ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3D Provides access to members that control three-dimensional properties. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. Alpha threshold for transparency. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Provides access to members that conrtrol the 3D viewer. The viewer's camera. The viewer's caption. Clears the last gesture. Draws the contents of the viewer to a device. Indicates if key [F11] is enabled to toggle full screen drawing. Indicates if gesturing is enabled. The gesture sensitivity as indicated by number of pixels. Saves the content of the viewer and any windows superimposed on the scene viewer as an image. Saves the content of the viewer as an image. The associated device context. The associated window handle. Indicates if full screen is the current drawing mode. Supersedes the default event handler. Redraws the viewer. Full screen drawing if the argument is TRUE, otherwise normal window drawing. Provides access to animation tracks. The combination of active properties for the track. The animation type. Indicates whether to apply a camera track to all scene viewers. The objects to which the track is attached, or null. The number of objects to which the track is attached. Attach object to the track. The initial time of the track. Detach all objects from the track. Detach object from the track. The final time of the track. Indicates whether to distribute time stamps evenly in the interval 0-1. Finds a keyframe by name. Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last. Interpolates the state of the attached object for a time between BeginTime and Endtime. Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if the given objects is attached to the track. Indicates if the track is repeated periodically. Indicates if the track is enabled. The keyframe with the given index in the track. The number of keyframes defined in the track. Moves the keyframe with the given index, inserting it with a different index. The name of the track. Removes all the keyframes. Removes the keyframe with the given index. Reset the state of the attached objects to be ready for animation. Redistributes the time stamps in the interval [0,1]. Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified. Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified. Sorts the keyframes in ascending time order. Provides access to members that control the scene animation tracks. Adds a track to the collection. The objects that describe the registered types of animation. Plays the enabled animation tracks in the given viewer (in all if null). Changes the priority (index) of the track. Detach an object from all tracks it is attached to. Finds a track by name. Load the animation tracks from a stream. Detaches from the tracks those objects that no longer exist. Removes all tracks. Removes a track from the collection. Save the animation tracks to a stream. The number of tracks. The animation tracks. The animation tracks of a given type. Provides access to the animation type objects. The animated object with the given ID. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Provides access to members that are associated with the AVI exporter. The quality of video compression (1-100). Provides access to basic members of the scene. The basic 3D display used by the scene. Load the animation from a file. Save the animation to a file. Provides access to basic members of the scene. The animation extension containing tracks and environment settings. The basic 3D display used by the scene. Load the animation from a file. Save the animation to a file. Provides access to members that affect billboard display of symbols. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. Provides access to members than control bookmarks in 3D. Applies bookmark to given viewer. Copies bookmark properties from given camera. The name of the 3D bookmark. Provides access to methods to convert Bookmarks in Keyframes. Create a Camera keyframe based on bookmark properties. Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. Display mode. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Display mode. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. Character index within font. Font used for character symbol. Indicates whether character is oriented vertically. Exports Multipatch to Collada. Exports Multipatch to Collada. See the ESRI SDK Help. Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. Applies feature properties resulting in a new geometry. Locates an object. Prepares query filter to support calculated properties. Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. Locates an object honoring symbolization. Applies feature properties resulting in a new geometry. Locates an object. Prepares query filter to support calculated properties. Provides access to manage the creation of a GeneralMultiPatch. Clear resources used to manage the object. Creates the MultiPatch. Initialize the creation of a general multipatch. Set vertex Id. Set M at vertex index. Set patch material index. Set Normal at vertex index. Set start index of points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set patch priority (>= 0). Set texture start index texture points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set patch type. Set Point at vertex index. Set Texture Point at vertex index. Set Texture WKSPoint at vertex index. Set WKSPoint at vertex index. Provides access to Material properties. Clear Texture Image file. Clear the transparent color to the texture image. The color. Get color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. Indicates if a transparent color has been assigned to the texture image. Set color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. The values of unique RGB colors in the texture image. The Texture Image file. The transparency, in range of 0.0 - 1.0. The transparent texture color. Provides access to a list of objects implementing IGeometryMaterial. Add geometry material. The Material Count. Empty material list. The Geometry Material. Insert geometry material at position. Remove geometry material at position. Provides access to members that manipulate the graphics container. Adds a new graphic element to the container. Adds a collection of new graphic elements to the container. Initiates a batch update of the container. Deletes all the elements. Deletes the given element. The element in the container defined by the given index. The number of elements in the container. Terminates a batch update of the container. Returns the elements that intersect with the given ray. Returns the elements that intersect with the given envelope. Move the specified element from the group to the container. Move the specified element from the container to the group. The next graphic in the container. Resets the internal cursor so that 'Next' returns the first element. Provides access to members that select 3D graphics. Deletes all selected elements. Indicates if the element selected. Selects all elements. The number of selected elements. The selected elements. The extent of selected elements. Selects the specified element. Selects the specified elements. Switches the selection between elements. Unselects all elements. Unselects the specified element. Unselects the specified elements. Provides access to members that control information about a hit in 3D picking. The 3D distance from the observer to the hit point. The 3D distance between the hit point and the picking ray. Indicates whether an exact hit. Returns the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. The object (feature) that is hit. The owner (layer) that is hit. The location of the hit. Sets the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. Provides access to members that control the set of Hit3D objects resulting from a 3D picking. The array of hits. Reduces the hit set to have only one hit per layer. Reduces the hit set to topmost hits. Provides access to an application to create 3D General Multipatches. The Geometry interface. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Application. Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. Indicates if this implementation can browse for files. Load from File. The File Description for Browsing. The File Extension for Browsing. The Geometry interface. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. Indicates if this implementation can browse for files. Load from File. The File Description for Browsing. The File Extension for Browsing. The Geometry interface. Symbol placement preferences. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Provides access to a roots in a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Release the Current File. The Root Count of the File. The Geometry interface. Provides access to keyframe of animated objects. The combination of active properties. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the property is TRUE. The value of a double-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). Provides access to members that expose the renderers of a layer. Add a renderer to the end of the group. Remove all the renderers from the layer. Gets the nth renderer. Insert a renderer at given index. Remove a renderer from the layer. The number of renderers. Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol origin. Applies symbol construction to original shape. The size units. Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol origin. Applies symbol construction to original shape. The depth value. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Marker's shape. The size units. The width value. The Z offset value. Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. Imports the symbol definition. Indicates if the marker restricts access to internal shape. Number of materials present. Restricts all further access to internal shape. Marker shape geometry. The symbol thumbnail for 2D representation. Indicates if the marker uses material property for draping. Provides access to members for manipulating message queue and keeping track of cancellation. Indicates if a cancel action has been conducted. Indicates if a mouse click is seen as a cancel action. Indicates if pressing the escape key is seen as a cancel action. Dispatchs messages associated with the window. Removes messages associated with the window. Provides access to members that are associated with the QuickTime exporter. Provides access to members that manipulate and analyze a raster surface. Sets a raster with a specified band index. A raster. The raster band of a raster surface. The sample distance for interpolated shapes and profiles. Provides access to members that control the scene. The active graphics layer. If no graphic layers exist, a basic memory graphics layer will be created. Adds a layer to the scene. Adds multiple layers to the scene, optionally arranging them automatically. Indicates if the given object is supported by the scene. The area of interest for the scene. The basic graphics layer. Removes all layers from the scene. Clears the scene's selection. Used to batch operations together in order to minimize system notifications. Deletes a layer from the scene. The description of the scene. The vertical exaggeration of the scene. The extent of the scene. The scene's feature selection. Returns the default background color. The layer corresponding to a given index. The number of layers in the scene. The layers in the scene of the type specified in the UID. If 'recursive' is true, includes layers in group layers. Moves a layer to another position within the Table Of Contents. The name of the scene. Proposes a spatial reference for the scene. Forces the scene's extent to be recalculated. The scene's scenegraph. Selects features in the scene given a shape and an optional selection environment. Selects a feature. The number of selected features. Sets the default background color. The spatial reference of the scene. Returns the vertical exaggeration factor that achieves the aspect ratio for the scene's extent. Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. Adds a bookmark to the collection. The number of bookmarks. The bookmarks. Finds a bookmark by name. Load the bookmarks from a stream. Removes all bookmarks. Removes a bookmark from the collection. Save the bookmarks to a stream. Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. Moves a bookmark in the collection. Sorts bookmarks in the collection. Adds a bookmark to the collection. The number of bookmarks. The bookmarks. Finds a bookmark by name. Load the bookmarks from a stream. Removes all bookmarks. Removes a bookmark from the collection. Save the bookmarks to a stream. Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene. The exported file name. Exports the scene. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The name of the exporter. Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. The active viewer. Constructs a simple actor (layer visualization subgraph). Constructs a simple graphics node. Creates a composite layer node and notifies the scene graph that subsequent actors must be added as children. Resets the scene graph. The contrast coefficient. Notifies the scene graph that the definition of a group layer has ended. The extent of the scene graph content. Finds the Viewer. The volumetric bounding box of selected features. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns the background color. Returns the duration in seconds of last redraw and the average number of frames per second. Returns an array containing all symbols used in a layer and their corresponding display list identifications. Get the transparency percentage of an owner as stored in the scene graph. Indicates if immediate-mode rendering for the whole scene is being used. Invalidates acts representing an object. Indicates if the content of the scene graph is empty. Indicates if the scene graph is in navigation mode. Indicates if the scene graph provides visual feedback during recording. Locates a single object. Locates multiple objects. Locks the viewer cameras in position. The full or selected extent of a layer. The scene graph information about a layer extrusion. Creates the display list with the given identification for the symbol and its extrusion state (for points and lines). Redraws all viewers. Adds a viewer to the scene graph. Removes actors representing an object. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. The scene. The selection color. Sets the background color. Sets the depth offset of layers. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets the lighting state of layers. Sets the visibility of layers depending on navigating state. Sets the shading mode (smooth or flat) of layers. Sets the time threshold to use lowest level of detail in layers when navigating. Sets transparency enabling flag for the owner. Sets the visibility of acts representing an object. The sun vector. Removes a viewer from the scene graph. The vertical exaggeration factor. Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. Locates a single object. The active viewer. Constructs a simple actor (layer visualization subgraph). Constructs a simple graphics node. Creates a composite layer node and notifies the scene graph that subsequent actors must be added as children. Resets the scene graph. The contrast coefficient. Notifies the scene graph that the definition of a group layer has ended. The extent of the scene graph content. Finds the Viewer. The volumetric bounding box of selected features. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns the background color. Returns the duration in seconds of last redraw and the average number of frames per second. Returns an array containing all symbols used in a layer and their corresponding display list identifications. Get the transparency percentage of an owner as stored in the scene graph. Indicates if immediate-mode rendering for the whole scene is being used. Invalidates acts representing an object. Indicates if the content of the scene graph is empty. Indicates if the scene graph is in navigation mode. Indicates if the scene graph provides visual feedback during recording. Locates a single object. Locates multiple objects. Locks the viewer cameras in position. The full or selected extent of a layer. The scene graph information about a layer extrusion. Creates the display list with the given identification for the symbol and its extrusion state (for points and lines). Redraws all viewers. Adds a viewer to the scene graph. Removes actors representing an object. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. The scene. The selection color. Sets the background color. Sets the depth offset of layers. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets the lighting state of layers. Sets the visibility of layers depending on navigating state. Sets the shading mode (smooth or flat) of layers. Sets the time threshold to use lowest level of detail in layers when navigating. Sets transparency enabling flag for the owner. Sets the visibility of acts representing an object. The sun vector. Removes a viewer from the scene graph. The vertical exaggeration factor. Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes. Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph layer changes. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Provides access to members that control scene rendering. The accumulated extent after recording an act. Indicates if the scene requires a new recording event. The 3D properties. Locates an object given a hint, ray, and geometry node hit. Queries the accumulated extent after recording an act. Records a dataset. The object an act represents. Start recording a dataset. Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene animation to video. The frame rate in images per second. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. Indicates if a custom image size should be used. The duration of the animation in seconds. The animated viewer to be exported. Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. The scene viewer's camera. The scene viewer's caption. Clears the last gesture. Draws the contents of the viewer to a device. Indicates if gesturing is enabled. The gesture sensitivity as indicated by number of pixels. Saves the content of the scene viewer and any windows superimposed on the scene viewer as an image. Saves the content of the scene viewer as an image. The associated device context. The associated window handle. Supersedes the default event handler. Redraws the scene viewer. The scene viewer's scene graph. Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. The scene viewer's camera. The scene viewer's caption. Clears the last gesture. Draws the contents of the viewer to a device. Indicates if gesturing is enabled. The gesture sensitivity as indicated by number of pixels. Saves the content of the scene viewer and any windows superimposed on the scene viewer as an image. Saves the content of the scene viewer as an image. The associated device context. The associated window handle. Indicates if the north arrow is enabled. Supersedes the default event handler. Redraws the scene viewer. The scene viewer's scene graph. Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol. Line resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Line style. Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol. Marker resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Marker style. Provides access to members that manipulate the stereo camera. Eye separation. Eye view. Indicates if stereo is supported. Left / Right view first. Parallax. The type of stereo view. Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. The window handle of the animation controls dialog. The duration of the animation in seconds. Gets the begin and end times of play interval. Indicates whether to play only part of the animation. Sets the begin and end times of play interval. The selected animation type. The indices of the selected animation keyframes. The selected animation tracks. The play or recording state. Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. Indicates if the option to play camera animations in for all viewers. The play mode (once/loop, forward/reverse). The current animation time during playing. The window handle of the animation controls dialog. The duration of the animation in seconds. Gets the begin and end times of play interval. Indicates whether to play only part of the animation. Sets the begin and end times of play interval. The selected animation type. The indices of the selected animation keyframes. The selected animation tracks. The play or recording state. Provides access to members that control the texture fill symbol. Angle of texture fill. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Create fill symbol from image file. World size of texture. Texture used for fill. Provides access to members that control the texture line symbol. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Create line symbol from texture file. Texture used for line. Indicates whether line is oriented vertically. Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a video. The current video codec. The current video codec's unique code. The list of unique codes of available codecs. The list of names of available codecs. The number of bits per pixel in each video frame. The maximum number of bytes per second. The duration of each frame in milliseconds. Indicates if the video exporter is installed. The frequency of keyframes in the video. The quality of video compression (1-100). 200 - Lossless. Indicates if video is to be recorded offscreen. Indicates if entire window is to be recorded. Indicates if video compression settings dialog is to be displayed. Provides access to members that control 3D displays. The active viewer. Finds the Viewer. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns the background color. Indicates if the 3D Display is in navigation mode. Redraws all viewers. Adds a viewer to the 3D Display. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. The scene. Sets the background color. Removes a viewer from the 3D Display. Provides access to members that are associated with the VRML exporter. Indicates if VRML text is indented. Indicates if the scene's y-axis is used as the exporter's up direction. Indicates if the origin of the coordinate system is in the middle of the scene. The quality of textures when exported to JPEG (1-100). Indicates if only the visible items are saved. Indicates if an elevation grid is used to save raster surfaces. Indicates if the GeoVRML Extension is used. The Animation Track coclass. The Animation Track coclass. The combination of active properties for the track. The combination of active properties for the track. The Animation Track coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Animation Track coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Animation Track coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The animation type. The animation type. Indicates whether to apply a camera track to all scene viewers. Indicates whether to apply a camera track to all scene viewers. The objects to which the track is attached, or null. The objects to which the track is attached, or null. The number of objects to which the track is attached. The number of objects to which the track is attached. Attach object to the track. Attach object to the track. The initial time of the track. The initial time of the track. Detach all objects from the track. Detach all objects from the track. Detach object from the track. Detach object from the track. The final time of the track. The final time of the track. Indicates whether to distribute time stamps evenly in the interval 0-1. Indicates whether to distribute time stamps evenly in the interval 0-1. Finds a keyframe by name. Finds a keyframe by name. Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last. Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last. Interpolates the state of the attached object for a time between BeginTime and Endtime. Interpolates the state of the attached object for a time between BeginTime and Endtime. Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if the given objects is attached to the track. Indicates if the given objects is attached to the track. Indicates if the track is repeated periodically. Indicates if the track is repeated periodically. Indicates if the track is enabled. Indicates if the track is enabled. The keyframe with the given index in the track. The keyframe with the given index in the track. The number of keyframes defined in the track. The number of keyframes defined in the track. Moves the keyframe with the given index, inserting it with a different index. Moves the keyframe with the given index, inserting it with a different index. The name of the track. The name of the track. Removes all the keyframes. Removes all the keyframes. Removes the keyframe with the given index. Removes the keyframe with the given index. Reset the state of the attached objects to be ready for animation. Reset the state of the attached objects to be ready for animation. Redistributes the time stamps in the interval [0,1]. Redistributes the time stamps in the interval [0,1]. Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified. Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified. Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified. Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified. Sorts the keyframes in ascending time order. Sorts the keyframes in ascending time order. The container of the animation objects attached to the tracks. The container of the animation objects attached to the tracks. The animation type. Indicates whether to apply a camera track to all viewers. The objects to which the track is attached, or null. The number of objects to which the track is attached. Attach object to the track. The initial time of the track. Detach all objects from the track. Detach object from the track. The final time of the track. Interpolates the state of the attached object for a time between BeginTime and Endtime. Interpolates the state of the attached object for a time between BeginTime and Endtime. Indicates if the given object is attached to the track. Indicates if the track is repeated periodically. Indicates if the track is enabled. The name of the track. Reset the state of the attached objects to be ready for animation. Reset the state of the attached objects to be ready for animation. The combination of active properties for the track. Creates a new keyframe of the appropriate type and inserts it. If the index is -1, it is added last. Creates a new keyframe of the appropriate type and inserts it. If the index is -1, it is added last. Indicates whether to distribute time stamps evenly in the interval 0-1. Finds a keyframe by name. Finds a keyframe by name. Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last. Inserts a new keyframe. If the index is -1, it is added last. Indicates if an animation property is active. The keyframe with the given index in the track. The number of keyframes defined in the track. The last keyframe that was interpolated in the track. The last keyframe that was interpolated in the track. Moves the keyframe with the given index, inserting it with a different index. Removes all the keyframes. Removes the keyframe with the given index. Redistributes the time stamps in the interval [0,1]. Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified. Restores the saved properties of the attached object specified. Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified. Internally saves the properties of the attached object specified. Sorts the keyframes in ascending time order. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The Camera Animation Type coclass. The Camera Animation Type coclass. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The Camera Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Camera Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Camera Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the animation type. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The name of the animation type. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The number of properties that can be animated. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. The class of the animation type. The class of the animation type. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the associated keyframe, or 0 if it has none. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type. The array of objects of this type. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. The column choice list. The column choice list. The number of columns. The number of columns. The column name. The column name. The Layer Animation Type coclass. The Layer Animation Type coclass. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The Layer Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Layer Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Layer Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the animation type. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The name of the animation type. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The number of properties that can be animated. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. The class of the animation type. The class of the animation type. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the associated keyframe, or 0 if it has none. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type. The array of objects of this type. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. The column choice list. The column choice list. The number of columns. The number of columns. The column name. The column name. The Scene Animation Type coclass. The Scene Animation Type coclass. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The Scene Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Scene Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Scene Animation Type coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type in the scene. