ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Error accessing web site on {0}: {1}. Looks up a localized string similar to Type of new value does not match property.. Looks up a localized string similar to You do not have Read access to {0}.. Looks up a localized string similar to You do not have Write access to {0}.. Looks up a localized string similar to You do not have Write/Modify access to {0}.. Looks up a localized string similar to Property {0} does not exist at {1}.. Implementation of IWebProxy The Uri to direct the web request to Whether to bypass the proxy for the Uri Uri of the host of the web request Credentials to use for the proxy authentication To help unload COM references in .NET apps, the AOUninitialize class provides the static (Shared in VB.NET) function Shutdown. Default constructor. The AOUninitalize.Shutdown function canbe called to help clean up references to COM objects, when a process shuts down. Although the Shutdown function handles many shutdown problems in standalone applications, but you may still experience problems as there are COM objects that require explicit releasing; in these cases, you may wish to refer to the class. Application Developer Framework for .NET Impersonation web control. The Impersonation class allows the web application to dynamically impersonate a valid windows user during runtime at every request, and undo the impersonation at the completion of the response back to the original windows Identity. NOTE: This impersonation will override the impersonation set in the web.config file. Default contstant for Login 32 Provider Constructor Logon User Win32 API declaration Duplicate token Win32 API declaration Returns true if impersonating, false otherwise Set the Identity of a User using the Identity class An Identity class object Used to dynamically modify the current windows user with the value in the Identity property True if success, false if failed Used to dynamically modify the current windows user with the specified user This parameter should be the return value of function Identity.ToString() of a previously instantiated Identity object. True if success, false if failed Used to dynamically modify the current windows user with the specified user This parameter should be the return value of function Identity.ToString() of a previously instantiated Identity object. The type of logon to perform. True if success, false if failed Used to dynamically modify the current windows user with the specified user String value that specifies the name of the user. This is the name of the user account to log on to. If you use the UPN format, user@DNS_domain_name, the Domain parameter must be NULL. String that specifies the clear-text password for the user account specified by Username String value that specifies the name of the domain or server whose account database contains the UserName account. If this parameter is NULL, the user name must be specified in UPN format. If this parameter is ".", the function validates the account using only the local account database. True if success, false if failed Used to dynamically modify the current windows user with the specified user String value that specifies the name of the user. This is the name of the user account to log on to. If you use the UPN format, user@DNS_domain_name, the Domain parameter must be NULL. String that specifies the clear-text password for the user account specified by Username String value that specifies the name of the domain or server whose account The type of logon to perform. database contains the UserName account. If this parameter is NULL, the user name must be specified in UPN format. If this parameter is ".", the function validates the account using only the local account database. True if success, false if failed Return to the original Windows Identity before impersonation. Managed wrapper around Win32 LogonUser API String value that specifies the name of the user. This is the name of the user account to log on to. If you use the UPN format, user@DNS_domain_name, the Domain parameter must be NULL. String that specifies the clear-text password for the user account specified by Username String value that specifies the name of the domain or server account whose database contains the UserName account. If this parameter is NULL, the user name must be specified in UPN format. If this parameter is ".", the function validates the account using only the local account database. The type of logon to perform. A pointer to a handle variable that receives a handle to a token that represents the specified user. True if success, false if failed The type of login to perform Interactive Network Batch Service NetworkCleartext NewCredentials An identity object to hold a user, password, and domain User name Domain or machine that the user belongs to Password of this user Initializes a new instance of the Identity Class Initializes a new instance of the Identity class with the specified parameters. A login user name A login user password in clear text Optional - a domain or machine name for the login user Returns a String reprepsentation of the type. a string object Returns an Identity object from an encrypted identity value An Encrypted String for impersonation representing the identity of a valid user An Identity object Whether an identity object is null or empty The identity object Whether the identity object is null or empty The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Retrieves the location where ArcGIS was installed. Fully qualified path to where the ArcGIS System was installed. Helper method to deserialize Collections using ArrayLists into XML ArrayList to populate.
Helper method to serialize Collections using ArrayLists into XML ArrayList to serialize.
Helper method to assist in serializing .NET Types in XML .NET Type to serialize Serialized type as string Helper method to assist in de-serializing .NET types in XML String to deserialize in XML format .NET Type to deserialize into .NET Type deserialized into an object (Use this object with a cast to get the correct .NET Type) Summary description for clsCustomLayer. The class version number Keep the layer's extent. Returned by the IGeoDataset::Extent property The extent should be spatial-referenced to the DateFrame's spatial reference. Store the layer's underlying data spatial reference. Returned by IGeoDataset::SpatialReference. This spatial reference should not be modified. Class member m_mapSpatialRef holds the map's spatial reference and should be used in order to implement reprojection on the fly. Store the maps's spatial reference. Set by ILayer::SpatialReference. This spatial reference is set by the map. In order to support reprojection on the fly, you should make sure that both class members m_spatialRef and m_mapSpatialRef are not null and that each member holds different spatial reference (you can check that the factory code is different). Then you can use method IGeometry.Project in order to reproject your geometries when the layer draw. Layer's name. Returned by ILayer::Name property Flag which determines whether the layers is visible. Returned by ILayer::Visible You should use this member in your inherited class in the Draw method. determines whether the layers is cached Flag thich determine whether the layer is valid (connected to its data source, has valid information etc.). Returned by ILAyer::Valid. You can use this flag to determine for example whether the layer can be available or not. Keep the maximum scale value at which the layer will display Keep the minimum scale value at which the layer will display determines whether the layers is supposed to show its MapTips The layer's UID An arraylist to store the layer's extensions. Indicates if the layer supports interactive effects changes Layer transparency in percent (0 - 100) Layer brightness in percent (-100 - 100) Layer contrast in percent (-100 - 100) The display filter for support layer effects Default Ctor Loads the object properties from the stream. The Load method must read the data from the stream in the same order the data was written to the stream in the Save method. Streams are sequential; you mut ensure that your data is saved and loaded in the correct order, so that the correct data is written to the correct member. Saves the object properties to the stream. Map tip text at the specified location. The text string that gets displayed as a map tip if ShowTips = true. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. This method draws the layer to the Display for the specified DrawPhase. Use the TrackCancel object to allow the drawing of the layer to be interrupted by the user. In order to implement you inheriting class, you must override this method Dispose the layer Removes the specified extension. Adds a new extension. The extension at the specified index. Convert the object to another object that is supported. This method is not implemented in this version. Is this object valid at the given document version. The layers geodataset extent which is a union of the extents of all the items of the layer In your inheriting class, consider the following code to calculate the layer's extent: public override IEnvelope Extent { get { m_extent = GetLayerExtent(); if (null == m_extent ) return null; IEnvelope env = ((IClone)m_extent ).Clone() as IEnvelope; if(null != m_layerSpatialRef) env.Project(m_layerSpatialRef); return env; } } private IEnvelope GetLayerExtent() { if (null == base.m_spRef) { base.m_spRef = CreateGeographicSpatialReference(); } IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass(); env.SpatialReference = base.m_spRef; IPoint point = new PointClass(); point.SpatialReference = m_spRef; foreach (DataRow r in m_table.Rows) { point.Y = Convert.ToDouble(r["Y"]); point.X = Convert.ToDouble(r["X"]); env.Union(point.Envelope); } return env; } The spatial reference of the underlying data. The property must return the underlying data spatial reference and must not reporoject it into the layer's spatial reference The ID of the object. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Indicates whether or not map tips are shown for the layer. If set to True, then map tips will be shown for the layer. You can determine the text that will be shown via TipText. The default area of interest for the layer. Returns the spatial-referenced extent of the layer. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. This property indicates whether or not the layer requires its own display cache. If this property is True, then the Map will use a separate display cache for the layer so that it can be refreshed indpendently of other layers. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the minimum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom out beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 1000 to have the layer not display when zoomed out beyond 1:1000. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. The valid property indicates if the layer is currently valid. Layers that reference feature classes are valid when they hold a reference to a valid feature class. The property does not however validate the integrity of the feature classes reference to the database. Therefore, in rare situations if a datasource is removed after a layer is initialized, the layer will report itself as valid but query attempts to the data source will error due to the lack of underlying data. The Layer name. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the maximum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom in beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 500 to have the layer not display when zoomed in beyond 1:500. Supported draw phases. Indicates the draw phases supported by the layer (esriDPGeography, esriDPAnnotation, esriDPSelection, or any combination of the three). The supported draw phases are defined by esriDrawPhase. When multiple draw phases are supported, the sum of the constants is used. For example, if SupportedDrawPhases = 3 then the layer supports drawing in the geography and annotation phases. Spatial reference for the layer. This property is only used for map display, setting this property does not change the spatial reference of the layer's underlying data. The ArcGIS framework uses this property to pass the spatial reference from the map to the layer in order to support on-the-fly projection. Last maximum scale setting used by layer. Last minimum scale setting used by layer. Description for the layer. Number of extensions. Layer brightness in percent (-100 - 100). Layer contrast in percent (-100 - 100). Indicates if the layer supports brightness changes. Indicates if the layer supports contrast changes. Indicates if the layer supports interactive effects changes. Indicates if the layer supports transparency. Layer transparency in percent (0 - 100). Specifies the display filter used by the layer. Specifies whether or not the layer uses a filter. This indicates that the layer will be rasterized in Map draw. Override this method in your inheriting class if your layer draws symbols that will rasterize or if you draw rasters. Transparent layers are always rasterized An abstract class designed to provide an efficient and script-like way to create new custom menu. An abstract class for command bar implementations. Toolbar, menu and context menu are types of command bar. Internal use only. To create new toolbars or menus, you should inherit BaseToolbar or BaseMenu instead. The ID string to uniquely identify a commandbar. Null by default. The caption of the command bar. Null by default. Adds a separator bar on the command bar to begin a group. Note to inheritors: Call this method to start a group in your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by an identifier string. The PROGID or CLSID of the command item Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. AddItem("esriArcMapUI.ZoomInTool") AddItem("{AD1891E4-7C79-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}") Add a command item to the command bar by a Guid. The Guid of the command item Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by a type. The type which implements the command. Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by an identifier string and a subtype index The PROGID or CLSID of the command item. Subtype of the item, starts with 1 AddItem("{FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}", 1) Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by the Guid and a subtype index. The Guid of the command item Subtype of the item, starts with 1 Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by a type and a subtype index. The type which implements the command item. Subtype of the item, starts with 1 Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. Add a command item to the command bar by an Unique Identifier Object (UID). The UID of the command item Note to inheritors: Call this method to add an item to your command bar definition. You should define your command bar in the constructor. IMenuDef.GetItemInfo() implementation. Called by the framework to find out the command item by position. Locational index of the item on the menu. Item definition Note to inheritors: You do not need to call this method. Name to uniquely identify this menu, returned from IMenuDef.Name property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: You can either override this property or set the base.m_barID field directly. Caption of this menu, returned from IMenuDef.Caption property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: You can either override this property or set the base.m_barCaption field directly. IMenuDef.ItemCount property implementation. Called by the framework to get the number of command items on the menu. Note to inheritors: You do not need to use this property. Summary description for StringCollection. ThreadSafeCollection is a base class for all collections. Synchronized array list used to hold collection objects Constructor. Delete all items in this collection. Gets an enumerator for the items in the collection. An enumerator for the items in the collection. Indicates whether an item with the specified name exists. True if item exists, false if not. Generates a unique name for an item. Name of the item Base for the new name if any. A unique name for an item. Generates a unique name for an item. Name of the item A unique name for an item. This method is reserved and should not be used. When implementing the IXmlSerializable interface, you should return nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Nothing in Visual Basic) from this method, and instead, if specifying a custom schema is required, apply the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute to the class. Generates an object from its XML representation. Converts an object into its XML representation. The number of items in this collection. Default Constructor Constructor - Initialized with specified parameters An array of Strings Constructor - Initialized with specified parameters Delimited string Character delimiter used to parse itemList Convert the String Collection to a string using the specified delimeter. Character delimiter used to create string. Adss a string to the collection. String to be added to the collection. Removes a string from the collection. String to be removed from the collection. Removes a string from a given index in the collection. Index of the string to be removed. Creates a deep clone of the current Object. Returns a deep clone of the current Object. Searches for the specified string and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the StringCollection. The string to locate. The value can be a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based index of the first occurrence of value in the StringCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. Gets a string from a given index in the collection. Resource. Retrieves a string contained in a resource file. The root name of the resources. For example, the root name for the resource file 'MyResource.en-us.resx' is 'MyResource' The name of the string to retrieve. A type from the assembly containing the resource file. The value of the string resource. Get string resources Resource name The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Default Ctor Save the XML to a target file. Easy way to get the entire Xml string Easy way to load XML from a file or URL Helper method to get string content from a URL - not necessarily XML, but probably URL to retrieve String Helper function if navigation is used to ensure we're at the root node. Boolean {True|False} Gets an ArrayList of XmlNode children using an xPath expression Get first child node given an XPath expression Get the Attribute value from a given XmlNode String Get the Attribute int32 (int) value from a given XmlNode Get the Attribute floating point/Single value from a given XmlNode Get the Attribute double value from a given XmlNode Get the Attribute boolean value from a given XmlNode Get the Element value from a given XmlNode Get the Element Int32 value from a given XmlNode Get the Element float/single floating point value from a given XmlNode Get the Element Double value from a given XmlNode Get the Element Boolean value from a given XmlNode Get the Element Boolean value from a given XmlNode Get the first Child Element value from a given XmlNode Get the Child Element int32 value from a given XmlNode and ElementName Get the Child Element floating point/single value from a given XmlNode and ElementName Get the Child Element double value from a given XmlNode and ElementName Get the Child Element boolean value from a given XmlNode and ElementName Returns the first XmlNode object matching this element name Returns the first XmlNode object matching this element name NOTE: this doesn't seem to work if parent is Root. Use GetFirstChildXmlNodeFromRoot Returns an XmlNodeList of child nodes matching this element name Returns an ArrayList (boxed XmlNode objects) of child nodes matching this element name This function is recursive in that it will find ALL the children, even if their in sub folders (sub child nodes) Create an Element under the given parent based on the name and value pair. Creates and adds a comment before the given node. If root node, or null, the comment node is Appended to the tree. Used to create an Xml declaration version as defined by the Xml Specification default encoding to use for the document as defined by the Xml Spec To be stand-alone, or Not XmlNode Delete an XmlNode from the tree Modify an XmlNode elment with a new value. Create a new attribute given an XmlElement (XmlNode) target Delete an attribute from the given target node. GenerateSchema a schema file from a given target file GenerateSchemaAsString based on the currently loaded Xml Modify an attribute value to a new value Internal method used to ensure that HTML and XML tags are encoded within their values Internal method used to ensure that HTML and XML tags are decoded for display in other systems Internal method used to process errors and exception handling Return the last error message generated Get the Root node of the Xml Document as an XmlNode Get an XmlDocument Get the XPathNavigator delegates - more complex save operations can do it themselves... The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Load the XML Document from a string resource Load the Xml Document from a file resource Load the Xml Document from a Url Resource An abstract class designed to provide an efficient way to create new custom command items. Inherit BaseCommand to create a new custom command. Note to inheritors: You must override the OnCreate method; generally in this method you should store a reference to the command host which is passed as a parameter to this method. Override the OnClick method and add the code which performs the main actions of your custom command class. The bitmap that is used as the icon on this command, returned by the ICommand::Bitmap property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to the icon you wish to be used as the icon for the command. This value will be converted to an OLE picture handle the first time that the ICommand::Bitmap property is accessed. This handle is cleared from memory in the class destructor. Use the method to update this value once set. The caption of this command, returned by the ICommand::Caption property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to a value you wish to be used as the caption for the command. The name of the category with which the command is associated, returned by the ICommand::Category property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to a value you wish to be used as the command category for the command. The name of the helpfile associated with this command, returned by the ICommand::Helpfile property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to the name of the helpfile that you wish to be used for the command. The help context ID associated with this command, used to specify the mapped numeric value of the topic ID of the context sensitive help topic for the command. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to the id of the help topic you wish to be used for the command. The help id should be a valid id from the helpfile you specify in the m_helpFile field. The statusbar message for this command, returned by the ICommand::Message property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to a value you wish to be used as the message for the command. A string used for identification of this command, returned by the ICommand::Name property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to a value you wish to be used as the name for the command. The tooltip for this command, returned from the ICommand::Tooltip property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to a value you wish to be used as the tooltip for the command. The state of this command, returned from the ICommand::Enabled property. True by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to True to enable your command, or False to disable it. The checked state of this command, returned from the ICommand::Checked property. False by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to True to show the command with a check mark next to it, or to False to show no check mark. The constructor has two overloads. Default constructor. Initializes a new BaseCommand object with default values. Initializes a new BaseCommand object from the specified bitmap, caption, category, help context ID, helpfile name, message, name, and tooltip. System.Drawing.Bitmap. Caption of the tool. Category of the tool. Help context ID for the tool. Helpfile name for the tool. Message of the tool. Name of the tool. Tooltip of the tool. Note to inheritors: Use this constructor to set up the values of the command. Destructor. Cleans up GDI resources used by the BaseCommand. Changes the Bitmap for the command. Call this method to update the icon used for the command at runtime, after the command has already been instantiated. A 16 by 16 Bitmap to represent the command. The color of the upper left pixel of the bitmap will be treated as the transparent color. This bitmap will replace any existing bitmap for the command. Called when the user clicks a command. Note to inheritors: override OnClick and use this method to perform the actual work of the custom command. Called when the command is created inside the application. A reference to the application in which the command was created. The hook may be an IApplication reference (for commands created in ArcGIS Desktop applications) or an IHookHelper reference (for commands created on an Engine ToolbarControl). Note to inheritors: classes inheriting from BaseCommand must always override the OnCreate method. Use this method to store a reference to the host application, passed in via the hook parameter. The statusbar message for this command, appears in the application status bar when the mouse passes over the command. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. Gets the bitmap that is used as the icon on this command, shown when the command is placed on a toolbar in Icon mode. Note to inheritors: By default, the bitmap stored in the field is converted to a handle, and then returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The caption of this command, shown when the command is placed on a toolbar in Caption mode. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The tooltip for this command, appears in the screen tip when the mouse hovers over the command. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The statusbar message for this command, appears in the application status bar when the mouse passes over the command. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. A string used for programmatic identification of this command. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. Indicates whether or not this command is checked. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The enabled state of this command, determines whether the command is usable. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The name of the helpfile associated with this command. Used to specify the name of the help file that contains the context sensitive help topic for the command. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. The name of the category with which the command is associated, used by the Customize dialog box. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. If no category has been set by the inhertiting class, the value 'Misc.' will be returned. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. Encapsulates a Proxy Server Configuration Checks if an given URI is bypassed by the proxy server or not Uniform Resource Identifier true if the given URI is bypasses the proxy server. False otherwise. Constructor Saves the proxy server configuration to file on disk Returns the Schema for the XML representation of the object. null Generates the object from its XML representation. Xml Reader stream from which it is deserialized Converts the object to its XML representation. Xml Writer stream from which it is deserialized Applies Proxy Settings (from ProxyServer.config) configuration to the webRequest Whether proxy server redirection is enabled or not. Uri of the Proxy server. Eg:- Whether the proxy server requires authentication or not Credentials to use for the proxy server authentications Whether to bypass the proxy on local connections Semicolon seperated list of addresses to bypass the proxy server Singleton instance of the proxy server configuration This is a utility class that contains a collection of function to interact with Internet Information Server, for example, to create and remove web applications. Initializes a new instance of the IISHelper Class Check IIS Server for access permissions The Active Directory path of the virtual directory. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the server. The url. The output physical path. The UNC path for the physical path. The output status message. true if check server for access succeeds; false if not. Get the physical path of a virtual directory. The Active Directory path of the virtual directory. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The output physical path. The output status message. true if getting physical path succeeds, false if not. Get the root directory of the IIS Server specified IIS Server machine name Root of the IIS server specified (e.g. c:\Inetpub\wwwroot) Turn a virtual directory into an application. The DirectoryEntry class for the virtual directory. Check if a virtual directory is an application The DirectoryEntry class for the virtual directory. true if it is an application, false if not. Check if a virtual directory exists. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The output status message. true if the virtual directory exists, false if not. Check if the IIS server is available. The name of the server. true if the server is available, false if not. Check if the IIS server is available and running on a specified port Name of the server machine, for example, MyServer. Port in the format ":PortNumber:", for example, ":80:". Get the Active Directory path for the server and the port Name of the server machine, for example, MyServer. Port in the format ":PortNumber:", for example, ":80:". The output status message. Active Directory Path, for example, "IIS://MyServer/W3SVC/1/ROOT". Gets the Identifier used for the website. Useful for servers with multiple websites. This routine does not return the Site number. Name of the server machine, for example, MyServer Port in the format ":PortNumber:", for example, ":80:" The output status message A string identifier based on ServerComment property in Metabase.xml (Eg:- Default Web Site) Gets the Identifier (site number) used for the website. Useful for servers with multiple websites. Name of the server machine, for example, MyServer Port in the format ":PortNumber:", for example, ":80:" The output status message A string identifier based on Name property in ActiveDirectory entry (Eg:- 1) Verify if a website is up. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The output status message. true if the web site is up, false if not. Create a web application with the virtual directory name. The virtual directory is physically under the root of the web site. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The output status message. true if vdir creation succeeds, false if not Create a web application with the virtual directory name. The physical path of the virtual directory is passed in as a parameter. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The physical path. The output status message. true if vdir creation succeeds, false if not Delete a virtual directory The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The output status message. true if vdir deletion succeeds, false if not Rename a virtual directory. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The old virtual directory name. The new virtual directory name. The output status message. true if vdir rename succeeds, false if not Change the physical path of a virtual directory. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The new physical path. The output status message. true if vdir rename succeeds, false if not. Set a single propery of the virtual directory. The Active Directory path of the IIS website. Use GetIISLocation method to get the path. The name of the virtual directory. The property name. The new value of the property. The output status message. true if setting property value succeeds, false if not. Retrieves the list of virtual directories from the default website on IIS Hostname of the IIS server list of virtual directories from the default website on IIS Retrieves the list of virtual directories from an IIS Website Hostname of the IIS server Web virtual servers are identified in the metabase by their index numbers. The first Web server is number 1, the second is number 2, and so on. list of virtual directories from an IIS Website in the form of IIsVirtualDirectoryInfo objects Recursive helper routine to look within IIsWebDirectories List of virtual directory objects to append to. The current Directory entry to look under. ADSI path for the website that houses the v-dir UNC path for the website that houses the v-dir Retrieves the list of application directories from an IIS Website Hostname of the IIS server Web virtual servers are identified in the metabase by their index numbers. The first Web server is number 1, the second is number 2, and so on. list of application directories from an IIS Website in the form of IIsVirtualDirectoryInfo objects Recursive helper routine to look within IIsWebDirectories List of application directory objects to append to. The current Directory entry to look under. ADSI path for the website that houses the app-dir UNC path for the website that houses the app-dir Gets a list of websites on an IIS Server A list of IISWebsite information objects list of websites on an IIS Server in the form of IIsWebsiteInfo objects Holds information about websites The unique identifier used by IIS to identify the website. The friendly name for the website. List of port numbers to which the website is bound to. Each port value is of the form :portNum: (eg:- :80: :121:). Is the website bound using SSL. Contains information about a virtual directory in IIS Virtual path of the virtual directory. The Active Directory path to the virtual directory. The UNC (or local) path to the virtual directory. An abstract class designed to provide an efficient and script-like way to create new custom toolbar. IToolbarDef.GetItemInfo() implementation. Called by the framework to find out the command item by position. Locational index of the item on the toolbar. Item definition Note to inheritors: You do not need to call this method. Name to uniquely identify this toolbar, returned from IToolbarDef.Name property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: You can either override this property or set the base.m_barID field directly. Caption of this toolbar, returned from IToolbarDef.Caption property. Null by default. Note to inheritors: You can either override this property or set the base.m_barCaption field directly. IToolbarDef.ItemCount property implementation. Called by the framework to get the number of command items on the toolbar. Note to inheritors: You do not need to use this property. The OLE class defines methods to help you convert existing .NET Font, Bitmap or Icon classes into stdole Font or Picture objects to use in in ArcGIS members. Default Constructor. The GetIPictureDispFromIcon method can be used to convert an existing .NET System.Drawing.Icon object into a Stdole.StdPicture object. A object. A stdole.StdPicture object.
[C#] System.Drawing.Icon dotNetIcon = new System.Drawing.Icon(@"C:\Temp\MyIcon.ico"); ESRI.ArcGIS.MapControl.IMapControlDefault map = this.axMapControl1.Object as ESRI.ArcGIS.MapControl.IMapControlDefault; map.MouseIcon = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIPictureDispFromIcon(dotNetIcon) as stdole.IPictureDisp; map.MousePointer = ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCustom;
[Visual Basic .NET] Dim dotNetIcon As System.Drawing.Icon = New System.Drawing.Icon("C:\Temp\MyIcon.ico") Dim map As ESRI.ArcGIS.MapControl.IMapControlDefault = Me.AxMapControl1.Object map.MouseIcon = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIPictureDispFromIcon(dotNetIcon) map.MousePointer = ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCustom
The GetIPictureDispFromBitmap method can be used to convert an existing .NET System.Drawing.Bitmap object into a Stdole.StdPicture object. A object. A stdole.StdPicture object.
[C#] System.Drawing.Bitmap dotNetBmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(@"C:\Temp\MyBitmap.bmp"); ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IPictureMarkerSymbol bmpSym = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.PictureMarkerSymbolClass() as ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IPictureMarkerSymbol; bmpSym.Picture = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIPictureDispFromBitmap(dotNetBmp) as stdole.IPictureDisp;
[Visual Basic .NET] Dim dotNetBmp As System.Drawing.Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap("C:\Temp\MyBitmap.bmp") Dim bmpSym As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IPictureMarkerSymbol = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.PictureMarkerSymbol bmpSym.Picture = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIPictureDispFromBitmap(dotNetBmp)
The GetIFontDispFromFont method can be used to convert an existing .NET System.Drawing.Font object into a Stdole.StdFont object. A object. A stdole.StdFont object.
