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1070 lines
18 KiB
1070 lines
18 KiB
.class final Lokio/SegmentedByteString; |
.super Lokio/ByteString; |
.source "" |
# instance fields |
.field final transient directory:[I |
.field final transient segments:[[B |
# direct methods |
.method constructor <init>(Lokio/Buffer;I)V |
.locals 7 |
.prologue |
const/4 v6, 0x0 |
.line 55 |
const/4 v0, 0x0 |
invoke-direct {p0, v0}, Lokio/ByteString;-><init>([B)V |
.line 56 |
iget-wide v0, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->size:J |
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0 |
int-to-long v4, p2 |
invoke-static/range {v0 .. v5}, Lokio/Util;->checkOffsetAndCount(JJJ)V |
.line 61 |
iget-object v0, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->head:Lokio/Segment; |
move v1, v6 |
move v2, v6 |
:goto_0 |
if-ge v2, p2, :cond_1 |
.line 62 |
iget v3, v0, Lokio/Segment;->limit:I |
iget v4, v0, Lokio/Segment;->pos:I |
if-ne v3, v4, :cond_0 |
.line 63 |
new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/AssertionError; |
const-string v1, "s.limit == s.pos" |
invoke-direct {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/AssertionError;-><init>(Ljava/lang/Object;)V |
throw v0 |
.line 65 |
:cond_0 |
iget v3, v0, Lokio/Segment;->limit:I |
iget v4, v0, Lokio/Segment;->pos:I |
sub-int/2addr v3, v4 |
add-int/2addr v2, v3 |
.line 66 |
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1 |
.line 61 |
iget-object v0, v0, Lokio/Segment;->next:Lokio/Segment; |
goto :goto_0 |
.line 70 |
:cond_1 |
new-array v0, v1, [[B |
iput-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
.line 71 |
mul-int/lit8 v0, v1, 0x2 |
new-array v0, v0, [I |
iput-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
.line 74 |
iget-object v0, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->head:Lokio/Segment; |
move v1, v6 |
:goto_1 |
if-ge v6, p2, :cond_2 |
.line 75 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
iget-object v3, v0, Lokio/Segment;->data:[B |
aput-object v3, v2, v1 |
.line 76 |
iget v2, v0, Lokio/Segment;->limit:I |
iget v3, v0, Lokio/Segment;->pos:I |
sub-int/2addr v2, v3 |
add-int/2addr v6, v2 |
.line 77 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aput v6, v2, v1 |
.line 78 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v3, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v3, v3 |
add-int/2addr v3, v1 |
iget v4, v0, Lokio/Segment;->pos:I |
aput v4, v2, v3 |
.line 79 |
const/4 v2, 0x1 |
iput-boolean v2, v0, Lokio/Segment;->shared:Z |
.line 80 |
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1 |
.line 74 |
iget-object v0, v0, Lokio/Segment;->next:Lokio/Segment; |
goto :goto_1 |
.line 82 |
:cond_2 |
return-void |
.end method |
.method private segment(I)I |
.locals 4 |
.prologue |
.line 135 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
const/4 v1, 0x0 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v2, v2 |
add-int/lit8 v3, p1, 0x1 |
invoke-static {v0, v1, v2, v3}, Ljava/util/Arrays;->binarySearch([IIII)I |
move-result v0 |
.line 136 |
if-ltz v0, :cond_0 |
:goto_0 |
return v0 |
:cond_0 |
xor-int/lit8 v0, v0, -0x1 |
goto :goto_0 |
.end method |
.method private toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 2 |
.prologue |
.line 221 |
new-instance v0, Lokio/ByteString; |
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteArray()[B |
move-result-object v1 |
invoke-direct {v0, v1}, Lokio/ByteString;-><init>([B)V |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method private writeReplace()Ljava/lang/Object; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 256 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
# virtual methods |
.method public base64()Ljava/lang/String; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 89 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->base64()Ljava/lang/String; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public base64Url()Ljava/lang/String; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 113 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->base64Url()Ljava/lang/String; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z |