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the animation type. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The maximum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The minimum value of an integer or long enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. The name of a value in an enumerated property. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. Indicates if an integer or long property is an enumeration. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The class ID of the associated keyframe. The name of the animation type. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The array of objects of this type in the scene. The number of properties that can be animated. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. The class of the animation type. The class of the animation type. The animated object with the given ID. The animated object with the given ID. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The ID (index) of the given object among those of its animation type. The name of the given object for animation purposes. The name of the given object for animation purposes. Indicates if the animation type applies to a specific object. The class ID of the animation type. The class ID of the associated keyframe, or 0 if it has none. The name of the animation type. The array of objects of this type. The array of objects of this type. The number of properties that can be animated. The name of the properties that can be animated. The type of the properties that can be animated. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Resets the state of the object, preparing it for animation. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. Creates or modifies extensions of the given track when its type is assigned or objects are attached/detached. The column choice list. The column choice list. The number of columns. The number of columns. The column name. The column name. An exporter to AVI video format. An exporter to AVI video format. The quality of video compression (1-100). The quality of video compression (1-100). An exporter to AVI video format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to AVI video format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to AVI video format. Constructor has no input arguments. The exported file name. The exported file name. Exports the scene. Exports the scene. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The name of the exporter. The name of the exporter. The frame rate in images per second. The frame rate in images per second. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. Indicates if a custom image size should be used. Indicates if a custom image size should be used. The duration of the animation in seconds. The duration of the animation in seconds. The animated viewer to be exported. The animated viewer to be exported. The current video codec. The current video codec. The current video codec's unique code. The current video codec's unique code. The list of unique codes of available codecs. The list of unique codes of available codecs. The list of names of available codecs. The list of names of available codecs. The number of bits per pixel in each video frame. The number of bits per pixel in each video frame. The maximum number of bytes per second. The maximum number of bytes per second. The duration of each frame in milliseconds. The duration of each frame in milliseconds. Indicates if the video exporter is installed. Indicates if the video exporter is installed. The frequency of keyframes in the video. The frequency of keyframes in the video. The quality of video compression (1-100). 200 - Lossless. Indicates if video is to be recorded offscreen. Indicates if video is to be recorded offscreen. Indicates if entire window is to be recorded. Indicates if entire window is to be recorded. Indicates if video compression settings dialog is to be displayed. Indicates if video compression settings dialog is to be displayed. Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. Applies 3D properties. Applies 3D properties. Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. Constructor has no input arguments. Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. Constructor has no input arguments. The base expression string. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base option. The base surface. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. The z factor. The current texture compression type. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Alpha threshold for transparency. Alpha threshold for transparency. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Base path used when storing relative path names. Base path used when storing relative path names. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The 3D bookmark coclass. The 3D bookmark coclass. Applies bookmark to given viewer. Applies bookmark to given viewer. The 3D bookmark coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The 3D bookmark coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The 3D bookmark coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. Copies bookmark properties from given camera. Copies bookmark properties from given camera. The name of the 3D bookmark. The name of the 3D bookmark. Create a Camera keyframe based on bookmark properties. Create a Camera keyframe based on bookmark properties. The combination of active properties. The combination of active properties. The animation type. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the property is TRUE. Indicates if the property is TRUE. The value of a double-typed property. The value of a double-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The combination of active properties. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. The value of a typed property. The value of a typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The Esri camera component. The Esri camera component. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. The Esri camera component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri camera component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri camera component. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. The observer's position. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. Zooms to the given screen extent. Display mode. Display mode. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. The extent visible by the camera in orthographic view. Display mode. The polar azimuth of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given extent. Indicates if the camera can see any portion of the given sphere. Returns the ray that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns the vector that corresponds to the given screen location. Turns the camera horizontally around observer by the given azimuth angle. The polar inclination of the observer relative to the target. When changed, the observer moves. Indicates if the camera has valid parameters. Levels the observer to the target. Levels the target to the observer. Moves the camera in the specified direction. The distance is calculated by applying the given factor to the current viewing distance. The state of multi-phase rendering. When true, the scene depth can be divided into multiple passes to improve rendering quality. The observer's position. Moves both the observer and the target so that the object picked as the starting point on screen assumes the ending-point position. Updates the observer's location by given polar increments. The type of projection. Sets camera's dirty flag. Returns the distance to the given extent. Returns the distance to the given sphere. Returns the distance to the given sphere's center. Returns the vector that corresponds to given screen coordinates. Returns orthographic projection viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given extent. Returns the viewing parameters corresponding to the given spherical extent. Updates the up-vector. Renders a frame. The roll angle in degrees. Rotates the observer horizontally around the target by a given angle in degrees. The orthographic projection scale. Positions camera so that the entire given extent can be seen. Positions camera so that the entire given spherical extent can be seen. The target's position. The camera's up-vector. Adapts the camera to the scene's vertical exaggeration. The view-field angle in degrees. The viewing distance between the observer and the target. When changing, the observer moves. Zooms in or out by moving the observer according to the required ratio between the new and previous viewing distances. Zooms to the given screen extent. Eye separation. Eye separation. Eye view. Eye view. Indicates if stereo is supported. Indicates if stereo is supported. Left / Right view first. Left / Right view first. Parallax. Parallax. The type of stereo view. The type of stereo view. 3D Character Marker Symbol component. 3D Character Marker Symbol component. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. 3D Character Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Character Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Character Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Character index within font. Character index within font. Font used for character symbol. Font used for character symbol. Indicates whether character is oriented vertically. Indicates whether character is oriented vertically. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol size. Marker symbol size. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Applies symbol construction to original shape. The depth value. The depth value. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Marker's shape. Marker's shape. The size units. The size units. The width value. The width value. The Z offset value. The Z offset value. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol size. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. Multipatch to Collada Exporter. Multipatch to Collada Exporter. Exports Multipatch to Collada. Exports Multipatch to Collada. Multipatch to Collada Exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. Multipatch to Collada Exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. Multipatch to Collada Exporter. Constructor has no input arguments. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Three-dimensional scene filter for features. Three-dimensional scene filter for features. Applies 3D properties. Applies 3D properties. Three-dimensional scene filter for features. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for features. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for features. Constructor has no input arguments. The base expression string. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base option. The base surface. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. The z factor. The current texture compression type. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Alpha threshold for transparency. Alpha threshold for transparency. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Applies feature properties resulting in a new geometry. Applies feature properties resulting in a new geometry. Locates an object. Locates an object. Prepares query filter to support calculated properties. Prepares query filter to support calculated properties. Locates an object honoring symbolization. Locates an object honoring symbolization. Applies feature properties resulting in a new geometry. Locates an object. Prepares query filter to support calculated properties. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Base path used when storing relative path names. Base path used when storing relative path names. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The General MultiPatch Creator component. The General MultiPatch Creator component. Clear resources used to manage the object. Clear resources used to manage the object. The General MultiPatch Creator component. Constructor has no input arguments. The General MultiPatch Creator component. Constructor has no input arguments. The General MultiPatch Creator component. Constructor has no input arguments. Creates the MultiPatch. Creates the MultiPatch. Initialize the creation of a general multipatch. Initialize the creation of a general multipatch. Set vertex Id. Set vertex Id. Set M at vertex index. Set M at vertex index. Set patch material index. Set patch material index. Set Normal at vertex index. Set Normal at vertex index. Set start index of points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set start index of points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set patch priority (>= 0). Set patch priority (>= 0). Set texture start index texture points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set texture start index texture points in patch, end index is start of next patch. Set patch type. Set patch type. Set Point at vertex index. Set Point at vertex index. Set Texture Point at vertex index. Set Texture Point at vertex index. Set Texture WKSPoint at vertex index. Set Texture WKSPoint at vertex index. Set WKSPoint at vertex index. Set WKSPoint at vertex index. The Geometry Material component. The Geometry Material component. Clear Texture Image file. Clear Texture Image file. The Geometry Material component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Geometry Material component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Geometry Material component. Constructor has no input arguments. Clear the transparent color to the texture image. Clear the transparent color to the texture image. The color. The color. Get color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. Get color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. Indicates if a transparent color has been assigned to the texture image. Indicates if a transparent color has been assigned to the texture image. Set color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. Set color, red, green, blue is in range of 0.0 - 1.0. The values of unique RGB colors in the texture image. The values of unique RGB colors in the texture image. The Texture Image file. The Texture Image file. The transparency, in range of 0.0 - 1.0. The transparency, in range of 0.0 - 1.0. The transparent texture color. The transparent texture color. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The Geometry Material List component. The Geometry Material List component. Add geometry material. Add geometry material. The Geometry Material List component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Geometry Material List component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Geometry Material List component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Material Count. The Material Count. Empty material list. Empty material list. The Geometry Material. The Geometry Material. Insert geometry material at position. Insert geometry material at position. Remove geometry material at position. Remove geometry material at position. A 3D Graphics Layer. A 3D Graphics Layer. Adds a new graphic element to the container. Adds a new graphic element to the container. A 3D Graphics Layer. Constructor has no input arguments. A 3D Graphics Layer. Constructor has no input arguments. A 3D Graphics Layer. Constructor has no input arguments. Adds a collection of new graphic elements to the container. Adds a collection of new graphic elements to the container. Initiates a batch update of the container. Initiates a batch update of the container. Deletes all the elements. Deletes all the elements. Deletes the given element. Deletes the given element. The element in the container defined by the given index. The element in the container defined by the given index. The number of elements in the container. The number of elements in the container. Terminates a batch update of the container. Terminates a batch update of the container. Returns the elements that intersect with the given ray. Returns the elements that intersect with the given ray. Returns the elements that intersect with the given envelope. Returns the elements that intersect with the given envelope. Move the specified element from the group to the container. Move the specified element from the group to the container. Move the specified element from the container to the group. Move the specified element from the container to the group. The next graphic in the container. The next graphic in the container. Resets the internal cursor so that 'Next' returns the first element. Resets the internal cursor so that 'Next' returns the first element. Deletes all selected elements. Deletes all selected elements. Indicates if the element selected. Indicates if the element selected. Selects all elements. Selects all elements. The number of selected elements. The number of selected elements. The selected elements. The selected elements. The extent of selected elements. The extent of selected elements. Selects the specified element. Selects the specified element. Selects the specified elements. Selects the specified elements. Switches the selection between elements. Switches the selection between elements. Unselects all elements. Unselects all elements. Unselects the specified element. Unselects the specified element. Unselects the specified elements. Unselects the specified elements. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Handles the ISceneRendererEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterDraw Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterItemDraw Event Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsChanged Event Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsCleared Event Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.FocusMapChanged Event Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemAdded Event Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemDeleted Event Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemReordered Event Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SpatialReferenceChanged Event Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ViewRefreshed Event Add a new graphic element to the layer. Add a new graphic element to the layer. Add new graphic elements to the layer. Add new graphic elements to the layer. Move the specified elements one step closer to the top of the stack of elements. Move the specified elements one step closer to the top of the stack of elements. Make the specified elements draw in front of all other elements. Make the specified elements draw in front of all other elements. Delete all the elements. Delete the given element. Find the frame that contains the specified object. Find the frame that contains the specified object. Private order object. Used to undo ordering operations. Private order object. Used to undo ordering operations. Returns the elements at the given coordinate. Returns the elements inside the given envelope. Move the element from the group to the container. Move the element from the group to the container. Move the element from the container to the group. Returns the next graphic in the container. Private order object. Used to undo ordering operations. Private order object. Used to undo ordering operations. Reset internal cursor so that Next returns the first element. Move the specified elements one step closer to the bottom of the stack of elements. Move the specified elements one step closer to the bottom of the stack of elements. Make the specified elements draw behind all other elements. Make the specified elements draw behind all other elements. The graphic element's properties have changed. The graphic element's properties have changed. Prepare to display graphic on screen. Prepare to display graphic on screen. Layer that is associated with this graphics layer. Layer that is associated with this graphics layer. ActiveView that graphics are displayed on is no longer visible. ActiveView that graphics are displayed on is no longer visible. Indicates if the layer that is associated with this graphics layer controls the visibility. Indicates if the layer that is associated with this graphics layer controls the visibility. The default area of interest for the layer. The default area of interest for the layer. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Layer name. Layer name. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Indicates if the layer shows map tips. Spatial reference for the layer. Spatial reference for the layer. Supported draw phases. Supported draw phases. Map tip text at the specified location. Map tip text at the specified location. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Indicates if the layer is currently visible. Layer brightness in percent (-100 - 100). Layer brightness in percent (-100 - 100). Layer contrast in percent (-100 - 100). Layer contrast in percent (-100 - 100). Indicates if the layer supports brightness changes. Indicates if the layer supports brightness changes. Indicates if the layer supports contrast changes. Indicates if the layer supports contrast changes. Indicates if the layer supports interactive effects changes. Indicates if the layer supports interactive effects changes. Indicates if the layer supports transparency. Indicates if the layer supports transparency. Layer transparency in percent (0-100). Layer transparency in percent (0-100). Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Occurs when layer visibility changes. Handles the ILayerEvents_Event.VisibilityChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when layer visibility changes. Adds a new extension. Adds a new extension. The extension at the specified index. The extension at the specified index. Number of extensions. Number of extensions. Removes the specified extension. Removes the specified extension. Details of the layer's data. Details of the layer's data. Indicates if the data for the layer is currently valid. Indicates if the data for the layer is currently valid. Prepare the layer for the publishing process. Prepare the layer for the publishing process. The layer description reported to the publisher. The layer description reported to the publisher. Indicates if the layer supports the publishing process. Indicates if the layer supports the publishing process. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The extent of the GeoDataset. The extent of the GeoDataset. The spatial reference of the GeoDataset. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. The 3D distance from the observer to the hit point. The 3D distance from the observer to the hit point. A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. Constructor has no input arguments. The 3D distance between the hit point and the picking ray. The 3D distance between the hit point and the picking ray. Indicates whether an exact hit. Indicates whether an exact hit. Returns the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. Returns the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. The object (feature) that is hit. The object (feature) that is hit. The owner (layer) that is hit. The owner (layer) that is hit. The location of the hit. The location of the hit. Sets the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. Sets the depth range of the hit as reported by OpenGL. The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. The array of hits. The array of hits. The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. Constructor has no input arguments. The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. Constructor has no input arguments. The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. Constructor has no input arguments. Reduces the hit set to have only one hit per layer. Reduces the hit set to have only one hit per layer. Reduces the hit set to topmost hits. Reduces the hit set to topmost hits. Import 3D File component. Import 3D File component. The Geometry interface. The Geometry interface. Import 3D File component. Constructor has no input arguments. Import 3D File component. Constructor has no input arguments. Import 3D File component. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Application. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Application. Indicates if this implementation can browse for files. Indicates if this implementation can browse for files. Load from File. Load from File. The File Description for Browsing. The File Description for Browsing. The File Extension for Browsing. The File Extension for Browsing. The Geometry interface. The Geometry interface. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Indicates if this is a valid 3D Import File. Release the Current File. Release the Current File. The Root Count of the File. The Root Count of the File. The Geometry interface. The Geometry interface. The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. The combination of active properties. The combination of active properties. The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The animation type. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the property is TRUE. Indicates if the property is TRUE. The value of a double-typed property. The value of a double-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The combination of active properties. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. The value of a typed property. The value of a typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. 3D Marker Symbol component. 3D Marker Symbol component. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Applies symbol construction to original shape. The depth value. The depth value. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Marker's shape. Marker's shape. The size units. The size units. The width value. The width value. The Z offset value. The Z offset value. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol size. Marker symbol size. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Imports the symbol definition. Imports the symbol definition. Indicates if the marker restricts access to internal shape. Indicates if the marker restricts access to internal shape. Number of materials present. Number of materials present. Restricts all further access to internal shape. Restricts all further access to internal shape. Marker shape geometry. The symbol thumbnail for 2D representation. The symbol thumbnail for 2D representation. Indicates if the marker uses material property for draping. Indicates if the marker uses material property for draping. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. A mechanism for manipulating message queue. A mechanism for manipulating message queue. Indicates if a cancel action has been conducted. Indicates if a cancel action has been conducted. A mechanism for manipulating message queue. Constructor has no input arguments. A mechanism for manipulating message queue. Constructor has no input arguments. A mechanism for manipulating message queue. Constructor has no input arguments. Indicates if a mouse click is seen as a cancel action. Indicates if a mouse click is seen as a cancel action. Indicates if pressing the escape key is seen as a cancel action. Indicates if pressing the escape key is seen as a cancel action. Dispatchs messages associated with the window. Dispatchs messages associated with the window. Removes messages associated with the window. Removes messages associated with the window. An exporter to QuickTime video format. An exporter to QuickTime video format. The exported file name. The exported file name. An exporter to QuickTime video format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to QuickTime video format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to QuickTime video format. Constructor has no input arguments. Exports the scene. Exports the scene. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The name of the exporter. The name of the exporter. The frame rate in images per second. The frame rate in images per second. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. The custom image size for video export. Indicates if a custom image size should be used. Indicates if a custom image size should be used. The duration of the animation in seconds. The duration of the animation in seconds. The animated viewer to be exported. The animated viewer to be exported. The current video codec. The current video codec. The current video codec's unique code. The current video codec's unique code. The list of unique codes of available codecs. The list of unique codes of available codecs. The list of names of available codecs. The list of names of available codecs. The number of bits per pixel in each video frame. The number of bits per pixel in each video frame. The maximum number of bytes per second. The maximum number of bytes per second. The duration of each frame in milliseconds. The duration of each frame in milliseconds. Indicates if the video exporter is installed. Indicates if the video exporter is installed. The frequency of keyframes in the video. The frequency of keyframes in the video. The quality of video compression (1-100). 200 - Lossless. The quality of video compression (1-100). 200 - Lossless. Indicates if video is to be recorded offscreen. Indicates if video is to be recorded offscreen. Indicates if entire window is to be recorded. Indicates if entire window is to be recorded. Indicates if video compression settings dialog is to be displayed. Indicates if video compression settings dialog is to be displayed. Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. Applies 3D properties. Applies 3D properties. Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. Constructor has no input arguments. The base expression string. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base option. The base surface. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. The z factor. The current texture compression type. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Alpha threshold for transparency. Alpha threshold for transparency. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Base path used when storing relative path names. Base path used when storing relative path names. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. The Esri raster surface component. The Esri raster surface component. Sets a raster with a specified band index. Sets a raster with a specified band index. The Esri raster surface component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri raster surface component. Constructor has no input arguments. The Esri raster surface component. Constructor has no input arguments. A raster. A raster. The raster band of a raster surface. The raster band of a raster surface. The sample distance for interpolated shapes and profiles. The sample distance for interpolated shapes and profiles. Converts the surface to a polygon feature class representing slope or aspect. Converts the surface to a polygon feature class representing slope or aspect. Output contours based on the specified root value and interval. Output contours based on the specified root value and interval. Output a list of contours corresponding to the specified eleveation values. Output a list of contours corresponding to the specified eleveation values. Returns the aspect at the specified location in degrees. Returns the aspect at the specified location in degrees. Returns the aspect at the specified location in radians. Returns the aspect at the specified location in radians. Returns a countour passing through the queried point. Returns a countour passing through the queried point. Returns the z value of the specified location. Returns the z value of the specified location. Computes the visibility of a line-of-sight from the observer to the target. Computes the visibility of a line-of-sight from the observer to the target. Returns a polyline with z values interpolated from the surface. Returns a polyline with z values interpolated from the surface. Returns the projected area of the surface above or below an input z value. Returns the projected area of the surface above or below an input z value. Returns the slope at the specified location in degrees. Returns the slope at the specified location in degrees. Returns the slope at the specified location in percent. Returns the slope at the specified location in percent. Returns the slope at the specified location in radians. Returns the slope at the specified location in radians. Returns the steepest path downhill from the specified point. Returns the steepest path downhill from the specified point. Returns the area measured on its surface above or below an input z value. Returns the area measured on its surface above or below an input z value. Returns the volume above or below an input z value. Returns the volume above or below an input z value. Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape. Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape. Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape at its vertices only. Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape at its vertices only. Returns TRUE if the passed value is equal to the surface's void value. Returns TRUE if the passed value is equal to the surface's void value. Returns the intersection of the query ray and the surface. Returns the intersection of the query ray and the surface. Returns the distances of intersections of the query ray and the surface. Returns the distances of intersections of the query ray and the surface. Returns the vector normal to the specified triangle. Returns the vector normal to the specified triangle. Derives slope, aspect, hillshade, or elevation from the input surface and writes the result to the provided PixelBlock. Derives slope, aspect, hillshade, or elevation from the input surface and writes the result to the provided PixelBlock. Returns the length of an input polyline measured on the surface. Returns the length of an input polyline measured on the surface. Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. The interpolation domain of the surface. The interpolation domain of the surface. The surface Z = f(x,y). The surface Z = f(x,y). The interpolation domain of the surface. The surface Z = f(x,y). The interpolation domain of the surface. The surface Z = f(x,y). A container for the display and manipulation of data. A container for the display and manipulation of data. Adds a track to the collection. Adds a track to the collection. A container for the display and manipulation of data. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for the display and manipulation of data. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for the display and manipulation of data. Constructor has no input arguments. The objects that describe the registered types of animation. The objects that describe the registered types of animation. Plays the enabled animation tracks in the given viewer (in all if null). Plays the enabled animation tracks in the given viewer (in all if null). Changes the priority (index) of the track. Changes the priority (index) of the track. Detach an object from all tracks it is attached to. Detach an object from all tracks it is attached to. Finds a track by name. Finds a track by name. Load the animation tracks from a stream. Load the animation tracks from a stream. Detaches from the tracks those objects that no longer exist. Detaches from the tracks those objects that no longer exist. Removes all tracks. Removes all tracks. Removes a track from the collection. Removes a track from the collection. Save the animation tracks to a stream. Save the animation tracks to a stream. The number of tracks. The number of tracks. The animation tracks. The animation tracks. The animation tracks of a given type. The animation tracks of a given type. The animation extension containing tracks and environment settings. The animation extension containing tracks and environment settings. The basic 3D display used by the scene. The basic 3D display used by the scene. Load the animation from a file. Load the animation from a file. Save the animation to a file. Save the animation to a file. The active graphics layer. If no graphic layers exist, a basic memory graphics layer will be created. The active graphics layer. If no graphic layers exist, a basic memory graphics layer will be created. Adds a layer to the scene. Adds a layer to the scene. Adds multiple layers to the scene, optionally arranging them automatically. Adds multiple layers to the scene, optionally arranging them automatically. Indicates if the given object is supported by the scene. Indicates if the given object is supported by the scene. The area of interest for the scene. The area of interest for the scene. The basic graphics layer. The basic graphics layer. Removes all layers from the scene. Removes all layers from the scene. Clears the scene's selection. Clears the scene's selection. Used to batch operations together in order to minimize system notifications. Used to batch operations together in order to minimize system notifications. Deletes a layer from the scene. Deletes a layer from the scene. The description of the scene. The description of the scene. The vertical exaggeration of the scene. The vertical exaggeration of the scene. The extent of the scene. The extent of the scene. The scene's feature selection. The scene's feature selection. Returns the default background color. Returns the default background color. The layer corresponding to a given index. The layer corresponding to a given index. The number of layers in the scene. The number of layers in the scene. The layers in the scene of the type specified in the UID. If 'recursive' is true, includes layers in group layers. The layers in the scene of the type specified in the UID. If 'recursive' is true, includes layers in group layers. Moves a layer to another position within the Table Of Contents. Moves a layer to another position within the Table Of Contents. The name of the scene. The name of the scene. Proposes a spatial reference for the scene. Proposes a spatial reference for the scene. Forces the scene's extent to be recalculated. Forces the scene's extent to be recalculated. The scene's scenegraph. The scene's scenegraph. Selects features in the scene given a shape and an optional selection environment. Selects features in the scene given a shape and an optional selection environment. Selects a feature. Selects a feature. The number of selected features. The number of selected features. Sets the default background color. Sets the default background color. The spatial reference of the scene. The spatial reference of the scene. Returns the vertical exaggeration factor that achieves the aspect ratio for the scene's extent. Returns the vertical exaggeration factor that achieves the aspect ratio for the scene's extent. Adds a bookmark to the collection. Adds a bookmark to the collection. The number of bookmarks. The number of bookmarks. The bookmarks. The bookmarks. Finds a bookmark by name. Finds a bookmark by name. Load the bookmarks from a stream. Load the bookmarks from a stream. Removes all bookmarks. Removes all bookmarks. Removes a bookmark from the collection. Removes a bookmark from the collection. Save the bookmarks to a stream. Save the bookmarks to a stream. Adds a track to the collection. Adds a track to the collection. The animation tracks. The animation tracks. The container of the animation objects attached to the tracks. The container of the animation objects attached to the tracks. Uses the enabled animation tracks for the given time. Uses the enabled animation tracks for the given time. Changes the priority (index) of the track. Changes the priority (index) of the track. Creates a new track and adds it to the collection. Creates a new track and adds it to the collection. Detach an object from all tracks it is attached to. Finds a track by name. Finds a track by name. Load the animation tracks from a stream. Detaches from the tracks those objects that no longer exist. Removes all tracks. Removes a track from the collection. Removes a track from the collection. Save the animation tracks to a stream. The number of tracks. The animation tracks of a given type. The animation tracks of a given type. Gives this view control of the specified window. Gives this view control of the specified window. Empties the view contents. Empties the view contents. Called by clients when view objects are modified. Called by clients when view objects are modified. Another view takes over the associated window. Another view takes over the associated window. Draws the view to the specified device context. Draws the view to the specified device context. The device rectangle to export. The device rectangle to export. The visible extent rectangle. The extent stack. The extent stack. The map that tools and controls act on. The map that tools and controls act on. The full extent rectangle. The full extent rectangle. Called when a context menu should be displayed at the given xy location. Return menu that should be displayed. Called when a context menu should be displayed at the given xy location. Return menu that should be displayed. The active graphics container. The active graphics container. Returns any maps present in the view at the given location. Return value may be zero if there are no maps or the coordinate is not over a map. Returns any maps present in the view at the given location. Return value may be zero if there are no maps or the coordinate is not over a map. Indicates if view is active or not. Indicates if view is active or not. Indicates if the focus map is activated. Indicates if the focus map is activated. Call from your application's message loop to enable automatic resizing and keyboard accelerators. Call from your application's message loop to enable automatic resizing and keyboard accelerators. Renders the view to the specified DC. Renders the view to the specified DC. Draws the specified view phase. Use an envelope of zero to draw the entire phase. Draws the specified view phase. Use an envelope of zero to draw the entire phase. Called by application when printer changes. Called by application when printer changes. Causes the entire view to draw. Causes the entire view to draw. The screen cache ID that is used to draw the specified phase. The screen cache ID that is used to draw the specified phase. The screen display used by the view. The screen display used by the view. The selection. The selection. Indicates if rulers are visible. Indicates if rulers are visible. Indicates if scrollbars are visible. Indicates if scrollbars are visible. Indicates if selection is visible. Indicates if selection is visible. The tip text to display at the given location. The tip text to display at the given location. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterDraw Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterItemDraw Event Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsChanged Event Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsCleared Event Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.FocusMapChanged Event Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemAdded Event Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemDeleted Event Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemReordered Event Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SpatialReferenceChanged Event Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ViewRefreshed Event The active graphics layer. If no graphic layers exist a basic memory graphics layer will be created. Adds a layer to the map. Adds a layer to the map. Adds multiple layers to the map, arranging them nicely if specified. Area of interest for the map. The basic graphics layer. Removes all layers from the map. Clears the map selection. Deletes a layer from the map. Description of the map. The map's feature selection. The layer at the given index. Number of layers in the map. The layers in the map of the type specified in the uid. If recursive is true it will return layers in group layers. Name of the map. Selects features in the map given a shape and a selection environment (optional). Number of selected features in the map. The spatial reference of the map. The active graphics layer. If no graphic layers exist a basic memory graphics layer will be created. Adds a layer to the map. Adds multiple layers to the map, arranging them nicely if specified. Adds a map surround to the map. Adds a map surround to the map. The annotation (label) engine the map will use. The annotation (label) engine the map will use. Area of interest for the map. The list of barriers and their weight for labeling. The list of barriers and their weight for labeling. The basic graphics layer. Removes all layers from the map. Removes all map surrounds from the map. Removes all map surrounds from the map. Clears the map selection. An optional border drawn around ClipGeometry. An optional border drawn around ClipGeometry. A shape that layers in the map are clipped to. A shape that layers in the map are clipped to. Computes the distance between two points on the map and returns the result. Computes the distance between two points on the map and returns the result. Create