[C#] System.Drawing.Font dotNetFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Castellar", 25.0F); ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITextSymbol textSym = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.TextSymbolClass() as ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITextSymbol; textSym.Font = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIFontDispFromFont(dotNetFont) as stdole.IFontDisp;
[Visual Basic .NET] Dim dotNetFont As New System.Drawing.Font("Castellar", 25.0F) Dim textSym As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITextSymbol = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.TextSymbolClass textSym.Font = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIFontDispFromFont(dotNetFont)
An Exception that describes the error that occurs during impersonation Default Constructor used to create an instance of the exception. Used to create an instance of this exception with the message provided. Message used in describing the exception Description of the exception. Converts a ArcGIS COM data types to .NET data types and vice versa. Converts IRGBColor to a System.Drawing.Color structure Converts from System.Drawing.Color structure to an ESRI.ArcGIS.Dispay.IRgbColor Converts from System.Drawing.Color object to a ESRI.ArcGIS.Dispay.IRgbColor Used with ArcGIS Server Context The Server Context to create the IRgbColor object in Converts a System.Drawing.Font object to an stdole.IFontDisp object for use with ArcObjects Symbols. a System.Drawing.Font object The IFontDisp object. Converts a System.Drawing.Font object to an stdole.IFontDisp object for use with ArcObjects Symbols. An IServerContext object a System.Drawing.Font object The IFontDisp object. Copy object from one server context to another. Object to copy. ServerContext to copy from. ServerContext to copy to. Copied object. Converts a System.Drawing.Image to an array of bytes Format that you would like the image to be when transformed to bytes An array of bytes Retrieve an Image Url from the supplied Uri A valid System.Uri object Retrieve an Image from the string Url A valid Url of the Image Location to retrieve Retrieve an Image from the string Url A valid Url of the Image Location to retrieve Any exception that is thrown while trying to read file. Identity used to authenticate with server Retrieve an Image from the Stream Retrieve an Image from the supplied bytes The base64 encoded representation of the Image to create Returns a valid Identity type from the Impersonation control Identity encrypted property An encrypted string fromthe Impersonation WebControl Identity property. The Identity object with attributes from the passed-in string. Returns a valid Identity type from the Impersonation control orginal ADF Identity encrypted property An encrypted string from the Impersonation WebControl Identity property. The Identity object with attributes from the passed-in string. Returns an encrypted string value that can be used with the Impersonation WebControl. An encrypted String for impersonation representing the identity of a valid user An encrypted string value represetning the Identity object Encryption security seed key. Encrpyt string using MD5 hash encryption. Encrypted string. Decrpyt MD5 Hashed encryption string. decrypted string. An abstract class designed to provide an efficient way to create new tool classes for ArcGIS. Inherit BaseTool to create a new custom tool. This class derives from the BaseCommand class. Note to inheritors: You must override the OnCreate method, inherited from BaseCommand. Generally you will also override the OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove and/or OnMouseUp methods of the BaseTool and in those members perform the main actions of your custom tool class. A System.Windows.Forms.Cursor that is used for this tool, the handle of which is returned by the ITool::Cursor property. Null by default, indicating the default cursor will be used. Note to inheritors: Change the m_cursor field to show a different cursor for your tool's mouse pointer. For example, if you a coding a tool which allows a user to track a rectangle, you may want to change the cursor whilst the mouse button is depressed to indicate the change of state to the user. Indicates whether or not the Tool is deactivated, returned from the ITool::Deactivate method. True by default. Note to inheritors: Set this field to indicate if the tool can be interrupted by other tools. The constructor has two overloads. Default Constructor. Initializes a new BaseTool object with default values. Initializes a new BaseTool object from the specified bitmap, caption, category, cursor, help context ID, helpfile name, message, name, and tooltip. System.Drawing.Bitmap for the tool icon. Caption of the tool. Category of the tool. System.Windows.Forms.Cursor for the tool. Help context ID for the tool. Helpfile name for the tool. Message of the tool. Name of the tool. Tooltip of the tool. Note to inheritors: Use this constructor to set up the values of the tool. This method is called when a mouse button is pressed down, when this tool is active. Specifies which mouse button is pressed; 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button, and 4 for the middle mouse button. Specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some, or all of these keys are pressed none, some, or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, Shift would be 5. The X coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseDown Event for more details. The Y coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseDown Event for more details. Note to inheritors: Override the OnMouseDown method if you need to perform some action when the OnMouseDown is raised when the tool is active. This method is called when a mouse button is released, when this tool is active. Specifies which mouse button is released; 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button, and 4 for the middle mouse button. Specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some, or all of these keys are pressed none, some, or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, Shift would be 5. The X coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseUp Event for more details. The Y coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseUp Event for more details. Note to inheritors: Override the OnMouseUp method if you need to perform some action when the OnMouseUp event is raised when the tool is active. This method is called when a key is pressed down, when this tool is active. Specifies a virtual key code value of the key pressed on the keyboard. For alpha-numeric keys this corresponds to the ASCII value, for example "A" key returns 65 which is the ASCII value for capital A. Other key codes are F1 to F12 are 112 to 123 respectively. Specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some or all of these keys are pressed none, some or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, Shift would be 5. Note to inheritors: Override the OnKeyDown method if you need to perform some action when the OnKeyDown event is raised when the tool is active. This method is called when a key is released, when this tool is active. Specifies a virtual key code value of the key released on the keyboard. For alpha-numeric keys this corresponds to the ASCII value, for example "A" key returns 65 which is the ASCII value for capital A. Other key codes are F1 to F12 are 112 to 123 respectively. Specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some or all of these keys are pressed none, some or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, Shift would be 5. Note to inheritors: Override the OnKeyUp method if you need to perform some action when the OnKeyUp event is raised when the tool is active. This method is called when the mouse is moved while a mouse button is pressed down, when this tool is active. Specifies which mouse button is pressed while the mouse is moved; 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button, and 4 for the middle mouse button. Specifies an integer corresponding to the state of the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1) and ALT (bit 2) keys. When none, some, or all of these keys are pressed none, some, or all the bits get set. These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. For example, if both SHIFT and ALT were pressed, Shift would be 5. The X coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseMove Event for more details. The Y coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnMouseMove Event for more details. Note to inheritors: Override the OnMouseMove method if you need to perform some action when the OnMouseMove event is raised when the tool is active. This method is called when the context menu event is raised at the given location. The X coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnContextMenu Event for more details. The Y coordinate, in device units, of the location of the mouse event. See the OnContextMenu Event for more details. A boolean value indicating if the context menu event has been handled. Note to inheritors: Override the OnContextMenu method if you need to perform some action when the OnContextMenu event is raised when the tool is active. By default, False is returned, indicating that the event has not been handled in the tool, and so the default context menu for the view will be displayed instead. This method is called when the tool becomes inactive. A boolean value indicating if the tool can be interrupted by other tools. Note to inheritors: By default, the field is returned from this member. Override the Deactivate method if you need to alter this behaviour or perform some action when the Deactivate event is raised. This method is called when a screen display in the application is refreshed, if the tool is active in that display. The window handle to the display context which was refreshed. Note to inheritors: Override the Refresh method if you need to perform some action when the display is refreshed when the tool is active. This method is called when the mouse is double-clicked when the tool is active. Note to inheritors: Override the OnDblClick method if you need to perform some action when the OnDblClick event is raised when the tool is active. Gets the Cursor handle that is used as the mouse pointer for this tool, shown when this tool is the active tool. Note to inheritors: By default, the cursor stored in the field is converted to a handle, and then returned from this member. It is possible to override this member, if you should need to provide a different implementation. A Base object to assist devloping against COM objects that require a deterministic release pattern. Default Constructor Destructor Manages the lifetime of any COM object. The method will deterministically release the object during the dispose process. Marshal.ReleaseComObject will be called during the disposal process on this Interface pointer until its RCW reference count becomes 0. NOTE: Do not add ServerObject interfaces like IMapServer, IGeocodeServer, IMapServerLayout or IMapServerObjects. The COM object to manage. Implementation of IDisposable method Dispose() The Dispose method should release all the resources that it owns for unmanaged code resources. Dispose method implementation from IDisposable Interface Boolean value indicating to the method whether or not it should also dispose managed objects Decrements the reference count to zero of the supplied runtime callable wrapper. The COM object to release. This class is used internally by the classes in this namespace. Registers a class to a component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. The CATID of the component category to which a class should be registered. Unregisters a class from a component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. The CATID of the component category from which a class should be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDEditorExtensions component category. Registers a class to the DDEditorExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDEditorExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDExtensions component category. Registers a class to the DDExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPointTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionPointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. Registers a class to the DDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentMethodPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AdjustmentMethodPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AdjustmentMethodPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AdjustmentPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AdjustmentPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGAnimationPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGAnimationPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationTrackPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGAnimationTrackPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGAnimationTrackPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnAdminPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSConnAdminPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSConnAdminPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnUserPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSConnUserPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSConnUserPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSFolderPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSFolderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSFolderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeocodePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSGeocodePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSGeocodePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeometryPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSGeometryPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSGeometryPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGlobeServerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSGlobeServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSGlobeServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSImagePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSImagePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSImagePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSMapPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSMobilePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSMobilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSMobilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSParameterPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSParameterPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSParameterPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSServerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSSOEParameterPages component category. Registers a class to the AGSSOEParameterPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AGSSOEParameterPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnimationVideoExporters component category. Registers a class to the AnimationVideoExporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnimationVideoExporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnoEditToolMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the AnnoEditToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnoEditToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationConstructors component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationConstructors component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationConstructors component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpresionPages component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationExpresionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationExpresionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpressionParsers component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationExpressionParsers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationExpressionParsers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPages component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationPlacementPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationPlacementPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPluginPages component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationPlacementPluginPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationPlacementPluginPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPropertiesConverters component category. Registers a class to the AnnotationPropertiesConverters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AnnotationPropertiesConverters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the APEExtension component category. Registers a class to the APEExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the APEExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxTools component category. Registers a class to the ArcToolboxTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ArcToolboxTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxViews component category. Registers a class to the ArcToolboxViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ArcToolboxViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsPointErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaContainsPointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaContainsPointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoverErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaCoverErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaCoverErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaGapErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaGapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaGapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaOverlapErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaPatches component category. Registers a class to the AreaPatches component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaPatches component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaTessellateErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the AreaTessellateErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AreaTessellateErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AttributeTransferTypes component category. Registers a class to the AttributeTransferTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AttributeTransferTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AVFSrcImporters component category. Registers a class to the AVFSrcImporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AVFSrcImporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the AVThemeImporters component category. Registers a class to the AVThemeImporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the AVThemeImporters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Backgrounds component category. Registers a class to the Backgrounds component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Backgrounds component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGL component category. Registers a class to the BGL component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGL component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColorRamps component category. Registers a class to the BGLColorRamps component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLColorRamps component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColors component category. Registers a class to the BGLColors component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLColors component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLCustomOps component category. Registers a class to the BGLCustomOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLCustomOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOpEffect component category. Registers a class to the BGLFillOpEffect component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLFillOpEffect component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOps component category. Registers a class to the BGLFillOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLFillOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLGeometricEffects component category. Registers a class to the BGLGeometricEffects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLGeometricEffects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEDECODERS component category. Registers a class to the BGLIMAGEDECODERS component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLIMAGEDECODERS component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEENCODERS component category. Registers a class to the BGLIMAGEENCODERS component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLIMAGEENCODERS component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerPlacements component category. Registers a class to the BGLMarkerPlacements component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLMarkerPlacements component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerSymbols component category. Registers a class to the BGLMarkerSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLMarkerSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPaintingOps component category. Registers a class to the BGLPaintingOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLPaintingOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPatterns component category. Registers a class to the BGLPatterns component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLPatterns component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSimpleSymbols component category. Registers a class to the BGLSimpleSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLSimpleSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLStrokeOps component category. Registers a class to the BGLStrokeOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLStrokeOps component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSymbols component category. Registers a class to the BGLSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLTextSymbols component category. Registers a class to the BGLTextSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BGLTextSymbols component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Borders component category. Registers a class to the Borders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Borders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the BoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoverErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the BoundaryCoverErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BoundaryCoverErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the BuildMethods component category. Registers a class to the BuildMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the BuildMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralEditorPages component category. Registers a class to the CadastralEditorPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadastralEditorPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralFabricPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CadastralFabricPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadastralFabricPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralOptionPages component category. Registers a class to the CadastralOptionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadastralOptionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralPlanPages component category. Registers a class to the CadastralPlanPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadastralPlanPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadDrawingPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CadDrawingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadDrawingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CadFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeaturePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CadFeaturePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CadFeaturePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the CartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDMapAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the CartoXMXDMapAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CartoXMXDMapAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXPublishTargets component category. Registers a class to the CartoXPublishTargets component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CartoXPublishTargets component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerLayerAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the CartoXServerLayerAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CartoXServerLayerAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerMapAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the CartoXServerMapAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CartoXServerMapAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CheckOutPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CheckOutPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CheckOutPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ClassificationMethods component category. Registers a class to the ClassificationMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ClassificationMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ClipboardFormats component category. Registers a class to the ClipboardFormats component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ClipboardFormats component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorCorrectionPages component category. Registers a class to the ColorCorrectionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ColorCorrectionPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ColorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ColorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRamp component category. Registers a class to the ColorRamp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ColorRamp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRampPropetyPages component category. Registers a class to the ColorRampPropetyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ColorRampPropetyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ConstructionToolContextMenuItems component category. Registers a class to the ConstructionToolContextMenuItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ConstructionToolContextMenuItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ContentsViews component category. Registers a class to the ContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ContextAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the ContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsCommands component category. Registers a class to the ControlsCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ControlsCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsMenus component category. Registers a class to the ControlsMenus component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ControlsMenus component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsPalettes component category. Registers a class to the ControlsPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ControlsPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsToolbars component category. Registers a class to the ControlsToolbars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ControlsToolbars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CoveragePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the CustomCheckOutPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the CustomCheckOutPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the CustomCheckOutPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DatabaseServerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the DatabaseServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DatabaseServerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DataExclusionPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the DataExclusionPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DataExclusionPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DataGraphPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the DataGraphPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DataGraphPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DataSamplingPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the DataSamplingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DataSamplingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DataWindowFactory component category. Registers a class to the DataWindowFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DataWindowFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DDDAnimationTypes component category. Registers a class to the DDDAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DDDAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DimensionConstructors component category. Registers a class to the DimensionConstructors component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DimensionConstructors component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the DynamicText component category. Registers a class to the DynamicText component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the DynamicText component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorExtensions component category. Registers a class to the EditorExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditorExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the EditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorToolbars component category. Registers a class to the EditorToolbars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditorToolbars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditSelectToolContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the EditSelectToolContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditSelectToolContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTasks component category. Registers a class to the EditTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTemplatePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the EditTemplatePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditTemplatePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EditToolMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the EditToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EditToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ElementPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the EndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineDataDialogBrowser component category. Registers a class to the EngineDataDialogBrowser component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineDataDialogBrowser component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineEditTasks component category. Registers a class to the EngineEditTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineEditTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtension component category. Registers a class to the EngineExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtensionJIT component category. Registers a class to the EngineExtensionJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineExtensionJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. Registers a class to the EngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineRoutingServiceCategory component category. Registers a class to the EngineRoutingServiceCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineRoutingServiceCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. Registers a class to the EngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSchematicSaveAsDiagramDialog component category. Registers a class to the EngineSchematicSaveAsDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineSchematicSaveAsDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSnapAgents component category. Registers a class to the EngineSnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the EngineSnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESDAEngineMethods component category. Registers a class to the ESDAEngineMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESDAEngineMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions component category. Registers a class to the ESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyDialogs component category. Registers a class to the ESRIExportPropertyDialogs component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIExportPropertyDialogs component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ESRIExportPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIExportPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs component category. Registers a class to the ESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDrivers component category. Registers a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIRasterPrintDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterDrivers component category. Registers a class to the ExporterDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ExporterDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ExporterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ExporterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Exports component category. Registers a class to the Exports component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Exports component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the FeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPointTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionPointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionPointTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. Registers a class to the FeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureDatasetPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the FeatureDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the FeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLayerSymbology component category. Registers a class to the FeatureLayerSymbology component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FeatureLayerSymbology component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FillSymbol component category. Registers a class to the FillSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FillSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FontMappingPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the FontMappingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FontMappingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the FrameElementPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the FrameElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the FrameElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GAEngineMethods component category. Registers a class to the GAEngineMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GAEngineMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GARenderers component category. Registers a class to the GARenderers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GARenderers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GARenderersPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GARenderersPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GARenderersPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoAnalysis component category. Registers a class to the GeoAnalysis component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoAnalysis component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoElementTools component category. Registers a class to the GeoElementTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoElementTools component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeographicCoordSysPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GeographicCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeographicCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricEffect component category. Registers a class to the GeometricEffect component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeometricEffect component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricNetworkPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GeometricNetworkPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeometricNetworkPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassDescriptions component category. Registers a class to the GeoObjectClassDescriptions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoObjectClassDescriptions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GeoObjectClassExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoObjectClassExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjects component category. Registers a class to the GeoObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoRefSaveAsDlg component category. Registers a class to the GeoRefSaveAsDlg component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeoRefSaveAsDlg component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GeostatExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GeostatExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GeostatExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GISServersCommands component category. Registers a class to the GISServersCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GISServersCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobeAnimationTypes component category. Registers a class to the GlobeAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GlobeAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GlobePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GlobePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxBaseLayerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GMxBaseLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxBaseLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommandBars component category. Registers a class to the GMxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommands component category. Registers a class to the GMxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContentsViews component category. Registers a class to the GMxContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContextAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the GMxContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxDockableWindows component category. Registers a class to the GMxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GMxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensionsJIT component category. Registers a class to the GMxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxFinders component category. Registers a class to the GMxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxLayerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GMxLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GMxOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPalettes component category. Registers a class to the GMxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GMxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxRootObjects component category. Registers a class to the GMxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GMxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GNEditorPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GNEditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GNEditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPDataTypeFactories component category. Registers a class to the GPDataTypeFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPDataTypeFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFileTypes component category. Registers a class to the GPFileTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPFileTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactories component category. Registers a class to the GPFunctionFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPFunctionFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactoriesPrivate component category. Registers a class to the GPFunctionFactoriesPrivate component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPFunctionFactoriesPrivate component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GPToolboxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPToolboxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolExtensionFactories component category. Registers a class to the GPToolExtensionFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPToolExtensionFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolMetadataPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GPToolMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPToolMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GPToolPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GPToolPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GraphicSnapAgents component category. Registers a class to the GraphicSnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GraphicSnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GridLabels component category. Registers a class to the GridLabels component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GridLabels component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSImageContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSImageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSImageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMapContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMobileContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSMobileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSMobileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSObjects component category. Registers a class to the GxAGSObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxAGSObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArchivingMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxArchivingMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxArchivingMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportTableFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxArcViewExportTableFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxArcViewExportTableFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDataContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadDataContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadDataContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxCatalogPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCatalogPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommandBars component category. Registers a class to the GxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxCoverageNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxCoverageNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDatabaseExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatabaseExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GxDatabaseExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatabaseExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseImportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDatabaseImportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatabaseImportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDatabaseNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatabaseNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDataGraphContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDataGraphContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDataGraphContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDialogObjectFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxDialogObjectFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDialogObjectFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDockableWindows component category. Registers a class to the GxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnabledWorkspaceFactories component category. Registers a class to the GxEnabledWorkspaceFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnabledWorkspaceFactories component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportFeatureClassFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxExportFeatureClassFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxExportFeatureClassFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportTableFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxExportTableFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxExportTableFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensions component category. Registers a class to the GxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionsJIT component category. Registers a class to the GxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionToolbar component category. Registers a class to the GxExtensionToolbar component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxExtensionToolbar component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFileContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureClasses component category. Registers a class to the GxFilterFeatureClasses component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFilterFeatureClasses component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureDatasets component category. Registers a class to the GxFilterFeatureDatasets component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFilterFeatureDatasets component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterTables component category. Registers a class to the GxFilterTables component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFilterTables component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV component category. Registers a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxGlobeContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxGlobePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxGlobePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGridContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxGridContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxGridContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxInfoTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxInfoTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxInfoTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxInfoTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxISCDefContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxISCDefContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxISCDefContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxLayerContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxLayerContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxLayerFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxLayerFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxLocatorContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorMenus component category. Registers a class to the GxLocatorMenus component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxLocatorMenus component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataExporter component category. Registers a class to the GxMetadataExporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMetadataExporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataImporter component category. Registers a class to the GxMetadataImporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMetadataImporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMosaicDefinitionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFileContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxMSDFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMSDFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFilePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxMSDFilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMSDFilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFactory component category. Registers a class to the GxObjectFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxObjectFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxObjectFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxObjectFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPalettes component category. Registers a class to the GxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxPMFMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPMFMapContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxPMFMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPMFMapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPreviews component category. Registers a class to the GxPreviews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPreviews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPrjFileContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxPrjFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxPrjFileContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogFilters component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterCatalogFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterCatalogFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogViews component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterCatalogViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterCatalogViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRootObjects component category. Registers a class to the GxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSceneContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSceneContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSceneContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxScenePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxScenePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxScenePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDiagramExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicDiagramExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicDiagramExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCTableExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSDCTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSDCTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSearchEngines component category. Registers a class to the GxSearchEngines component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSearchEngines component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShortcutContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxShortcutContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxShortcutContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTabViews component category. Registers a class to the GxTabViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTabViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTerrainContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTerrainContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTerrainContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTinContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTinContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTinContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxAddMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolboxAddMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolboxAddMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolboxContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolboxNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolboxNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetAddMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolsetAddMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolsetAddMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolsetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolsetContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetNewMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxToolsetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxToolsetNewMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTopologyContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxTopologyContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxTopologyContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxViews component category. Registers a class to the GxViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoveragePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfCoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfCoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfTableContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfTableExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTablePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the GxVpfTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxVpfTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the GxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSLayerPropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the GxWMSLayerPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxWMSLayerPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSMapPropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the GxWMSMapPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxWMSMapPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the GxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the GxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the GxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the HelpMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the HelpMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the HelpMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the IdentifyObj component category. Registers a class to the IdentifyObj component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the IdentifyObj component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ImageSettingsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ImageSettingsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ImageSettingsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the IMSMetadataServicePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the IMSMetadataServicePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the IMSMetadataServicePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the InfoTablePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the InfoTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the InfoTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the JobManagerContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the JobManagerContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the JobManagerContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStylePages component category. Registers a class to the LabelStylePages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LabelStylePages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStyleSelectors component category. Registers a class to the LabelStyleSelectors component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LabelStyleSelectors component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory component category. Registers a class to the LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerFactory component category. Registers a class to the LayerFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LayerFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerLabelsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the LayerLabelsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LayerLabelsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the LayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertySheet component category. Registers a class to the LayerPropertySheet component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LayerPropertySheet component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItemPropSheets component category. Registers a class to the LegendItemPropSheets component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LegendItemPropSheets component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItems component category. Registers a class to the LegendItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LegendItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendSymbolEditors component category. Registers a class to the LegendSymbolEditors component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LegendSymbolEditors component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDangleErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineDangleErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineDangleErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDecorationElement component category. Registers a class to the LineDecorationElement component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineDecorationElement component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineIntersectionErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineIntersectionErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineMultipartErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineMultipartErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineMultipartErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineOverlapErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePatches component category. Registers a class to the LinePatches component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LinePatches component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePseudoErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LinePseudoErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LinePseudoErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfIntersectErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineSelfIntersectErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineSelfIntersectErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfOverlapErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the LineSelfOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineSelfOverlapErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineStringToolContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the LineStringToolContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineStringToolContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSymbol component category. Registers a class to the LineSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LineSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the LocatorWorkspaces component category. Registers a class to the LocatorWorkspaces component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the LocatorWorkspaces component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapAnimationTypes component category. Registers a class to the MapAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapAnimationTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapDocumentPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MapDocumentPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapDocumentPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridBorders component category. Registers a class to the MapGridBorders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapGridBorders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridFactory component category. Registers a class to the MapGridFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapGridFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MapGridPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapGridPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexAnnotationPlacementPages component category. Registers a class to the MaplexAnnotationPlacementPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MaplexAnnotationPlacementPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexLabelStylePages component category. Registers a class to the MaplexLabelStylePages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MaplexLabelStylePages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MapScalePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MapScalePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MapScalePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerPlacement component category. Registers a class to the MarkerPlacement component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MarkerPlacement component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerSymbol component category. Registers a class to the MarkerSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MarkerSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBDerivedGeoDatasetProp component category. Registers a class to the MBDerivedGeoDatasetProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBDerivedGeoDatasetProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoDatasetProp component category. Registers a class to the MBGeoDatasetProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBGeoDatasetProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoOperationProp component category. Registers a class to the MBGeoOperationProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBGeoOperationProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBLayerProp component category. Registers a class to the MBLayerProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBLayerProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBMethodProp component category. Registers a class to the MBMethodProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBMethodProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBProcessProp component category. Registers a class to the MBProcessProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBProcessProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MBTableProp component category. Registers a class to the MBTableProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MBTableProp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MdDiagramPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MdDiagramPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MdDiagramPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementMetadataPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MdElementMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MdElementMetadataPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MdElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MdElementPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MdProcessPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MdProcessPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MdProcessPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditor component category. Registers a class to the MetadataEditor component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MetadataEditor component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditorPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MetadataEditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MetadataEditorPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataSynchronizers component category. Registers a class to the MetadataSynchronizers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MetadataSynchronizers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ModelScriptConverters component category. Registers a class to the ModelScriptConverters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ModelScriptConverters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicDefinitionExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the MosaicDefinitionExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MosaicDefinitionExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MultiGenReplicaPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the MultiGenReplicaPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MultiGenReplicaPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommandBars component category. Registers a class to the MxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommands component category. Registers a class to the MxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDDECommandHandler component category. Registers a class to the MxDDECommandHandler component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxDDECommandHandler component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDockableWindows component category. Registers a class to the MxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDocumentDropTarget component category. Registers a class to the MxDocumentDropTarget component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxDocumentDropTarget component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtension component category. Registers a class to the MxExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxExtension component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtensionJIT component category. Registers a class to the MxExtensionJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxExtensionJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the MxFileMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxFileMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuDefs component category. Registers a class to the MxFileMenuDefs component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxFileMenuDefs component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFinders component category. Registers a class to the MxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxInsetWindowPages component category. Registers a class to the MxInsetWindowPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxInsetWindowPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxPalettes component category. Registers a class to the MxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxToolMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the MxToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the MxViewCommands component category. Registers a class to the MxViewCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the MxViewCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NameStringParser component category. Registers a class to the NameStringParser component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NameStringParser component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NativeTypes component category. Registers a class to the NativeTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NativeTypes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystAgent component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystAgent component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystAgent component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystFinders component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSolver component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystSolver component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystSolver component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSymbolizer component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystSymbolizer component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystSymbolizer component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand component category. Registers a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkDirectionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the NetworkDirectionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkDirectionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkEvaluatorEditor component category. Registers a class to the NetworkEvaluatorEditor component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkEvaluatorEditor component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkLayerSymbology component category. Registers a class to the NetworkLayerSymbology component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkLayerSymbology component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkRendererPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the NetworkRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NetworkRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NotMaskableLayers component category. Registers a class to the NotMaskableLayers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NotMaskableLayers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the NumberFormatPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the NumberFormatPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the NumberFormatPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the OptimizerComponentFactory component category. Registers a class to the OptimizerComponentFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the OptimizerComponentFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the OptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the OptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the OptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the OverposterPropertiesPages component category. Registers a class to the OverposterPropertiesPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the OverposterPropertiesPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Overposters component category. Registers a class to the Overposters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Overposters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PageIndexPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the PageIndexPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PageIndexPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the ParcelContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ParcelContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelExplorerContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the ParcelExplorerContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ParcelExplorerContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelLinesContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the ParcelLinesContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ParcelLinesContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Pictures component category. Registers a class to the Pictures component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Pictures component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PlanContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the PlanContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PlanContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers component category. Registers a class to the PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoincideErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointCoincideErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointCoincideErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByLineErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointCoveredByLineErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointCoveredByLineErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointDisjointErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointDisjointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointDisjointErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PointInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. Registers a class to the PointInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PointInsideAreaErrorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Pre70CoveragePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the Pre70CoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Pre70CoveragePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterDrivers component category. Registers a class to the PrinterDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PrinterDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the PrinterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PrinterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the PropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the PropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the PropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterAnalysis component category. Registers a class to the RasterAnalysis component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterAnalysis component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterBandPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterBandPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterBandPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the RasterCatalogExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterCatalogExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the RasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRendererPickers component category. Registers a class to the RasterCatalogRendererPickers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterCatalogRendererPickers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterConversionOp component category. Registers a class to the RasterConversionOp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterConversionOp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDataExclusionPropSheet component category. Registers a class to the RasterDataExclusionPropSheet component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterDataExclusionPropSheet component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the RasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterExportMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the RasterExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterExportMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterGxExportFilters component category. Registers a class to the RasterGxExportFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterGxExportFilters component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerDataMenuItems component category. Registers a class to the RasterLayerDataMenuItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterLayerDataMenuItems component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRendererMakers component category. Registers a class to the RasterRendererMakers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterRendererMakers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRenderers component category. Registers a class to the RasterRenderers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterRenderers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterSnappingPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterSnappingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterSnappingPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterStatEnvDialog component category. Registers a class to the RasterStatEnvDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterStatEnvDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTransformationOp component category. Registers a class to the RasterTransformationOp component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterTransformationOp component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTypePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RasterTypePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RasterTypePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RelationshipClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RelationshipClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RelationshipClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RendererPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the RendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the RepresentationClassPropertyPage component category. Registers a class to the RepresentationClassPropertyPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the RepresentationClassPropertyPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SAExtensions component category. Registers a class to the SAExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SAExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SAOperation component category. Registers a class to the SAOperation component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SAOperation component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ScaleBars component category. Registers a class to the ScaleBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ScaleBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dDrivers component category. Registers a class to the SceneExporter3dDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SceneExporter3dDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SceneExporter3dPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SceneExporter3dPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoDrivers component category. Registers a class to the SceneExporterVideoDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SceneExporterVideoDrivers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SceneExporterVideoPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SceneExporterVideoPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ScenePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ScenePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ScenePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithmPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicAlgorithmPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicAlgorithmPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithms component category. Registers a class to the SchematicAlgorithms component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicAlgorithms component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalystPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicAnalystPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicAnalystPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalysts component category. Registers a class to the SchematicAnalysts component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicAnalysts component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderEngine component category. Registers a class to the SchematicBuilderEngine component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicBuilderEngine component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicBuilderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicBuilderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilders component category. Registers a class to the SchematicBuilders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicBuilders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderUI component category. Registers a class to the SchematicBuilderUI component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicBuilderUI component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. Registers a class to the SchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDatasetPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDiagramPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicDiagramPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicDiagramPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicFolderPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicFolderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicFolderPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRelationManagers component category. Registers a class to the SchematicRelationManagers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicRelationManagers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SchematicRulePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicRulePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRules component category. Registers a class to the SchematicRules component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicRules component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulesExtendedCriteria component category. Registers a class to the SchematicRulesExtendedCriteria component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicRulesExtendedCriteria component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicToolsEdit component category. Registers a class to the SchematicToolsEdit component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SchematicToolsEdit component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SearchResultsContextMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the SearchResultsContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SearchResultsContextMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ServerObjectDescriptions component category. Registers a class to the ServerObjectDescriptions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ServerObjectDescriptions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the Shadows component category. Registers a class to the Shadows component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the Shadows component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapeConstructorCommands component category. Registers a class to the ShapeConstructorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ShapeConstructorCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileTablePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the ShapefileTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the ShapefileTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the SketchMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SketchMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the SketchToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SketchToolMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolPaletteCommands component category. Registers a class to the SketchToolPaletteCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SketchToolPaletteCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SMFinders component category. Registers a class to the SMFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SMFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SnapAgents component category. Registers a class to the SnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SnapAgents component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the StandaloneTablePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the StandaloneTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the StandaloneTablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleGalleryClasses component category. Registers a class to the StyleGalleryClasses component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the StyleGalleryClasses component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleImporter component category. Registers a class to the StyleImporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the StyleImporter component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the StylePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the StylePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the StylePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommandBars component category. Registers a class to the SxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxCommandBars component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommands component category. Registers a class to the SxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContentsViews component category. Registers a class to the SxContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxContentsViews component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContextAnalyzers component category. Registers a class to the SxContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxContextAnalyzers component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxDockableWindows component category. Registers a class to the SxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxDockableWindows component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensions component category. Registers a class to the SxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensionsJIT component category. Registers a class to the SxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxExtensionsJIT component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxFinders component category. Registers a class to the SxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxFinders component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxGraphicPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SxGraphicPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxGraphicPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxImport3DFile component category. Registers a class to the SxImport3DFile component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxImport3DFile component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxLayerPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SxLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxLayerPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxOptionsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SxOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxOptionsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPalettes component category. Registers a class to the SxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxPalettes component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SxRootObjects component category. Registers a class to the SxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SxRootObjects component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the SymbolPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the SymbolPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the SymbolPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TableFactory component category. Registers a class to the TableFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TableFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TablePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TablePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TableWindowPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TableWindowPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TableWindowPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TerrainPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TerrainPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainRendererPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TerrainRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TerrainRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackground component category. Registers a class to the TextBackground component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TextBackground component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackgroundPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TextBackgroundPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TextBackgroundPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TextFilePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TextFilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TextFilePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TextSymbol component category. Registers a class to the TextSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TextSymbol