.locals 4 |
.prologue |
const/4 v1, 0x1 |
const/4 v2, 0x0 |
.line 225 |
if-ne p1, p0, :cond_0 |
.line 228 |
:goto_0 |
return v1 |
.line 226 |
:cond_0 |
instance-of v0, p1, Lokio/ByteString; |
if-eqz v0, :cond_1 |
move-object v0, p1 |
check-cast v0, Lokio/ByteString; |
.line 227 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->size()I |
move-result v0 |
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->size()I |
move-result v3 |
if-ne v0, v3, :cond_1 |
check-cast p1, Lokio/ByteString; |
.line 228 |
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->size()I |
move-result v0 |
invoke-virtual {p0, v2, p1, v2, v0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->rangeEquals(ILokio/ByteString;II)Z |
move-result v0 |
if-eqz v0, :cond_1 |
move v0, v1 |
:goto_1 |
move v1, v0 |
goto :goto_0 |
:cond_1 |
move v0, v2 |
goto :goto_1 |
.end method |
.method public getByte(I)B |
.locals 6 |
.prologue |
.line 125 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v1, v1 |
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, -0x1 |
aget v0, v0, v1 |
int-to-long v0, v0 |
int-to-long v2, p1 |
const-wide/16 v4, 0x1 |
invoke-static/range {v0 .. v5}, Lokio/Util;->checkOffsetAndCount(JJJ)V |
.line 126 |
invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segment(I)I |
move-result v1 |
.line 127 |
if-nez v1, :cond_0 |
const/4 v0, 0x0 |
.line 128 |
:goto_0 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v3, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v3, v3 |
add-int/2addr v3, v1 |
aget v2, v2, v3 |
.line 129 |
iget-object v3, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v1, v3, v1 |
sub-int v0, p1, v0 |
add-int/2addr v0, v2 |
aget-byte v0, v1, v0 |
return v0 |
.line 127 |
:cond_0 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int/lit8 v2, v1, -0x1 |
aget v0, v0, v2 |
goto :goto_0 |
.end method |
.method public hashCode()I |
.locals 9 |
.prologue |
const/4 v1, 0x0 |
.line 232 |
iget v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->hashCode:I |
.line 233 |
if-eqz v0, :cond_0 |
.line 248 |
:goto_0 |
return v0 |
.line 236 |
:cond_0 |
const/4 v0, 0x1 |
.line 238 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v5, v2 |
move v2, v1 |
move v3, v1 |
:goto_1 |
if-ge v2, v5, :cond_2 |
.line 239 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v6, v1, v2 |
.line 240 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int v4, v5, v2 |
aget v1, v1, v4 |
.line 241 |
iget-object v4, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v4, v4, v2 |
.line 242 |
sub-int v3, v4, v3 |
.line 243 |
add-int/2addr v3, v1 |
move v8, v1 |
move v1, v0 |
move v0, v8 |
:goto_2 |
if-ge v0, v3, :cond_1 |
.line 244 |
mul-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1f |
aget-byte v7, v6, v0 |
add-int/2addr v1, v7 |
.line 243 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1 |
goto :goto_2 |
.line 238 |
:cond_1 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v2, 0x1 |
move v2, v0 |
move v3, v4 |
move v0, v1 |
goto :goto_1 |
.line 248 |
:cond_2 |
iput v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->hashCode:I |
goto :goto_0 |
.end method |
.method public hex()Ljava/lang/String; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 93 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->hex()Ljava/lang/String; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public md5()Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 105 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->md5()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public rangeEquals(ILokio/ByteString;II)Z |
.locals 6 |
.prologue |
const/4 v1, 0x0 |
.line 186 |
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->size()I |
move-result v0 |
sub-int/2addr v0, p4 |
if-le p1, v0, :cond_1 |
.line 199 |
:cond_0 |
:goto_0 |
return v1 |
.line 188 |
:cond_1 |
invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segment(I)I |
move-result v0 |
move v2, v0 |
:goto_1 |
if-lez p4, :cond_3 |
.line 189 |
if-nez v2, :cond_2 |
move v0, v1 |
.line 190 |