and initialize a map surround. An optional style from the style gallery may be specified. Create and initialize a map surround. An optional style from the style gallery may be specified. Suspends drawing. Suspends drawing. Used to batch operations together to minimize notifications. Deletes a layer from the map. Deletes a map surround from the map. Deletes a map surround from the map. Description of the map. The distance units for the map. The distance units for the map. Indicates if the Map is expanded. Indicates if the Map is expanded. The feature selection for the map. Gets the page size for the map. Gets the page size for the map. Indicates if map is drawn in a frame rather than on the whole window. Indicates if map is drawn in a frame rather than on the whole window. The layer at the given index. Number of layers in the map. The layers in the map of the type specified in the uid. If recursive is true it will return layers in group layers. The scale of the map as a representative fraction. The scale of the map as a representative fraction. The map surround at the given index. The map surround at the given index. Number of map surrounds associated with the map. Number of map surrounds associated with the map. The units for the map. The units for the map. Moves a layer to another position. Name of the map. Forces the full extent to be recalculated. Forces the full extent to be recalculated. The reference scale of the map as a representative fraction. The reference scale of the map as a representative fraction. Selects features in the map given a shape and a selection environment (optional). Selects a feature. Number of selected features. Sets the page size for the map (optional). Sets the page size for the map (optional). The spatial reference of the map. Indicates whether the spatial reference is prevented from being changed. Indicates whether the spatial reference is prevented from being changed. Indicates if the Map draws using symbol levels. Indicates if the Map draws using symbol levels. Check if layer is visible. Check if layer is visible. Adds a layer to the map. Adds multiple layers to the map, arranging them nicely if specified. Removes all layers from the map. Deletes a layer from the map. Inserts a layer at the given position. Inserts a layer at the given position. Inserts a layer at a given index of the map's group layer. Inserts a layer at a given index of the map's group layer. Inserts layers at the given position. Inserts layers at the given position. Inserts layers at a given index of the map's group layer. Inserts layers at a given index of the map's group layer. Check if layer is visible. Check if layer is visible. The layer at the given index. Number of layers in the map. The layers in the map of the type specified in the uid. If recursive is true it will return layers in group layers. Moves a layer to another position. Moves the layer with in the map. Moves the layer with in the map. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. The current time extent of the map. The current time extent of the map. The time interval to be used by the time slider to animate the map. The time interval to be used by the time slider to animate the map. The time interval units to be used to animate the map. The time interval units to be used to animate the map. The time window used to display the data in the map. The time window used to display the data in the map. The format of the date that is displayed on the time slider. The format of the date that is displayed on the time slider. Indicates whether data for each timestamp will be drawn when playing the time visualization. Indicates whether data for each timestamp will be drawn when playing the time visualization. The speed of the slider on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the fastest. The speed of the slider on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the fastest. The format of the time that is displayed on the time slider. The format of the time that is displayed on the time slider. Indicates whether the data in the map refreshes when moving the time slider dynamically. Indicates whether the data in the map refreshes when moving the time slider dynamically. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer. Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer. The play option (Stop, Reverse, Repeat) used by the slider after the time visualization has been played once. The play option (Stop, Reverse, Repeat) used by the slider after the time visualization has been played once. Indicates whether time is enabled on the map. Indicates whether time is enabled on the map. The time-enabled layer that defines the time extent of the map. The time-enabled layer that defines the time extent of the map. Indicates how the time extent of the map is defined. Indicates how the time extent of the map is defined. The time reference (time zone information, daylight savings, etc.) associated with the map. The time reference (time zone information, daylight savings, etc.) associated with the map. The time extent for which the data is displayed in the map. The time extent for which the data is displayed in the map. Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer that is being updated frequently with new data. Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer that is being updated frequently with new data. Indicates whether time is displayed on the map. Indicates whether time is displayed on the map. Time relation used with the time window for the map. Time relation used with the time window for the map. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. The current time extent of the map. The time interval to be used by the time slider to animate the map. The time interval units to be used to animate the map. The time window used to display the data in the map. The format of the date that is displayed on the time slider. Indicates whether data for each timestamp will be drawn when playing the time visualization. The speed of the slider on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the fastest. The format of the time that is displayed on the time slider. Indicates whether the data in the map refreshes when moving the time slider dynamically. Returns the full time extent of the time-enabled layers in the map. Indicates whether the map has a time-enabled layer. The play option (Stop, Reverse, Repeat) used by the slider after the time visualization has been played once. Indicates whether time is enabled on the map. The time-enabled layer that defines the time extent of the map. Indicates how the time extent of the map is defined. The time reference (time zone information, daylight savings, etc.) associated with the map. The time extent for which the data is displayed in the map. Finds all relationship classes in the collection that reference the given object class in the specified role. Finds all relationship classes in the collection that reference the given object class in the specified role. The memory relationship classes. The memory relationship classes. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Handles the ISelectionEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes. Adds a standalone table to the collection. Adds a standalone table to the collection. Removes all standalone tables from the collection. Removes all standalone tables from the collection. Removes the standalone table from the collection. Removes the standalone table from the collection. The standalone table at the given index. The standalone table at the given index. Number of standalone tables. Number of standalone tables. Adds a table to the collection. Adds a table to the collection. Removes all tables from the collection. Removes all tables from the collection. Removes a table from the collection. Removes a table from the collection. The table at the given index. The table at the given index. Number of tables. Number of tables. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. The active viewer. The active viewer. A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. Constructor has no input arguments. A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. Constructor has no input arguments. Constructs a simple actor (layer visualization subgraph). Constructs a simple actor (layer visualization subgraph). Constructs a simple graphics node. Constructs a simple graphics node. Creates a composite layer node and notifies the scene graph that subsequent actors must be added as children. Creates a composite layer node and notifies the scene graph that subsequent actors must be added as children. Resets the scene graph. Resets the scene graph. The contrast coefficient. The contrast coefficient. Notifies the scene graph that the definition of a group layer has ended. Notifies the scene graph that the definition of a group layer has ended. The extent of the scene graph content. The extent of the scene graph content. Finds the Viewer. Finds the Viewer. The volumetric bounding box of selected features. The volumetric bounding box of selected features. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns the background color. Returns the background color. Returns the duration in seconds of last redraw and the average number of frames per second. Returns the duration in seconds of last redraw and the average number of frames per second. Returns an array containing all symbols used in a layer and their corresponding display list identifications. Returns an array containing all symbols used in a layer and their corresponding display list identifications. Get the transparency percentage of an owner as stored in the scene graph. Get the transparency percentage of an owner as stored in the scene graph. Indicates if immediate-mode rendering for the whole scene is being used. Indicates if immediate-mode rendering for the whole scene is being used. Invalidates acts representing an object. Invalidates acts representing an object. Indicates if the content of the scene graph is empty. Indicates if the content of the scene graph is empty. Indicates if the scene graph is in navigation mode. Indicates if the scene graph is in navigation mode. Indicates if the scene graph provides visual feedback during recording. Indicates if the scene graph provides visual feedback during recording. Locates a single object. Locates a single object. Locates multiple objects. Locates multiple objects. Locks the viewer cameras in position. Locks the viewer cameras in position. The full or selected extent of a layer. The full or selected extent of a layer. The scene graph information about a layer extrusion. The scene graph information about a layer extrusion. Creates the display list with the given identification for the symbol and its extrusion state (for points and lines). Creates the display list with the given identification for the symbol and its extrusion state (for points and lines). Redraws all viewers. Redraws all viewers. Adds a viewer to the scene graph. Adds a viewer to the scene graph. Removes actors representing an object. Removes actors representing an object. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. The scene. The scene. The selection color. The selection color. Sets the background color. Sets the background color. Sets the depth offset of layers. Sets the depth offset of layers. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets retained or immediate mode for the owner. Sets the lighting state of layers. Sets the lighting state of layers. Sets the visibility of layers depending on navigating state. Sets the visibility of layers depending on navigating state. Sets the shading mode (smooth or flat) of layers. Sets the shading mode (smooth or flat) of layers. Sets the time threshold to use lowest level of detail in layers when navigating. Sets the time threshold to use lowest level of detail in layers when navigating. Sets transparency enabling flag for the owner. Sets transparency enabling flag for the owner. Sets the visibility of acts representing an object. Sets the visibility of acts representing an object. The sun vector. The sun vector. Removes a viewer from the scene graph. Removes a viewer from the scene graph. The vertical exaggeration factor. The vertical exaggeration factor. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ActiveViewerChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.AfterDraw Event Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.BeforeDraw Event Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.InteractionStopped Event Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.RecordingStarted Event Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.RecordingStopped Event Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ViewerAdded Event Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ViewerRemoved Event Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.ActiveViewerChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.AfterDraw Event Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.BeforeDraw Event Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.InteractionStopped Event Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.RecordingStarted Event Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.RecordingStopped Event Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.ViewerAdded Event Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Handles the ISceneGraphEventsDisp_Event.ViewerRemoved Event Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Handles the ISceneGraphLayerEvents_Event.ObjectChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Fired when the selection is changed. Handles the ISceneRendererEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. The active viewer. Finds the Viewer. Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported. Returns all registered Viewers. Returns the background color. Indicates if the 3D Display is in navigation mode. Redraws all viewers. Adds a viewer to the 3D Display. Uses the camera to redraw a frame. The scene. Sets the background color. Removes a viewer from the 3D Display. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Fired after the specified phase is drawn. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterDraw Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Fired after an individual view item is drawn. Example: view items include layers in a map or elements in a page layout. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.AfterItemDraw Event Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Fired when the contents of the view changes. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsChanged Event Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ContentsCleared Event Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Fired when a new map is made active. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.FocusMapChanged Event Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Fired when an item is added to the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemAdded Event Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Fired when an item is deleted from the view. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemDeleted Event Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Fired when a view item is reordered. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ItemReordered Event Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Call this function to fire the selection changed event. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SelectionChanged Event Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Fired when the spatial reference is changed. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.SpatialReferenceChanged Event Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. Handles the IActiveViewEvents_Event.ViewRefreshed Event This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Adds a feature shape to the flash list. Adds a feature shape to the flash list. Redraws viewers flashing the features in the flash list. Redraws viewers flashing the features in the flash list. Flashes a feature shape. Flashes a feature shape. Redraws viewers flashing the given location. Redraws viewers flashing the given location. The limit for the size of a single texture. The limit for the size of a single texture. The limit for the size of a single texture. The limit for the size of a single texture. The tolerance in pixels used when picking. The tolerance in pixels used when picking. The scale for point size and line width of symbols. The scale for point size and line width of symbols. Screen cache where drawing occurs. Use rarely. Change cache inside StartDrawing/FinishDrawing sequence. Screen cache where drawing occurs. Use rarely. Change cache inside StartDrawing/FinishDrawing sequence. Creates a new cache and return its ID. The ID can be specified to StartDrawing to direct output to the cache. It can also be used with a number of other methods such as DrawCache and Invalidate. Creates a new cache and return its ID. The ID can be specified to StartDrawing to direct output to the cache. It can also be used with a number of other methods such as DrawCache and Invalidate. Number of screen caches. Number of screen caches. Memory device context for the specified screen cache. Memory device context for the specified screen cache. Cancel tracker that is associated with the display. Cancel tracker that is associated with the display. Scrolls the screen by the specified amount. Scrolls the screen by the specified amount. Draws the specified screen cache to the specified window device context. Pass an empty rectangle to copy the full bitmap to the DC origin. Draws the specified screen cache to the specified window device context. Pass an empty rectangle to copy the full bitmap to the DC origin. Associated window handle. Associated window handle. Cause the specified area of the specified cache to redraw. Cause the specified area of the specified cache to redraw. Indicates if the specified cache needs refreshing. Indicates if the specified cache needs refreshing. Indicates if the bottom cache is transparent. Indicates if the bottom cache is transparent. Indicates if drawing occurs in a frame rather than on the whole window. Indicates if drawing occurs in a frame rather than on the whole window. Pans to a new point. Pans to a new point. Prepares display for panning. Prepares display for panning. Stops panning and returns new visible bounds. Stops panning and returns new visible bounds. Removes all caches. Removes all caches. Removes the specified cache. Removes the specified cache. Rotates to new point. Rotates to new point. Prepares display for rotating. If centerPt is NULL, the center of the visible bounds is used. Prepares display for rotating. If centerPt is NULL, the center of the visible bounds is used. Stops rotating and returns new angle. Stops rotating and returns new angle. Draws the rotated display. Call in response to WM_TIMER. Draws the rotated display. Call in response to WM_TIMER. Indicates if the contents of the screen scale when a resize occurs. True means scale contents to fit new window size. False means contents stays the same with more or less of it showing. Indicates if the contents of the screen scale when a resize occurs. True means scale contents to fit new window size. False means contents stays the same with more or less of it showing. Optionally specify application supplied scrollbars. Optionally specify application supplied scrollbars. Starts recording all output to the recording cache. Starts recording all output to the recording cache. Stops recording to the recording cache. Stops recording to the recording cache. Indicates if display resizing is suppressed. True means the display doesn't resize with the window. False ensures that the display is the same size as the window. Indicates if display resizing is suppressed. True means the display doesn't resize with the window. False ensures that the display is the same size as the window. Interactively pans the screen. Interactively pans the screen. Interactively rotates the screen. Interactively rotates the screen. Forces a redraw. Forces a redraw. Indicates if scrollbars should appear. Indicates if scrollbars should appear. Device context for the associated window. Only use this between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. Device context for the associated window. Only use this between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. The bounds of the invalid region. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. The bounds of the invalid region. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. The invalid region as a set of envelopes. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. The invalid region as a set of envelopes. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. User-specified clip shape. This shape is merged with the invalid region to arrive at the actual clip region. Must be specified before StartDrawing. User-specified clip shape. This shape is merged with the invalid region to arrive at the actual clip region. Must be specified before StartDrawing. The transformation used by the display. The transformation used by the display. Draws specified multipoint on the display. Draws specified multipoint on the display. Draws specified point on the display. Draws specified point on the display. Draws specified polygon on the display. Draws specified polygon on the display. Draws specified line on the display. Draws specified line on the display. Draws specified rectangle on the display. Draws specified rectangle on the display. Draws specified text on the display. Draws specified text on the display. Display filter. Must call while in a StartDrawing-FinishDrawing sequence. Set Filter to 0 to resume normal drawing. Display filter. Must call while in a StartDrawing-FinishDrawing sequence. Set Filter to 0 to resume normal drawing. Completes drawing. Completes drawing. The device context that the display is currently drawing to. Only valid between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. The device context that the display is currently drawing to. Only valid between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. Palette. Palette. Illumination properties used by the display. Illumination properties used by the display. Call frequently during drawing process. Call frequently during drawing process. Sets the symbol used for drawing. Four different symbols can be specified simultaneously: Marker, Line, Fill, Text. Sets the symbol used for drawing. Four different symbols can be specified simultaneously: Marker, Line, Fill, Text. Prepare the display for drawing. Specify the device context and the cache to draw to (normally esriNoScreenCache). The ScreenDisplay coclass will automatically create a window device context if you specify hdc = 0. Prepare the display for drawing. Specify the device context and the cache to draw to (normally esriNoScreenCache). The ScreenDisplay coclass will automatically create a window device context if you specify hdc = 0. Indicates if display object suppresses events. Indicates if display object suppresses events. Screen cache where drawing occurs. Use rarely. Change cache inside StartDrawing/FinishDrawing sequence. Creates a new cache and return its ID. The ID can be specified to StartDrawing to direct output to the cache. It can also be used with a number of other methods such as DrawCache and Invalidate. The RGB value of the background color. This color only appears on the screen, not on output. The RGB value of the background color. This color only appears on the screen, not on output. Number of screen caches. Memory device context for the specified screen cache. Cancel tracker that is associated with the display. Scrolls the screen by the specified amount. Draws the specified screen cache to the specified window device context. Pass an empty rectangle to copy the full bitmap to the DC origin. The offset between the device origin and the active cache origin. The offset between the device origin and the active cache origin. Ends feedback drawing. Ends feedback drawing. Call on frame display when container is scrolled. Call on frame display when container is scrolled. Associated window handle. Cause the specified area of the specified cache to redraw. Indicates if the specified cache needs refreshing. Indicates if the bottom cache is transparent. Indicates if drawing occurs in a frame rather than on the whole window. Pans to a new point. Prepares display for panning. Stops panning and returns new visible bounds. Removes all caches. Removes the specified cache. Rotates to new point. Prepares display for rotating. If centerPt is NULL, the center of the visible bounds is used. Stops rotating and returns new angle. Draws the rotated display. Call in response to WM_TIMER. Indicates if the contents of the screen scale when a resize occurs. True means scale contents to fit new window size. False means contents stays the same with more or less of it showing. Optionally specify application supplied scrollbars. Prepare the display for drawing selection/rubberbanding. Drawing isn't clipped or zoomed with page. Must match with a call to FinishFeedback. Prepare the display for drawing selection/rubberbanding. Drawing isn't clipped or zoomed with page. Must match with a call to FinishFeedback. Starts recording all output to the recording cache. Stops recording to the recording cache. Indicates if display resizing is suppressed. True means the display doesn't resize with the window. False ensures that the display is the same size as the window. Interactively pans the screen. Interactively rotates the screen. Forces a redraw. Indicates if scrollbars should appear. Clear dirty flag for specified cache. Clear dirty flag for specified cache. Device context for the associated window. Only use this between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. The bounds of the invalid region. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. The invalid region as a set of envelopes. Use after StartDrawing and before FinishDrawing. User-specified clip shape. This shape is merged with the invalid region to arrive at the actual clip region. Must be specified before StartDrawing. The transformation used by the display. Draws specified multipoint on the display. Draws specified point on the display. Draws specified polygon on the display. Draws specified line on the display. Draws specified rectangle on the display. Draws specified text on the display. Display filter. Must call while in a StartDrawing-FinishDrawing sequence. Set Filter to 0 to resume normal drawing. Completes drawing. The device context that the display is currently drawing to. Only valid between calls to StartDrawing and FinishDrawing. Palette. Illumination properties used by the display. Call frequently during drawing process. Sets the symbol used for drawing. Four different symbols can be specified simultaneously: Marker, Line, Fill, Text. Prepare the display for drawing. Specify the device context and the cache to draw to (normally esriNoScreenCache). The ScreenDisplay coclass will automatically create a window device context if you specify hdc = 0. Indicates if display object suppresses events. Time reference using which the data has to be displayed. Time reference using which the data has to be displayed. Time Extent for which the data has to be displayed. Time Extent for which the data has to be displayed. Time relation for the time query. Time relation for the time query. Time reference using which the data has to be displayed. Time Extent for which the data has to be displayed. Notifies clients when display time changed. Notifies clients when display time changed. Notifies clients when display time changed. Notifies clients when display time changed. Notifies clients when display time changed. Handles the ITimeDisplayEvents_Event.DisplayTimeChanged Event Provides access to members that control Display Time Events. See the ESRI SDK Help. See the ESRI SDK Help. Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphEvents interface in VB. Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphEvents interface in VB. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Fired when the active viewer changes. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ActiveViewerChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphEvents interface in VB. Constructor has no input arguments. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Fired when drawing finishes. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.AfterDraw Event Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Fired when drawing starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.BeforeDraw Event Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Fired when interaction stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.InteractionStopped Event Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Fired when node recording starts. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.RecordingStarted Event Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Fired when node recording stops. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.RecordingStopped Event Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Fired when a new viewer is added. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ViewerAdded Event Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Fired when a viewer is removed. Handles the ISceneGraphEvents_Event.ViewerRemoved Event Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphLayerEvents interface in VB. Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphLayerEvents interface in VB. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Fired when an object was changed by the SceneGraph. Handles the ISceneGraphLayerEvents_Event.ObjectChanged Event Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes. Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphLayerEvents interface in VB. Constructor has no input arguments. The scene keyframe coclass. The scene keyframe coclass. The combination of active properties. The combination of active properties. The scene keyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The scene keyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The scene keyframe coclass. Constructor has no input arguments. The animation type. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. Indicates if the property is TRUE. Indicates if the property is TRUE. The value of a double-typed property. The value of a double-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an Extent-typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of an integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a long integer typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of a Point-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. The value of an RGB Color-typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). The combination of active properties. The animation type. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Apply to the object the active properties of the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Copy the properties from the object to the keyframe. Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Interpolates the values of an object property for a time between this keyframe and the next (time is in [0,1]). Indicates if an animation property is active. The name of the keyframe. Indicates if the object must be refreshed after interpolating its state. The value of a typed property. The value of a typed property. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. Recreates the object after its properties have been interpolated. The time stamp (in the interval 0-1). Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Simple 3D Line Symbol component. Simple 3D Line Symbol component. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Simple 3D Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Simple 3D Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Simple 3D Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. The size units. The size units. Line symbol color. Line symbol color. Line symbol width. Line symbol width. Line resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Line resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Line style. Line style. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. Indicates whether symbol is billboarded. Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Applies symbol construction to original shape. The depth value. The depth value. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Indicates if the marker maintains its dimensions based on size. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Normalized offset vector defining the origin within the MBB relative to lower-left corner. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Gets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Sets the rotation angles for each axis. Marker's shape. Marker's shape. The size units. The size units. The width value. The width value. The Z offset value. The Z offset value. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol angle. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol color. Marker symbol size. Marker symbol size. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol X-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Symbol Y-axis offset from point location. Marker resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Marker resolution. The range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest resolution. Marker style. Marker style. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. 3D Animation Manager Environment. 3D Animation Manager Environment. Indicates if the option to play camera animations in for all viewers. Indicates if the option to play camera animations in for all viewers. 3D Animation Manager Environment. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Animation Manager Environment. Constructor has no input arguments. 3D Animation Manager Environment. Constructor has no input arguments. The play mode (once/loop, forward/reverse). The play mode (once/loop, forward/reverse). The current animation time during playing. The current animation time during playing. The window handle of the animation controls dialog. The window handle of the animation controls dialog. The duration of the animation in seconds. The duration of the animation in seconds. Gets the begin and end times of play interval. Gets the begin and end times of play interval. Indicates whether to play only part of the animation. Indicates whether to play only part of the animation. Sets the begin and end times of play interval. Sets the begin and end times of play interval. The selected animation type. The selected animation type. The indices of the selected animation keyframes. The indices of the selected animation keyframes. The selected animation tracks. The selected animation tracks. The play or recording state. The play or recording state. The window handle of the animation controls dialog. The duration of the animation in seconds. Gets the begin and end times of play interval. Gets the begin and end frame number when playing by frames. Gets the begin and end frame number when playing by frames. Indicates whether to play only part of the animation. The number of frames that will be displayed in the animation. The number of frames that will be displayed in the animation. Indicates if the option to play camera animations in for all viewers. The play mode (once/loop, forward/reverse). The current animation time during playing. The play type, play based on duration or number of frames). The play type, play based on duration or number of frames). Sets the begin and end times of play interval. Sets the begin and end frame number when playing by frames. Sets the begin and end frame number when playing by frames. Indicates the state of display after animation stops. Indicates the state of display after animation stops. The selected animation type. The selected animation type. The indices of the selected animation keyframes. The selected animation tracks. The play or recording state. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Texture Fill Symbol component. Texture Fill Symbol component. Angle of texture fill. Angle of texture fill. Texture Fill Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Texture Fill Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Texture Fill Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Create fill symbol from image file. Create fill symbol from image file. World size of texture. World size of texture. Texture used for fill. Texture used for fill. Fill color. Fill color. Line symbol of fill outline. Line symbol of fill outline. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. Texture Line Symbol component. Texture Line Symbol component. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Applies symbol construction to original shape. Texture Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Texture Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. Texture Line Symbol component. Constructor has no input arguments. The size units. The size units. Line symbol color. Line symbol color. Line symbol width. Line symbol width. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Color within bitmap indicating transparency. Create line symbol from texture file. Create line symbol from texture file. Texture used for line. Texture used for line. Indicates whether line is oriented vertically. Indicates whether line is oriented vertically. Line symbol color. Line symbol width. The display name of an object. The display name of an object. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Current map level for drawing multi-level symbols. Draws the specified shape. Draws the specified shape. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Fills an existing polygon with the boundary of the specified symbol. Restores DC to original state. Restores DC to original state. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Raster operation code for pixel drawing. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Prepares the DC for drawing the symbol. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at any given time. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Applies the given property to the receiver and returns the old object. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. Indicates if the receiver can apply the given object at that particular moment. The object currently being used. The object currently being used. Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. Applies 3D properties. Applies 3D properties. Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. Constructor has no input arguments. Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. Constructor has no input arguments. The base expression string. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base option. The base surface. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. The z factor. The current texture compression type. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Alpha threshold for transparency. Alpha threshold for transparency. The current texture compression type. The current texture display type. The texture downsampling factor. Applies 3D properties. The base expression string. The name of the base surface. The base option. The base surface. The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others. The extrusion expression string. The extrusion type. The face culling mode. Indicates if areal features are illuminated. The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid. The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid. The maximum texture memory a layer can use. The offset expression string. The rendering mode. The rendering refresh rate. The render visibility option. Indicates if smooth shading is enabled. The z factor. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Connects the layer to its data source. An optional name object can be specified to aid in repairing a lost connection. Base path used when storing relative path names. Base path used when storing relative path names. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. This is a Microsoft Type, see the MSDN help. An exporter to VRML format. An exporter to VRML format. The exported file name. The exported file name. An exporter to VRML format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to VRML format. Constructor has no input arguments. An exporter to VRML format. Constructor has no input arguments. Exports the scene. Exports the scene. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The file extension associated with the current exporter. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The filter string used in the CFileDialog class. The name of the exporter. The name of the exporter. Indicates if VRML text is indented. Indicates if VRML text is indented. Indicates if the scene's y-axis is used as the exporter's up direction. Indicates if the scene's y-axis is used as the exporter's up direction. Indicates if the origin of the coordinate system is in the middle of the scene. Indicates if the origin of the coordinate system is in the middle of the scene. The quality of textures when exported to JPEG (1-100). The quality of textures when exported to JPEG (1-100). Indicates if only the visible items are saved. Indicates if only the visible items are saved. Indicates if an elevation grid is used to save raster surfaces. Indicates if an elevation grid is used to save raster surfaces. Indicates if the GeoVRML Extension is used. Indicates if the GeoVRML Extension is used. The Esri transformation specification options. X-axis. Y-axis. Z-axis. The Esri face culling options. No culling, both faces are rendered. Cull the front facing polygons. Cull the back facing polygons. Culling is defined by shape. The Esri 3D marker types. The 3D marker is self defined. The 3D marker is defined by geometry only. The 3D marker is defined by geometry and material. Output image format options. Outputs as BMP format. Outputs as JPEG format. The Esri 3D projection modes. Perspective projection. Orthographic projection. The Esri 3D server types. Scene. Globe. 3D Catalog View. The Esri base height options. Expression. Surface. Shape. The Esri Camera movement directions. Moves the camera backward from the current target direction. Moves the camera forward to the current target direction. Turns the camera left relative to the current target direction. Turns the camera right relative to the current target direction. Moves the camera up. Moves the camera down. Collada Export Erorr Return Codes. File already existed, overwriting. File could not be written. Error in Collada DOM Lib The Esri Display mode. Non-stereo display. Stereo display. The Esri extrusion type options. No extrusion. Add to the minimum z value of a feature. Add to the maximum z value of a feature. Add to the base height. Use as an absolute value. The Esri Eye view type. Left eye view. Right eye view. The Esri rendering mode. Render in retained mode. Render in immediate mode. The Esri rendering visiblity options. Render at all times. Render only when stopped. Render only when navigating. Scene graph geometry node type options. Geography node from a data layer. Graphics node from a graphics layer. Scene graph node type options. Special value for error or generic action. Group node. Leaf node of the scene graph containing geometric visualization. Single, multiple, continuous range, or level-of-detail children selection. Linear transformation. Groups the scene's subgraph generated from a layer. Groups all of the scene's subgraph contained in a rectangular tile. Scene graph picking options. Picks only geography. Picks only graphics. Picks all. Picks all, and more. Picks off of a plane. Picks off of a sphere. Picks off of the sphere aproximating globe. Bit-mask of basic picking options. Picks only for approximate location. Scene graph recursive-traversal flag options. Stops cull/draw traversal when false. Stops picking/selection traversal when false. Switches between immediate/retained mode during traversal. Advises cull/draw traversal that the scene's subgraph must be ordered for transparency. If false, traversal will stop when navigating. If false, traversal will stop when navigation has stopped. If false, no lighting will be applied to the scene's subgraph. If false, no smooth shading will be applied to the scene's subgraph. If true, bounding box in the world coordinate system will be updated in cull traversal. Simple 3D line styles. The 3D line is a tube. The 3D line is a horizontal strip. The 3D line is a vertical wall. Simple 3D marker styles. The 3D marker is a tetrahedron. The 3D marker is a cube. The 3D marker is a cone. The 3D marker is an cylinder. The 3D marker is a diamond. The 3D marker is a sphere. The 3D marker is a sphere frame. The Esri Stereo view types. Red/Blue stereo view. Quad buffered stereo view. Free stereo view. Esri texture format types. No texture format. RGBA texture format. JPEG texture format. DXT texture format.