ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools Creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input point, line, or polygon features to be buffered. (In, Required) The feature class containing the output buffers. (Out, Required) The distance around the input features that will be buffered. Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear distance or as a field from the input features that contains the distance to buffer each feature. (In, Required) The input point, line, or polygon features to be buffered. (In, Required) The feature class containing the output buffers. (Out, Required) The distance around the input features that will be buffered. Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear distance or as a field from the input features that contains the distance to buffer each feature. (In, Required) The side(s) of the input features that will be buffered. (In, Optional) The shape of the buffer at the end of line input features. This parameter is not valid for polygon input features. (In, Optional) Specifies the dissolve to be performed to remove buffer overlap. (In, Optional) The list of field(s) from the input features on which to dissolve the output buffers. Any buffers sharing attribute values in the listed fields (carried over from the input features) are dissolved. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Extracts input features that overlay the clip features. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The features to be clipped. (In, Required) The features used to clip the input features. (In, Required) The feature class to be created. (Out, Required) The features to be clipped. (In, Required) The features used to clip the input features. (In, Required) The feature class to be created. (Out, Required) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). Set the value to be higher for data with less coordinate accuracy and lower for data with extremely high accuracy. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Creates a feature class by overlaying the Input Features with the polygons of the Erase Features. Only those portions of the input features falling outside the erase features outside boundaries are copied to the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The features to be used to erase coincident features in the input. (In, Required) The feature class that will contain only those Input Features that are not coincident with the Erase Features. (Out, Required) The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The features to be used to erase coincident features in the input. (In, Required) The feature class that will contain only those Input Features that are not coincident with the Erase Features. (Out, Required) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Computes a geometric intersection of the input features and identity features. The input features or portions thereof that overlap identity features will get the attributes of those identity features. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The identity feature class or layer. Must be polygons or the same geometry type as the input features. (In, Required) The feature class that will be created and to which the results will be written. (Out, Required) The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The identity feature class or layer. Must be polygons or the same geometry type as the input features. (In, Required) The feature class that will be created and to which the results will be written. (Out, Required) Determines what attributes will be transferred to the output feature class. (In, Optional) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). (In, Optional) Determines if additional spatial relationships between the in_features and the identity_features are to be written to the output. This only applies when the in_features are lines and the identity_features are polygons. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Computes a geometric intersection of the input features. Features or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will be written to the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. A list of the input feature classes or layers. When the distance between features is less than the cluster tolerance, the features with the lower rank will snap to the feature with the higher rank. The highest rank is one. For more information, see Priority ranks and Geoprocessing tools. (In, Required) The output feature class. (Out, Required) A list of the input feature classes or layers. When the distance between features is less than the cluster tolerance, the features with the lower rank will snap to the feature with the higher rank. The highest rank is one. For more information, see Priority ranks and Geoprocessing tools. (In, Required) The output feature class. (Out, Required) Determines which attributes from the Input Features will be transferred to the Output Feature Class. (In, Optional) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). (In, Optional) Choose what type of intersection you want to find. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Features or portions of features in the input and update features that do not overlap will be written to the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The update feature class or layer. Geometry type must be the same geometry type as the input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The feature class to which the results will be written. (Out, Required) The input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The update feature class or layer. Geometry type must be the same geometry type as the input feature class or layer. (In, Required) The feature class to which the results will be written. (Out, Required) Determines which attributes will be transferred to the output feature class. (In, Optional) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in x or y (or both). (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features and Update Features. The attributes and geometry of the input features are updated by the update features in the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input feature class or layer. Geometry type must be polygon. (In, Required) The features that will be used to update the Input Features. Geometry type must be polygon. (In, Required) The feature class to contain the results. Do not set this to be the same as the Input Features. (Out, Required) The input feature class or layer. Geometry type must be polygon. (In, Required) The features that will be used to update the Input Features. Geometry type must be polygon. (In, Required) The feature class to contain the results. Do not set this to be the same as the Input Features. (Out, Required) Specifies whether the boundary of the update polygon features will be kept. (In, Optional) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Splitting the Input Features creates a subset of multiple output feature classes. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The features to be split. (In, Required) The features containing a tabular field whose unique values are used to split the Input Features and provide the output feature classes' names. (In, Required) The character field used to split the Input Features. This field's values identify the Split Features used to create each output feature class. The Split Field's unique values provide the output feature classes' names. (In, Required) The workspace where the output feature classes are stored. (In, Required) The features to be split. (In, Required) The features containing a tabular field whose unique values are used to split the Input Features and provide the output feature classes' names. (In, Required) The character field used to split the Input Features. This field's values identify the Split Features used to create each output feature class. The Split Field's unique values provide the output feature classes' names. (In, Required) The workspace where the output feature classes are stored. (In, Required) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). Set the value to be higher for data that has less coordinate accuracy and lower for datasets with extremely high accuracy. (In, Optional) Output Workspace (out, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Calculates distance and additional proximity information between the input features and the closest feature in another layer or feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input features that can be point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint type. (In, Required) One or more feature layers or feature classes containing near feature candidates. The near features can be of point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint. If multiple layers or feature classes are specified, a field named NEAR_FC is added to the input table and will store the paths of the source feature class containing the nearest feature found. The same feature class or layer may be used as both input and near features. (In, Required) The input features that can be point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint type. (In, Required) One or more feature layers or feature classes containing near feature candidates. The near features can be of point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint. If multiple layers or feature classes are specified, a field named NEAR_FC is added to the input table and will store the paths of the source feature class containing the nearest feature found. The same feature class or layer may be used as both input and near features. (In, Required) The radius used to search for near features. If no value is specified, all near features are considered. If a distance but no unit or Unknown is specified, the units of the coordinate system of the input features are used. If the GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as Kilometers or Miles should be used. (In, Optional) Specifies whether x- and y-coordinates of the closest location of the near feature will be written to the NEAR_X and NEAR_Y fields. (In, Optional) Specifies whether the near angle will be calculated and written to a NEAR_ANGLE field in the output table. A near angle measures direction of the line connecting an input feature to its nearest feature at their closest locations. When the PLANAR method is used in the method parameter, the angle is within the range of -180° to 180°, with 0° to the east, 90° to the north, 180° (or -180°) to the west, and -90° to the south. When the GEODESIC method is used, the angle is within the range of -180° to 180°, with 0° to the north, 90° to the east, 180° (or -180°) to the south, and -90° to the west. (In, Optional) Output Feature Class (out, Optional) Determines whether to use a shortest path on a spheroid (geodesic) or a flat earth (planar) method. It is strongly suggested to use the GEODESIC method with data stored in a coordinate system that is not appropriate for distance measurements (for example, Web Mercator or any geographic coordinate system) and any analysis that spans a large geographic area. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Determines the distances from input point features to all points in the near features within a specified search radius. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The point features from which distances to the near features will be calculated. (In, Required) The points to which distances from the input features will be calculated. Distances between points within the same feature class or layer can be determined by specifying the same feature class or layer for the input and near features. (In, Required) The table containing the list of input features and information about all near features within the search radius. If a search radius is not specified, distances from all input features to all near features are calculated. (Out, Required) The point features from which distances to the near features will be calculated. (In, Required) The points to which distances from the input features will be calculated. Distances between points within the same feature class or layer can be determined by specifying the same feature class or layer for the input and near features. (In, Required) The table containing the list of input features and information about all near features within the search radius. If a search radius is not specified, distances from all input features to all near features are calculated. (Out, Required) Specifies the radius used to search for candidate near features. The near features within this radius are considered for calculating the nearest feature. If no value is specified (that is, the default (empty) radius is used) all near features are considered for calculation. The unit of search radius defaults to units of the input features. The units can be changed to any other unit. However, this has no impact on the units of the output DISTANCE field which is based on the units of the coordinate system of the input features. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Extracts features from an input feature class or input feature layer, typically using a select or Structured Query Language (SQL) expression and stores them in an output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input feature class or layer from which features are selected. (In, Required) The output feature class to be created. If no expression is used, it contains all input features. (Out, Required) The input feature class or layer from which features are selected. (In, Required) The output feature class to be created. If no expression is used, it contains all input features. (Out, Required) An SQL expression used to select a subset of features. For more information on SQL syntax see the help topic SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Selects table records matching a Structured Query Language (SQL) expression and writes them to an output table. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The table whose records matching the specified expression will be written to the output table. (In, Required) The output table containing records from the input table that match the specified expression. (Out, Required) The table whose records matching the specified expression will be written to the output table. (In, Required) The output table containing records from the input table that match the specified expression. (Out, Required) An SQL expression used to select a subset of records. For more information on SQL syntax see the help topic SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Reads a table and a set of fields and creates a new table containing unique field values and the number of occurrences of each unique field value. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The table containing the field(s) that will be used to calculate frequency statistics. This table can be an INFO or OLE DB table, a dBASE or a VPF table, or a feature class table. (In, Required) The table that will store the calculated frequency statistics. (Out, Required) The attribute field or fields that will be used to calculate frequency statistics. (In, Required) The table containing the field(s) that will be used to calculate frequency statistics. This table can be an INFO or OLE DB table, a dBASE or a VPF table, or a feature class table. (In, Required) The table that will store the calculated frequency statistics. (Out, Required) The attribute field or fields that will be used to calculate frequency statistics. (In, Required) The attribute field or fields to sum and add to the output table. Null values are excluded from this calculation. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Calculates summary statistics for field(s) in a table. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input table containing the field(s) that will be used to calculate statistics. The input can be an INFO table, a dBASE table, an OLE DB table, a VPF table, or a feature class. (In, Required) The output dBASE or geodatabase table that will store the calculated statistics. (Out, Required) The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations. (In, Required) The input table containing the field(s) that will be used to calculate statistics. The input can be an INFO table, a dBASE table, an OLE DB table, a VPF table, or a feature class. (In, Required) The output dBASE or geodatabase table that will store the calculated statistics. (Out, Required) The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations. (In, Required) The fields in the Input Table used to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value (or combination of attribute values when multiple fields are specified). (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Creates Thiessen polygons from point input features. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The point input features from which Thiessen polygons will be generated. (In, Required) The output feature class containing the Thiessen polygons that are generated from the point input features. (Out, Required) The point input features from which Thiessen polygons will be generated. (In, Required) The output feature class containing the Thiessen polygons that are generated from the point input features. (Out, Required) Determines which attributes from the point input features will be transferred to the output feature class. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Joins attributes from one feature to another based on the spatial relationship. The target features and the joined attributes from the join features are written to the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. Attributes of the target features and the attributes from the joined features are transferred to the output feature class. However, a subset of attributes can be defined in the field map parameter. The target features can be any spatial data source supported by ArcGIS. (In, Required) The attributes from the join features are joined to the attributes of the target features. See the explanation of the Join Operation parameter for details on how the aggregation of joined attributes are affected by the type of join operation. (In, Required) A new feature class containing the attributes of the target and join features. By default, all attributes of target features and the attributes of the joined features are written to the output. However, the set of attributes to be transferred can be controlled by the field map parameter. (Out, Required) Attributes of the target features and the attributes from the joined features are transferred to the output feature class. However, a subset of attributes can be defined in the field map parameter. The target features can be any spatial data source supported by ArcGIS. (In, Required) The attributes from the join features are joined to the attributes of the target features. See the explanation of the Join Operation parameter for details on how the aggregation of joined attributes are affected by the type of join operation. (In, Required) A new feature class containing the attributes of the target and join features. By default, all attributes of target features and the attributes of the joined features are written to the output. However, the set of attributes to be transferred can be controlled by the field map parameter. (Out, Required) Determines how joins between the target features and join features will be handled in the output feature class if multiple join features are found that have the same spatial relationship with a single target feature. (In, Optional) Determines if all target features will be maintained in the output feature class (known as outer join), or only those that have the specified spatial relationship with the join features (inner join). (In, Optional) Controls what attribute fields will be in the output feature class. The initial list contains all the fields from both the target features and the join features. Fields can be added, deleted, renamed, or have their properties changed. The selected fields from the target features are transferred as is, but selected fields from the join features can be aggregated by a merge rule. For details on field mapping, see Using the field mapping control and Mapping input fields to output fields. Multiple fields and statistic combination may be specified. (In, Optional) Defines the criteria used to match rows. The match options are: (In, Optional) Join features within this distance of a target feature will be considered for the spatial join. A search radius is only valid when the spatial relationship (Match Option) INTERSECT, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE, HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN or CLOSEST is specified. Using a search radius of 100 meters with the spatial relationship INTERSECT is the equivalent of saying: if a join feature is within 100 meters of a target feature, consider the join feature to be a match. (In, Optional) The name of a field to be added to the output feature class, which contains the distance between the target feature and the closest join feature. This option is only valid when the spatial relationship (Match Option) CLOSEST is specified. The value of this field is -1 if no feature is matched within a search radius. If no field name is specified, the field will not be added to the output feature class. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Geoprocessing tool that creates multiple buffers at specified distances around the input features. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. Input Features (in) Output Feature class (out) Distances (in) Input Features (in) Output Feature class (out) Distances (in) Buffer Unit (in, Optional) Field Name (in, Optional) Dissolve Option (in, Optional) Outside Polygons Only (in, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Calculates distances and other proximity information between features in one or more feature class or layer. Unlike the Near tool, which modifies the input, Generate Near Table writes results to a new stand-alone table and supports finding more than one near feature. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input features that can be point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint type. (In, Required) One or more layer of feature class containing near feature candidates. The near features can be of point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint. If multiple layers or feature classes is specified, a field named NEAR_FC is added to the input table and will store the paths of the source feature class containing the nearest feature found. The same feature class or layer may be used as both input and near features. (In, Required) The output table containing the result of the analysis. (Out, Required) The input features that can be point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint type. (In, Required) One or more layer of feature class containing near feature candidates. The near features can be of point, polyline, polygon, or multipoint. If multiple layers or feature classes is specified, a field named NEAR_FC is added to the input table and will store the paths of the source feature class containing the nearest feature found. The same feature class or layer may be used as both input and near features. (In, Required) The output table containing the result of the analysis. (Out, Required) The radius used to search for near features. If no value is specified, all near features will be candidates. If a distance is entered, but the unit is left blank or set to Unknown, the units of the coordinate system of the input features are used. If the GEODESIC option is used in the Method parameter, a linear unit such as Kilometers or Miles should be used. (In, Optional) Specifies whether x- and y-coordinates of the input feature's location and nearest location of the near feature will be written to the FROM_X, FROM_Y, NEAR_X, and NEAR_Y fields. (In, Optional) Specifies whether the near angle will be calculated and written to a NEAR_ANGLE field in the output table. A near angle measures direction of the line connecting an input feature to its nearest feature at their closest locations. When the PLANAR method is used in the method parameter, the angle is within the range of -180° to 180°, with 0° to the east, 90° to the north, 180° (or -180°) to the west, and -90° to the south. When the GEODESIC method is used, the angle is within the range of -180° to 180°, with 0° to the north, 90° to the east, 180° (or -180°) to the south, and -90° to the west. (In, Optional) Specifies whether to return only the closest features or multiple features. (In, Optional) Limit the number of near features reported for each input feature. This parameter is ignored if the closest parameter is set to CLOSEST. (In, Optional) Determines whether to use a shortest path on a spheroid (geodesic) or a flat earth (planar). It is strongly suggested to use GEODESIC method with data stored in a coordinate system which is not appropriate for distance measurements (for example, Web Mercator and any geographic coordinate system), or any dataset which spans a large geographic area. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Computes a geometric union of the input features. All features and their attributes will be written to the output feature class. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. A list of the input feature classes or layers. When the distance between features is less than the cluster tolerance, the features with the lower rank will snap to the feature with the higher rank. The highest rank is one. All of the input features must be polygons. (In, Required) The feature class that will contain the results. (Out, Required) A list of the input feature classes or layers. When the distance between features is less than the cluster tolerance, the features with the lower rank will snap to the feature with the higher rank. The highest rank is one. All of the input features must be polygons. (In, Required) The feature class that will contain the results. (Out, Required) Determines which attributes from the input features will be transferred to the output feature class. (In, Optional) The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). (In, Optional) Gaps are areas in the output feature class that are completely enclosed by other polygons. This is not invalid, but it may be desirable to identify these for analysis. To find the gaps in the output, set this option to NO_GAPS, and a feature will be created in these areas. To select these features, query the output feature class based on all the input feature's FID values being equal to -1. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Computes the intersection between two feature classes and cross-tabulates the area, length, or count of the intersecting features. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The features used to identify zones. (In, Required) The attribute field or fields that will be used to define zones. (In, Required) The features used to identify classes. (In, Required) The table that will contain the cross-tabulation of intersections between zones and classes. (Out, Required) The features used to identify zones. (In, Required) The attribute field or fields that will be used to define zones. (In, Required) The features used to identify classes. (In, Required) The table that will contain the cross-tabulation of intersections between zones and classes. (Out, Required) The attribute field or fields used to define classes. (In, Optional) The fields to sum from the Input Class Features. (In, Optional) The distance that determines the range in which features or their vertices are considered equal. By default, this is the XY Tolerance of the Input Zone Features. (In, Optional) Units to be used to calculate area or length measurements. Setting Output Units when the Input Class Features are points is not supported. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. Creates a table with statistics based on polygon contiguity (overlaps, coincident edges, or nodes). Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution. The input polygon features. (In, Required) The output table. (Out, Required) The input polygon features. (In, Required) The output table. (Out, Required) Input attribute field or fields used to identify unique polygons or polygon groups and represent them in the output. (In, Optional) Determines if overlapping polygons will be analyzed and reported in the output. (In, Optional) Determines if both sides of neighbor relationships will be included in the output. (In, Optional) The minimum distance between coordinates before they are considered equal. By default, this is the XY Tolerance of the input features. (In, Optional) Units used to report the total length of the coincident edge between neighboring polygons. The default is the input feature units. (In, Optional) Units used to report the area overlap of neighboring polygons. The default is the input feature units. This parameter is only enabled when the area_overlap parameter is set to AREA_OVERLAP. (In, Optional) The directory of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool's toolbox. The name of this tool. The alias for this tool's toolbox. The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.