the model element with the given name. Returns the model element with the given name. Returns the model element with the given identifier. Returns the model element with the given identifier. Returns all of the model elements in the model. Returns all of the model elements in the model. Returns all of the processes in the model. Returns all of the processes in the model. Returns all of the variables in the model. Returns all of the variables in the model. Returns whether or not all the processes in the model are licensed. Returns whether or not all the processes in the model are licensed. Returns whether or not all the model elements in the model are valid. Returns whether or not all the model elements in the model are valid. Merges the given enumeration of model elements, commonly from another model, into the current model. Merges the given enumeration of model elements, commonly from another model, into the current model. Name of the model. Name of the model. Returns all the model elements in the model in sorted order. Returns all the model elements in the model in sorted order. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction. Returns all the model elements dependent on the given model element in the given direction. Validates all model elements in the model. Validates all model elements in the model. Returns whether or not the model already contains a model element by the given name. Returns whether or not the model already contains a model element by the given name. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnBeginProcessExecution Event Provides access to model events. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnEndProcessExecution Event Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnProcessChanged Event Current model iteration. Current model iteration. Number of times to iterate the model. Number of times to iterate the model. Indicates model iteration type. Indicates model iteration type. Model iteration variable. Model iteration variable. Current model iteration. Number of times to iterate the model. Model iteration element. Model iteration element. Indicates model iteration type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Helper for working with IMdModelEvents. Helper for working with IMdModelEvents. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Called when the execution of a process begins. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnBeginProcessExecution Event Provides access to model events. Helper for working with IMdModelEvents. Constructor has no input arguments. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Called when the execution of a process ends. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnEndProcessExecution Event Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Called when the process parameters changed. Handles the IMdModelEvents_Event.OnProcessChanged Event Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Category of the geoprocessing parameter. Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates how the output value is to be generated and populated during validate. Indicates whether the parameter is managed. Adds the name of a parameter that this geoprocessing parameter object is dependent on. Indicates whether the parameter value has been explicitly set (by the user). Category of the geoprocessing parameter. The choice list object of the geoprocessing parameter. The class identifier (CLSID) of the ActiveX control to use to edit the geoprocessing parameter. Data type of the geoprocessing parameter. The name of the environment value to use as the default value for the geoprocessing parameter. Direction of the geoprocessing parameter. Display name of the geoprocessing parameter. The display order of the geoprocessing parameter. Domain of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates whether the ActiveX control for the geoprocessing parameter should be enabled/disabled. Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated (i.e., since Validate() was called). Name of the geoprocessing parameter. Enumeration of parameter names the geoprocessing parameter is dependent on. Type of the geoprocessing parameter. The current value object of the geoprocessing parameter. Indicates if the model parameter is current (i.e., has been created). Indicates if the model parameter is current (i.e., has been created). Indicates if the model parameter is a derived value. Indicates if the model parameter is a derived value. Initializes the model parameter using the given parameter as a template. Initializes the model parameter using the given parameter as a template. Indicates if the model parameter has been marked for validation/execution. Indicates if the model parameter has been marked for validation/execution. Indicates if the model parameter is valid. Indicates if the model parameter is valid. Validates the current value of the model parameter. Validates the current value of the model parameter. The value of the parameter object. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool. Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Called when a tool is added to the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolAdded Event Provides access to toolbox events. Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool. Constructor has no input arguments. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Called when the toolbox is deleted. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolboxDeleted Event Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Called when the toolbox is renamed. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolboxRenamed Event Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Called when a tool is deleted from the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolDeleted Event Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Called when a tool's state has changed. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolStateChanged Event Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Called when a tool is stored to the toolbox. Handles the IGPToolboxEvents_Event.OnToolStored Event Indicates if the model element has been altered by the user. Indicates if the model element has been altered by the user. Indicates if the model element is current (i.e., has been created). Indicates if the model element is current (i.e., has been created). Returns an enumeration of model elements that are dependent on the model element in the given direction and of the given connection type. Returns an enumeration of model elements that are dependent on the model element in the given direction and of the given connection type. Returns the messages returned from the last call to Validate(). Returns the messages returned from the last call to Validate(). Unique identifier of the model element. Unique identifier of the model element. Returns whether or not the model element is dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Returns whether or not the model element is dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Indicates if the model element has been marked for validation/execution. Indicates if the model element has been marked for validation/execution. The model the model element is contained within. The model the model element is contained within. Name of the model element. Name of the model element. The state of the model element. The state of the model element. Indicates if the model element is valid. Indicates if the model element is valid. Validates the model element. Validates the model element. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the process. The set of overriding environment values used when validating/executing the process. Executes the current tool associated with the process using the current parameter values. Executes the current tool associated with the process using the current parameter values. Returns the value of specified process parameter. Returns the value of specified process parameter. The collection of input parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. The collection of input parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process is valid. Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process is valid. Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process needs to be repaired (e.g., the tool parameters have changed). Returns whether or not the current tool associated with the process needs to be repaired (e.g., the tool parameters have changed). The collection of output parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. The collection of output parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. The parameter object with the specified name. The parameter object with the specified name. The collection of parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. The collection of parameter objects used when validating/executing the process. Collection of variables that must be executed prior to executing the process. Collection of variables that must be executed prior to executing the process. Updates/repairs the processes collection of parameters to match the tool currently associated with the process. Updates/repairs the processes collection of parameters to match the tool currently associated with the process. Sets the value of specified process parameter. Sets the value of specified process parameter. The tool object currently associated with the model process. The tool object currently associated with the model process. The tool name object of the tool currently associated with the model process. The tool name object of the tool currently associated with the model process. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Model variable object that contains a value object. Model variable object that contains a value object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Model variable object that contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Model variable object that contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Model variable object that contains a value object. Constructor has no input arguments. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The data type of the variable. Indicates if the variable is type derived. Indicates if the variable is type derived. The name of the geoprocessing variable. The name of the geoprocessing variable. The value object associated with the variable. The value object associated with the variable. Gets the text value of the variable value. Gets the text value of the variable value. Returns a string array of the variable names. Returns a string array of the variable names. Gets the resolved state. Gets the resolved state. Resolves a given variable value. Resolves a given variable value. Returns an array of variables. Returns an array of variables. Indicates if the model element has been altered by the user. Indicates if the model element has been altered by the user. Indicates if the model element is current (i.e., has been created). Indicates if the model element is current (i.e., has been created). Returns an enumeration of model elements that are dependent on the model element in the given direction and of the given connection type. Returns an enumeration of model elements that are dependent on the model element in the given direction and of the given connection type. Returns the messages returned from the last call to Validate(). Returns the messages returned from the last call to Validate(). Unique identifier of the model element. Unique identifier of the model element. Returns whether or not the model element is dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Returns whether or not the model element is dependent on the given model element in the given direction of the given connection type. Indicates if the model element has been marked for validation/execution. Indicates if the model element has been marked for validation/execution. The model the model element is contained within. The model the model element is contained within. Name of the model element. The state of the model element. The state of the model element. Indicates if the model element is valid. Indicates if the model element is valid. Validates the model element. Validates the model element. Adds a value. Adds a value. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). The list count. The list count. The current index. The current index. Feedback variable. Feedback variable. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Get valence. Get valence. The values. The values. Inserts a value. Inserts a value. Indicates the list type. Indicates the list type. Moves the specified value. Moves the specified value. Removes all values. Removes all values. Removes the specified value. Removes the specified value. Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Indicates whether the value has been explicitly set (by the user). Set valence. Set valence. The values. The values. The value at the specifed index. The value at the specifed index. Indicates if the variable should be added to the application display. Indicates if the variable should be added to the application display. Indicates if the data specified by the variable is considered intermediate data. Indicates if the data specified by the variable is considered intermediate data. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. Number of layers in the collection. Number of layers in the collection. A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. Constructor has no input arguments. Layer in the collection at the specified index. Layer in the collection at the specified index. Identifies objects at the specified location. Identifies objects at the specified location. Identifies objects at the specified location. Identifies objects at the specified location. The current scale of the display. The current scale of the display. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Layer name. Layer name. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Spatial reference for the layer. Spatial reference for the layer. Supported draw phases. Supported draw phases. Map tip text at the specified location. Map tip text at the specified location. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. The default area of interest for the layer. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Layer name. Indicates if the minimum and maximum scale range values are read-only. Indicates if the minimum and maximum scale range values are read-only. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Spatial reference for the layer. Supported draw phases. Map tip text at the specified location. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer drawing properties are dirty. Indicates if the layer drawing properties are dirty. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Handles the ILayerEvents_Event.VisibilityChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when layer visibility changes. Adds a new extension. Adds a new extension. The extension at the specified index. The extension at the specified index. Number of extensions. Number of extensions. Removes the specified extension. Removes the specified extension. Last maximum scale setting used by layer. Last maximum scale setting used by layer. Last minimum scale setting used by layer. Last minimum scale setting used by layer. Description for the layer. Description for the layer. Large image that represents the layer. Large image that represents the layer. Large image that represents the layer when it is selected. Large image that represents the layer when it is selected. Small image that represents the layer. Small image that represents the layer. Small image that represents the layer when it is selected. Small image that represents the layer when it is selected. Clear masking layers on a layer. Clear masking layers on a layer. The set of layers that are being masked. The set of layers that are being masked. The masks for a layer. The masks for a layer. Indicates whether to use masking. Indicates whether to use masking. Default layer position. Default layer position. Enlarges the specified region if necessary to account for the symbology sizes. Enlarges the specified region if necessary to account for the symbology sizes. Details of the layer's data. Details of the layer's data. Indicates if the data for the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the data for the layer is currently valid. Prepare the layer for the publishing process. Prepare the layer for the publishing process. The layer description reported to the publisher. The layer description reported to the publisher. Indicates if the layer supports the publishing process. Indicates if the layer supports the publishing process. Indicates if symbol levels are used for drawing. Indicates if symbol levels are used for drawing. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the current object draws using a filter. Indicates if the current object draws using a filter. Indicates whether the drawing object blends its output with the background. For example, if the object is transparent, the background becomes part of its rendering. Indicates whether the drawing object blends its output with the background. For example, if the object is transparent, the background becomes part of its rendering. Indicates whether the output from the drawing object requires banding. Generally this is true if the output is raster. Indicates whether the output from the drawing object requires banding. Generally this is true if the output is raster. Indicates if the current object draws using a display filter. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. The extent of the GeoDataset. The extent of the GeoDataset. The spatial reference of the GeoDataset. Sets the process. Sets the process. Refresh layers. Refresh layers. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. A factory for creating process layers. A factory for creating process layers. Indicates if the factory can create a layer based upon the specified object. Indicates if the factory can create a layer based upon the specified object. A factory for creating process layers. Constructor has no input arguments. A factory for creating process layers. Constructor has no input arguments. A factory for creating process layers. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates layer(s) based on the specified object. Creates layer(s) based on the specified object. Category name. Category name. Loads a set of layers. Loads a set of layers. Public name of the factory. Public name of the factory. Standalone Catalog Path Parser. Standalone Catalog Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Standalone Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. Standalone Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. Standalone Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser. Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase. Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase. Any data dictionary tables that should not be exposed to browsers and should not participate in edit sessions. Any data dictionary tables that should not be exposed to browsers and should not participate in edit sessions. Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase. Constructor has no input arguments. The GUID that identifies this Workspace Extension. The GUID that identifies this Workspace Extension. The Name for this Workspace Extension. The Name for this Workspace Extension. The private datasets that should not be exposed to browsers. The private datasets that should not be exposed to browsers. Initializes the extension, passing in a reference to its workspace helper. Initializes the extension, passing in a reference to its workspace helper. Informs the extension that its workspace helper (and workspace) are going away. Informs the extension that its workspace helper (and workspace) are going away. Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces. Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser. ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. Returns the data element for the in-bound dataset name or dataset object. ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser. Constructor has no input arguments. The data element for the workspace. The data element for the workspace. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. The WPS Server Object Extension. The WPS Server Object Extension. Handle a WPS request. Handle a WPS request. The WPS Server Object Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. The WPS Server Object Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. The WPS Server Object Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. Handle setting WPS Server parameter. Handle setting WPS Server parameter. Initializes and starts the server object specified by the IServerObjectHelper reference. Initializes and starts the server object specified by the IServerObjectHelper reference. Stops the server object specified by the IServerObjectHelper reference. Stops the server object specified by the IServerObjectHelper reference. Activates the object. Activates the object. Deactivates the object. Deactivates the object. Two phase object construction. Two phase object construction. Handles a request with explicit capabilities. Handles a request with explicit capabilities. Geoprocessing server execution type. Asynchronous. Synchronous. Geoprocessor Extent types for extent. The operation determined use of extents. The maximum of all inputs is used. The minimum of all inputs is used. The specified value for the specified property is used. Geoprocessing field merge rule type. None. Minimum. Maximum. Median. Mean. Standard. Deviation. Sum. Geoprocessing field split rule type. None. Ratio. Geoprocessing field map merge rule type. None. Minimum. Maximum. Standard Deviation. Mean. Median. Sum. Join. First. Last. Mode. Count. Range. Direction of Geoprocessing parameter. Input parameter. Output