:goto_2 |
iget-object v3, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v3, v3, v2 |
sub-int/2addr v3, v0 |
.line 191 |
add-int/2addr v3, v0 |
sub-int/2addr v3, p1 |
invoke-static {p4, v3}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I |
move-result v3 |
.line 192 |
iget-object v4, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v5, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v5, v5 |
add-int/2addr v5, v2 |
aget v4, v4, v5 |
.line 193 |
sub-int v0, p1, v0 |
add-int/2addr v0, v4 |
.line 194 |
iget-object v4, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v4, v4, v2 |
invoke-virtual {p2, p3, v4, v0, v3}, Lokio/ByteString;->rangeEquals(I[BII)Z |
move-result v0 |
if-eqz v0, :cond_0 |
.line 195 |
add-int/2addr p1, v3 |
.line 196 |
add-int/2addr p3, v3 |
.line 197 |
sub-int/2addr p4, v3 |
.line 188 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v2, 0x1 |
move v2, v0 |
goto :goto_1 |
.line 189 |
:cond_2 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, -0x1 |
aget v0, v0, v3 |
goto :goto_2 |
.line 199 |
:cond_3 |
const/4 v1, 0x1 |
goto :goto_0 |
.end method |
.method public rangeEquals(I[BII)Z |
.locals 6 |
.prologue |
const/4 v1, 0x0 |
.line 203 |
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->size()I |
move-result v0 |
sub-int/2addr v0, p4 |
if-gt p1, v0, :cond_0 |
array-length v0, p2 |
sub-int/2addr v0, p4 |
if-le p3, v0, :cond_1 |
.line 216 |
:cond_0 |
:goto_0 |
return v1 |
.line 205 |
:cond_1 |
invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segment(I)I |
move-result v0 |
move v2, v0 |
:goto_1 |
if-lez p4, :cond_3 |
.line 206 |
if-nez v2, :cond_2 |
move v0, v1 |
.line 207 |
:goto_2 |
iget-object v3, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v3, v3, v2 |
sub-int/2addr v3, v0 |
.line 208 |
add-int/2addr v3, v0 |
sub-int/2addr v3, p1 |
invoke-static {p4, v3}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I |
move-result v3 |
.line 209 |
iget-object v4, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v5, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v5, v5 |
add-int/2addr v5, v2 |
aget v4, v4, v5 |
.line 210 |
sub-int v0, p1, v0 |
add-int/2addr v0, v4 |
.line 211 |
iget-object v4, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v4, v4, v2 |
invoke-static {v4, v0, p2, p3, v3}, Lokio/Util;->arrayRangeEquals([BI[BII)Z |
move-result v0 |
if-eqz v0, :cond_0 |
.line 212 |
add-int/2addr p1, v3 |
.line 213 |
add-int/2addr p3, v3 |
.line 214 |
sub-int/2addr p4, v3 |
.line 205 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v2, 0x1 |
move v2, v0 |
goto :goto_1 |
.line 206 |
:cond_2 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, -0x1 |
aget v0, v0, v3 |
goto :goto_2 |
.line 216 |
:cond_3 |
const/4 v1, 0x1 |
goto :goto_0 |
.end method |
.method public sha256()Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 109 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->sha256()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public size()I |
.locals 2 |
.prologue |
.line 140 |
iget-object v0, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v1, v1 |
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, -0x1 |
aget v0, v0, v1 |
return v0 |
.end method |
.method public substring(I)Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 117 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->substring(I)Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public substring(II)Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 121 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0, p1, p2}, Lokio/ByteString;->substring(II)Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public toAsciiLowercase()Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 97 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->toAsciiLowercase()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public toAsciiUppercase()Lokio/ByteString; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 101 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->toAsciiUppercase()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public toByteArray()[B |