component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TinDatasetPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TinDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TinDatasetPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TinRendererPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TinRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TinRendererPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TopologyPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the TopologyPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TopologyPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TraceTasks component category. Registers a class to the TraceTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TraceTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TrainingMenuCommands component category. Registers a class to the TrainingMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TrainingMenuCommands component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the TransformationMethods component category. Registers a class to the TransformationMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the TransformationMethods component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the UtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the UtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkTasks component category. Registers a class to the UtilityNetworkTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the UtilityNetworkTasks component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the VectorizationPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the VectorizationPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the VectorizationPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the VersionPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the VersionPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the VersionPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the VerticalCoordSysPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the VerticalCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the VerticalCoordSysPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the VideoExporterPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the VideoExporterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the VideoExporterPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the WCSConnectionContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WCSConnectionContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the WCSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WCSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSCoverageContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the WCSCoverageContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WCSCoverageContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the WCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the WMSConnectionContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WMSConnectionContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. Registers a class to the WMSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WMSConnectionPropertiesPage component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSMapContextMenu component category. Registers a class to the WMSMapContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WMSMapContextMenu component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDatasetExtensions component category. Registers a class to the WorkspaceDatasetExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WorkspaceDatasetExtensions component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the WorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceFactory component category. Registers a class to the WorkspaceFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WorkspaceFactory component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspacePropertyPages component category. Registers a class to the WorkspacePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be registered. Unregisters a class from the WorkspacePropertyPages component category. The CLSID of the class to be unregistered. An abstract base class for implementation of a custom globe layer The class version number a win32 delete object reference Keep the layer's extent. Returned by the IGeoDataset::Extent property The extent should be spatial-referenced to the DateFrame's spatial reference. Store the layer's underlying data spatial reference. Returned by IGeoDataset::SpatialReference. This spatial reference should not be modified. Class member m_mapSpatialRef holds the map's spatial reference and should be used in order to implement reprojection on the fly. Store the maps's spatial reference. Set by ILayer::SpatialReference. This spatial reference is set by the map. In order to support reprojection on the fly, you should make sure that both class members m_spatialRef and m_mapSpatialRef are not null and that each member holds different spatial reference (you can check that the factory code is different). Then you can use method IGeometry.Project in order to reproject your geometries when the layer draw. The legend group to store the lagend class required by the TOC for the layer's renderer. Returned by ILegendGroup::get_LegendGroup property. Layer's name. Returned by ILayer::Name property Flag which determines whether the layers is visible. Returned by ILayer::Visible You should use this member in your inherited class in the Draw method. determines whether the layers is cached. Returned by ILayer::Cached. Flag thich determine whether the layer is valid (connected to its data source, has valid information etc.). Returned by ILAyer::Valid. You can use this flag to determine for example whether the layer can be available or not. Indicates if the layer drawing properties are dirty. Keep the maximum scale value at which the layer will display Keep the minimum scale value at which the layer will display determines whether the layers is supposed to show its MapTips The bitmap which represent the small image of the layer. Shown in ArcCatalog or in the identify dialog The bitmap which represent the large image of the layer. This image will be shown in ArcCatalog when in Thumbnail view Handle for the small bitmap Handle for the large bitmap An arraylist to store the layer's extensions. The layer's UID Class default constructor Loads the object properties from the stream. The Load method must read the data from the stream in the same order the data was written to the stream in the Save method. Streams are sequential; you mut ensure that your data is saved and loaded in the correct order, so that the correct data is written to the correct member. Saves the object properties to the stream. Map tip text at the specified location. The text string that gets displayed as a map tip if ShowTips = true. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. This method draws the layer to the Display for the specified DrawPhase. Use the TrackCancel object to allow the drawing of the layer to be interrupted by the user. Removes the specified extension. Adds a new extension. The extension at the specified index. Legend group at the specified index. The content and number of legend groups is determined by the implementation of the renderer, consequently this property is read only. For custom OpenGL layers, perform immediate drawing. This is where you should add your drawings on the Globe. This method must be overriden in your inheriting class. DrawImmediate together with IGlobeDisplayEvents::BeforeDraw and IGlobeDisplayEvents::AfterDraw is the only safe place where the OpenGL state is ready for custom actions. Gets a rasterized data tile for the given globe tesselation coordinates. The layer is hit by a picking operation. Dispose the layer Convert the object to another object that is supported. This method is not implemented in this version. Is this object valid at the given document version. The layers geodataset extent which is a union of the extents of all the items of the layer In your inheriting class, consider the following code to calculate the layer's extent: public override IEnvelope Extent { get { m_extent = GetLayerExtent(); if (null == m_extent ) return null; IEnvelope env = ((IClone)m_extent ).Clone() as IEnvelope; return env; } } private IEnvelope GetLayerExtent() { if (null == base.m_spRef) { base.m_spRef = CreateGeographicSpatialReference(); } IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass(); env.SpatialReference = base.m_spRef; IPoint point = new PointClass(); point.SpatialReference = m_spRef; foreach (DataRow r in m_table.Rows) { point.Y = Convert.ToDouble(r[3]); point.X = Convert.ToDouble(r[4]); env.Union(point.Envelope); } return env; } The spatial reference of the underlying data. The property must return the underlying data spatial reference and must not reporoject it into the layer's spatial reference Last maximum scale setting used by layer. Last minimum scale setting used by layer. Description for the layer. The ID of the object. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Indicates whether or not map tips are shown for the layer. If set to True, then map tips will be shown for the layer. You can determine the text that will be shown via TipText. The default area of interest for the layer. Returns the spatial-referenced extent of the layer. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. This property indicates whether or not the layer requires its own display cache. If this property is True, then the Map will use a separate display cache for the layer so that it can be refreshed indpendently of other layers. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the minimum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom out beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 1000 to have the layer not display when zoomed out beyond 1:1000. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. The valid property indicates if the layer is currently valid. Layers that reference feature classes are valid when they hold a reference to a valid feature class. The property does not however validate the integrity of the feature classes reference to the database. Therefore, in rare situations if a datasource is removed after a layer is initialized, the layer will report itself as valid but query attempts to the data source will error due to the lack of underlying data. The Layer name. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the maximum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom in beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 500 to have the layer not display when zoomed in beyond 1:500. Supported draw phases. Indicates the draw phases supported by the layer (esriDPGeography, esriDPAnnotation, esriDPSelection, or any combination of the three). The supported draw phases are defined by esriDrawPhase. When multiple draw phases are supported, the sum of the constants is used. For example, if SupportedDrawPhases = 3 then the layer supports drawing in the geography and annotation phases. Spatial reference for the layer. This property is only used for map display, setting this property does not change the spatial reference of the layer's underlying data. The ArcGIS framework uses this property to pass the spatial reference from the map to the layer in order to support on-the-fly projection. Number of extensions. Small image that represents the layer. The icon used to represent the layer in ArcCatalog's 'List' and 'Details' views. Large image that represents the layer when it is selected. The icon used to represent the layer when it is selected in ArcCatalog's 'Large Icon' view. Small image that represents the layer when it is selected. The icon used to represent the layer when it is selected in ArcCatalog's 'List' and 'Details' views. Large image that represents the layer. The icon used to represent the layer in ArcCatalog's 'Large Icon' view. Number of legend groups contained by the object. The number of legend groups is determined by the implementation of the renderer, consequently this property is read only. For example, SimpleRenderer has one group, while a BiUniqueValueRenderer has any number of groups. Optional. Defines legend formatting for layer rendered with this object. Layer or renderer legend information is further formatted for display in ArcMap legends. A renderer can override this formatting by returning a LegendItem for this property. ESRI renderers typically do not return anything for this property. With this configuration, legend formatting becomes a user or developer choice on the legend object. Indicates if symbols are graduated. For example the proportional symbol renderer returns True for this property. You can use this property to distinguish between a layer symbolized with graduated color or graduated symbol type layer symbology. Both of these symbolizations use a ClassBreaksRenderer, but only a graduated symbol symbolization will return True for this property. The custom draw method. For rasterized types, defines highest resolution. Zero value indicates that globe-generated default value should be used. The symbol scale factor for the custom rasterized type. The option to use Globe's disk caching. The option to use a local coordinate system origin for high precision drawing Use this option (set to 'true') in case where you need to draw elements which are either small and close to the globe's surface. The local coordinate system origin for high precision drawing In case of setting the HandlesLocalOrigin to 'true', The point of origin passed by the Globe. BaseDynamicLayer serves as a BaseClass for DynamicLayers. In order to implemet a DynamicLayer using this base-class, the user has to inherit this base class and override method DrawDynamicLayer(). //BaseCustomLayer The class version number Keep the layer's extent. Returned by the IGeoDataset::Extent property The extent should be spatial-referenced to the DateFrame's spatial reference. Store the layer's underlying data spatial reference. Returned by IGeoDataset::SpatialReference. This spatial reference should not be modified. Class member m_mapSpatialRef holds the map's spatial reference and should be used in order to implement reprojection on the fly. Store the maps's spatial reference. Set by ILayer::SpatialReference. This spatial reference is set by the map. In order to support reprojection on the fly, you should make sure that both class members m_spatialRef and m_mapSpatialRef are not null and that each member holds different spatial reference (you can check that the factory code is different). Then you can use method IGeometry.Project in order to reproject your geometries when the layer draw. Layer's name. Returned by ILayer::Name property Flag which determines whether the layers is visible. Returned by ILayer::Visible You should use this member in your inherited class in the Draw method. determines whether the layers is cached Flag thich determine whether the layer is valid (connected to its data source, has valid information etc.). Returned by ILAyer::Valid. You can use this flag to determine for example whether the layer can be available or not. Keep the maximum scale value at which the layer will display Keep the minimum scale value at which the layer will display determines whether the layers is supposed to show its MapTips the layer dirty flag which determine whether its display list need to be recreate the layer dirty flag which determine whether its display list need to be recreate The rate in which the DynamicDisplay recompile its display lists The layer's UID An arraylist to store the layer's extensions. Default constructor Loads the object properties from the stream. The Load method must read the data from the stream in the same order the data was written to the stream in the Save method. Streams are sequential; you mut ensure that your data is saved and loaded in the correct order, so that the correct data is written to the correct member. Saves the object properties to the stream. Map tip text at the specified location. The text string that gets displayed as a map tip if ShowTips = true. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. This method draws the layer to the Display for the specified DrawPhase. Use the TrackCancel object to allow the drawing of the layer to be interrupted by the user. In order to implement you inheriting class, you must override this method The dynamic layer draw method. You should implement this method in order to allow you layer to draw while the map is in dynamic mode the current drawphase of the drawing the ActiveView's display the ActiveView's dynamic display This method is set as abstract, which means that the inherited class must override it get the dirty flag of the layer set the dirty flag of the layer Removes the specified extension. Adds a new extension. The extension at the specified index. Dispose the layer Prepare the layer for the publishing process. Details of the layer's data. Convert the object to another object that is supported. This method is not implemented in this version. Is this object valid at the given document version. The layers geodataset extent which is a union of the extents of all the items of the layer In your inheriting class, consider the following code to calculate the layer's extent: public override IEnvelope Extent { get { m_extent = GetLayerExtent(); if (null == m_extent ) return null; IEnvelope env = ((IClone)m_extent ).Clone() as IEnvelope; if(null != m_layerSpatialRef) env.Project(m_mapSpatialRef); return env; } } private IEnvelope GetLayerExtent() { if (null == base.m_spRef) { base.m_spRef = CreateGeographicSpatialReference(); } IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass(); env.SpatialReference = base.m_spRef; IPoint point = new PointClass(); point.SpatialReference = m_spRef; foreach (DataRow r in m_table.Rows) { point.Y = Convert.ToDouble(r["Y"]); point.X = Convert.ToDouble(r["X"]); env.Union(point.Envelope); } return env; } The spatial reference of the underlying data. The property must return the underlying data spatial reference and must not reporoject it into the layer's spatial reference The ID of the object. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Indicates whether or not map tips are shown for the layer. If set to True, then map tips will be shown for the layer. You can determine the text that will be shown via TipText. The default area of interest for the layer. Returns the spatial-referenced extent of the layer. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. This property indicates whether or not the layer requires its own display cache. If this property is True, then the Map will use a separate display cache for the layer so that it can be refreshed indpendently of other layers. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the minimum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom out beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 1000 to have the layer not display when zoomed out beyond 1:1000. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. The valid property indicates if the layer is currently valid. Layers that reference feature classes are valid when they hold a reference to a valid feature class. The property does not however validate the integrity of the feature classes reference to the database. Therefore, in rare situations if a datasource is removed after a layer is initialized, the layer will report itself as valid but query attempts to the data source will error due to the lack of underlying data. The Layer name. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Specifies the maximum scale at which the layer will be displayed. This means that if you zoom in beyond this scale, the layer will not display. For example, specify 500 to have the layer not display when zoomed in beyond 1:500. Supported draw phases. Indicates the draw phases supported by the layer (esriDPGeography, esriDPAnnotation, esriDPSelection, or any combination of the three). The supported draw phases are defined by esriDrawPhase. When multiple draw phases are supported, the sum of the constants is used. For example, if SupportedDrawPhases = 3 then the layer supports drawing in the geography and annotation phases. Spatial reference for the layer. This property is only used for map display, setting this property does not change the spatial reference of the layer's underlying data. The ArcGIS framework uses this property to pass the spatial reference from the map to the layer in order to support on-the-fly projection. This is the rate in which the DynamicDisplay builds the Display-Lists of the 'compiled' DrawPhase Last maximum scale setting used by layer. Last minimum scale setting used by layer. Description for the layer. Number of extensions. Indicates if the data for the layer is currently valid. The layer description reported to the publisher. since dynamic layers do not support publishing there is no point in returning publishing description Indicates if the layer supports the publishing process. Dynamic layers do not support publishing therefore it should always return false The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Is id a projected coordinate. id. true if projected, false otherwise. Is id a geographic coordinate. id. true if IsGeographic, false otherwise. The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Verify the object is not null. Object Validate value. Minimum value. Maximum value. Actual value. Validate value. Minimum value. Actual value. Validate value. Minimum value. Maximum value. Actual value. Validate value. Minimum value. Actual value. Validate value. Minimum value. Maximum value. Actual value. Validate value. Minimum value. Actual value.