ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesFile Provides access to members that retrieve ArcInfo Item information. Alternate Name of the Item. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is a Redefined Item. Name of the Item. Number of Decimals for Item values. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Start Position of the Item. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Provides access to members that control ArcInfo Item Editing. Alternate Name of the Item. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is Redefined. Name of the Item. Number of Decimals for Item values. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Start Position of the Item. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Alternate Name of the Item. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is a Redefined Item. Name of the Item. Number of Decimals for Item values. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Start Position of the Item. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Provides access to members that retrieve ArcInfo Items Collection information. Finds the index of the specified Item in the Items Collection. Item at the specified index in the Items Collection. Number of Items in the Items Collection. Provides access to members that create the ArcInfo Items Collection. Item at the specified position. Number of Items in this Item Collection. Finds the index of the specified Item in the Items Collection. Item at the specified index in the Items Collection. Number of Items in the Items Collection. Provides access to members that modify ArcInfo Tables. Adds an Index for the specified Item. Adds an Item to this Table. Changes the properties of the specified Item. Deletes an Index from the specified Item. Deletes an Item from this Table. Index of the Item with the specified name. Item Collection for this Feature Class or Info Table. Provides access to members that modify ArcInfo Tables. Assigns external name to an ArcInfo table. Provides access to members that create ArcInfo Coverages and Tables. Creates a new Coverage. Creates a new Info Table. Provides access to members that retreives ArcInfo Info Table information. Maps a prefix to a table name. Provides access to members that control the Cad Drawing Dataset. Indicates whether Cad Dataset exists. The Full PathName of the Cad File. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 2d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 3d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an AutoCad file. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an Microstation file. Provides access to properties that give information on the layers in the CAD drawing. The number of layers in the CAD drawing. The name of the CAD drawing layer at the specified index. Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD layer in ArcMap. Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD drawing itself. Provides access to members that control the Cad Drawing Workspace. Open a Cad Drawing Dataset. Provides access to members that control the use of Dgn files with any file extension. Indicates whether the use of Dgn files with any file extension is enabled. Provides access to members that control Cad Transformations. Indicates if global transformations are enabled. Returns the points of a two point transformation. Returns the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation. Sets the points of a two point transformation. Sets the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation. The transformation type. The pathname of the world file. Provides access to members that modifies ArcInfo Coverages. Performs a BUILD operation. Performs a CLEAN operation. Creates an empty Feature Class in the Coverage. Value of the specified Tolerance. Indicates if the specified Tolerance has been verified. Provides access to members that modifies ArcInfo Coverages. The BND file of the Coverage. Refreshes the Extent and Spatial Reference properties. Performs a BUILD operation. Performs a CLEAN operation. Creates an empty Feature Class in the Coverage. Value of the specified Tolerance. Indicates if the specified Tolerance has been verified. Provides access to members that retrieve ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Type of the Feature Class. Indicates if the Feature Class has a Feature Attribute Table. Topology of the Feature Class. Provides access to members that retrieve ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Copies this Feature Class to another coverage using the specified name. Type of the Feature Class. Indicates if the Feature Class has a Feature Attribute Table. Topology of the Feature Class. Provides access to members that maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Type of the Feature Class. Indicates if the Feature Class has a Feature Attribute Table. Topology of the Feature Class. Provides access to members that maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Dataset Information. Type of the Coverage. Provides access to data license information. Name of licensed applications. Number of licensed applications. Number of attribute groups. Name of attribute group. Available connections. Name of data product. Expiration date. Number of geographies divisions Name of geographies divisions. Number of layer groups. Name of layer groups. License ID. License type. Maximum connections allowed. Number of meta information strings. Meta information pair. Usage mode by its number. Number of usage modes. Provides access to data license manager. Adds license information. Number of license information. Returns license information by index. Returns license information by file name. Removes license information. Provides access to the ArcInfo Table Data Element. The list of items. Indicator interface for the ArcInfo Table Data Element Type. Provides access to the ArcInfo Data Element Utilities. Assign ArcInfo table properties. Assign coverage feature class name properties. Assign coverage feature class properties. Assign coverage properties. FindItem. Get coverage feature class type description. Get coverage feature class type from string. Get feature class topology description. Get feature class topology from string. Get item type description. Get item type from string. Item exists. Make tolerances. Make item. Make Items. Provides access to the CadDrawingDataset Data Element. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 2d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 3d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an AutoCad file. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an Microstation file. Provides access to the CadDrawing Dataset Data Element Type. Provides access to the Catalog Root Data Element. Provides access to the CatalogRoot Data Element Type. Provides access to the Coverage Data Element. The tolerances of the coverage. Provides access to the Coverage Feature Class Data Element. The coverage feature class type. Indicates if the coverage feature class have attributes. Coverage feature class topology status. Indicator interface for the CoverageFeatureClass Data Element Type. Indicator interface for the Coverage Data Element Type. Provides access to the Dbase Table Data Element. Provides access to the Dbase Table Data Element Type. Provides access to the Disk Connection Data Element. Provides access to the Disk Connection Data Element Type. Provides access to the File Data Element. Provides access to the File Data Element Type. Provides access to the Folder Data Element. Provides access to the Folder Data Element Type. Provides access to the LAS Dataset Data Element. The number of files in the LAS dataset. Indicates whether there are statistics. Indicates whether the statistics are up to date. The number of points in the LAS dataset. The number of surface constraint feature classes in the LAS dataset. Indicates whether the LAS dataset uses a relative path to its files. Provides access to the LAS Dataset Data Element Type. Provides access to the Layer Data Element. The data element layer. Provides access to the Layer Data Element Type. Provides access to the MapDocument Data Element. Provides access to the MapDocument Data Element Type. Provides access to the Projection File Data Element. SpatialReference. Provides access to the Projection File Data Element Type. Provides access to the Remote Database Folder Data Element. Provides access to the Remote Database Folder Data Element Type. Provides access to the ShapeFile Data Element. Provides access to the ShapeFile Data Element Type. Provides access to the Spatial References Folder Data Element. Provides access to the Spatial References Folder Data Element Type. Provides access to the TextFile Data Element. Provides access to the TextFile Data Element Type. Provides access to the TIN Data Element. The list of Fields. Indicates if the TIN dataset has edge tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has node tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has triangle tag values. Indicates if TIN was constructed using Delaunay triangulation. Multiplication factor applied to all z values in a TIN to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. Provides access to the Tin Data Element Type. Provides access to the DEVPFCoverage Data Element. Provides access to the DEVPFCoverage Data Element Type. Provides access to the VPFTable Data Element. Provides access to the VPFTable Data Element Type. Provides access to the ArcInfo Item Data Element. The alternate name of the info item. Indicates if the info item has an index. Indicates if the item a psuedo item. Indicates if the info item redefined. The name of the info item. The number of decimal places of the info item. The output width of the info item. The start position of the info item. The type of the info item. The width of the info item. Indicator interface for the ArcInfoItem Data Element Type. Provides access to the GP Layer Type. The default area of interest for the layer. The data element of the layer. The name string. The set Extent of the feature layer. Indicator interface for a GPLayer Type. Provides access to members that limit internal editing to standalone tables only. Start editing standalone Info Tables only. Provides access to meta information. Meta information parameter name. Mata information parameter value. Provides access to members for compressing data to SDC. Creates a SDC dataset from the input cursor. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to members that control the long operation cancellation. Called frequently while associated operation is progressing. A return value of false indicates that the operation should stop. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the driving directions information (path geometry and description of each path segment). The geographic extent of the entire route. The total number of items in the driving directions object. A reference to a direction item by its position. The total driving time for the route. The total length of the route (in miles by default). A string containing the total time and length of the route. The total time of the entire trip. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the description and geography of one item of driving directions. The azimuth of the direction item. Returns an esriSMAzimuthType constant. The geographic extent of the direction item. Formatted text descrbing the length and time of the direction item. The type of direction item. Returns an esriSMDirItemType constant. The length of the route part, in miles by default, corresponding to the direction item. The route part number associated with a direction item. A collection of points representing the shape of the direction item. The street name of the direction item. A string describing the direction item. The driving time of the route part corresponding to the direction item. The turn angle of the direction item. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the information about a stop's geographic location. Flag ID. Flag position along the street segment as a percent of the segment length. The side of the street that the flag is on. Returns an esriSMStreetSideType constant. The geographic location of the flag. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to members for creating SMFlag objects. Creates the route flag using its geographic location. Creates the route flag using its geographic location and required direction. Creates the route flag using its geographic location, required direction and latency. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to SMFlag search tolerance. Creates the route flag using its geographic location. Creates the route flag using its geographic location and required direction. Creates the route flag using its geographic location, required direction and latency. Defines maximum allowed distance in miles from stop location to closest street segment when creating a flag. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the network attribute properties. The network attribute name. The network attribute type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeType constant. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to network attribute usage type. The network attribute name. The network attribute type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeType constant. The network attribute usage type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeUsageType constant. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the network attribute value. Returns the network attribute value by object ID. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the collection of network attributes. The number of attributes in the collection. The network attribute at a specified index in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the network barrier properties. The network barrier ID. Geographic location of the barrier. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the collection of network barriers. Adds a barrier to the collection. Removes all barriers from the collection. Removes a barrier with a specified ID from the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the collection of geographic points. Adds a point to the end of the collection. Removes all points from the collection. Number of points in the collection. Inserts a point in the collection at the specified position. Represents the point in the collection at the specified position. Removes a point from the collection at the specified position. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the routing restriction properties. The network attribute used as a restriction. The restriction parameter value. Restriction type. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to preferences for different road types that the router supports. The preference value for the specified road type. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the main functionality for route finding. The network barriers collection of the router object. The flag creator used by the router object. The network attribute that the router object currently uses. The network attributes collection of the router object. The network attributes access of the router object. The road preferences used by the router object. The spatial reference of the source data used by the router object. Reorders the stops collection to minimize total driving time or distance. Calculates the route using the current settings of the router object. The speed groups used by the router object. The trip planning settings used by the router object. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the bounding envelope of the route path. The position of the bottom. The position of the left side. The position of the right side. The position of the top. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to members for creating SMRouter objects. Creates a SMRouter object based on information in the input routing initialization file. Creates a SMRouter object based on additional information in the alternate routing configuration file. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the location of single geographic point. The X coordinate of the point. The Y coordinate of the point. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to router settings, such as restrictions, backtrack policy, length units. Controls the backtrack policy of the route solver. Removes all restrictions set on the route solver. The output length units used in driving directions. Sets a restriction to be used by the route solver. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to router restrictions settings. Controls the backtrack policy of the route solver. Removes all restrictions set on the route solver. The method removes restriction at specified position from the list. The output length units used in driving directions. Restriction at the position, specified by index. Number of restrictions in the list, which will be applied when finding route. Sets a restriction to be used by the route solver. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the meta data of the routing service. Descriptive text of the data product used in the routing service. The name of the geographic region covered by the routing service. Name of data product. Version of data product. Date and time of data creation in ISO 8601 format. Name of data vendor. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the speed group properties. Speed group description. The speed value of the group. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to speed group query string. Speed group description. A SQL-like query string for determining records that belong to the speed group. The speed value of the group. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the collection of speed groups. The number of speed groups in the collection. The speed group at the specified position in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the route stop properties. Descriptive text of the route stop used in driving directions. Stop duration in minutes. Indicates whether shortest path is restricted when traveling to and from the given stop. The SMFlag object of the stop that describes its geographic location. Minimal allowed distance to turn. Numeric identifier of the user defined route stop. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the collection of route stops. Adds a stop to the end of collection. Removes all stops from the collection. The number of stops in the collection. Inserts a stop at the specified position in the collection. The stop at the specified position in the collection. Removes the stop at the specified position in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. Provides access to the trip planning settings. Time from midnight when driving must stop every day. Time from midnight when driving must start every day. Driving time between rest breaks in minutes. Amount of driving time allowed after the DayDriveEnd time is reached. Indicates whether periodic rest breaks are enabled. The duration of rest breaks in minutes. Indicates whether trip planning is enabled. The start date of the trip. Provides access to user mode information. Usage mode name. Usage mode option. Usage mode options count. Provides access to user mode options. Usage mode option name. Usage mode option value. ArcInfo Item Object used to create items. ArcInfo Item Object used to create items. Alternate Name of the Item. Alternate Name of the Item. ArcInfo Item Object used to create items. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Object used to create items. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Object used to create items. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is a Redefined Item. Indicates if the Item is a Redefined Item. Name of the Item. Name of the Item. Number of Decimals for Item values. Number of Decimals for Item values. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Start Position of the Item. Start Position of the Item. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Alternate Name of the Item. Indicates if the Item is Indexed. Indicates if the Item is a Pseudo Item. Indicates if the Item is Redefined. Name of the Item. Number of Decimals for Item values. Output Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. Start Position of the Item. Type of the Item, as an enumeration. Storage Width, in Bytes, for values stored in the Item. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Collection used for creating ArcInfo Items. Collection used for creating ArcInfo Items. Finds the index of the specified Item in the Items Collection. Finds the index of the specified Item in the Items Collection. Collection used for creating ArcInfo Items. Constructor has no input arguments. Collection used for creating ArcInfo Items. Constructor has no input arguments. Collection used for creating ArcInfo Items. Constructor has no input arguments. Item at the specified index in the Items Collection. Item at the specified index in the Items Collection. Number of Items in the Items Collection. Number of Items in the Items Collection. Item at the specified position. Number of Items in this Item Collection. Finds the index of the specified Item in the Items Collection. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Workspace factory used to create workspace objects for ArcInfo coverages and Info tables. Workspace factory used to create workspace objects for ArcInfo coverages and Info tables. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Workspace factory used to create workspace objects for ArcInfo coverages and Info tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace factory used to create workspace objects for ArcInfo coverages and Info tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Workspace factory used to create workspace objects for ArcInfo coverages and Info tables. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Cad Drawing Name object Cad Drawing Name object The category of the dataset. The category of the dataset. Cad Drawing Name object Constructor has no input arguments. Cad Drawing Name object Constructor has no input arguments. Cad Drawing Name object Constructor has no input arguments. The name of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Indicates if metadata can be edited. Indicates if metadata can be edited. The native type. The native type. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Esri Cad Workspace Factory. Esri Cad Workspace Factory. Indicates whether the use of Dgn files with any file extension is enabled. Indicates whether the use of Dgn files with any file extension is enabled. Esri Cad Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri Cad Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri Cad Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Type of the Feature Class. Type of the Feature Class. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Constructor has no input arguments. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Constructor has no input arguments. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the Feature Class has a Feature Attribute Table. Indicates if the Feature Class has a Feature Attribute Table. Topology of the Feature Class. Topology of the Feature Class. The category of the dataset. The category of the dataset. The name of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. Add a DatasetName. Add a DatasetName. The names of the dataset of the specified type. The names of the dataset of the specified type. The category of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The access mode. The access mode. The size. The size. The date modified/created/accessed. The date modified/created/accessed. The Feature Dataset Name object. The Feature Dataset Name object. The feature type for this feature class name. The feature type for this feature class name. The spatial column name for this feature class name. The spatial column name for this feature class name. The feature class shape type. The feature class shape type. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Indicates if metadata can be edited. Indicates if metadata can be edited. The model name of the field. The model name of the field. The native type. The native type. The object class ID. The object class ID. The Topology Name object. The Topology Name object. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. Type of the Coverage. Type of the Coverage. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. Constructor has no input arguments. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. Constructor has no input arguments. Maintains ArcInfo Coverage information. Constructor has no input arguments. An enumerator over the specified dataset names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the specified dataset names in this FeatureDataset. The category of the dataset. The category of the dataset. The name of the dataset. The name of the dataset. Subset names contained within this dataset name. Subset names contained within this dataset name. The type of the dataset. The type of the dataset. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The WorkspaceName of the DatasetName. The access mode. The access mode. The size. The size. The date modified/created/accessed. The date modified/created/accessed. An enumerator over the feature class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the feature class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the geometric network names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the geometric network names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the relationship class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the relationship class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the table (non spatial object class) names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the table (non spatial object class) names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the topology names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the topology names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the feature class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the geometric network names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the relationship class names in this FeatureDataset. An enumerator over the table (non spatial object class) names in this FeatureDataset. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Indicates if metadata can be edited. Indicates if metadata can be edited. The native type. The native type. The name string of the object. The name string of the object. Opens the object referred to by this name. Opens the object referred to by this name. ArcInfo Table Data Element object. ArcInfo Table Data Element object. The list of items. The list of items. ArcInfo Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. ArcInfo Data Element utilities object. ArcInfo Data Element utilities object. Assign ArcInfo table properties. Assign ArcInfo table properties. ArcInfo Data Element utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Data Element utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Data Element utilities object. Constructor has no input arguments. Assign coverage feature class name properties. Assign coverage feature class name properties. Assign coverage feature class properties. Assign coverage feature class properties. Assign coverage properties. Assign coverage properties. FindItem. FindItem. Get coverage feature class type description. Get coverage feature class type description. Get coverage feature class type from string. Get coverage feature class type from string. Get feature class topology description. Get feature class topology description. Get feature class topology from string. Get feature class topology from string. Get item type description. Get item type description. Get item type from string. Get item type from string. Item exists. Item exists. Make tolerances. Make tolerances. Make item. Make item. Make Items. Make Items. Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 2d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 2d. Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 3d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is 3d. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an AutoCad file. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an AutoCad file. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an Microstation file. Indicates whether Cad Dataset is an Microstation file. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Catalog Root Data Element object. Catalog Root Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Catalog Root Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Catalog Root Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Catalog Root Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Coverage Data Element object. Coverage Data Element object. The tolerances of the coverage. The tolerances of the coverage. Coverage Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. The list of items. The list of items. Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The coverage feature class type. The coverage feature class type. Indicates if the coverage feature class have attributes. Indicates if the coverage feature class have attributes. Coverage feature class topology status. Coverage feature class topology status. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The feature type of the feature class. The feature type of the feature class. Indicates if the feature class supports Ms. Indicates if the feature class supports Ms. Indicates if the feature class has a spatial index. Indicates if the feature class has a spatial index. Indicates if the feature class supports Zs. Indicates if the feature class supports Zs. The shape field name of the feature class. The shape field name of the feature class. The geometry type of the feature class. The geometry type of the feature class. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Coverage Data Element object Type. Coverage Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Coverage Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Coverage Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Dbase Table Data Element object. Dbase Table Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Dbase Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Dbase Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Dbase Table Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Dbase Table Data Element object Type. Dbase Table Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Dbase Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Dbase Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Dbase Table Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Disk Connection Data Element object. Disk Connection Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Disk Connection Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Disk Connection Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Disk Connection Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The connection information of the database. The connection information of the database. The connection string. The connection string. The list of Domains. The list of Domains. The workspace factory prog id. The workspace factory prog id. The workspace type. The workspace type. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Disk Connection Data Element object Type. Disk Connection Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Disk Connection Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Disk Connection Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Disk Connection Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. File Data Element object. File Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. File Data Element object Type. File Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Folder Data Element object. Folder Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The connection information of the database. The connection information of the database. The connection string. The connection string. The list of Domains. The list of Domains. The workspace factory prog id. The workspace factory prog id. The workspace type. The workspace type. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Folder Data Element object Type. Folder Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. LAS Dataset Data Element object. LAS Dataset Data Element object. The number of files in the LAS dataset. The number of files in the LAS dataset. LAS Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. LAS Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. LAS Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates whether there are statistics. Indicates whether there are statistics. Indicates whether the statistics are up to date. Indicates whether the statistics are up to date. The number of points in the LAS dataset. The number of points in the LAS dataset. The number of surface constraint feature classes in the LAS dataset. The number of surface constraint feature classes in the LAS dataset. Indicates whether the LAS dataset uses a relative path to its files. Indicates whether the LAS dataset uses a relative path to its files. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Convert the object to another object that is supported. Is this object valid at the given document version. Is this object valid at the given document version. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. LAS Dataset Data Element object Type. LAS Dataset Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. LAS Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. LAS Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. LAS Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Layer Data Element object. Layer Data Element object. The data element layer. The data element layer. Layer Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Layer Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Layer Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Layer Data Element object Type. Layer Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Layer Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Layer Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Layer Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Map Document Data Element object. Map Document Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Map Document Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Map Document Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Map Document Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. MapDocument Data Element object Type. MapDocument Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. MapDocument Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. MapDocument Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. MapDocument Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Projection File Data Element object. Projection File Data Element object. SpatialReference. SpatialReference. Projection File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Projection File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Projection File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Projection File Data Element object Type. Projection File Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Projection File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Projection File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Projection File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Remote Database Folder Data Element object. Remote Database Folder Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Remote Database Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Remote Database Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Remote Database Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. ShapeFile Data Element object. ShapeFile Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. ShapeFile Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ShapeFile Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ShapeFile Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The feature type of the feature class. The feature type of the feature class. Indicates if the feature class supports Ms. Indicates if the feature class supports Ms. Indicates if the feature class has a spatial index. Indicates if the feature class has a spatial index. Indicates if the feature class supports Zs. Indicates if the feature class supports Zs. The shape field name of the feature class. The shape field name of the feature class. The geometry type of the feature class. The geometry type of the feature class. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. ShapeFile Data Element object Type. ShapeFile Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. ShapeFile Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ShapeFile Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ShapeFile Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Spatial References Folder Data Element object. Spatial References Folder Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Spatial References Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Spatial References Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Spatial References Folder Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Text File Data Element object. Text File Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. Text File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Text File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Text File Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Text File Data Element object Type. Text File Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Text File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Text File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Text File Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Tin Data Element object. Tin Data Element object. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Tin Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Tin Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Tin Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the TIN dataset has edge tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has edge tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has node tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has node tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has triangle tag values. Indicates if the TIN dataset has triangle tag values. Indicates if TIN was constructed using Delaunay triangulation. Indicates if TIN was constructed using Delaunay triangulation. Multiplication factor applied to all z values in a TIN to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. Multiplication factor applied to all z values in a TIN to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. Tin Data Element object Type. Tin Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Tin Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Tin Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. Tin Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The extent of the coverage. The extent of the coverage. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The spatial reference of the geodataset. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. VPFTable Data Element object. VPFTable Data Element object. The string used to retrieve the element. The string used to retrieve the element. VPFTable Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. VPFTable Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. VPFTable Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. The list of sub-elements. The list of sub-elements. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if the children have been expanded. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. Indicates if full properties have been retrieved. File base name. File base name. File extension. File extension. File name. File name. File path. File path. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved. The user assigned name for the element. The user assigned name for the element. The type of the element. The type of the element. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Indicates if this dataset can be versioned. Dataset type. Dataset type. The id of the dataset. The id of the dataset. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. Indicates if this dataset is versioned. The list of Fields. The list of Fields. Indicates if the table has an object id field. Indicates if the table has an object id field. The list of Indexes. The list of Indexes. The name of the OID Field. The name of the OID Field. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. The PropertySet containing metadata. The PropertySet containing metadata. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Updates metadata with the current properties; may create metadata if it doesn't already exist. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. VPFTable Data Element object Type. VPFTable Data Element object Type. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. Creates a data element given a catalog path and an optional workspace. VPFTable Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. VPFTable Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. VPFTable Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to open a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. The filters used to save a dataset of this type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. GeoRSS workspace factory. GeoRSS workspace factory. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. GeoRSS workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoRSS workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. GeoRSS workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. The name of the data source. The name of the data source. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. ArcInfo Item Data Element object. ArcInfo Item Data Element object. The alternate name of the info item. The alternate name of the info item. ArcInfo Item Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Data Element object. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the info item has an index. Indicates if the info item has an index. Indicates if the item a psuedo item. Indicates if the item a psuedo item. Indicates if the info item redefined. Indicates if the info item redefined. The name of the info item. The name of the info item. The number of decimal places of the info item. The number of decimal places of the info item. The output width of the info item. The output width of the info item. The start position of the info item. The start position of the info item. The type of the info item. The type of the info item. The width of the info item. The width of the info item. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. The data type of the value object. The data type of the value object. Clears the value object. Clears the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Provides the value of the value object. Indicates if the value object is empty. Indicates if the value object is empty. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Deserializes an object from XML. Deserializes an object from XML. Serializes an object to XML. Serializes an object to XML. ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. Creates a coded value domain from an array of geoprocessing value objects. ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. Constructor has no input arguments. The COM class id of the data type. The COM class id of the data type. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. Creates a geoprocessing value object from the given string. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The descriptive, user-friendly name. The associated Name object. The associated Name object. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The context identifier of the topic within the help file. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (CHM) file containing help information. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the (XML) file containing the default metadata for this data type. The name of the data type. The name of the data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing data type object is valid. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Validates if a given geoprocessing value object is the correct data type. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. The Licensed Data Extension. The Licensed Data Extension. Adds license information. Adds license information. The Licensed Data Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. The Licensed Data Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. The Licensed Data Extension. Constructor has no input arguments. Number of license information. Number of license information. Returns license information by index. Returns license information by index. Returns license information by file name. Returns license information by file name. Removes license information. Removes license information. The name of the extension. The name of the extension. Shuts down the extension. Shuts down the extension. Starts up the extension with the given initialization data. Starts up the extension with the given initialization data. Esri PC ARC/INFO Workspace Factory. Esri PC ARC/INFO Workspace Factory. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Esri PC ARC/INFO Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri PC ARC/INFO Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri PC ARC/INFO Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Helper object for exporting data to SDC. Helper object for exporting data to SDC. Creates a SDC dataset from the input cursor. Creates a SDC dataset from the input cursor. Helper object for exporting data to SDC. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object for exporting data to SDC. Constructor has no input arguments. Helper object for exporting data to SDC. Constructor has no input arguments. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. A container for describing a SDC network dataset attribute. A container for describing a SDC network dataset attribute. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. A container for describing a SDC network dataset attribute. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for describing a SDC network dataset attribute. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for describing a SDC network dataset attribute. Constructor has no input arguments. Type of data used in this network attribute. Type of data used in this network attribute. Unique identifier of this network attribute. Unique identifier of this network attribute. Name of this network attribute. Name of this network attribute. Units of this network attribute. Units of this network attribute. Usage type of this network attribute. Usage type of this network attribute. A container for describing a SDC network dataset source. A container for describing a SDC network dataset source. The description of the named object. The description of the named object. A container for describing a SDC network dataset source. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for describing a SDC network dataset source. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for describing a SDC network dataset source. Constructor has no input arguments. Network element type of this network source. Network element type of this network source. Unique identifier of this network source. Unique identifier of this network source. Name of the class associated with this network source. Name of the class associated with this network source. The driving directions settings for this network source. The driving directions settings for this network source. Property set of this network source. Property set of this network source. Type of network source. Type of network source. Indicates if the source object's geometry is used in determining network connectivity. Indicates if the source object's geometry is used in determining network connectivity. Esri SDC workspace factory. Esri SDC workspace factory. Creates a new Plug-In workspace. Creates a new Plug-In workspace. Esri SDC workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri SDC workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri SDC workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Gets a string uniquely identifing the workspace described by the input parameters. Gets a string uniquely identifing the workspace described by the input parameters. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. The name of the data source. The name of the data source. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Esri Shapefile Workspace Factory. Esri Shapefile Workspace Factory. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Esri Shapefile Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri Shapefile Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri Shapefile Workspace Factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Deprecated as of 10.1. Driving directions information including path geometry and description of each path segment. Deprecated as of 10.1. Driving directions information including path geometry and description of each path segment. The geographic extent of the entire route. The geographic extent of the entire route. Deprecated as of 10.1. Driving directions information including path geometry and description of each path segment. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Driving directions information including path geometry and description of each path segment. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Driving directions information including path geometry and description of each path segment. Constructor has no input arguments. The total number of items in the driving directions object. The total number of items in the driving directions object. A reference to a direction item by its position. A reference to a direction item by its position. The total driving time for the route. The total driving time for the route. The total length of the route (in miles by default). The total length of the route (in miles by default). A string containing the total time and length of the route. A string containing the total time and length of the route. The total time of the entire trip. The total time of the entire trip. Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions. Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions. The azimuth of the direction item. Returns an esriSMAzimuthType constant. The azimuth of the direction item. Returns an esriSMAzimuthType constant. Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. A description and geography of one item of driving directions. Constructor has no input arguments. The geographic extent of the direction item. The geographic extent of the direction item. Formatted text descrbing the length and time of the direction item. Formatted text descrbing the length and time of the direction item. The type of direction item. Returns an esriSMDirItemType constant. The type of direction item. Returns an esriSMDirItemType constant. The length of the route part, in miles by default, corresponding to the direction item. The length of the route part, in miles by default, corresponding to the direction item. The route part number associated with a direction item. The route part number associated with a direction item. A collection of points representing the shape of the direction item. A collection of points representing the shape of the direction item. The street name of the direction item. The street name of the direction item. A string describing the direction item. A string describing the direction item. The driving time of the route part corresponding to the direction item. The driving time of the route part corresponding to the direction item. The turn angle of the direction item. The turn angle of the direction item. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that represents flag properties. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that represents flag properties. Flag ID. Flag ID. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that represents flag properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that represents flag properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that represents flag properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Flag position along the street segment as a percent of the segment length. Flag position along the street segment as a percent of the segment length. The side of the street that the flag is on. Returns an esriSMStreetSideType constant. The side of the street that the flag is on. Returns an esriSMStreetSideType constant. The geographic location of the flag. The geographic location of the flag. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for route flag creation. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for route flag creation. Creates the route flag using its geographic location. Creates the route flag using its geographic location. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for route flag creation. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for route flag creation. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for route flag creation. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates the route flag using its geographic location and required direction. Creates the route flag using its geographic location and required direction. Creates the route flag using its geographic location, required direction and latency. Creates the route flag using its geographic location, required direction and latency. Creates the route flag using its geographic location. Creates the route flag using its geographic location and required direction. Creates the route flag using its geographic location, required direction and latency. Defines maximum allowed distance in miles from stop location to closest street segment when creating a flag. Defines maximum allowed distance in miles from stop location to closest street segment when creating a flag. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about network attribute properties. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about network attribute properties. The network attribute name. The network attribute name. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about network attribute properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about network attribute properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about network attribute properties. Constructor has no input arguments. The network attribute type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeType constant. The network attribute type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeType constant. The network attribute name. The network attribute type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeType constant. The network attribute usage type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeUsageType constant. The network attribute usage type. Returns an esriSMNetAttributeUsageType constant. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object to access the value of network attributes. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object to access the value of network attributes. Returns the network attribute value by object ID. Returns the network attribute value by object ID. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object to access the value of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object to access the value of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object to access the value of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network attributes. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network attributes. The number of attributes in the collection. The number of attributes in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network attributes. Constructor has no input arguments. The network attribute at a specified index in the collection. The network attribute at a specified index in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The network barrier object. Deprecated as of 10.1. The network barrier object. The network barrier ID. The network barrier ID. Deprecated as of 10.1. The network barrier object. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The network barrier object. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The network barrier object. Constructor has no input arguments. Geographic location of the barrier. Geographic location of the barrier. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network barriers. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network barriers. Adds a barrier to the collection. Adds a barrier to the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network barriers. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network barriers. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of network barriers. Constructor has no input arguments. Removes all barriers from the collection. Removes all barriers from the collection. Removes a barrier with a specified ID from the collection. Removes a barrier with a specified ID from the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of geographic points. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of geographic points. Adds a point to the end of the collection. Adds a point to the end of the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of geographic points. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of geographic points. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of geographic points. Constructor has no input arguments. Removes all points from the collection. Removes all points from the collection. Number of points in the collection. Number of points in the collection. Inserts a point in the collection at the specified position. Inserts a point in the collection at the specified position. Represents the point in the collection at the specified position. Represents the point in the collection at the specified position. Removes a point from the collection at the specified position. Removes a point from the collection at the specified position. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for defining route restrictions. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for defining route restrictions. The network attribute used as a restriction. The network attribute used as a restriction. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for defining route restrictions. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for defining route restrictions. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for defining route restrictions. Constructor has no input arguments. The restriction parameter value. The restriction parameter value. Restriction type. Restriction type. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for retrieving and modifying road preferences. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for retrieving and modifying road preferences. The preference value for the specified road type. The preference value for the specified road type. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for retrieving and modifying road preferences. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for retrieving and modifying road preferences. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for retrieving and modifying road preferences. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for calculating routes and defining route settings. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for calculating routes and defining route settings. The network barriers collection of the router object. The network barriers collection of the router object. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for calculating routes and defining route settings. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for calculating routes and defining route settings. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for calculating routes and defining route settings. Constructor has no input arguments. The flag creator used by the router object. The flag creator used by the router object. The network attribute that the router object currently uses. The network attribute that the router object currently uses. The network attributes collection of the router object. The network attributes collection of the router object. The network attributes access of the router object. The network attributes access of the router object. The road preferences used by the router object. The road preferences used by the router object. The spatial reference of the source data used by the router object. The spatial reference of the source data used by the router object. Reorders the stops collection to minimize total driving time or distance. Reorders the stops collection to minimize total driving time or distance. Calculates the route using the current settings of the router object. Calculates the route using the current settings of the router object. The speed groups used by the router object. The speed groups used by the router object. The trip planning settings used by the router object. The trip planning settings used by the router object. Controls the backtrack policy of the route solver. Controls the backtrack policy of the route solver. Removes all restrictions set on the route solver. Removes all restrictions set on the route solver. The output length units used in driving directions. The output length units used in driving directions. Sets a restriction to be used by the route solver. Sets a restriction to be used by the route solver. Controls the backtrack policy of the route solver. Removes all restrictions set on the route solver. The method removes restriction at specified position from the list. The method removes restriction at specified position from the list. The output length units used in driving directions. Restriction at the position, specified by index. Restriction at the position, specified by index. Number of restrictions in the list, which will be applied when finding route. Number of restrictions in the list, which will be applied when finding route. Sets a restriction to be used by the route solver. Descriptive text of the data product used in the routing service. Descriptive text of the data product used in the routing service. The name of the geographic region covered by the routing service. The name of the geographic region covered by the routing service. Name of data product. Name of data product. Version of data product. Version of data product. Date and time of data creation in ISO 8601 format. Date and time of data creation in ISO 8601 format. Name of data vendor. Name of data vendor. Deprecated as of 10.1. The bounding envelope of the route path. Deprecated as of 10.1. The bounding envelope of the route path. The position of the bottom. The position of the bottom. Deprecated as of 10.1. The bounding envelope of the route path. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The bounding envelope of the route path. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The bounding envelope of the route path. Constructor has no input arguments. The position of the left side. The position of the left side. The position of the right side. The position of the right side. The position of the top. The position of the top. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for creating router objects. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for creating router objects. Creates a SMRouter object based on information in the input routing initialization file. Creates a SMRouter object based on information in the input routing initialization file. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for creating router objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for creating router objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object for creating router objects. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates a SMRouter object based on additional information in the alternate routing configuration file. Creates a SMRouter object based on additional information in the alternate routing configuration file. Deprecated as of 10.1. The geographic location of the point. Deprecated as of 10.1. The geographic location of the point. The X coordinate of the point. The X coordinate of the point. Deprecated as of 10.1. The geographic location of the point. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The geographic location of the point. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The geographic location of the point. Constructor has no input arguments. The Y coordinate of the point. The Y coordinate of the point. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about the speed group. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about the speed group. Speed group description. Speed group description. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about the speed group. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about the speed group. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. Information about the speed group. Constructor has no input arguments. The speed value of the group. The speed value of the group. Speed group description. A SQL-like query string for determining records that belong to the speed group. A SQL-like query string for determining records that belong to the speed group. The speed value of the group. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of speed groups. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of speed groups. The number of speed groups in the collection. The number of speed groups in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of speed groups. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of speed groups. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of speed groups. Constructor has no input arguments. The speed group at the specified position in the collection. The speed group at the specified position in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The information about route stop. Deprecated as of 10.1. The information about route stop. Descriptive text of the route stop used in driving directions. Descriptive text of the route stop used in driving directions. Deprecated as of 10.1. The information about route stop. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The information about route stop. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The information about route stop. Constructor has no input arguments. Stop duration in minutes. Stop duration in minutes. Indicates whether shortest path is restricted when traveling to and from the given stop. Indicates whether shortest path is restricted when traveling to and from the given stop. The SMFlag object of the stop that describes its geographic location. The SMFlag object of the stop that describes its geographic location. Minimal allowed distance to turn. Minimal allowed distance to turn. Numeric identifier of the user defined route stop. Numeric identifier of the user defined route stop. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of route stops. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of route stops. Adds a stop to the end of collection. Adds a stop to the end of collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of route stops. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of route stops. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The collection of route stops. Constructor has no input arguments. Removes all stops from the collection. Removes all stops from the collection. The number of stops in the collection. The number of stops in the collection. Inserts a stop at the specified position in the collection. Inserts a stop at the specified position in the collection. The stop at the specified position in the collection. The stop at the specified position in the collection. Removes the stop at the specified position in the collection. Removes the stop at the specified position in the collection. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that controls trip plan settings. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that controls trip plan settings. Time from midnight when driving must stop every day. Time from midnight when driving must stop every day. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that controls trip plan settings. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that controls trip plan settings. Constructor has no input arguments. Deprecated as of 10.1. The object that controls trip plan settings. Constructor has no input arguments. Time from midnight when driving must start every day. Time from midnight when driving must start every day. Driving time between rest breaks in minutes. Driving time between rest breaks in minutes. Amount of driving time allowed after the DayDriveEnd time is reached. Amount of driving time allowed after the DayDriveEnd time is reached. Indicates whether periodic rest breaks are enabled. Indicates whether periodic rest breaks are enabled. The duration of rest breaks in minutes. The duration of rest breaks in minutes. Indicates whether trip planning is enabled. Indicates whether trip planning is enabled. The start date of the trip. The start date of the trip. Esri StreetMap workspace factory. Esri StreetMap workspace factory. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. Indicates whether datasets of this type can process SQL queries. Esri StreetMap workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri StreetMap workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri StreetMap workspace factory. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. A desription of a detaset of the type specified. The name of the data source. The name of the data source. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. If parentDirectory is or contains a valid workspace, gets a string uniquely identifying that workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Tests if the workspace string represents a valid workspace. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. Opens a workspace helper for the workspace identified by the workspace string. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The class ID which is registered in the WorkspaceFactory category. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Esri TIN workspace factory is used to access TINs on disk. Esri TIN workspace factory is used to access TINs on disk. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Esri TIN workspace factory is used to access TINs on disk. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri TIN workspace factory is used to access TINs on disk. Constructor has no input arguments. Esri TIN workspace factory is used to access TINs on disk. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Esri VPF Workspace Factory Esri VPF Workspace Factory Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Esri VPF Workspace Factory Constructor has no input arguments. Esri VPF Workspace Factory Constructor has no input arguments. Esri VPF Workspace Factory Constructor has no input arguments. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Opens the workspace specified by a connection string. Indicates if parentDirectory contains a valid workspace, or is a valid file-system workspace. Copies a workspace to the specified destination folder. Creates a new workspace specified by the directory, file name, and connection properties. The class ID of the WorkspaceFactory. Retrieves the workspace name of a workspace from the given list of file names. True if the specified file identifies a workspace supported by the workspace factory. Moves a workspace to the specified destination folder. Opens the workspace specified by the connection properties. Opens the workspace specified by the given file name. The connection properties from the specified file. A singular or plural description of the type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. The type of workspace the workspace factory opens/creates. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. Parses the name string and returns a new Name object. ArcInfo Item Datatypes. Date. Character. Integer. Number. Binary. Float. LeadFill. Packed. ZeroFill. Overpunch. TrailingSign. Long Integer representing an object identifier. Geometry. Binary Large Object. The type of transformations applied to a CAD dataset. Transformation in WorldFile. Two point transformation. Rotate scale and translate. ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class types. Point Feature Class. Arc Feature Class. Polygon Feature Class. Node Feature Class. Tic Feature Class. Annotation Feature Class. Section Feature Class. Route Feature Class. Link Feature Class. Region Feature Class. Label Feature Class. File Feature Class. ArcInfo Coverage Precision Types. Single Precision. Double Precision. Coverage Tolerance Types. Fuzzy. Generalize. Node Match. Dangle. Tic Match. Edit. Node Snap. Weed. Grain. Snap. ArcInfo Coverage Types. Empty Coverage - no feature classes are present. Annotation Coverage - only annotation features are present. Points are the highest dimension feature class. Lines are the highest dimension feature class. Polygons are the highest dimension feature class. Polygon topology is incomplete. Data license type enumeration See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class Topology Types. Topology is not supported by this Feature Class. Topology is Preliminary. Topology Exists. Topology status is Unknown. Deprecated as of 10.1. Types of azimuth direction. North. North-East. East. South-East. South. South-West. West. North-West. Undefined. Deprecated as of 10.1. Backtrack policy types. Prohibit making U-turns anywhere. Allow U-turns unless there is a turn restriction in the source data. Allow U-turns only at dead ends (unless there is a turn restriction in the source data). Deprecated as of 10.1. Length units of output directions. Miles. Kilometers. Meters. Feet. Yards. Deprecated as of 10.1. Types of direction items. Item represents new road name. Item represents passing near some point of interest. Item represents border crossing. Item represents END OF DAY warning. Item represents number of day. Item represents REST BREAK warning. Item represents departing from stop. Item represents arriving at stop. Deprecated as of 10.1. Types of network attributes. Net attribute has Integer type. Net attribute has Float type. Net attribute has Double type. Net attribute has Boolean type. Net attribute has String type. Net attribute has Shape type. Deprecated as of 10.1. Usage types of network attributes. Cost attributes are used as weight when calculating an optimal route. Description Attribute. Prohibit traversal along a segment when the attribute value is TRUE. Prohibit traversal along a segment when attribute value is less than specified restriction parameter. Prohibit traversal along a segment when attribute value is greater than specified restriction parameter. Deprecated as of 10.1. Routing restriction policy types. Never violate this restriction. Violate this restriction only if no other route can be calculated. Deprecated as of 10.1. Road types. Corresponds to highways. Corresponds to ferries. Deprecated as of 10.1. Side of street. Represents the left side. Represents the right side. Both sides are allowed.