.locals 8 |
.prologue |
const/4 v0, 0x0 |
.line 144 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v2, v2 |
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, -0x1 |
aget v1, v1, v2 |
new-array v3, v1, [B |
.line 146 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v4, v1 |
move v1, v0 |
:goto_0 |
if-ge v0, v4, :cond_0 |
.line 147 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int v5, v4, v0 |
aget v5, v2, v5 |
.line 148 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v2, v2, v0 |
.line 149 |
iget-object v6, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v6, v6, v0 |
sub-int v7, v2, v1 |
invoke-static {v6, v5, v3, v1, v7}, Ljava/lang/System;->arraycopy(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V |
.line 146 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1 |
move v1, v2 |
goto :goto_0 |
.line 153 |
:cond_0 |
return-object v3 |
.end method |
.method public toString()Ljava/lang/String; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 252 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->toString()Ljava/lang/String; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public utf8()Ljava/lang/String; |
.locals 1 |
.prologue |
.line 85 |
invoke-direct {p0}, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->toByteString()Lokio/ByteString; |
move-result-object v0 |
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->utf8()Ljava/lang/String; |
move-result-object v0 |
return-object v0 |
.end method |
.method public write(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V |
.locals 6 |
.prologue |
const/4 v0, 0x0 |
.line 157 |
if-nez p1, :cond_0 |
new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException; |
const-string v1, "out == null" |
invoke-direct {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V |
throw v0 |
.line 159 |
:cond_0 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v3, v1 |
move v1, v0 |
:goto_0 |
if-ge v0, v3, :cond_1 |
.line 160 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int v4, v3, v0 |
aget v4, v2, v4 |
.line 161 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v2, v2, v0 |
.line 162 |
iget-object v5, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v5, v5, v0 |
sub-int v1, v2, v1 |
invoke-virtual {p1, v5, v4, v1}, Ljava/io/OutputStream;->write([BII)V |
.line 159 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1 |
move v1, v2 |
goto :goto_0 |
.line 165 |
:cond_1 |
return-void |
.end method |
.method write(Lokio/Buffer;)V |
.locals 8 |
.prologue |
const/4 v0, 0x0 |
.line 168 |
.line 169 |
iget-object v1, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
array-length v3, v1 |
move v1, v0 |
:goto_0 |
if-ge v0, v3, :cond_1 |
.line 170 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
add-int v4, v3, v0 |
aget v4, v2, v4 |
.line 171 |
iget-object v2, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->directory:[I |
aget v2, v2, v0 |
.line 172 |
new-instance v5, Lokio/Segment; |
iget-object v6, p0, Lokio/SegmentedByteString;->segments:[[B |
aget-object v6, v6, v0 |
add-int v7, v4, v2 |
sub-int v1, v7, v1 |
invoke-direct {v5, v6, v4, v1}, Lokio/Segment;-><init>([BII)V |
.line 174 |
iget-object v1, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->head:Lokio/Segment; |
if-nez v1, :cond_0 |
.line 175 |
iput-object v5, v5, Lokio/Segment;->prev:Lokio/Segment; |
iput-object v5, v5, Lokio/Segment;->next:Lokio/Segment; |
iput-object v5, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->head:Lokio/Segment; |
.line 169 |
:goto_1 |
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1 |
move v1, v2 |
goto :goto_0 |
.line 177 |
:cond_0 |
iget-object v1, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->head:Lokio/Segment; |
iget-object v1, v1, Lokio/Segment;->prev:Lokio/Segment; |
invoke-virtual {v1, v5}, Lokio/Segment;->push(Lokio/Segment;)Lokio/Segment; |
goto :goto_1 |
.line 181 |
:cond_1 |
iget-wide v2, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->size:J |
int-to-long v0, v1 |
add-long/2addr v0, v2 |
iput-wide v0, p1, Lokio/Buffer;->size:J |
.line 182 |
return-void |
.end method