ESRI.ArcGIS.Output Superseded by IExportAI. Provides access to members controlling Adobe Illustrator Driver options. Adobe Illustrator Driver options. Converts the EMF file to a AI File. Superseded by IExportAI. Provides access to members that control the AI (Adobe Illustrator) export driver. Returns Interface IAIDriver. Superseded by IExportBMP. Provides access to members that control the BMP (Windows Bitmap) Exporter. The Windows Bitmap handle. The Windows Bitmap color palette. Provides access to members that control the Color Correction. The Color Correction for the CMYK color model. The Lightness Value of the HLS Color Model. The Saturation Value of the HLS Color Model. The dataType supported: 1 Total, 2 Raster, 4 Vector. The Undercolor Removal Value. Superseded by IExportBMP. Provides access to members that control the DIB (Windows Device Independent Bitmap) Exporter. The background color of the DIB. The color depth of the DIB. Handle to in-memory DIB. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. The height of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Indicates if the bitmap should be written to memory. If false, it is written to a file specified by Path. If true, use HDIB to get the memory handle after ReleaseDC has been called. The width of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Superseded by IExportEMF. Provides access to members that control the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Exporter. A description string to embed in the file. Handle to in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Indicates if the metafile will be written to memory. Returns the handle to the in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Ownership of the handle is transferred to the client who must call DeleteEnhMetafile on the returned handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Indicator interface that identifies the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Provides access to members that control the Export. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Provides access to members that control the AI (Adobe Illustrator) Export. The Embed Fonts option. Provides access to members that control advanced settings of AI (Adobe Illustrator) exporting. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to members that control the BMP (Windows Bitmap) Export. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType is equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Windows Bitmap handle. The Windows Bitmap color palette. The Windows Bitmap compression scheme for 8 bits per pixel and 4 bits per pixel. Provides access to members that control the Destination Colorspace for Export. Colorspace option. Provides access to members that control the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Export. A description string to embed in the file. Handle to in-memory metafile. Client must call DeleteEnhMetafile in order to release the handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Superseded by IExport. Provides access to members that control the Base Exporter. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Superseded by IExport. Provides access to members that control the Base Exporter 2. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export Extent. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Superseded by IExport. Provides access to members that control the Base Exporter Priority. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Provides access to members that control the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Export. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The GIF Compression type. The interlaced GIF export mode. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. Provides access to members that control the Image Export. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. Provides access to members that control the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Export. The progressive JPEG export mode. The JPEG compression / image quality. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (no compression / best quality). Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. Specify how multipage pdf to be exported. Provides access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) Export. Indicates if the PDF should be compressed. The Embed Fonts option. The PDF Image Compression. Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) Export. Indicates whether geographic coordinate and measurement information is exported. PDF Layers and Feature Attributes option. Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. Master password, allows to restrict editing security and permission settings of PDF document. PDF security encryption methods. PDF security encryption options. PDF security permissions. User password, allows to open the PDF document. Provides access to members that control the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Export. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The interlaced PNG export mode. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. Provides access to members that control the PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) Exports. The Embed Fonts option. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript. The Image setting for the PostScript. The PostScript Image Compression. The PostScript Language Level. Provides extended access to members that control the PostScript export. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Provides access to members that control the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Export. Indicates if the SVG file is compressed. The Embed Fonts option. Provides access to members that control the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Export. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The TIFF Compression type. The option to write GeoTIFF tags. This option controls the Quality setting for Flate or JPEG compression options. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (best compression for flate / best quality for JPEG). Higher values result in smaller files for flate, and larger files for JPEG. Provides access to members that control the Vector Export. Provides access to members that control the Vector Export Options. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Provides access to members that control the extra Vector Export Options. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Provides access to members that control the Font Map Object. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Provides access to members that control the Font Map 2 Object. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Provides access to members that control a Collection of Font Map Objects. Add an IFontMap to the FontMap collection. The count of the FontMap collection. An IFontMap from the FontMap collection. Insert an IFontMap into the FontMap collection at position index. Removes IFontMap at index from the FontMap collection. Removes all IFontMaps from the FontMap collection. Provides access to members that control the Font Mapping Environment. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Superseded by IExportJPEG. Provides access to members that control the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Exporter. The background color of the JPEG. The height of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The JPEG compression / image quality. The width of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Superseded by IExport. Provides access to members that control the object's cleanup process (removing temporary files, memory release, etc.). Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Private interface to output page options. Index of the current page. Indicates if layout is being output. Indicates the number of pages to the export dialog. Other clients should use the PageIndex.PageCount. Indicates if a page selection exists. Indicates the number of selected pages to the export dialog. Other clients should use the PageIndex.PageCount. Provides access to members that control the default printer page settings. Attach object to specified DEVMODE and DEVNAMES structures. This must be called before using other properties and methods. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Form Name. Enumerate forms supported by the printer. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The area of the printer page that can be printed on. Display the Print Setup Dialog. The Printer Name. Returns the size of the printer paper. Units property specifies measurement units. The printer tray. Use Win32 DMBIN_xxx constants. Enumerate trays supported by the printer. The units used by the other properties. Provides access to members that control the default printer page settings. The print resolution. Superseded by IExportPDF. Provides access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) Driver. Converts the EMF file to a PDF File. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. Superseded by IExportPDF. Provides access to the indicator interface that identifies the PDF (Portable Document Format) Exporter. Provides access to multiple page settings for printing and export. Indicates if selection symbology should be output. Specify which pages to output. Specify range or query string when OutputSelection is set to range or query. Provides access to members that control the Printer Driver. Indicates if the Printer Name passed into function is supported by the IPrinter Driver. The name of Windows Printer Driver. File Extension associated with the Printer Driver. Filter used in CFileDialog. Finish up Printing. Name of the IPrinter Driver. The IPaper interface. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The name of file if saving to Disk. Returns Page Size for Printer. The Printer Driver Resolution. The Spool File Name which shows up in the Print Manager. Initialize Printing. Updates a Progress Bar is set. The units for PaperSize and PrintableBounds. Indicates if the Printer Driver should validate Printer Driver's local settings. Provides access to members for controlling multipage printing. End map document. Finalize current page output. Begin map document. Document consists of one or more pages. Start new page output. Provides access to members that control the PostScript Driver. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Provides access to members that control the other options of the PostScript Driver. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. The number of copies. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Superseded by IExportPS. Provides access to members that control the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) Exporter. Returns Interface IPSDriver. Indicator interface that identifies the PostScript Printer Driver. The PPD file for the PostScript file. Provides access to members that control storing/restoring of object settings to/from the registry. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Provides access to members that control the Spot Color Plate. The Color for Separation. The Screen Angle for the Separation. The Separation will be used. Provides access to members that control the Collection of Spot Plates. Add an ISpotPlate to the Spot Plate collection. The count of the Spot Plate collection. Insert an ISpotPlate into the Spot Plate collection at position index. Remove ISpotPlate at index from the Spot Plate collection. Remove all ISpotPlates from the Spot Plate collection. An ISpotPlate from the Spot Plate collection. Provides access to members that set up the Step Progressor. Updates a Progress Bar. Superseded by IExportTIFF. Provides access to members that control the TIFF exporter. The background color of the TIFF. The height of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The width of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Provides access to members that set up the Track Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. Provides access to members that control the settings of the World File Exporter. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Provides access to members that control the additional settings of the World File Exporter. The Map rotation angle in degrees. Superseded by ExportAI. Adobe Illustator Driver Class. Superseded by ExportAI. Adobe Illustator Driver Class. Adobe Illustrator Driver options. Adobe Illustrator Driver options. Superseded by ExportAI. Adobe Illustator Driver Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportAI. Adobe Illustator Driver Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportAI. Adobe Illustator Driver Class. Constructor has no input arguments. Converts the EMF file to a AI File. Converts the EMF file to a AI File. Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. Superseded by ExportAI. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Superseded by ExportAI. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Returns Interface IAIDriver. Returns Interface IAIDriver. Superseded by ExportAI. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportAI. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportAI. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. Superseded by ExportBMP. Class used to export maps to DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) format. Format also known as BMP. Superseded by ExportBMP. Class used to export maps to DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) format. Format also known as BMP. The Windows Bitmap handle. The Windows Bitmap handle. Superseded by ExportBMP. Class used to export maps to DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) format. Format also known as BMP. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportBMP. Class used to export maps to DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) format. Format also known as BMP. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportBMP. Class used to export maps to DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) format. Format also known as BMP. Constructor has no input arguments. The Windows Bitmap color palette. The Windows Bitmap color palette. The background color of the DIB. The background color of the DIB. The color depth of the DIB. The color depth of the DIB. Handle to in-memory DIB. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Handle to in-memory DIB. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. The height of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The height of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Indicates if the bitmap should be written to memory. If false, it is written to a file specified by Path. If true, use HDIB to get the memory handle after ReleaseDC has been called. Indicates if the bitmap should be written to memory. If false, it is written to a file specified by Path. If true, use HDIB to get the memory handle after ReleaseDC has been called. The width of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The width of the DIB. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export Extent. The Export Extent. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Superseded by ExportEMF. Class used to export maps to Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. Superseded by ExportEMF. Class used to export maps to Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. A description string to embed in the file. A description string to embed in the file. Superseded by ExportEMF. Class used to export maps to Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportEMF. Class used to export maps to Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportEMF. Class used to export maps to Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Handle to in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Handle to in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Indicates if the metafile will be written to memory. Indicates if the metafile will be written to memory. Returns the handle to the in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Ownership of the handle is transferred to the client who must call DeleteEnhMetafile on the returned handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Returns the handle to the in-memory metafile. Valid only after ReleaseDC has been called. Ownership of the handle is transferred to the client who must call DeleteEnhMetafile on the returned handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the Printer Name passed into function is supported by the IPrinter Driver. Indicates if the Printer Name passed into function is supported by the IPrinter Driver. The name of Windows Printer Driver. The name of Windows Printer Driver. File Extension associated with the Printer Driver. File Extension associated with the Printer Driver. Filter used in CFileDialog. Filter used in CFileDialog. Finish up Printing. Finish up Printing. Name of the IPrinter Driver. Name of the IPrinter Driver. The IPaper interface. The IPaper interface. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The name of file if saving to Disk. The name of file if saving to Disk. Returns Page Size for Printer. Returns Page Size for Printer. The Printer Driver Resolution. The Printer Driver Resolution. The Spool File Name which shows up in the Print Manager. The Spool File Name which shows up in the Print Manager. Initialize Printing. Initialize Printing. Updates a Progress Bar is set. Updates a Progress Bar is set. The units for PaperSize and PrintableBounds. The units for PaperSize and PrintableBounds. Indicates if the Printer Driver should validate Printer Driver's local settings. Indicates if the Printer Driver should validate Printer Driver's local settings. End map document. End map document. Finalize current page output. Finalize current page output. Begin map document. Document consists of one or more pages. Begin map document. Document consists of one or more pages. Start new page output. Start new page output. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The Embed Fonts option. The Embed Fonts option. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Colorspace option. Colorspace option. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType is equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType is equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Windows Bitmap handle. The Windows Bitmap handle. The Windows Bitmap color palette. The Windows Bitmap color palette. The Windows Bitmap compression scheme for 8 bits per pixel and 4 bits per pixel. The Windows Bitmap compression scheme for 8 bits per pixel and 4 bits per pixel. The background color of the Image. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. The Map rotation angle in degrees. The Map rotation angle in degrees. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Colorspace option. Colorspace option. A description string to embed in the file. A description string to embed in the file. Handle to in-memory metafile. Client must call DeleteEnhMetafile in order to release the handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Handle to in-memory metafile. Client must call DeleteEnhMetafile in order to release the handle. Subsequent calls to this routine will return 0. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The GIF Compression type. The GIF Compression type. The interlaced GIF export mode. The interlaced GIF export mode. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. The background color of the Image. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. The Map rotation angle in degrees. The Map rotation angle in degrees. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The background color of the Image. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The progressive JPEG export mode. The progressive JPEG export mode. The JPEG compression / image quality. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (no compression / best quality). The JPEG compression / image quality. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (no compression / best quality). Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. The Map rotation angle in degrees. The Map rotation angle in degrees. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Colorspace option. Colorspace option. Specify how multipage pdf to be exported. Specify how multipage pdf to be exported. Indicates if the PDF should be compressed. Indicates if the PDF should be compressed. The Embed Fonts option. The Embed Fonts option. The PDF Image Compression. The PDF Image Compression. Indicates whether geographic coordinate and measurement information is exported. Indicates whether geographic coordinate and measurement information is exported. PDF Layers and Feature Attributes option. PDF Layers and Feature Attributes option. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Master password, allows to restrict editing security and permission settings of PDF document. Master password, allows to restrict editing security and permission settings of PDF document. PDF security encryption methods. PDF security encryption methods. PDF security encryption options. PDF security encryption options. PDF security permissions. PDF security permissions. User password, allows to open the PDF document. User password, allows to open the PDF document. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The background color of the Image. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The interlaced PNG export mode. The interlaced PNG export mode. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. The color that is marked as transparent in the export image. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. The Map rotation angle in degrees. The Map rotation angle in degrees. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Colorspace option. Colorspace option. The Embed Fonts option. The Embed Fonts option. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript. The Image setting for the PostScript. The Image setting for the PostScript. The PostScript Image Compression. The PostScript Image Compression. The PostScript Language Level. The PostScript Language Level. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Specifies the raster image quality setting, when JPEG compression is used. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. This coefficient states the scale level for the raster when it goes to output. 1 means 1:1; 2 means 1:2, i.e. 2 times less than the output quality. Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Colorspace option. Colorspace option. Indicates if the SVG file is compressed. Indicates if the SVG file is compressed. The Embed Fonts option. The Embed Fonts option. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Maximum number of vertices in feature. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Polygonize (represent as vectors instead of fonts) marker symbols option. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Options describing what to do with Picture Symbol on export. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). The Export Bounds in Pixels (The Pixel Bounds of the Export surface). Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Export Resolution. The Export Resolution. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will update a Progress Bar if StepProgressor is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. Export will react on Cancel if TrackCancel is not NULL. The background color of the Image. The background color of the Image. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. The height of the Image. If height is zero, screen height is used. Export Image Type. Export Image Type. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The width of the Image. If width is zero, screen width is used. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The Threshold value for BiLevel images. The Threshold value will be used if esriExportImageType equal to esriExportImageTypeBiLevelThreshold. The TIFF Compression type. The TIFF Compression type. The option to write GeoTIFF tags. The option to write GeoTIFF tags. This option controls the Quality setting for Flate or JPEG compression options. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (best compression for flate / best quality for JPEG). Higher values result in smaller files for flate, and larger files for JPEG. This option controls the Quality setting for Flate or JPEG compression options. Range (0..100). Default is 100 (best compression for flate / best quality for JPEG). Higher values result in smaller files for flate, and larger files for JPEG. Restore the default object settings. Restore the default object settings. Restore object settings. Restore object settings. Store object settings. Store object settings. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. The Map rotation angle in degrees. The Map rotation angle in degrees. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. Creates an association between the TrueType Font and the Mapped Font. A collection of font mappings. A collection of font mappings. Add an IFontMap to the FontMap collection. Add an IFontMap to the FontMap collection. A collection of font mappings. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of font mappings. Constructor has no input arguments. A collection of font mappings. Constructor has no input arguments. The count of the FontMap collection. The count of the FontMap collection. An IFontMap from the FontMap collection. An IFontMap from the FontMap collection. Insert an IFontMap into the FontMap collection at position index. Insert an IFontMap into the FontMap collection at position index. Removes IFontMap at index from the FontMap collection. Removes IFontMap at index from the FontMap collection. Removes all IFontMaps from the FontMap collection. Removes all IFontMaps from the FontMap collection. A global collection of font mapping settings. A global collection of font mapping settings. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. A global collection of font mapping settings. Constructor has no input arguments. A global collection of font mapping settings. Constructor has no input arguments. A global collection of font mapping settings. Constructor has no input arguments. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Superseded by ExportJPEG. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Superseded by ExportJPEG. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Superseded by ExportJPEG. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportJPEG. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportJPEG. Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The background color of the JPEG. The background color of the JPEG. The height of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The height of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The JPEG compression / image quality. The JPEG compression / image quality. The width of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The width of the JPEG. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. The default printer page settings. The default printer page settings. Attach object to specified DEVMODE and DEVNAMES structures. This must be called before using other properties and methods. Attach object to specified DEVMODE and DEVNAMES structures. This must be called before using other properties and methods. The default printer page settings. Constructor has no input arguments. The default printer page settings. Constructor has no input arguments. The default printer page settings. Constructor has no input arguments. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Form Name. The Form Name. Enumerate forms supported by the printer. Enumerate forms supported by the printer. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. Display the Print Setup Dialog. Display the Print Setup Dialog. The Printer Name. The Printer Name. Returns the size of the printer paper. Units property specifies measurement units. Returns the size of the printer paper. Units property specifies measurement units. The printer tray. Use Win32 DMBIN_xxx constants. The printer tray. Use Win32 DMBIN_xxx constants. Enumerate trays supported by the printer. Enumerate trays supported by the printer. The units used by the other properties. The units used by the other properties. The print resolution. The print resolution. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Superseded by ExportPDF. Class used to print maps with the PDF (Portable Document Format) driver. Superseded by ExportPDF. Class used to print maps with the PDF (Portable Document Format) driver. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. Superseded by ExportPDF. Class used to print maps with the PDF (Portable Document Format) driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPDF. Class used to print maps with the PDF (Portable Document Format) driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPDF. Class used to print maps with the PDF (Portable Document Format) driver. Constructor has no input arguments. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Converts the EMF file to a PDF File. Converts the EMF file to a PDF File. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Superseded by ExportPDF. Provides access to the PDF (Portable Document Format) exporter. Superseded by ExportPDF. Provides access to the PDF (Portable Document Format) exporter. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Superseded by ExportPDF. Provides access to the PDF (Portable Document Format) exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPDF. Provides access to the PDF (Portable Document Format) exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPDF. Provides access to the PDF (Portable Document Format) exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Print and Export Page Options. Print and Export Page Options. Indicates if selection symbology should be output. Indicates if selection symbology should be output. Print and Export Page Options. Constructor has no input arguments. Print and Export Page Options. Constructor has no input arguments. Print and Export Page Options. Constructor has no input arguments. Specify which pages to output. Specify which pages to output. Specify range or query string when OutputSelection is set to range or query. Specify range or query string when OutputSelection is set to range or query. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. The Color Correction for the CMYK color model. The Color Correction for the CMYK color model. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. The Lightness Value of the HLS Color Model. The Lightness Value of the HLS Color Model. The Saturation Value of the HLS Color Model. The Saturation Value of the HLS Color Model. The dataType supported: 1 Total, 2 Raster, 4 Vector. The dataType supported: 1 Total, 2 Raster, 4 Vector. The Undercolor Removal Value. The Undercolor Removal Value. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. The number of copies. The number of copies. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Add an ISpotPlate to the Spot Plate collection. Add an ISpotPlate to the Spot Plate collection. The count of the Spot Plate collection. The count of the Spot Plate collection. Insert an ISpotPlate into the Spot Plate collection at position index. Insert an ISpotPlate into the Spot Plate collection at position index. Remove ISpotPlate at index from the Spot Plate collection. Remove ISpotPlate at index from the Spot Plate collection. Remove all ISpotPlates from the Spot Plate collection. Remove all ISpotPlates from the Spot Plate collection. An ISpotPlate from the Spot Plate collection. An ISpotPlate from the Spot Plate collection. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Superseded by ExportPS. Class used to export maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Superseded by ExportPS. Class used to export maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Superseded by ExportPS. Class used to export maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPS. Class used to export maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportPS. Class used to export maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Returns Interface IPSDriver. Returns Interface IPSDriver. Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. The Color Correction for the CMYK color model. The Color Correction for the CMYK color model. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. Constructor has no input arguments. The Lightness Value of the HLS Color Model. The Lightness Value of the HLS Color Model. The Saturation Value of the HLS Color Model. The Saturation Value of the HLS Color Model. The dataType supported: 1 Total, 2 Raster, 4 Vector. The dataType supported: 1 Total, 2 Raster, 4 Vector. The Undercolor Removal Value. The Undercolor Removal Value. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Font Mapping checkbox description string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Font Mapping string. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The Default Mapping Choices for Font Substitution. The FontMap Collection. The FontMap Collection. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Indicates whether to save font mappings. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Indicates if the Printer Name passed into function is supported by the IPrinter Driver. Indicates if the Printer Name passed into function is supported by the IPrinter Driver. The name of Windows Printer Driver. The name of Windows Printer Driver. File Extension associated with the Printer Driver. File Extension associated with the Printer Driver. Filter used in CFileDialog. Filter used in CFileDialog. Finish up Printing. Finish up Printing. Name of the IPrinter Driver. Name of the IPrinter Driver. The IPaper interface. The IPaper interface. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The area of the printer page that can be printed on. The name of file if saving to Disk. The name of file if saving to Disk. Returns Page Size for Printer. Returns Page Size for Printer. The Printer Driver Resolution. The Printer Driver Resolution. The Spool File Name which shows up in the Print Manager. The Spool File Name which shows up in the Print Manager. Initialize Printing. Initialize Printing. Updates a Progress Bar is set. Updates a Progress Bar is set. The units for PaperSize and PrintableBounds. The units for PaperSize and PrintableBounds. Indicates if the Printer Driver should validate Printer Driver's local settings. Indicates if the Printer Driver should validate Printer Driver's local settings. End map document. End map document. Finalize current page output. Finalize current page output. Begin map document. Document consists of one or more pages. Begin map document. Document consists of one or more pages. Start new page output. Start new page output. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. Indicates whether a separate Image file should be created for ArcPress. Indicates whether the Image should be rotated 90 degress for ArcPress. The number of copies. The number of copies. Converts the EMF file to a EPS File. The Emulsion setting for the PostScript Driver. The Font Map Collection for Font Mapping. The printer page form. Use Win32 DMPAPER_xxx constants. The Halftone DPI / LPI. The Image setting (Positive or Negative) for the PostScript Driver. The Image Compression of the PostScript Driver. The PostScript Marks. Indicates if the 1-bit Image Transparency setting for the PostScript Driver is set to true. The printer page orientation (1 = portrait. 2 = landscape). The PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to be used. The printers Printable Bounds - Used for Marks. The PostScript Driver Language Level. PostScript Driver will update a Progress Bar. Indicates whether the PostScript Driver should use the ENHMETAHEADER rclFrame instead of rclBounds for the PostScript Bounding Box. The PPD file for the PostScript file. Add an ISpotPlate to the Spot Plate collection. Add an ISpotPlate to the Spot Plate collection. The count of the Spot Plate collection. The count of the Spot Plate collection. Insert an ISpotPlate into the Spot Plate collection at position index. Insert an ISpotPlate into the Spot Plate collection at position index. Remove ISpotPlate at index from the Spot Plate collection. Remove ISpotPlate at index from the Spot Plate collection. Remove all ISpotPlates from the Spot Plate collection. Remove all ISpotPlates from the Spot Plate collection. An ISpotPlate from the Spot Plate collection. An ISpotPlate from the Spot Plate collection. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. The Color for Separation. The Color for Separation. Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. Constructor has no input arguments. Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. Constructor has no input arguments. The Screen Angle for the Separation. The Screen Angle for the Separation. The Separation will be used. The Separation will be used. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Superseded by ExportTIFF. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). Superseded by ExportTIFF. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. Superseded by ExportTIFF. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportTIFF. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. Superseded by ExportTIFF. Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). Constructor has no input arguments. The Export File Name. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Indicates if the Output will be clipped to the Graphics Extent. The Export Extent. The Export Extent. The Export File Name. File Extension associated with Exporter. Filter String used in the CFileDialog class. Shuts down the Exporter. The Name of the Exporter. The Pixel Bounds of the Exporter. The Resolution of the Exporter. Initializes the Exporter. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Exporter's priority - the order of appearance in the user interface. Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Cleanup should clean all temporary files, free used memory, etc... Updates a Progress Bar. Updates a Progress Bar. The background color of the TIFF. The background color of the TIFF. The height of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The height of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The width of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. The width of the TIFF. If width or height is zero, screen size is used. Reacts to a Cancel. Reacts to a Cancel. The Map Extent. The Map Extent. Indicates if a World File will be created. Indicates if a World File will be created. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. AI (Adobe Illustrator) Driver Options. Font will be mapped. Polygonize marker symbols during exporting. Index of CMYK plates. Cyan. Magenta. Yellow. Black. Color Correction Data Type. Color Correction Data Type = Total Image. Color Correction Data Type = Raster. Color Correction Data Type = Vector. Colorspace settings for the export operation. Colorspace RGB. Colorspace CMYK. Output Error Return Codes. CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Version 3 needed. License not available. Object was not set up correctly. Cannot create temporary metafile. Cannot map metafile into memory. Not enough memory. Paper reference required. Cannot find appropriate ArcPress driver for the selected printer. Parameter is incorrect. Cannot access registry settings. Cannot create exported file. Either file is already open or not enough disk space. Cannot parse the metafile. Cannot open printer. Not enough memory to create requested bitmap. Cannot start printing. Error occurred while trying to access to printer device context and spooler. Extension wasn't activated. Output filename is invalid or not specified. Invalid pixel