parameter. Type of Geoprocessing parameter. Required parameter. Optional parameter. Derived parameter. Cell size type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set cell size from first input. Set cell size to minimum of all inputs. Set cell size to maximum of all inputs. Set cell size what is in the environment. Set cell size to what is specified by putref_OutputExtent. Extent type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set extent from first input. Set extent to intersection of all inputs. Set extent to union of all inputs. Set extent what is in the environment. Set extent to what is specified by putref_OutputExtent. Feature type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set feature type from first input. Set feature type to what is specified by put_OutputFeatureType. Set feature type to simple. Fields type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set field set of output from first input. Set field set of output from first input and add a field for their FID. Set field set of output from all inputs. Set field set of output from all inputs but without their FIDs. Set field set of output from all inputs but with only their FIDs. No initial field sets. Geometry type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set geometry type from first input. Set minimum geometry type from all inputs. Set maximum geometry type from all inputs. Set geometry type to what is specified by put_OutputGeometryType. Set geometry type to null. Raster format type for the populating the output value. Set raster format type to IMG. Set raster format type to GRID. Raster type for the populating the output value. Unset. Set raster type from first input. Set raster type to minimum (integer) of all inputs. Set raster type to maximum (float) of all inputs. Set raster type to integer. Set raster type to float. Geoprocessing Server message codes. Geoprocessing server initialization succeeded. Geoprocessing server initialization failed. Job catalog initialization succeeded. Job catalog initialization failed. Geoprocessing server construct succeeded. Geoprocessing server construct failed. Submit job succeeded. Submit job failed. Execute failed. Add configuration failed. Start configuration failed. Stop configuration failed. Delete configuration failed. Jobs directory property is missing. Geoprocessing server is not licensed. Output directory property is missing. Create directory failed. Transfer directory faield. Time to execute tool. Time to load execute request. Time to save execute results. Debug message. Output directory does not exist. Can not create output directory. Jobs directory does not exist. Can not rename jobs directory. Can not open geoprocessing result file. Invalid layer. Create msd failed. Internal Time Interval Types. Unlimited. None. 1 Day. 2 Days. 3 Days. 4 Days. 5 Days. 1 Week. 2 Weeks. 3 Weeks. 1 Month. 2 Months. 3 Months. Type of geoprocessing tool. Function-based tool. Model-based tool. Script-based tool. Custom tool. Server-based tool. Python Script-based tool. Task based tool. The type of connection/relationship between two model elements. Any type of connection between model elements. One model element is a parameter of another model element. One model element is used as an environment value of another model element. One model element is a precondition of another model element. One model element is a feedback of another model element. The direction of a connection/relationship between two model elements. Input. Output. The state of a model element. Model element is invalid. Model element is valid and ready to run. Model element is valid and has already been run. The model iteration type. Model iteration type fixed. Model iteration type conditional. The type of variable. Variable contains one value. Variable contains a list of values. Variable contains a series of values. Model Diagram Edge Style. Solid edge. Dashed edge. Dot edge. Dash-Dot edge. Dash-Dot-Dash edge. Model Diagram Grid Type. Grid lines. Grid points. Model Diagram Layout Quality. Draft quality. Default quality. Proof quality. Alignment types for a model diagram. Center alignment. Left alignment. Right alignment. Top alignment. Bottom alignment. Model Diagram Level Constraint. No level constraint. Level constraint towards input. Level constraint towards output. Model Diagram Level Orientation. Left-to-right orientation. Bottom-to-top orientation. Right-to-left orientation. Top-to-bottom orientation. Model Diagram Node Shape. Rectangular node. Rounded rectangular node. Ellipse node. Pentagon node. Hexagon 1 node. Hexagon 2 node. Octagon node. Triangular node. Down triangle node. Left triangle node. Right triangle node. Diamond. Parallelogram node. Star node. Cross node. Model diagram node types. Node represents a dataset. Node represents a constant value. Node represents a derived dataset. Node represents a derived constant value. Node represents a tool. Node represents a label. Node represents an iterator. Node represents a stop. Random distribution type No distribution specified Uniform distribution Uniform integer distribution Normal distribution Exponential distribution Poisson distribution Gamma distribution Binomial distribution Geometric distribution Negative binomial distribution Random number generator type Standard C random number generator ACM's collected algorithms # 599 MersenneTwister 19937 Text types of Raster Radia. Integer Constant. Integer Constant. Float Constant. Normal Distribution. Random Distribution. . See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. WPSServer message codes. A dataset will not be exposed by the WPS. Failed to generate the transaction response for a transaction that succeeded. Failed to delete lock after processing a transaction. Failed to delete temporary versions created to process a transaction. WPS server is not licensed. The http GET request about to be processed. The http POST request about to be processed. The WPS exception report. A generic code for WPS debug messages. Feature locks failed to be released (they will eventually timeout). The construction of the WPS started. Invalid application schema namespace in the WPS configuration. Invalid application schema prefix in the WPS configuration. Invalid default lock expiration value in the WPS configuratioln Transactions are enabled but the published workspace isn't versioned. The construction of the WPS ended. Invalid AxisOrderWPS10 value in configuration. Invalid AxisOrderWPS11 value in configuration. Invalid DetermineAxisOrderFromSRSNameFormat value in configuration. The server failed to process the transaction due to a failure reconciling the published version against itself. The server failed to process the transaction due to a failure when it stopped editing. The server failed to process the transaction because it is too busy processing other transactions. The server failed to import the changes in the WPS transaction. The server succeeded processing the transaction, but failed to generate the transaction response. The server failed to process the transaction because it was unable to stop the enclosing edit operation. The server failed to process the transaction because it was unable to start editing or start an edit operation. The server failed to process the transaction because it unexpectedly found a conflict.