bound value(s). Export Image Compression settings. No Compression. RLE Compression. Deflate Compression. LZW Compression. JPEG Compression. Adaptive compression (depending on raster properties, lossy or lossless compression is chosen). The Export Image Type. Image Type Bi-Level based on mask color (1-bit Monochrome Mask). Image Type Bi-Level based on threshold value (1-bit Monochrome Threshold). Image Type Grayscale (8-bit Grayscale). Image Type Indexed (8-bit Palette). Image Type True Color (24-bit True Color). Select multiple pages as multiple files for output. Export pages as single file. Export pages as multiple files, associating page name to output files. Export pages as multiple files, associating page index to output files. Export PDF Layers and Feature Attributes settings. No Layers and Feature Attributes. Layers Only. Layers and Feature Attributes. PostScript Export Emulsion settings. PostScript Emulsion is Up. PostScript Emulsion is Down. PostScript Export Image settings. PostScript Image is Positive. PostScript Image is Negative. PostScript Export Language Level settings. PostScript Language Level 2. PostScript Language Level 3. The GIF Compression Type. Compression = None. Compression = RLE. Compression = LZW. Output Error Return Codes. An internal Error occur. Requested functionality isn't supported. Not enough memory to complete requested action. A memory error occur while processing requested action. Invalid or corrupt file. File reading error. File writing error. File opening error. File creation error. Image directory reading error. Image directory writing error. Image compressor error. Can't compress/decompress the image. Error reading or writing the marker from/to JPEG file. Incompatible ZLIB version detected. ZLIB is used to compress/decompress images. Invalid image parameter has been specified while reading/writing the image. Invalid parameter for image library has been specified while reading/writing the image. Object set up incorrectly and can't perform the requested operation. Printer saved with document not found. No printers are installed. Select pages for output. Output all pages. Data = null Output selected pages. Data = null Output current page. Data = null Output range of pages. Data = range string Use a where clause to select pages for output. Where clase is specified in range string. PDF Extension errors. Internal error. Check description. This document requires authentication (e.g. a password). Not enough memory to open the document. This file cannot be opened because it contains too many pages. This operation is not permitted. Unable to open document. Unable to open file for writing. Unable to write file. Unable to rename temp file. Unable to read file. Not valid pdf document. File is already open. No space for temp file. Inserting this file would result too many pages. Documents saved successfully, error ocured after save.Close and reopen doc. A File error has occured Directory is full Document or temp disk is full. A file I/O error has occured. A file read error has occured. A file write error has occured. The file is locked A file with same name already exists. The file is already open or in use. Do not have access to this file. Do not have write access to this file. The file cannot be found. File open failed. Meatadata was not in XAP format Syntax error in metadata. An internal representation of the XAP metadata could not be created An internal error occurred while processing the XAP metadata An internal error occurred. Out of memory Bad parameter User canceled the operation PDF extension security encryption method options. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. PDF extension security encryption options. All contents of the document will be encrypted including metadata. All contents of the document will be encrypted excluding metadata. Encrypt only file attachments, if any. PDF extension security permissions. No permissions Allows to open PDF document. Allows to change PDF document's security. Allows to print PDF document in low quality. Allows to edit PDF document. Allows to copy information from PDF document. Allows to edit text notes. Allows to fill in or sign existing form or signatures. Enable's the Accessibility API. Allows to insert/delete/rotate pages and create bookmark and thumbnail. Allows High quality printing. Allows page template spawning even if Edit and EditNotes are clear. Enable permission for everything. See the ESRI SDK Help. PostScript Driver Emulsion settings. PostScript Driver Emulsion is Up. PostScript Driver Emulsion is Down. PostScript Driver Halftone settings. DPI (Dots Per Inch) setting. LPI (Lines Per Inch) setting. Last Halftone Entry. PostScript Driver Image settings. PostScript Driver Image is Positive. PostScript Driver Image is Negative. PostScript Driver Image Compression settings. PostScript Level 1 - No Compression(ASCII HEX Encoding). PostScript Level 1 - Compression (ASCII HEX - RLE Encoding). PostScript Level 2 - No Compression (ASCII85 Encoding). PostScript Level 2 - Compression (ASCII85 - RLE Encoding). PostScript Driver Registration Marks settings. PostScript Driver Registration Marks Off. PostScript Driver Registration Marks On. PostScript Driver Crop Marks settings. PostScript Driver Label Marks settings. PostScript Driver Gray Scale Marks settings. PostScript Driver Language Level settings. PostScript Language Level 2. PostScript Language Level 3. PostScript Driver Color Separation settings. Cyan Plate. Magenta Plate. Yellow Plate. Black Plate. Custom Spot Color Plate. The TIFF Compression type. Compression = None. Compression = PackBits. Compression = JPEG. Compression = LZW. Compression = Deflate. Compression = CCITT Fax Group 4.